
listen to the pronunciation of chemical
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(Tekstil) 1. kimyasal 2. kimyasal madde
chemical engineer kimya mühendisi
chemical action kimyasal etki
(Tıp) a) Kimyevi, kimyasal; b) Kimyasal maddeler, ecza
{s} kimyevi
chemical fire extinguisher eczalı yangın söndürücüsü
(Askeri) KİMYASAL; KİMYAYA AİT: Bir veya daha çok kimya maddesini ihtiva eden
chemical compound kimyasal bileşim
chemical reaction kimyasal reaksi
kimya ile ilgili
{s} kimyasal

Radyoaktivite, kimyasal bir terimdir. - 'Radioactivity' is a chemical term.

O kimyasal gübrelerden daha ucuzdur. - It is cheaper than chemical fertilizers.

(Tıp) kemikal
(Tıp) şimik
{s} kimya

H kimyasal sembolü hidrojeni ifade eder. - The chemical symbol H expresses hydrogen.

Vücuda dokunulduğunda, derideki reseptörler beyne endorfin gibi kimyasalların salınmasına neden olan mesajlar gönderir. - When the body is touched, receptors in the skin send messages to the brain causing the release of chemicals such as endorphins.

kimyasal madde

Bu kimyasal maddenin insana zararlı olduğunu herkes bilir. - Everyone knows that this chemical is harmful to man.

Kimyasal maddeyi doğrudan güneş ışığına maruz bırakma. - Don't expose this chemical to direct sunlight.

kimyasal atık
kimyasal (madde)
chemical additives
(Tıp) kimyasal katkı maddeleri
chemical agent
(Askeri) kimyasal harp maddesi
chemical cleaning
kimyasal temizlik
chemical elements
(Kimya) kimyasal elementler
chemical injection
kimyasal enjeksiyon
chemical potential
(Gıda) kimyasal çekicilik
chemical reactions
(Kimya) kimyasal reaksiyonlar
chemical action
kimyasal etki
chemical adsorption
kimyasal adsorpsiyon
chemical affinity
kimyasal afinite
chemical agent
kimyasal ajan
chemical analysis
kimyasal çözümleme
chemical analysis
kimyasal analiz
chemical attraction
kimyasal çekim
chemical binding effect
kimyasal bağlanma etkisi
chemical bond
kimyasal bağ
chemical brightening
kimyasal parlaklaştırma
chemical change
kimyasal değişme
chemical combination
kimyasal bileşme
chemical composition
kimyasal bileşim
chemical compound
kimyasal bileşik
chemical decomposition
kimyasal ayırma
chemical element
kimyasal element
chemical element
kimyasal öğe
chemical energy
kimyasal enerji
chemical engineer
kimya mühendisi
chemical engineering
kimya mühendisliği
chemical equation
kimyasal denklem
chemical equilibrium
kimyasal denge
chemical equivalent
kimyasal eşdeğer
chemical extinguisher
kimyasal yangın söndürücü
chemical finish
chemical formula
kimyasal formül
chemical fuel
kimyasal yakıt
chemical hydrometer
kimyasal hidrometre
chemical industry
kimya endüstrisi
chemical kinetics
kimyasal kinetik
chemical lead
saf kurşun
chemical means
kimyasal yollar
chemical mixture
kimyasal karışım
chemical notation
kimyasal gösterim
chemical operations
kimyasal işlemler
chemical oxygen demand
kimyasal oksijen gereksinimi
chemical phenomenon
kimyasal olay
chemical polishing
kimyasal parlatma
chemical potential
kimyasal potansiyel
chemical process
kimyasal işlem
chemical properties
kimyasal özellikler
chemical property
kimyasal özellik
chemical radical
kimyasal radikal
chemical reaction
kimyasal reaksiyon
chemical reaction
kimyasal tepkime
chemical reactor
kimyasal reaktör
chemical science
kimya bilimi
chemical shift
kimyasal kayma
chemical symbol
kimyasal sembol
chemical symbol
kimyasal simge
chemical synthesls
kimyasal sentez
chemical treatment
kimyasal işlem
chemical warfare
kimyasal savaş
chemical weapon
kimyasal silah
chemical weathering
kimyasal aşınma
chemical weeding
kimyasal ot mücadelesi
chemical abstracts service
kimyasal özetlerini hizmet
chemical and process engineering
Kimyasal süreç mühendisliği
chemical and process engineering
Kimya ve süreç mühendisliği
chemical balance
kimyasal denge
chemical bleaching
kimyasal beyazlatıcılar
chemical change
kimyasal değişim
chemical dependency
kimyasal bağımlılık
chemical digestion
kimyasal sindirim
chemical firm
kimyasal madde firması
chemical formulation
Kimyasal formülü
chemical hygrometer
kimyasal higrometre
chemical model
kimyasal kalıp
chemical resistance
kimyasal mukavemet
chemical state
kimyasal durum
Chemical Weapons Convention; composite warfare commander
(Askeri) Kimyasal Silahlar Sözleşmesi (KSS); ortak muharebe komutanı
chemical accident
(Kimya) kimyasal kaza
chemical admixture
(Kimya) kimyasal katkı maddesi
chemical affinity
kimyasal ilgi
chemical affinity
kimyasal afmite
chemical agent
kimyasal silah
chemical agent
(Askeri) KİMYA HARP MADDESİ: Kimyasal mahiyetleri itibariyle insan, hayvan, bitki ve malzeme üzerinde öldürücü veya hasar yapıcı etkileri görülen ya da bir perdeleme vasıtası olarak kullanılan veya işaret sisi meydana getiren katı, sıvı veya gaz halinde bir madde
chemical agent detector kit
(Askeri) GAZ DETEKTÖR ÇANTASI: Gazlanmış havayı çeken ve içinde sıvı halinde ayıraçlar bulunan bir çanta. Çantadaki tüplerde hasıl olan renk değişikliği sayesinde, bazı harp gazlarının zarar verecek yoğunluktaki mevcudiyeti meydana çıkarılır
chemical agent monitor; crisis action module
(Askeri) kimyasal harp maddesi kontrol maddesi; kriz müdahele modülü
chemical ammunition
(Askeri) KİMYASAL MÜHİMMAT; KİMYA MÜHİMMATI: Dolgusu, esas itibariyle, bir kimyasal madde (zehirli kimya maddesi), kimyasal eğitim ve nümayiş bastırma maddesi, sis veya yangın maddesi olan bir cins mühimmat
chemical ammunition cargo
(Askeri) KİMYASAL MÜHİMMAT YÜKÜ: Beyaz fosfor gibi harp maddeleri ihtiva eden yük. (mermi kovanları ve el bombaları). Ayrıca bak. "cargo"
chemical and biological warfare
(Askeri) Kimyasal ve Biyolojik Harp
chemical apparatus
(Kimya) kimyasal cihazlar
chemical attack
(Askeri) KİMYA TAARRUZU: Kimya harp maddelerinin zayiat verdirilmek amacı ile düşmana karşı kullanılması
chemical biological ammunition
(Askeri) (CB) KİMYA VE BİYOLOJİ MÜHİMMATI: Bak. "chemical operations" ve "biological operations"
chemical biological protective shelter
(Askeri) kimyasal-biyolojik korunma sığınağı
chemical bomb
(Askeri) KİMYA BOMBASI: Harp gazı, gizleme sisi veya yangın maddesi gibi kimya harbi maddelerini ihtiva eden bomba
chemical cargo
kimyasal yük
chemical cartridge
(Çevre) kimyasal kartuş
chemical castration
kimyasal hadımlık
chemical change
kimyasal değişim,kimyasal değişme
chemical chimming
(Nükleer Bilimler) kimyasal dengeleme
chemical clement
kimyasal öğe
chemical clement
kimyasal element
chemical closet
kimyevi klozet
chemical cloud
(Askeri) KİMYA SİS BULUTU: Bir kimya maddesi kullanılmak sureti ile meydana getirilen sis bulutu
chemical cloud
(Askeri) kimyasal sis bulutu
chemical component
(Kimya) kimyasal bileşen
chemical compound
kimyasal bileşik,kimyasal terkip
chemical compound
kimyasal bileşim
chemical corps
(Askeri) kimya teşkilatı
chemical corps
(Askeri) KİMYA SINIFI; KİMYA TEŞKİLATI: Kara Ordusunun bir sınıfı. Bu sınıfı; Kimya harbine ait malzeme ve teçhizatın ikmal safhalarından ve personeli kimya harbi için yetiştirmekten sorumludur
chemical corps
(Askeri) kimya sınıfı
chemical corps intelligence
(Askeri) KİMYA İSTİHBARATI: Kimya maddeleri (gaz, sis, yangın) ile biyoloji ve radyoloji konularında bilgi ve haberlerin toplanması ve kıymetlendirilmesi
chemical corps material command
chemical corps school
(Askeri) KİMYA OKULU: Ordu Kimya Sınıfı'nda vazife alacak subayları yetiştiren sınıf okulu
chemical corps training command
chemical corrosion
kimyasal paslanma
chemical defence
(Askeri) kimyasal harp savunması
chemical defence
(Askeri) KİMYASAL MADDELERE KARŞI SAVUNMA: Ayrıca bakınız: "NBC defence"
chemical defense
(Askeri) kimyasal savunma
chemical delay
kimyasal gecikme
chemical detectors
(Kimya) kimyasal dedektörler
chemical disposal
kimyasal tasfiye
chemical dose
(Kimya) kimyasal doz
chemical drug
kimyasal ilaç
chemical energy
kimyasal güç
chemical energy
kimyasal özellik
chemical event
(Kimya) kimyasal olay
chemical exchange
(Nükleer Bilimler) kimyasal yerdeğişme,kimyasal değişim
chemical exposure
(Askeri) KİMYA HARBİ MADDELERİNE MARUZ KALMA: Personelin harp gazlarına maruz kalması. Gaz yoğunluğu ve gazlara maruz kalma süresi, genellikle, her metre küp hava için miligram/dakika ile ölçülür
chemical feed pump
kimyasal besleme pompası
chemical fibre
sentetik lif
chemical finishing
(Tekstil) apreleme
chemical finishing agent
(Tekstil) apre maddesi
chemical finishing effect
(Tekstil) apre efekti
chemical finishing padder
(Tekstil) apre fuları
chemical finishing plant
(Tekstil) apre tesisi, bitim işlemi tesisi
chemical fog
(Nükleer Bilimler) kimyasal sis
chemical form
kimyasal form
chemical fuel
(Askeri) KİMYASAL YAKIT (HV): Sıvı veya katı roket yakıtı, jet yakıtı veya dahili ihtiraklı motor yakıtı gibi, enerji gelişiminde iştial veya ayrışması (decomposition) bir kimyasal değişikliğe bağlı olan yakıt
chemical grout
kimyasal harç
chemical hand grenade
(Askeri) KİMYASAL EL BOMBASI: Taciz etmek, zayiat, yangın, gizleme meydana getirmek işaret vermek maksatlarıyle kullanılan kimya maddelerini ihtiva eder, yanıcı veya paralanır cinsten el bombası
chemical harm
(Tıp) kimyasal hasar
chemical hazard response information system
(Askeri) kimyasal tehlike tepki bilgi sistemi
chemical horn
(Askeri) KİMYASAL BAŞLIK: Deniz mayın savaşında; ince bir metal tabaka tarafından korunan bir cam tüp içinde elektrolitle bir elektrik ölçüsü ihtiva eden mayın başlığı. Ayrıca, Hertz Horn, olarak bilinmektedir
chemical horn
(Askeri) kimyasal başlık
chemical incident
(Kimya) kimyasal hadise
chemical intelligence
(Askeri) Kimyasal istihbarat
chemical manure
(Kimya) kimyasal gübre
chemical manure
suni gübre
chemical mine
(Askeri) KİMYA MAYINI: Personeli malzemeyi veya araziyi kirletmek sureti ile personeli öldürmeyi veya zararsız hale getirmeyi hedef tutan zehirli bir kimya maddesini kapsayan mayın
chemical mine
(Askeri,Kimya) kimyasal mayın
chemical models
(Kimya,Tıp) kimyasal modeller
chemical mordanting agent
(Tekstil) mordanlama maddesi
chemical mortar
(Askeri) kimya havanı
chemical mortar
(Askeri) KİMYA HAVANI: Kimya harp maddeleriyle doldurulmuş mermiler atan havan
chemical mutagens
(Çevre) kimyasal mutagenler
chemical mutation
(Kimya) kimyasal değişiklik
chemical name
kimyasal isim
chemical name
(Tıp) kimyasal ad
chemical officer
(Askeri) KİMYA SUBAYI: Tümen ve daha büyük birlik karargahlarında bulunan ve kimya, biyoloji harbine ait konularda komutan ile karargahına danışmanlık yapan, genellikle kimya sınıfına mensup subay
chemical officer
(Askeri) kimya subayı
chemical operation
(Kimya) kimyasal operasyon
chemical operations
(Askeri) KİMYA HAREKATI: 1. İnsanları ve hayvanları öldürmek, yaralamak veya uzunca bir süre hareketsiz bırakmak; ve bölgelerin tesislerin malzemenin kullanılmasını engellemek veya önlemek amacıyla kimyasal harp maddelerinin kullanılması. 2. Bunların kullanılmasına karşı savunma
chemical oxygen deman
(Tekstil) kimyasal oksijen gereksinimi, KOG
chemical oxygen demand
kimyasal oksijen ihtiyacı
chemical plant
kimya tesisi
chemical polishing
kimyasal cilalama
chemical process
(Tekstil) kimyasal işleme
chemical processing reactor
(Nükleer Bilimler) kimyasal işlem reaktörü
chemical projectile
(Askeri) KİMYA MERMİSİ, KİMYA BOMBASI, KİMYA ROKETİ: Bir kimya maddesi ihtiva eden, bomba, el bombası, roket veya top mermisi
chemical properly
kimyasal özellik
chemical protector
(Nükleer Bilimler) kimyasal koruyucu
chemical pulp
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) kimyasal selüloz
chemical purity
(Nükleer Bilimler) kimyasal saflık
chemical reaction
(Kimya) kimyasal reaksiyon hızı
chemical reaction
kimyasal tepki
chemical reactors
(Kimya) kimyasal reaktörler
chemical resistant
kimyasal maddelere dayanıklı
chemical rocket
(Askeri) kimyasal roket
chemical security
(Askeri) KİMYA HARBİ MADDELERİNE KARŞI KORUNMA: Düşman kimya harbi maddeleri kullanmasına karşı alınan tedbirler
chemical shim control
(Nükleer Bilimler) kimyasal kontrol
chemical shimming
(Nükleer Bilimler) kimyasal ayıklama,kimyasal dengeleme
chemical soil improvement
kimyasal toprak iyileştirmesi
chemical spray
(Askeri) ZEHİRLİ GAZ PÜSKÜRTMESİ: Düşmana zayiat verdirmek maksadıyla, sıvı halindeki harp gazlarının uçaktan püskürtülmesi
chemical stain
kimyasal leke
chemical statics
(Kimya) kimyasal statik
chemical stressors
(Kimya) kimyasal etkileyici
chemical stripping
(Otomotiv) kimyasal renk giderme
chemical stripping
(Otomotiv) kimyasal sıyırıcı
chemical suit
(Çevre) kimyasal korumalı giysi
chemical surety
(Kimya) kimyasal emniyet
chemical survey
(Kimya) kimyasal tetkik
chemical survey
(Askeri) kimyasal araştırma
chemical survey
(Askeri) KİMYASAL ARAŞTIRMA: Bir bölgedeki kimya harbi maddeleri zararlarının niteliği ve derecesini belirtmek ve tehlikeli bölgenin çevresini çizmek için yapılan çalışma
chemical synthesis
(Kimya) kimyasal sentez
chemical synthesis
(Kimya) kimyasal birleşim
chemical terrorism
(Kimya) kimyasal terörizm
chemical threat
(Kimya) kimyasal tehdit
chemical toilet
(Kimya) kimyevi tuvalet
chemical vision
(Kimya) kimyasal görüş
chemical warfare
(Askeri) KİMYA HARBİ: Kimya maddelerinin, insanlarda ölüm veya zayiat meydana getirmek askeri bir üstünlük yaratmak veya bu maksadı güden teşebbüslere karşı savunmak gayesiyle kullanılması
chemical warfare
kimyasal madde
chemical warfare defense equipment
(Askeri) kimyasal harp savunma teçhizatı
chemical warfare school
(Askeri) KİMYA OKULU: Kimya, biyoloji ve radyoloji harbine ait taktik ve teknik eğitimi gösteren okul. Bu okul, kimya sınıfında hizmet görecek subay ve eratı yetiştirir
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
An artificial chemical compound

I color my hair with henna, not chemicals.

Any specific element or chemical compound
Of or relating to chemistry
An addictive drug
{a} pertaining to chemistry
a substance produced by or used in a chemical process; the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of a substance
produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules relating to or used in chemistry; "chemical engineer"; "chemical balance"
One of the millions of different elements and compounds found in the universe back
{i} chemical substance; product manufactured by means of chemicals
Resistance - The ability of a material to retain its form and effectiveness after exposure to chemical agents
Any material which has the chemical characteristics of being ignitable, corrosive, reactive, or toxic
Chemicals are substances that are used in a chemical process or made by a chemical process. The whole food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture. the chemical industry. a substance used in chemistry or produced by a chemical process toxic/hazardous/dangerous chemicals. W3 relating to substances, the study of substances, or processes involving changes in substances. Chemical Banking Corp. chemical energy chemical engineering chemical equation chemical formula chemical hydrology chemical reaction chemical symbol chemical warfare Dow Chemical Co. chemical dependency element chemical equilibrium chemical Imperial Chemical Industries PLC
produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules
As broadly applied to the chemical industry, an element or a compound produced by chemical reactions on a large scale for either direct industrial and consumer use or for reaction with other chemicals
Chemicals are everywhere There are chemicals inside your body, and there are chemicals in the ground, in the water, and in the air You can see most chemicals, but not all chemicals Some are clear or so small we can't see them Some chemicals are good, like the medicine the doctor gives you when you are sick Some chemicals are useful, but dangerous, like gasoline Gasoline makes cars run, but you wouldn't want to drink it, because it would make you very sick Some chemicals make the air dirty and cause pollution, like ozone
Any specific chemical element or compound
of or made from or using substances produced by or used in reactions involving atomic or molecular changes; "chemical fertilizer
1 of or pertaining to chemistry 2 a substance
{s} pertaining to chemistry, used in a chemical process, produced by a chemical process
An element (e g , chlorine) or a compound (e g , sodium bicarbonate) produced by chemical reaction
relating to or used in chemistry; "chemical engineer"; "chemical balance"
caused by combination of agonist with antagonist, with resulting inactivation of the agonist, e g , dimercaprol and mercuric ion
Cutting fluid containing no mineral oil Used with water
Any substance having a defined molecular composition
any element, chemical compound or mixture of elements and/or compounds
Pertaining to chemistry; characterized or produced by the forces and operations of chemistry; employed in the processes of chemistry; as, chemical changes; chemical combinations
A definite chemical flavor (such as formaldehyde) not to be confused with Rio flavor
produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules relating to or used in chemistry; "chemical engineer"; "chemical balance" of or made from or using substances produced by or used in reactions involving atomic or molecular changes; "chemical fertilizer
Any solid, liquid or gas that impacts on something in an atomic or molecular way
Any material that is used in a compound to make it look or act in a certain way
of or made from or using substances produced by or used in reactions involving atomic or molecular changes; "chemical fertilizer"
Any element, chemical compound, or mixture of elements and/or compounds
A substance used for producing a chemical effect; a reagent
In science, chemicals are elementary substances such as oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc In the context of home composting, however, the word "chemical" is often used to describe a philosophy considered to be in opposition to the organic philosophy In general, the chemical philosophy encourages people to force nature to do what they want by applying synthetic pesticides and fertilizers which may get the temporary results they want, but may harm or not enhance the general soil condition and environment
One of the millions of different elements and compounds found naturally and synthesized by humans
Strictly speaking a chemical is anything that has a mass and occupies a volume Typically, when we speak of a chemical, we mean any substance which is used for a particular purpose
An artificial chemical
Chemical means involving or resulting from a reaction between two or more substances, or relating to the substances that something consists of. chemical reactions that cause ozone destruction. the chemical composition of the ocean. chemical weapons. + chemically chemi·cal·ly chemically treated foods The medicine chemically affects your physiology
chemical abortion
a medical, rather than a surgical, abortion induced by a drug
chemical affinity
all the various attractions between elements and compounds that lead to their reaction
chemical agent
any noxious substance intended for use in military or police operations
chemical beam epitaxy
a form of molecular beam epitaxy that uses a gaseous source
chemical biology
a field of study that embraces both chemistry and biology
chemical bomb
Any explosive device that releases a noxious chemical compound (such as chlorine) upon detonation
chemical bond
Any of several attractive forces that serve to bind atoms together to form molecules
chemical castration
A medical treatment using a hormonal drug to inhibit the function of a man's testes, intended to have the same effect on the sex drive as surgical castration. It is typically used on sex offenders as a punishment and/or preventative measure, or on people wishing to undergo male-to-female transsexualism
chemical cell
a voltaic cell consisting of two metal electrodes connected by an electrolyte
chemical change
any process in which reactants are changed into products by the breaking or creation of chemical bonds
chemical clock
any mixture of compounds whose relative concentrations oscillate, and in which such change is marked by a visible rhythmic change in colour
chemical composition
The identities, and relative numbers, of the elements that make up any particular compound
chemical compositions
plural form of chemical composition
chemical compound
Any single substance, either compound or element
chemical compound
Any substance formed by the union of two or more chemical elements in a fixed ratio, the union being a chemical bond
chemical compounds
plural form of chemical compound
chemical decomposition
the fragmentation of any compound into elements or smaller compounds smaller
chemical defense
all the methods and procedures involved in defending against attack by chemical agents
chemical dependency
physical and psychological dependency on an addictive drug
chemical depilatory
any cosmetic preparation designed to remove hair from the skin
chemical dermatitis
any symptom, such as erythema, edema, and vesiculation, caused by exposure of the skin to a chemical compound
chemical ecology
the study of the effects of chemical compounds on the interactions of living organisms
chemical element
Any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction. Chemical elements consist of atoms which have the same number of protons
chemical elements
plural form of chemical element
chemical energies
plural form of chemical energy
chemical energy
The net potential energy liberated or absorbed during the course of a chemical reaction
chemical engineer
A person who practises chemical engineering

The Chemical Engineer (periodical title).

chemical engineering
The branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction and operation of industrial process plants, and the physical, chemical and biological processes to create substances or energy in a useful and economic form
chemical engineers
plural form of chemical engineer
chemical equation
a symbolic representation of a chemical reaction; reactants are represented on the left, and products on the right

2Na + 2H2O => 2NaOH + H2.

chemical fingerprint
the unique combination of analytical results from a number of techniques that identifies a particular compound in a sample
chemical flux
The amount of substance per unit volume, per unit time transformed in a reaction
chemical formula
Alternative name for molecular formula
chemical hazard
any hazard that results from the accidental, deliberate or potential release of a noxious substance into the environment
chemical hood
A fume hood
chemical horn
a horn on a floating mine which, upon contact, releases an electrolyte that makes an electrical connection and initiates the explosion
chemical indicator
any substance used to classify another, often by changing colour
chemical kinetics
the study of the reaction rates of chemical reactions, especially as a means of elucidating reaction pathways or mechanisms
chemical laser
any laser that obtains its energy from a chemical reaction
chemical law
all the laws of nature that are relevant to chemistry
chemical lithosphere
the chemical boundary layer between the surface of the Earth and the asthenosphere that contains the material differentiated or extracted from the mantle
chemical messenger
any compound that serves to transmit a message
chemical nomenclature
The system for naming chemical compounds. There are two systems of chemical nomenclature:

Wikipedia article on the naming of inorganic compounds.

chemical oceanography
the study of the chemical and isotopic distribution of the oceans, and the changes that occur
chemical pathology
An alternative name for clinical chemistry
chemical peel
the application of a mild caustic substance to the skin in order to remove blemishes
chemical peritonitis
peritonitis which results from the escape of the contents of the digestive tract into the peritoneum
chemical physics
The science that studies chemical processes and phenomena from the point of view of physics
chemical plant
an industrial facility used to manufacture chemical compounds
chemical properties
plural form of chemical property
chemical property
Any of a material's properties that becomes evident during a chemical reaction
chemical reaction
A process, involving the breaking or making of interatomic bonds, in which one or more substances are changed into others
chemical reactions
plural form of chemical reaction
chemical reactor
any vessel designed to hold the compounds involved in a chemical reaction; a reaction vessel
chemical reactors
plural form of chemical reactor
chemical rocket
A rocket that uses a chemical reaction of its propellants to generate its gaseous exhaust
chemical sensitivities
plural form of chemical sensitivity
chemical sensitivity
an extreme sensitivity, or allergic reaction, to any of various chemical compounds present in the normal environment
chemical series
any group of elements whose chemical and physical properties have similarities, and that vary progressively through the series; evident within the periodic table
chemical shift
the change in the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of a nucleus depending on its electronic environment; used in NMR spectroscopy to determine the structure of molecules
chemical space
the set of all possible stable molecules
chemical species
An ensemble of chemically identical molecular entities that can explore the same set of molecular energy levels on the time scale of the experiment
chemical structure
A graphical representation of such an arrangement
chemical structure
The arrangement of chemical bonds between atoms in a molecule (or in an ion or radical with multiple atoms), specifically which atoms are chemically bonded to what other atoms with what kind of chemical bond, together with any information on the geometric shape of the molecule needed to uniquely identify the type of molecule
chemical substance
A material with a specific chemical composition
chemical toilet
a toilet consisting of a seat above a container containing disinfectants and deodorizers
chemical toilets
plural form of chemical toilet
chemical weapon
A noxious substance contained in some form of delivery system such as a shell or missile
chemical weapons
plural form of chemical weapon
Attributive form of chemical bomb

chemical-bomb detonator.

Attributive form of chemical compound

chemical-compound table.

Attributive form of chemical formula, noun

The chemical-formula version of the table includes 235 entries; the illustrated table includes only 65.

Attributive form of chemical property, noun
chemical abuse
The overindulgence in and dependence on an addictive substance, especially alcohol or a narcotic drug. Also called substance abuse
chemical and process engineering
The chemical engineering that is concerned with the transformation of materials by chemical, physical and biological changes
Chemical Banking Corp
Former U.S. bank holding company that merged with the Chase Manhattan Corp. in 1996. Its principal subsidiary was Chemical Bank, which was chartered in 1824 as a division of a New York chemical manufacturing company. The 1996 merger made the resulting firm (the Chase Manhattan Corp.) briefly the largest bank in the U.S. Another merger in 2000 created J.P. Morgan Chase & Co
chemical agent
A chemical substance intended for use in military operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate people through its physiological effects Included are blood, nerve, choking, blister, and incapacitating agents Excluded are riot control agents, chemical herbicides, and smoke and flame materials
chemical agent
an agent that produces chemical reactions
chemical agent
A chemical substance which is intended for use in military operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate personnel through its physiological effects Excluded from consideration are riot control agents, herbicides, smoke and flame (JP 1-02)
chemical agent
chemical substance; substance used to create chemical weapons
chemical agent
A chemical substance intended for use in military operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate man through its physiological effects Excluded are riot control agents, herbicides, smoke, and flame
chemical ammunition
chemical weapons, explosives that release lethal toxic chemicals on impact
chemical analysis
the act of decomposing a substance into its constituent elements
chemical bomb
a bomb laden with chemical agents that are released when the bomb explodes
chemical bomb
explosive device that releases lethal toxic chemicals on impact
chemical bond
the force that holds two atoms together
chemical bond
the energy that holds two atoms together in a compound (2 7)
chemical bond
An attractive force that holds atoms together to form molecules
chemical bond
an electrical force linking atoms
chemical bond
The force that holds atoms together in molecules and compounds
chemical bond
the energy that holds two atoms together in a compound
chemical bond
Any of several forces or mechanisms, especially the ionic bond, covalent bond, and metallic bond, by which atoms or ions are bound in a molecule or crystal
chemical bond
Represents the connection between two atoms
chemical bond
An attractive force that holds atoms together in a molecule
chemical bond
When two molecules share or lend an electron, they are joined in a chemical bond
chemical composition
chemical make-up
chemical compound
mixture of chemicals
chemical conglomerate
chemical plant, factory which produces various chemical products
chemical defense
procedures involved in taking defensive measures against attacks using chemical agents
chemical dependency
A physical and psychological habituation to a mood- or mind-altering drug, such as alcohol or cocaine
chemical element
any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter
chemical element
fundamental building blocks of chemical compounds
chemical element
One of the 114 presently known kinds of substances that constitute all matter at and above the level of atoms (the smallest units of any element). All atoms of an element are identical in nuclear charge (number of protons) and number of electrons (see atomic number), but their mass (atomic weight) may differ if they have different numbers of neutrons (see isotope). Each element has a one-or two-letter chemical symbol. Elements combine to form a wide variety of compounds. All elements with atomic numbers greater than 83 (bismuth), and some isotopes of lighter elements, are unstable and radioactive (see radioactivity). The transuranium elements, with atomic numbers greater than 92 (see uranium), artificially created by bombardment of other elements with neutrons or other particles, were discovered beginning in 1940. The most common elements (by weight) in Earth's crust are oxygen, 49%; silicon, 26%; aluminum, 8%; and iron, 5%. Of the known elements, 11 (hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, and the six noble gases) are gases under ordinary conditions, two (bromine and mercury) are liquids (two more, cesium and gallium, melt at about or just above room temperature), and the rest are solids. See also periodic table
chemical energy
energy which accumulates in the molecular connections of substances
chemical energy
Energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds. Chemical energy may be released during a chemical reaction, often in the form of heat; such reactions are called exothermic. Reactions that require an input of heat to proceed may store some of that energy as chemical energy in newly formed bonds. The chemical energy in food is converted by the body into mechanical energy and heat. The chemical energy in coal is converted into electrical energy at a power plant. The chemical energy in a battery can also supply electrical power by means of electrolysis
chemical energy
that part of the energy in a substance that can be released by a chemical reaction
chemical engineer
person who works in chemical research and processing
chemical engineer
A chemical engineer is a person who designs and constructs the machines needed for industrial chemical processes
chemical engineering
the activity of applying chemistry to the solution of practical problems the branch of engineering that is concerned with the design and construction and operation of the plants and machinery used in industrial chemical processes
chemical engineering
{i} research on chemicals and chemical processing
chemical engineering
Chemical engineering is the designing and constructing of machines that are needed for industrial chemical processes. The branch of engineering that deals with the technology of large-scale chemical production and the manufacture of products through chemical processes.chemical engineer n. the study of machines used in industrial chemical processes engineer. Academic discipline and industrial activity concerned with developing processes and designing and operating plants to change materials' physical or chemical states. With roots in the inorganic and coal-based chemical industries of western Europe and the oil-refining industry in North America, it was spurred by the need to supply chemicals and products during the two World Wars. The field includes research, design, construction, operation, sales, and management activities. Chemical engineers must master chemistry (including the nature of chemical reactions, the effects of temperature and pressure on equilibrium, and the effects of catalysts on reaction rates), physics, and mathematics. The engineering aspect, involving fluid flow (see deformation and flow) and heat and mass transfer, is broken down into "unit operations," including vaporization, distillation, absorption, filtration, extraction, crystallization, agitation and mixing, drying, and size reduction; each is described mathematically, and its principles apply to any material. Chemical engineers work not only in the chemical and oil industries but also in such processing industries as foods, paper, textiles, plastics, nuclear, and biotechnology
chemical equation
Method of writing the essential features of a chemical reaction using chemical symbols (or other agreed-upon abbreviations). By convention, reactants (present at the start) are on the left, products (present at the end) on the right. A single arrow between them denotes an irreversible reaction, a double arrow a reversible reaction. The law of conservation of matter (see conservation law) requires that every atom on the left appear on the right (the equation must balance); only their arrangements and combinations change. For example, one oxygen molecule combining with two hydrogen molecules to form two water molecules is written 2H2 + O2 2H2O. The dissociation of salt into sodium and chloride ions is written NaCl Na^+ + Cl^-. See also stoichiometry
chemical equilibrium
Condition in the course of a reversible chemical reaction in which no net change in the amounts of reactants and products occurs: Products are reverting to reactants at the same rate as reactants are forming products. For practical purposes, the reaction under those conditions is completed. Expressed in terms of the law of mass action, the reaction rate to form products is equal to the reaction rate to re-form reactants. The ratio of the reaction rate constants (i.e., of the amounts of reactants and products, each raised to the proper power), defines the equilibrium constant. Changing the conditions of temperature or pressure changes the reaction's equilibrium; a high temperature or pressure may be used to "push" a reaction that at ordinary conditions makes little product. See also H.-L. Le Châtelier
chemical equilibrium
a chemical reaction and its reverse proceed at equal rates
chemical fertilizer
{i} chemical substance used for aiding and accelerating plant growth
chemical fingerprint
A unique pattern indicating the presence of a particular molecule, based on specialized analytic techniques such as mass- or x-ray-spectroscopy, used to identify a pollutant, drug, contaminant, or other chemical in a test sample
chemical fog
smog in the air from chemical emissions
chemical formula
Expression of the composition or structure of a chemical compound. Formulas for molecules use chemical symbols with subscript numbers to show the number of atoms of each element: O2 for molecular oxygen, O3 for ozone, CH4 for methane, C6H6 for benzene. Parentheses may enclose atoms that act as a group. General formulas show the proportions of atoms in members of a class (e.g., CnH2n+ 2 for alkanes). If the substance does not exist as molecules (see ionic bond), empirical formulas show the relative proportions of the constituents (e.g., NaCl for sodium chloride). Structural formulas show bonds (see bonding) between atoms in a molecule as short lines between symbols; they are particularly useful for showing how isomers differ. A projection formula also indicates the three-dimensional arrangement of the atoms (see Fischer projection; stereochemistry)
chemical formula
combination of symbols representing the composition of a chemical substance
chemical grenade
small explosive device releasing harmful gases
chemical group
(chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule
chemical hydrology
or hydrochemistry Subdivision of hydrology that deals with the chemical characteristics of the water on and beneath the surface of the Earth. Water in all forms is affected chemically by the materials with which it comes into contact, and it can dissolve many elements in significant quantities. Chemical hydrology is concerned with the processes involved and thus includes study of phenomena such as the transport of salts from land to sea (by erosion of rocks and surface runoff) and from sea to land (by evaporation, cloud formation, and precipitation) and the age and origin of groundwater in desert regions and of ice sheets and glaciers
chemical industry
{i} industry that produces chemicals, industry engaged in the production of industrial chemicals (such as: polymers, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, agrochemicals, paints and more); producers of chemicals in a collective manner
chemical industry
a manufacturer of chemicals
chemical irritant
a substance producing irritation
chemical notation
a notation used by chemists to express technical facts in chemistry
chemical phenomenon
any natural phenomenon involving chemistry (as changes to atoms or molecules)
chemical plant
an industrial plant where chemicals are produced
chemical plant
factory which produces or refines chemical products
chemical pregnancy
Pregnancy resulting from in vitro fertilization or other reproductive technology, characterized by low levels of HCG and usually miscarriage prior to implantation
chemical process
procedure caused by chemicals, actions caused by chemicals
chemical process
(chemistry) any process determined by the atomic and molecular composition and structure of the substances involved
chemical property
the chemical reactions undergone by a substance
chemical property
a property used to characterize materials in reactions that change their identity
chemical property
a preoperty observed when a substance undergoes a transformation into one or more new substances
chemical reaction
response caused by mixing chemicals, interaction between chemicals
chemical reaction
a natural process in which the atoms of chemicals mix and arrange themselves differently to form new substances. Any chemical process in which substances are changed into different ones, with different properties, as distinct from changing position or form (phase). Chemical reactions involve the rupture or rearrangement of the bonds holding atoms together (see bonding), never atomic nuclei. The total mass and number of atoms of all reactants equals those of all products, and energy is almost always consumed or liberated (see heat of reaction). The speed of reactions varies (see reaction rate). Understanding their mechanisms lets chemists alter reaction conditions to optimize the rate or the amount of a given product; the reversibility of the reaction and the presence of competing reactions and intermediate products complicate these studies. Reactions can be syntheses, decompositions, or rearrangements, or they can be additions, eliminations, or substitutions. Examples include oxidation-reduction, polymerization, ionization (see ion), combustion (burning), hydrolysis, and acid-base reactions
chemical reaction
(chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others; "there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water
chemical reactor
an apparatus for holding substances that are undergoing a chemical reaction
chemical sensitivity
An allergic condition attributed to extreme sensitivity to various environmental chemicals, as in air, food, water, building materials, or fabrics. Also called multiple chemical sensitivity
chemical substances
chemical matter, substances manufactured by means of chemical manipulation
chemical symbol
Notation of one or two letters derived from the scientific names of the chemical elements (e.g., S for sulfur, Cl for chlorine, Zn for zinc). Some hark back to Latin names: Au (aurum) for gold, Pb (plumbum) for lead. Others are named for people or places (e.g. einsteinium, Es, for Einstein). The present symbols express the system set out by the atomic theory of matter. John Dalton first used symbols to designate single atoms of elements, not indefinite amounts, and Jons Jacob Berzelius gave many of the current names. Chemical formulas of compounds are written as combinations of the elements' symbols, with numbers indicating their atomic proportions, using various conventions for ordering and grouping. Thus, sodium chloride is written as NaCl and sulfuric acid as H2SO4
chemical technology
science of the chemical processing of substances
chemical terrorism
terrorism using the chemical agents of chemical warfare; can underminethe personal security of citizens; "a good agent for chemical terrorism should be colorless and odorless and inexpensive and readily available and not detectable until symptoms are experienced
chemical war head
explosive part of a missile which contains poisonous chemicals
chemical warfare
using chemical weapons in combat
chemical warfare
Warfare and associated military operations involving the employment of lethal and incapacitating munitions and agents, typically poisons, contaminants, and irritants. methods of fighting a war using chemical weapons. Use of lethal or incapacitating chemical weapons in war, and the methods of combating such agents. Chemical weapons include choking agents such as the chlorine and phosgene gas employed first by the Germans and later by the Allies in World War I; blood agents such as hydrogen cyanide or cyanogen gas, which block red blood cells from taking up oxygen; blister agents such as sulfur gas and Lewisite, also dispensed as a gas, which burn and blister the skin; and nerve agents such as Tabun, Sarin, Soman, and VX, which block the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, heart, and diaphragm. The horrific casualties suffered in World War I led to the 1925 Geneva Protocol, which made it illegal to employ chemical weapons but did not ban their production. Chemical weapons were used a number of times afterward, most notably by Italy in Ethiopia (1935-36), by Japan in China (1938-42), by Egypt in Yemen (1966-67), and by Iran and Iraq against each other (1984-88). During the Cold War the Soviet Union and U.S. built up enormous chemical arsenals; these were dismantled under the terms of the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention, which prohibits all development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, or transfer of such weapons. Not all countries have signed the convention, and many are suspected of pursuing clandestine chemical programs. Many military forces have adopted various defensive measures, including chemical sensors, protective garments and gas masks, decontaminants, and injectable antidotes, and some have reserved the option of retaliating in kind to any chemical attack. In 1995 a religious cult killed 12 civilians and injured thousands more with Sarin gas in Tokyo; this pointed out the power of chemical agents as weapons of terror as well as the difficulty of protecting civilian populations. See also biological warfare
chemical warfare
warfare using chemical agents to kill or injure or incapacitate the enemy
chemical warhead
explosive part of a missile which contains poisonous chemicals
chemical weapon
chemical substances that can be delivered using munitions and dispersal devices to cause death or severe harm to people and animals and plants
chemical weapon
a poisonous substance, especially a gas, used as a weapon in war
chemical weapons
missiles and other weapons designed to deliver poisonous chemicals upon explosion
chemical weapons convention
a global treaty banning the production or acquisition of stockpiling or transfer of use of chemical weapons
A chemist or (earlier) an alchemist

like the Chymicks masculine equall fire, / Which in the Lymbecks warme wombe doth inspire / Into th'earths worthlesse part a soule of gold .

Practising chemistry (or, earlier, alchemy); pertaining to these sciences
Produced through alchemy; counterfeit

a chymic treasure / Is glittering Youth, which I have spent betimes— / My heart in passion, and my head on rhymes.

plural form of chemical
multiple chemical sensitivity
a chronic disease caused by a person's inability to tolerate a variety of environmental substances
{a} on the chemical principles
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
one who holds a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering, B.C.E
Bachelor of Chemical Science
one who holds a bachelor's degree in chemical science, B.C.S
Dow Chemical Co
Leading U.S. petrochemical company that manufactures chemicals, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, paint, and many other products for industrial and home use. It was founded in 1897 by the chemist Herbert H. Dow, initially as a bleach plant to use wastes produced by the Midland Chemical Co. It was incorporated with Midland Chemical and the Dow Process Co. in 1900. Dow's products have included a broad range of industrial chemicals and metals, plastics and packaging materials, and bioproducts, including mustard gas, napalm, Agent Orange, silicone breast implants, aspirin, plastic wrap, and Styrofoam
Imperial Chemical Industries PLC
Major British chemical corporation. It was founded in 1926 as Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. to amalgamate four major British chemical companies. Between World Wars I and II, ICI was a major competitor of IG Farben. Today it produces industrial chemicals, paints, and explosives; its drug, pesticide, and specialty chemical concerns were split off into a new corporation, Zeneca Group PLC, in 1993. ICI's headquarters are in London
Japan Pure Chemical Co., Ltd.
{i} Japanese company that develops and supplies chemical formulations for noble metal plating
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
{i} largest chemical company in Japan
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
{i} Japanese chemical company based in Tokyo which was established in 1926 (world's largest supplier of semiconductor materials, semiconductor silicon, synthetic quartz glass and PVC)
Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.
{i} Japanese leading chemical company, company engaged in teh manufacturing and sale of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
A chemist; an alchemist
an alchemist
A solution of chloride of lime
relating to or used in chemistry; "chemical engineer"; "chemical balance"
by the use of chemicals; "chemically fertilized"
using a chemical reaction, process or operation
with respect to chemistry; "chemically different substances" by the use of chemicals; "chemically fertilized
According to chemical principles; by chemical process or operation
by the use of chemicals; "chemically fertilized
with respect to chemistry; "chemically different substances"
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