
listen to the pronunciation of cochin
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
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cochin fowl
çin tavuğu
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
{i} main port and town in Kerala State (southwest India)
Asian breed of large fowl with dense plumage and feathered legs
{i} breed of large chickens developed in Asia with thick feathers and feathered legs
Cochin China
formerly a region comprising southern Vietnam and part of Cambodia
Of, or relating to Cochin-China or its inhabitants
A native or inhabitant of Cochin China
Cochin China
{i} region in Vietnam which was formerly a state in south French Indochina
Cochin China
A region of southern Indochina including the rich delta area of the Mekong River. Originally a part of the Khmer Empire, it fell to the Annamese in the 18th century and to the French in the 19th century. The region forms the southern part of present-day Vietnam. A large domestic fowl of a breed developed in Asia, having thickly feathered legs. Also called Cochin.]. French Cochinchine Region, southern Vietnam. Covering 30,000 sq mi (77,700 sq km), the area was a vassal of the Chinese empire and later part of the Khmer kingdom of Cambodia. Its capital, Saigon (see Ho Chi Minh City), was occupied by the French in 1859. It was made a French colony in 1867 and combined with other French protectorates to form French Indochina in 1887. Incorporated into Vietnam in 1949, it was part of South Vietnam (1954-76) until the country was reunited. It includes the Mekong River delta, one of the greatest rice-producing regions in Asia
cochin china
{i} breed of large fowl developed in Asia with thick feathers and feathered legs
cochin fowl
A large variety of the domestic fowl, originally from Cochin China (Anam)

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    /ˈkōʧən/ /ˈkoʊʧɪn/