(Askeri) ESAS SORUM: Araştırma ve geliştirme ile ilgili olarak kullanıldığı zaman; programın bir araştırma geliştirme sahasındaki genel yönetim sorumluluğu ifade edilmiş olur
(Askeri) GÜVENLİK PROGRAMI UYGULAMA YETKİSİ: Milli Savunma Bakanlığı Müsteşar Muavini (insan gücü) 'nin münferit bir tesise ait Milli Savunma Bakanlığı endüstri güvenliği programının uygulanması ile ilgili olarak, kuvvet komutanlıklarından birine verdiği sorumluluk
A form of defense in the action of replevin, by which the defendant insists that the goods were lawfully taken, as a distress, by defendant, acting as servant for another
having knowledge of; "he had no awareness of his mistakes"; "his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced"; "their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive"
cog·ni·zance in BRIT, also use cognisance1. If you take cognizance of something, you take notice of it or acknowledge it. The government failed to take cognisance of their protest. = acknowledge
The distinguishing mark worn by an armed knight, usually upon the helmet, and by his retainers and followers: Hence, in general, a badge worn by a retainer or dependent, to indicate the person or party to which he belonged; a token by which a thing may be known
having knowledge of; "he had no awareness of his mistakes"; "his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced"; "their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive"