
listen to the pronunciation of command
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Birlik komutanı ordusunu düşman topraklarına götürdü. - The commanding officer led his army into enemy territory.

Komutan müzakere etmeyi reddetti. - The commander refused to negotiate.


On Emir'i hatırlamıyor musun? - Don't you remember the Ten Commandments?

Sen benim emirlerimi yerine getirmek için buradasın. - You are here in order to fulfill my commands.

{i} komuta

Komutan kalacaklarını söyledi. - The commander said they would stay.

Komutan adamlarını silah atışına maruz bıraktı. - The commander exposed his men to gunfire.

kumandanlık etmek
-e bakmak
(Ticaret) to make an order
kumanda etmek emir vermek
(Dilbilim) buyurma
(Askeri) bilgisayar ve istihbarat
hak etmek
layık olmak
komuta etmek
hakim olmak
kumanda etmek
{f} komuta et

O, iyi bir Fransızca hakimiyetine sahip. - She has a good command of French.

Benim sekreterim iyi bir İngilizce hakimiyetine sahiptir. - My secretary has a good command of English.

(Askeri) iletişim

Mükemmel bir İngilizce iletişimi var. - He has a perfect command of English.

O, iyi derecede İngilizce iletişimine sahiptir. - He has a good command of English.

(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK: Bir şahsın komutası altında bulunan bir birlik veya birlikler
a good command of rahat konuşabilme
at command emir üzerinde
{i} komutanlık, kumandanlık: Air Defense
bir subayın kumanda ettiği askerler
{i} genel kurmay
komut, bir işlemin yerine getirilmesini sağlayan sözcük
(Askeri) Komutanlık, emir ve komuta yetkisi, komut
{f} kumanda et
{f} telkin etmek
{f} kontrol etmek
(Askeri) (NATO) KOMUTANLIK: Silahlı Kuvvetlere mensup bir şahsa, askeri kuvvetlerin idaresi, faaliyetlerinin koordinesi ve kontrolü için verilmiş yetki
{i} güç
{f} tepeden görmek
{i} kuvvet

Komutan, takviye kuvvetlerini çağırdı. - The commander called reinforcements up.

{f} emir vermek
{f} hükmetmek
idare etmek
{f} hüküm sürmek
{i} (Bilgisayar) komut: search command arama komutu
hakim olmak (bir yere)
{i} komutan

Komutan kalacaklarını söyledi. - The commander said they would stay.

Komutan adamlarını silah atışına maruz bıraktı. - The commander exposed his men to gunfire.

{i} kumandan
command centre
(Askeri) komuta merkezi
command echelon
komuta kademesi
command element
(Askeri) komuta kademesi
command element
(Askeri) komuta unsuru
command failed
(Bilgisayar) komut başarısız oldu
command net
(Askeri,Teknik) komuta ağı
command prompt
(Bilgisayar) komut bekleme işareti
command resolution
(Bilgisayar) denetim duyarlığı
command sergeant major
(Askeri) başçavuş
command chain
komut zinciri
command check
komut kontrolü
command control program
komut denetim programı
command democracy
güdümlü demokrasi
command file
komut dosyası
command interpreter
komut yorumlayıcı
command key
komut tuşu
command line
komut satırı
command list
komut listesi
command menu
komut menüsü
command processor
komut işlemcisi
command prompt
komut istemi
command sequence
komut dizisi
command signal
komuta sinyali
command 4-1
komutu 4-1
command battlespace management
komutu battlespace yönetimi
command com
komutu com
command complex
komutu karmaşık
command in unix for deleting a file
Bir dosyayı silmek için unix komut
command key
command line interface
komut satırı arayüzü
command performance
komutu performans
command posts
command processing overhead time
komut işleme havai zaman
command solemnly
komutu ciddiyetle
Command and Control Information Processing System
(Askeri) Komuta ve Kontrol Bilgi İşlem Sistemi
Command and Control Initiatives Program
(Askeri) Komuta ve Kontrol Girişim programı
Command, Control, and Communications Advisory Group
(Askeri) Komuta, Kontrol Ve Muhabere Danışman Grubu
Command, Control, and Communications Systems Master Plan
(Askeri) Komuta, Kontrol Ve Muhabere Sistemi Ana Planı
Commander Special Operations Command, United States Atlantic Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Atlantik Komutanlığı Özel Harekat Komutanlığı Komutanı
Commander Special Operations Command, United States Pacific Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Pasifik Komutanlığı Özel Harekat Komutanlığı Komutanı
Commander Special Operations Command, United States Southern Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Güney Komutanlığı Özel Harekat Komutanlığı Komutanı
Commander in Chief, Combined Forces Command
(Askeri) Müşterek Kuvvetler Komutanlığı Başkomutanı
Commander in Chief, North American Aerospace Defense Command
(Askeri) Kuzey Amerika Hava-Uzay Savunma Başkomutanı
Commander in Chief, United Nations Command
(Askeri) BM Komutanlığı Başkomutanı
Commander in Chief, United States Central Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Merkez Komutanlığı Başkomutanı
Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Pasifik Komutanlığı Başkomutanı
Commander in Chief, United States Southern Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Güney Komutanlığı Başkomutanı
Commander in Chief, United States Space Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Uzay Komutanlığı Başkomutanı
Commander in Chief, United States Strategic Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Stratejik Komutanlığı Başkomutanı
Commander in Chief, United States Transportation Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Ulaştırma Komutanlığı Başkomutanı
Commander, Air Combat Command
(Askeri) Hava Muharebe Komutanlığı Komutanı
Commander, Air Force Special Operations Command
(Askeri) Hv. K. Özel Harekat Komutanlığı Komutanı
Commander, European Command Defense Analysis Center (ELINT) or European Data Ana
(Askeri) Savunma Analiz Merkezi Avrupa Komutanlığı Komutanı (ELINT) veya Avrupa Veri Analizi Merkezi Komutanı
Commander, Forces Command
(Askeri) Kuvvet Komutanı
Commander, Military Sealift Command
(Askeri) Askeri Deniz Ulaştırma Komutanlığı Komutanı
Commander, Military Traffic Management Command
(Askeri) Askeri Trafik İdare Komutanlığı Komutanı
Commander, Mine Warfare Command
(Askeri) Mayın Harbi Komutanlığı Komutanı
Commander, Special Operations Command
(Askeri) Özel Harekat Komutanlığı Komutanı
Commander, Special Operations Command, United States Central Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Merkez Komutanlığı Özel Harekat Komutanlığı Komutanı
Commander, Special Operations Command, United States European Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Avrupa Komutanlığı Özel Harekat Komutanlığı Komutanı
Commander, United States Air Force, Central Command
(Askeri) ABD Merkez Komutanlığı Hv.K.K
Commander, United States Army Forces, Central Command
(Askeri) ABD Merkez Komutanlığı K.K.K
Commander, United States Marine Forces, Central Command
(Askeri) ABD Merkez Komutanlığı Dz.K.K
Commander, United States Navy, Central Command
(Askeri) ABD Merkez Komutanlığı Dz.K.K
command altitude
(Askeri) HAKİM YÜKSEKLİK: Önleme uçağı tarafından çıkılan ve/veya muhafaza edilen yükseklik
command and control
(Askeri) KOMUTA VE KONTROL: Uygun şekilde tayin edilmiş bir komutan tarafından görevin tamamlanması esnasında, tahsis edilen kuvvetleri yönlendirme ve üzerinde yetki kullanma. Komuta ve kontrol işlevleri bir komutan tarafından görevin ikmalinde kuvvetlerin ve harekatın planlanması, yönetilmesi, koordinasyonu ve kontrolunda kullanılan personel, teçhizat, muhabere, tesisler ve usullerin düzenlenmesiyle icra edilir
command and control
(Askeri) Komuta ve Kontrol
command and control communications
(Askeri) KOMUTA VE KONTROL MUHAREBE SİSTEMLERİ (HV. ): Görev kuvvetlerinin (mission forces) komuta, kontrol ve günlük harekatla ilgili işlerini karşılamak maksadıyla kullanılan bütün telekomünikasyon sistemleri ve tesisleri
command and control element
(Askeri) komuta ve kontrol unsuru
command and control protection
(Askeri) komuta ve kontrol koruması
command and control support
(Askeri) komuta ve kontrol desteği
command and control system
(Askeri) KOMUTA VE KONTROL SİSTEMİ: Tayin edilen göreve uygun tayin edilmiş kuvvetlerin harekatını planlama, idare ve kontrolda komutana gerekli tesisler, teçhizat, muhaberat, usuller ve personel
command and control warfare
(Askeri) komuta ve kontrol harbi
command and general staff coll ege
(Askeri) Kurmay Koleji
command and general staff college
(Askeri) HARP AKADEMİSİ: Subayları komutanlık ve karargah görevlerine hazırlayan taktik tekamül okulu. Ayrıca bakınız: "service school"
command area
Komut Alanı
command axis
(Askeri) EMİR VE KOMUTA MİHVERİ: Bir karargahın üzerinde hareket ve intikal ettiği hat
command budget estimate
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK BÜTÇE TAHMİNİ: Program ve Bütçe Direktifinin komutanlık faaliyetleri üzerindeki etkisini kıymetlendiren ve komutanlığa tertibi teklif edilen kaynakların kullanılmasına ait planları özetleyen bir rapor
command button
Komut düğmesi
command car
(Askeri) kumandan arabası
command car
(Askeri) KOMUTA ARABASI: Bir komutan veya karargaha mensup bazı subaylar tarafından arazide kullanılan, üstü açılır kapanır vaziyette branda kaplı otomobil
command car
(Askeri) komuta arabası
command center
(Askeri) KOMUTA MERKEZİ: Bir komutan ve onun temsilcilerinin harekatı idare ettiği ve kuvvetleri kontrol ettiği tesis. Planlama ve harekat verilerini toplamak, işleme tabi tutmak, incelemek, teşhir etmek ve yayınlamak ve diğer ilgili görevleri icra etmek üzere organize edilir
command center integration branch
(Askeri) komuta merkezi entegrasyon şubesi
command center processing and display system
(Askeri) komuta merkezi işleme ve görüntüleme merkezi
command center; component command (NATO)
(Askeri) komuta merkezi; unsur komutanlığı (NATO)
command chain
(Askeri) emir-komuta zinciri
command channel
(Askeri) komuta kanalı
command channel
(Askeri) KOMUTA KANALI, EMİR VE KOMUTA KANALI: Bak. "chain of command"
command check
komut hatası
command check
Komut Denetimi
command combined communication center
command communications service designator; control communications service design
(Askeri) komuta muhabere servis göstergesi; kontrol muhabere servis göstergesi
command conference
(Askeri) GARNİZON KONFERANSI: Ordu personeline, bir vatandaş ve silahlı kuvvetlerin bir mensubu olarak, kendi sorumluluklarını anlatmak ve kıymetlendirmek maksadıyla, sınıflarının görevleriyle ilgili önemli konular hakkında bilgi vermek için, belirli teşekküller dahilinde veya garnizonlarda, vazife saatleri içinde konferans şeklinde gösterilen eğitim ve öğretim
command controlled stocks
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK KONTROLUNDAKİ STOKLAR: Tayin edilen bir NATO komutanının hizmetine, muharebeyi lojistik olarak etkileyecek esnekliği sağlaması için verilen stoklar. "Emrine verilmiş" sözü depolama, bakım, muhasebe, rotasyon veya mal devri, fiziki emniyet ve netice olarak belli bir muharebe sahasına nakliyat sorumluluğunu kapsar
command decision dosage
(Askeri) SAVAŞ DOZU: Bir nükleer infilakın tesiri altında bulunan bir bölgede faaliyette bulunan personel için, o bölge komutanı tarafından tespit edilen azami radyasyon dozajı. Ayrıca bakınız: "dosage"
command destruct
(Askeri) KOMUTA İMHA (HV.): Bakınız. "command destruct system"
command destruct signal
(Askeri) KOMUTA İMHA SİNYALİ: Bir füzedeki imha sistemini kasten faaliyete geçirmek için kullanılan bir sinyal
command destruct system
(Askeri) KOMUTA İMHA SİSTEMİ (HV.): Füze performansı güvensizlik doğuracak ölçüde düştüğü veya şartlar füzenin kasıtlı tahribini gerektirdiği zaman, füzeyi tahrip eden, komuta ile çalışır bir sistem
command detonated mine
(Askeri) KOMUTA İNFİLAKLI MAYIN: Uzaktan kontrollü vasıtalarla patlatılan mayın
command disable
(Çevre) komutayı dışlama
command duty officer
(Askeri) komutanlık nöbetçi subayı
command echelon
(Askeri) KOMUTA KADEMESİ: Bak. "command element "
command economy
(Ticaret) sosyalist ekonomi
command economy
(Ticaret) merkezi planlı ekonomi
command ejection system
(Askeri) OTOMATİK FIRLATMA SİSTEMİ: Uçağın pilotunun veya diğer koltuk/koltukları işgal eden kişilerden birinin kendi. koltuğunu fırlatmasıyla, diğer koltuklarında otomatik olarak fırlaması
command element
(Askeri) KOMUTA UNSURU, KOMUTA KADEMESİ: Bak. "headquarters"
command error
(Bilgisayar) komut hatası
command extra
(Bilgisayar) fazladan komut
command group
(Askeri) KOMUTA GRUBU: İleri kademenin, genellikle, komutana refakat eden bazı lüzumlu subay ve erleri ihtiva eden kısmı
command guidance
(Askeri) KOMUTALI GÜDÜM: Bir güdüm sistemi. Bu sistemde, dış kaynaktan intikal ettirilen değerlendirilmiş bilgiler, füzenin emredilen uçuş rotasında seyretmesini sağlar. Ayrıca bakınız: "guidance
command heading
(Askeri) KOMUTALI YÖNLENDİRME: Kontrol istasyonu tarafından kontrol uçağın yönlendirildiği baş istikamet
command heading
(Askeri) komutalı yönlendirme
command index
(Bilgisayar) komut dizini
command information
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK HABERLERİ: Askeri ve sivil olaylar, durumlar, takip edilen politika ve girişilen faaliyetlerle ilgili olarak, komutanlar tarafından, Kara Ordusu personeline temin edilen haberler
command information activities
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK HABER FAALİYETLERİ: Askere, ordu içindeki kendi görevini ve ordunun milli savunmadaki önemini daha iyi taktir imkanı vermek için, askeri ve sivil olaylar, yaşanılan şartlar, takip olunan politika ve gösterilen faaliyetler hakkında bilgi vermek suretiyle, Kara Ordusu'nun verimini arttırmayı hedef tutan komutanlık faaliyetleri
command information program
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK HABER PROGRAMI: Kara Ordusu mensuplarına; anlayış kudreti ve çalışma arzusunu arttıracak bilgiler vermek suretiyle ordunun müessiriyetini hedef tutan çalışmalar
command inspection
(Askeri) komutan denetlemesi
command inspection
(Askeri) KOMUTAN DENETLEMESİ: Bir komutan tarafından yapılan teçhizat ve personel denetlemesi
command installation
(Askeri) KOMUTA TESİSLERİ: Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığına ait ve ordu'ca malzeme, mühimmat veya ikmal maddeleri imal ve istihsali dışında faaliyetler için kullanılan veya ordu için faydalı olan tesisler
command liaison
(Askeri) komuta irtibatı
command liaison
(Askeri) KOMUTA İRTİBATI: Müessir şekilde birlikte çalışmak ve elde edilen bilgilerden faydalanmak üzere, komutanlar arasında tesis ve devam ettirilen yakın temas
command list
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) komut dizelgesi
command maintenance management inspection
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK BAKIM MANAJMANI DENETLEMESİ: Birlik ve merkezlerin bakım işlerindeki verimini ve müessiriyet derecesini tespit için yapılan bir denetleme. Bu denetleme; bakım faaliyet ve usullerinin bir değerlendirme ve birlik veya faaliyet merkezleri elindeki bütün malzeme yüzde oranının yoklanmasından ibarettir
command module
kumanda kapsülü
command name
Komut adı
command net
(Askeri) Komuta çevrimi
command net
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK ŞEBEKESİ: Komuta kontrol amacı ile bir komuta kademesini kendi ast kademelerinin bazıları veya tümü ile birleştiren bir şebekesi
command of execution
(Askeri) İCRA KOMUTU, YAPMA KOMUTU: Bir komutun icrasını sağlayan ikinci kısmı. Örneğin; (İLERİ-MARŞ !) komutunda (İLERİ) kelimesi bildirim komutu "preparatory command" ve (MARŞ!) kelimesi icra komutudur. Ayrıca bakınız: "preparatory command"
command organizational and functional charts
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK KURULUŞ VE GÖREV ŞEMASI: Başlıca komuta karargahlarını ve üst karargahlar da dahil olmak üzere, tali komutanlıklarla bütün teşkilatı gösteren şema. Emre verilmiş birlikler üs kademesinde gösterilir
command paper
kralın parlementoya sundurduğu yazı
command pilot
(Askeri) KUMANDAN PİLOTLUK: Ehliyet bakımından en yüksek derece ve unvan taşıyan askeri pilotluk. Bak. "pilot", "senior pilot
command pilot
(Askeri) komutan pilot
command post
geçici karargâh
command post
(Askeri) KOMUTA YERİ: Bir birlik veya tali birlik karargahının bulunduğu komutan ile erkanının çalıştığı yer. Muharebede bir birlik veya tali birlik karargahı çok defa kademelere ayrılır; Birlik veya tali birlik komutanının bulunduğu veya harekatı idare ettiği kademeye komuta yeri denir
command post
kumanda yeri
command post exercise
(Askeri) komuta yeri tatbikatı
command post exercise
(Askeri) KOMUTA YERİ TATBİKATI: Komutanı, karargah heyetini ve karargahlar arasında haberleşmeyi içine alan bir tatbikat. Ayrıca bakınız: "exercise", "field exercise" ve "maneuver "'
command post vehicle
(Askeri) KOMUTA YERİ ARACI: Tekerlekli veya paletli, zırhlı veya zırhsız bir araç. Bu araç, komuta yerinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere, muhabere teçhizatı taşıyacak şekilde imal veya tadil olunmuştur. Bu nevi özel araçlar, bütün komuta kademelerinde kullanılır
command processing
komut isleme
command rate
(Havacılık) jiroskopta kumanda hızı
command relationships agreement; coordinating review authority
(Askeri) komuta ilişkileri anlaşması; koordine eden inceleme makamı
command report
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK RAPORU: Belirli karargah ve birliklerin komutanları tarafından kendi komutanlıkları dahilindeki muharebe harekatı hakkında bilgi ve mütalaaları, periyodik olarak vermek ve - müşterek ve birleşik harekat ile destek faaliyetlerine ait olanlar da dahil -doktrin, teşkilat, teçhizat, eğitim, idare, teknik ve taktik konularda tecrübelere dayanan teklifleri göndermek üzere kullanılan bir rapor
command report
(Askeri) komutanlık raporu
command responsibility
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK SORUMLULUĞU: Komutanların kendi görevleri icabı; idare, eğitim ve ordu malları bakımından taşıdıkları sorumluluklar
command select ejection system
(Askeri) OTOMATİK TERCİHLİ FIRLATMA SİSTEMİ: Koltuklarda bulunan tüm kişilerin otomatik olarak fırlatılması için otomatik fırlatma sistemi kontrolünün bir mürettebat istasyonundan diğerine, tercihli olarak transfer edilebildiği bir sistem
command set
(Askeri) UÇAK KOMUTA TELSİZİ: Bir uçağın diğerine emir vermek üzere, o uçağın içerisine konmuş telsiz cihazı
command set
(Askeri) uçak komuta telsizi
command signal center
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK MUHABERE MERKEZİ: Belirli komutanlık karargahları ile hemen yakınlarındaki birliklere muhabere desteği sağlar. Ayrıca bakınız: "signal center"
command speed
(Askeri) KOMUTA SÜRATİ: Kontrol edilen uçağın uçması emredilen sürat
command speed
(Askeri) komuta sürati
command sponsored dependent
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIKÇA MASRAFI KARŞILANAN BAKIMLA YÜKÜMLÜ ŞAHIS: Denizaşırı komutanlıklara masrafı hükümetçe karşılanmak üzere gitmeye hak kazanmış ve bakılmakla yükümlü şahıs statüsünde olduğu uygun askeri komutanca onaylanmış bakılmakla yükümlü şahıs
command staff
(Askeri) komuta heyeti
command statement
komut deyimi
command strength
(Askeri) ORDU GENEL KUVVETİ; GENEL KUVVE: Teşkilat ve malzeme kadroları, kuruluş dışı kadro birlikleri mevcutları ile Teşkilat ve Konuş Şeması, Birlik ve Personel Listesinde Kara Ordusu teşkilat ve kuruluşunda gösterilen kadro dışı personel faaliyetleri için tahsis edilmiş mevcuttur. Müşterek Karargahlarda Çalışan Kıyı ve Jeodezi Dairesi, Sağlık Bakanlığı gibi diğer devlet dairelerine, Kara Ordusu hesabına görevli olarak verilen Kara Ordusu personeli bu kuvvenin içinde, Hava Kuvvetleri emrindeki Özel Kategori Ordu Personeli bu kuvvenin dışındadır. Ayrıca bakınız: "military strength of the Army"
command system of guidance
(Askeri) KOMUTA SİSTEMLİ GÜDÜM; KOMUTALI GÜDÜM: Bknz. "command guidance"
command systems operation division
(Askeri) komuta sistemleri harekat dairesi
command systems operations branch
(Askeri) komuta sistemleri harekat kısmı
command task
(Askeri) EMİR VE KOMUTA GÖREVİ: Komuta yetkisini haiz askeri personelin emir ve komuta bakımından vazifeleri
command text
(Bilgisayar) komut metni
command to line of sight
(Havacılık) nişan hattında kumanda
command to run
(Bilgisayar) çalıştırılacak komut
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A directive to a computer program acting as an interpreter of some kind, in order to perform a specific task
power of control, direction or disposal; mastery

a good command of language.

An order, a compelling task given to an inferior or a machine
The degree of control a pitcher has over his pitches

He's got good command tonight.

To exact, compel or secure by my moral influence; to deserve, claim

The best goods command the best price.

To order, give orders; to compel or direct with authority
to dominate through ability, resources, position etc.; to overlook

Bridges commanded by a fortified house. (Motley.).

A body or troops, or any naval or military force, under the control of a particular officer
To have or exercise supreme power, control or authority over, especially military; to have under direction or control

to command an army or a ship.

The act of commanding; exercise or authority of influence

Command cannot be otherwise than savage, for it implies an appeal to force, should force be needful. (H. Spencer, Social Statics, p. 180).

The right or authority to order, control or dispose of; the right to be obeyed or to compel obedience

to have command of an army.

Dominating situation; range or control or oversight; extent of view or outlook
A position of chief authority; a position involving the right or power to order or control

General Smith was placed in command.

To require with authority; to demand, order, enjoin

If thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. (Mat. IV. 3.).

To hold, to control the use of

The fort commanded the bay.

{v} to order, direct, govern, overlook
{n} the right of commanding, an order
COMMAND.COM file, file which contains the command processor of DOS which is required for startup (Computers)
demand as one's due; "This speaker commands a high fee"; "The author commands a fair hearing from his readers
uci That part of a computer instruction word that specifies the operation to be performed [MIL-HDBK-1908B]
A user operation or action on a device's screen that has a meaning to an application Uikon commands are invoked using the toolbar, toolband, menu bar or hotkeys
To have power or influence of the nature of authority over; to obtain as if by ordering; to receive as a due; to challenge; to claim; as, justice commands the respect and affections of the people; the best goods command the best price
(kommando): a communicative function, typically realized by a sentence in the imperative A command is used when a speaker wants the hearer to do something Examples: Sit down Open your books Listen carefully
An instruction given to a computer, by means of a keyboard, mouse, voice command, etc
Control; power over something; sway; influence; as, to have command over one's temper or voice; the fort has command of the bridge
A body of troops, or any naval or military force or post, or the whole territory under the authority or control of a particular officer
If someone in authority commands you to do something, they tell you that you must do it. He commanded his troops to attack `Get in your car and follow me,' he commanded He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land `Don't panic,' I commanded myself. = instruct, order Command is also a noun. The tanker failed to respond to a command to stop the note of command in his voice. = instruction, order
If you command something such as respect or obedience, you obtain it because you are popular, famous, or important. an excellent physician who commanded the respect of all his colleagues
A word or phrase, usually found in a menu, that you choose in order to carry out an action You choose a command from a menu, or type a command at the MS-DOS prompt Some commands are Format, Edit, Open, etc
(computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program
If you have a particular skill or particular resources at your command, you have them and can use them fully. The country should have the right to defend itself with all legal means at its command
An instruction to or request of a program, application, operating system, or other software, to perform a particular task Commands may be single words or may require additional phrases, variously called arguments, options, parameters, and qualifiers Unlike statements, commands execute as soon as you enter them ACCEPT, CLEAR, and COPY are examples of commands in SQL*Plus
An option form an application’s menu, or a command typed in by the user, such as at a DOS prompt or at the Run dialog box in Windows
If an army or country commands a place, they have total control over it. Yemen commands the strait at the southern end of the Red Sea. = rule Command is also a noun. the struggle for command of the air
If someone has command of a situation, they have control of it because they have, or seem to have, power or authority. Mr Baker would take command of the campaign In times of currency crisis interest rates can raised as a sign that a government is in command
a military unit or region under the control of a single officer
An instruction that causes the Newton or a device connected to it to perform some action The user issues a command by tapping a button or choosing an item from a picker Source: NUIG
look down on; "The villa dominates the town"
In the armed forces, a command is a group of officers who are responsible for organizing and controlling part of an army, navy, or air force. He had authorisation from the military command to retaliate
[BSG] A program designed to be invoked by typing its name at a terminal Multics commands are ordinary user programs, and what is more, ordinary PL/I procedures Commands and "subroutines" are indistinguishable at the PL/I and dynamic linking levels Although this reduces the number of search mechanisms, it rarely turned out to be useful, as calling a command as a subroutine or vice-versa, although fully possible and often done in kludges, presents all kinds of UI problems The proper handling and diagnosis of missing, malformed, or non-string arguments makes the passing of command arguments as actual parameters a poor idea, and the current C "argc/argv" scheme, an outcome of Multics's experience, is one correct solution
(n ) An instruction to the computer A command typically is a character string typed at a keyboard and is interpreted by the computer as a demand for a particular action
In computing, a command is an instruction that you give to a computer
an authoritative direction or instruction to do something a military unit or region under the control of a single officer a position of highest authority; "the corporation has just undergone a change in command"
Your command of something, such as a foreign language, is your knowledge of it and your ability to use this knowledge. His command of English was excellent. see also high command, second-in-command
{f} rule, control, be in authority
availability for use; "the materials at the command of the potters grew"
An authoritative order requiring obedience; a mandate; an injunction
{i} order, direction; control, domination; headquarters
To have or to exercise direct authority; to govern; to sway; to influence; to give an order or orders
A command is a Lisp function specially defined to be able to serve as a key binding in Emacs When you type a key (q v ), its binding (q v ) is looked up in the relevant keymaps (q v ) to find the command to run See section 1 6 Keys and Commands
A word or phrase in a script that requests an action For example, a script can send a stop command to a progress indicator object Compare event
A command is input into a computer used to control it In the EWSD Switching System, Man-Machine Language (MML) commands are used to control the switch functions
CP/M command line In general, a CP/M command line has three parts: the command keyword, command tail, and a carriage return To execute a command, enter a CP/M command line directly after the CP/M prompt at the console and press the carriage return or enter key
an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
A SCSI command is an instruction that an initiator issues to a target specifying the task to be carried out
great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity; "a good command of French"
demand as one's due; "This speaker commands a high fee"; "The author commands a fair hearing from his readers"
The possession or exercise of authority
Authority; power or right of control; leadership; as, the forces under his command
To order with authority; to lay injunction upon; to direct; to bid; to charge
A instruction to the computer or to a program
An instruction to perform an operation or run a program When parameters, arguments, flags, or other operands are associated with a command, the resulting character string is a single command
1 Any field set within the Transmission Header (TH), Request/Response Header (TH), and/or Request/Response Unit (RU), that initiates and action or begins a protocol 2 In SDLC, a control information message sent from the primary station to the secondary station
A command is whatever you would have to type at the C: > prompt to get the system to do something besides come back with "Bad command or filename" A command in a batch file is anything that works from the command line plus a few addition possibilities discussed under "COMMAND COM" and "External Commands" (and some others I haven't written about) Commands never exceed one line: the Enter key (from the keyboard) or the end-of-line (or end-of-file) marker in a batch file terminates the command and is required to terminate it and cause its execution
the power or authority to command; "an admiral in command"
make someone do something be in command of; "The general commanded a huge army"
To direct to come; to bestow
make someone do something
To exercise direct authority over; to have control of; to have at one's disposal; to lead
To have a view, as from a superior position
command economy
Alternative name of planned economy
command line
The text prompt presented to the user in a command line interface
command line
A shell, a command line interface; usually used with the definite article

Type the following at the command line: du -s -h.

command line interface
A user interface in which the user interacts with the computer through lines of text instead of graphical images. Abbreviated as CLI
command line interfaces
plural form of command line interface
command lines
plural form of command line
command-line interpreter
a computer program that reads lines of text entered by a user and interprets them in the context of a given operating system or programming language
file which contains the command processor of DOS which is required at startup
Command Line Interface
(Computers) any interface in which one must type commands after a command prompt (as opposed to a graphical user interface)
Command key
key on Macintosh computers used in shortcuts for menu options
command a large vocabulary
master a vast lexicon
command car
open armored car used for military reconnaissance
command complex
large collection of many separate commands
command economy
In a command economy, business activities and the use of resources are decided by the government, and not by market forces. the Czech Republic's transition from a command economy to a market system. An economy that is planned and controlled by a central administration, as in the former Soviet Union. Economic system in which the means of production are publicly owned and economic activity is controlled by a central authority. Central planners determine the assortment of goods to be produced, allocate raw materials, fix quotas for each enterprise, and set prices. Most communist countries have had command economies; capitalist countries may also adopt such a system during national emergencies (e.g., wartime) in order to mobilize resources quickly. See also capitalism; communism
command file
Executable program file of filetype COM A command file is a machine language object module ready to be loaded and executed at the absolute address of 0100H To execute a command file, enter its primary filename as the command keyword in a CP/M command line
command file
A file consisting of DCL commands
command file
A file containing a sequence of commands that you can otherwise enter interactively The file is saved for convenience and re-execution Command files are often called by operating-system specific names In SQL*Plus, you can execute the command file with the START, @ or @@ commands
command file
(Backup and Recovery Concepts) [definition #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
command file
A text file containing an SQL statement
command guidance
a method of controlling the flight of a missile by commands originating from the ground or from another missile
command guidance
determining the path of a guided missile and making adjustments during flight as necessary
command interpreter
part of an operating system which communicates with the user
command language
a source language consisting of procedural operators that invoke functions to be executed
command line
interface on a non-graphical operating system in which commands are explicitly written
command line
commands that a user types in in order to run an application
command line interface
a user interface in which you type commands instead of choosing them from a menu or selecting an icon
command line operating system
operating system which uses command lines
command module
The portion of a spacecraft in which the astronauts live, communicate with a ground station, and operate controls during a flight. the part of a space vehicle from which its activities are controlled
command module
a space module in which astronauts can live and control the spacecraft and communicate with earth
command net
communication system used to conduct combat or other military activity
command performance
A command performance is a special performance of a play or show which is given for a head of state. a special performance at a theatre that is given for a king, president etc
command post
A command post is a place from which a commander in the army controls and organizes his forces. the place from which military leaders and their officers control activities
command post
field headquarters of the commander of a military unit
command post
military headquarters from which a military commander controls and organizes the forces
command processing overhead time
(computer science) the processing time required by a device prior to the execution of a command
command processor
part of an operating system which communicates with the user
command prompt
The C: > sign in DOS at which codes are typed These commands control the computer For many people, this system has been replaced by the Graphic User Interface [GUI] of Windows
command prompt
The command prompt is where you can type instructions or commands for the operating system to carry out It will look like C: \ or something similar
command prompt
The symbol that looks like "C: \" or "A: \" or something similar where commands are typed in DOS
command prompt
Usually refers to the MS-DOS prompt The character or characters that appear at the beginning of the command line (usually "C: "), indicating that the computer is ready to recieve input
command prompt
(computer science) a symbol that appears on the computer screen to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a command
command prompt
A text prompt for entering commands
command prompt
One of the simplest ways to control a computer The user runs applications and performs other activities by typing commands at a prompt DOS and Unix are examples of command prompts
command prompt
- The DOS/Windows and OS/2 term for the part of the command line interface where the user types commands (Also, see Shell Prompt )
command prompt
The text, by default SQL>, with which SQL*Plus requests your next command
command prompt
The little symbol that looks like C: \ or [ C: \ ]or A: \ something similar It's the place where you can type instructions -commands - for DOS to carry out
command prompt
(n ) The string of characters the system displays to tell you it is ready to accept and interpret the next RGB color Often the command prompt includes the name of the system
command prompt
the specific area where the web creator writes any code
command prompt
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
command prompt
The C: \> sign in DOS at which codes are typed These commands control the computer For many people, this system has been replaced by the Graphic User Interface [GUI] of Windows
command sergeant major
high ranking military officer
command staff
military staff of officer rank
command tank
tank equipped with additional communication systems allowing it to function as a mobile command
A commanding officer, usually of a specific force or division
Simple past tense and past participle of command
A naval officer whose rank is above that of a lieutenant commander and below that of captain
A designation or rank in certain non-military organizations such as NASA and various police forces
One who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization
impressively dominant

A commanding structure.

Present participle of to command
tending to give commands, authoritarian
plural form of command
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of command
tactical air command centers
plural form of tactical air command center
trains command
A specific unit assigned to a division that is the headquarters for one or more train
your wish is my command
Whatever you wish for I will treat as a command, and will effect
a command
{a} that may be commanded
{n} a temporary commander
{n} a chief, leader, mallet
{a} ordering, govering, majestic
A command
Capable of being commanded
A commander; the commanding officer of a place, or of a body of men; as, the commandant of a navy-yard
A commandant is an army officer in charge of a particular place or group of people. the army officer in charge of a place or group of people
{i} commanding officer (Military); commander
an officer in command of a military unit
past of command
gave an order
{i} leader, one who is in charge; officer in charge of a unit (Military)
an officer in the airforce
A commander is an officer in charge of a military operation or organization. The commander and some of the men had been released. Commander Bob Marks
A heavy beetle or wooden mallet, used in paving, in sail lofts, etc
a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain
An officer who ranks next below a captain, ranking with a lieutenant colonel in the army
someone in an official position of authority who can command or control others
an officer in command of a military unit
A commander is an officer in the Royal Navy or the U.S. Navy
The chief officer of a commandery
One who exercises control and direction over a group of persons
someone in an official position of authority who can command or control others a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain
A chief; one who has supreme authority; a leader; the chief officer of an army, or of any division of it
approval If you describe someone as commanding, you mean that they are powerful and confident. Lovett was a tall, commanding man with a waxed gray mustache The voice at the other end of the line was serious and commanding. = authoritative see also command
Exercising authority; actually in command; as, a commanding officer
Exalted; overlooking; having superior strategic advantages; as, a commanding position
of the highest rank; used of persons; "the commanding officer"
of the highest rank; used of persons; "the commanding officer
{s} full of authority, powerful (voice, etc.); in authority
If you are in a commanding position or situation, you are in a strong or powerful position or situation. Right now you're in a more commanding position than you have been for ages The French vessel has a commanding lead
Fitted to impress or control; as, a commanding look or presence
used of a height or viewpoint; "a commanding view of the ocean"; "looked up at the castle dominating the countryside"; "the balcony overlooking the ballroom"
Instructions that you can give to a modem, a BBS, or another similar device
plural of command
special codes or keywords that tell the computer to perform a task, like RUN "SALES"
third-person singular of command
The instructions embedded into a database or computer program that result in an operation being performed For example, the options for "enter", "search" and "print" are computer commands
Protein Explorer and Chime understand a superset of RasMol commands Commands may be entered in the command slot in the frame at the lower left, above the message box PE includes a document Using Commands, accessible from near the command input slot There you will find links to the Command Reference Manuals
in library databases, what you use to tell the computer how to search for information; for example, in UHCARL, the word search to look for key words from subject headings and titles and the name search to find information by and about individuals
lists commands that are used with type IMAGE to manipulate the image before displaying it Valid commands are listed in Commands Used with PICFILL Type: Character
Symbols and/or terms used to retrieve computer stored information
These are the instructions sent to the payload For example, an experiment may not be started on the ground (or while the balloon is rising) so instructions would be sent to the payload after the balloon achieves float altitude to start the instruments