To nip someone's heid is to irritate someone by constant nagging Ah had to get oot the hoose She'd been nippin ma heid all day To nip a cigarette is a Glasgow term meaning to put it out before it is finished, usually with the intention of finishing it later A nip is a partly-smoked extinguished cigarette
a Normal Incident Pyrheliometer, used to determine the amount of solar irradiance emitted from the direction of the sun Below is a picture of two NIPs (silver) mounted on a sun-following tracker (white) at the Solar Radiation Research Laboratory These thermopile-based radiometers have a uniform spectral response from 280 nm to 2800 nm and a 5 7° field of view
Device at the end of the trailing cable of a mining machine used for connecting the trailing cable to the trolley wire and ground
If an animal or person nips you, they bite you lightly or squeeze a piece of your skin between their finger and thumb. I have known cases where dogs have nipped babies Nip is also a noun. Some ants can give you a nasty nip
to nip something in the bud: see bud. To take a sip or sips of alcoholic liquor: nips all day long
give a small sharp bite to; "The Queen's corgies always nip at her staff's ankles"
The nip is the place of intersection where one roll touches another For example, the place at the end of the wire where the stock is picked up by the felt is a nip This place of intersection is usually a line But it is possible to extend the nip by flattening out this place of intersection with a smaller series of rollers, or belts This is what is called an extended nip By using a belt at the nip, the nip can be extended by 6-10 inches, extending the area of pressure against the roll so that more water can be squeezed out
small sharp biting a small drink a tart spiciness a small drink of liquor; "he poured a shot of whiskey"
Common Information Model Describes the Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM) data representation that is now a standard This standard is sponsored by the Distributed Management Task Force
Acronym for Computer-Integrated-Manufacturing is a high technology approach to more efficient manufacturing throughout the entire manufacturing process
Customer Interaction Management: the technology and processes associated with handling multiple customer communication touchpoints, including telephony, e-mail, and website interactions Through functionality such as intelligent routing and queuing, CIM solutions provide an integrated view of a company's customer communications CIM adds significant value to CRM solutions and is a key component of an overall corporate CRM strategy Davox
Computer Integrated Manufacturing is a term used to describe an operation which makes all or most of its information available through a fully integrated data management network The object is to increase efficiency by integrating all the facility's data management systems
The application of information technology to the management of complete systems or subsystems within a manufacturing environment, characterized by the integration of many separate applications such as CAD, CAM, CAE, and robotics together with commercial applications such as stock control, spares ordering, and process planning
Computer Integrated Manufacturing refers to the integrated use of computer aided techniques in manufacturing This includes CAD, CAE, CAM, etc, but the term is interpreted in a variety of ways by various suppliers of CIM solutions The main requirement of CIM is a central shared database that may be accessed by the different disciplines deployed during the manufacturing process, such as design, development, manufacture, distribution, billing etc CIM is a superset of CAM
Certificate of Initial Mastery: an educational credential based on demonstrable skills and competencies to a level of proficiency that is criterion-referenced and employer-validated rather than to a level set by an education and training provider or one that is norm-referenced
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (acronym) is the total integration of such individual concepts as CNC, CAD, robotics, and material handling into one system
Computer integrated manufacturing A total solution to the computerization of manu-facturing operations that integrates as many related functions as possible (for example, administration, engineering, purchasing, and manufacturing)
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