
listen to the pronunciation of center(a)
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение center(a) в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

{f} ortalamak

Tokyo, bildiğiniz gibi,dünyanın finans merkezlerinden biridir. - Tokyo, as you know, is one of the financial centers of the world.

Bir kasırganın gözü onun merkezidir. - The eye of a hurricane is its center.

cell center
(Bilgisayar) hücrede ortala
bir merkezde toplamak
{i} punta
(Bilgisayar) ortada
ortaya almak
ortada olmak
(Spor) santr
(Bilgisayar) ortaya
(Bilgisayar) ortadan
ortasını almak
center across
(Bilgisayar) seçili alan
center align
(Bilgisayar) ortala
center jump
(Spor) hava atışı
center justify
(Bilgisayar) ortaya hizala
center line
center now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi ortala
center on page
(Bilgisayar) ortala
center pin
(Avcılık) silindirin merkez mili
center punch
(Otomotiv) zımba
center punch
nokta zımbası
center right
(Politika, Siyaset) merkez sağ
center view
(Bilgisayar) görünümü ortala
center volume
(Bilgisayar) orta ses
{f} ortala
center bit
punta matkabı
center fire
merkezinden ateş alan fişek
center front
merkez ön
(Mühendislik) punta (tornada vs.); merkez
center drill
(Mühendislik) punta matkabı
center for democracy and technology
demokrasi ve teknoloji merkezi
center gauge
(Mühendislik) punta mastarı
center of attention
(deyim) İlgi odağı, dikkatleri üzerine çeken şey ya da kişi

Lucy hates to be the center of attention.

center of gravity
ağırlık merkezi
center on
center parc
merkezi parc
center positive
ortası "+" olan dışı adaptör ucu
center round
merkezi yuvarlak
center stand
orta sehpa
center town
Merkez ilçe
(Mühendislik) punta mesnedi
(Fotoğrafçılık) Merkez ağırlıklı
Center for Army Lessons Learned
(Askeri) Kara Kuvvetleri Alınan Dersler Merkezi
Center for Operations, Plans, and Policy
(Askeri) Harekat, Plan ve Politika Merkezi
{i} santra
{i} orta alan oyuncusu
{i} sente
(İnşaat) (centre) merkez
(Askeri) MERKEZ: Bir ihtisas personeli veya hizmetler topluluğunu, başka faaliyet ve şahıslar yararına merkezi bir noktada bulunduran bir kuruluş veya tesis; fotoğrafik istihbarat merkezi, muharebe haberleri merkezi gibi
{i} ılımlı politik görüş
{f} merkezde toplamak
{f} çevresini dönüp dolaşmak
{f} merkezde toplanmak
{f} konsantre olmak
Orta Nokta
{f} ortaya gelmek
{f} ortaya yerleştirmek
{i} orta alan
{f} yoğunlaşmak
{i} kubbe inşaat desteği
{i} kemer inşaat desteği
{i} odak
{i} orta

Bu taşın ortasında bir deliği var. - This stone has a hole in the center.

Gökdelen şehrin ortasındadır. - The skyscraper is in the center of the city.

{i} spor santr
{i} göbek
{i} ılımlı kimse
center aligned
(Bilgisayar) ortala hizalı
center aligned
(Bilgisayar) ortaya hizalnmış
center alignment
center bit
punto matkabı
center bit
merkezlemeli uç
center board
(Askeri) salma omurga
center castle
(Askeri) orta kasara
center circle
orta yuvarlak
center court
orta saha (tenis)
center court
orta alan (tenis)
center floor
(Otomotiv) orta döşeme
center focus
(Bilgisayar) merkezi odak
center fork
(Tekstil) atkı durdurma çatalı
center forward
center half
santrhaf [fut.]
center hole
(Otomotiv) merkez deliği
center in form
(Bilgisayar) form içinde ortala
center lathe
puntalı torna tezgâhı
center line
(Askeri) ORTA HAT, EKSEN: Bir topun yana dönüş sahası merkezini gösteren, toprağa çizilmiş hat. Bu hattan, ağır topçunun mevzilenmesini kolaylaştırmak, dolayısıyle kundak yerlerinin değiştirilmesini önlemek için faydalanılır
center member
(Otomotiv) ana şasi
center mute
(Bilgisayar) orta ses kesme
center of attraction
ilgi merkezi
center of attraction
dikkat merkezi
center of attraction
ilgi odağı
center of attraction
çekim merkezi
center of burst
(Askeri) ORTA PARALANMA NOKTASI: bkz: "mean point of impact"
center of burst error
(Askeri) ORTA PARALANMA NOKTASI HATASI: Hedef ile orta paralanma noktası arasındaki mesafe
center of dispersion
(Askeri) DAĞILMA MERKEZİ: Aynı atış esasları ile atıldığı kabul edilen sayısız miktarda atım veya paralanma noktaları teorik merkezi
center of gravity
(Askeri) AĞIRLIK MERKEZİ: bkz: "center of mass"
center of gravity
(Askeri) Siklet merkezi
center of gravity limits
(Askeri) AĞIRLIK MERKEZİ DEĞİŞME SINIRLARI: Ağırlık merkezinin hava aracında uçuş emniyetine zarar vermeyecek değişme sınırları. Yüklenmiş hava aracının ağırlık merkezi kalkışta, havada iken ve inişte bu sınırlar arasında bulunmak zorundadır. Bazı hallerde kalkış ve iniş sınırları da belirtilebilir
center of impact
(Askeri) ORTA VURUŞ NOKTASI: Dağılma dikdörtgeninin merkezi. Mermi düşüş noktalarından meydana gelen şeklin sadece en önünde ve en arkasında bulunan iki nokta arasındaki mesafe dikkate alındığı zaman bu mesafenin merkezidir. En sağda ve en solda bulunan iki nokta arasındaki istikamet bakımından da istikamet merkezi olur. Bak. "mean point of impact"
center of interest
ilgi merkezi
center of interest
ilgi odağı
center of mass
(Askeri) SİKLET MERKEZİ: Karada, havada ve denizde, katı netice yerinde ve zamanında, kati netice istikametinde kullanılmak üzere, üstün kuvvetlerin belirli bir bölgede yoğunlaştırılması. Buna "center of gravity" de denir
center of mass
(Nükleer Bilimler) kütle merkezi
center of motion
(İnşaat) mesnet merkezi
center of motion
hareket merkezi
center of resistance
(Askeri) MUKAVEMET MERKEZİ: Esas savunma sisteminde; düşman taarruzlarını defetmek için kıtaların yoğunlaştırıldıkları nokta. Bir mukavemet merkezi, diğer mukavemet merkezleri tarafından desteklendiği gibi, kendisi de diğerlerini destekler
center of trade
ticaret merkezi
center on
merkez tutmak
center party
merkez parti
center piece
(Mekanik) orta parça
center piece
center piece
en etkileyici bölüm
center piece
orta parçası
center piece
en can alıcı bölüm
center plate
merkez plakası
center punch
punta zımbası
center referee
(Spor) merkez hakemi
center ring
merkez halkası
center stack
(Otomotiv) orta konsol
center stack
(Otomotiv) merkezi küme
center stand
orta tribünde
center tab
(Bilgisayar) orta sekme
center tab
(Bilgisayar) orta sakme
center tube
merkez borusu
center wrap
(Bilgisayar) ortaya kaydırma
dead center sabit punta Iive center
center of gravity ağırlık merkezi
dikkat merkezi
merkezde toplanmak
ortada olm
grup vb center bit punta matkabı
center of attraction çekim merkezi
ıIımlı parti
ortaya gelmek
punta tornası
detention center
health center
(Tıp) sağlık ocağı
shopping center
(Ticaret) alış veriş merkezi
trade center
ticaret merkezi

Teröristler 2001 yılında New York'ta Dünya Ticaret Merkezi'ne saldırdı. - Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001.

align center
(Bilgisayar) ortaya hizala
align center
(Bilgisayar) dikey ortaya hizala
assessment center
(Ticaret) değerlendirme merkezi
auto center
(Bilgisayar) otomatik ortala
city center
il merkezi
civic center
şehir merkezi
community center
sosyal merkez
community center
şehir kulübü
continuing education center
(Eğitim) sürekli eğitim merkezi
distribution center
entertainment center
eğlence merkezi
exhibition center
gösteri merkezi
fitness center
(Turizm) sağlıklı yaşam merkezi
french cultural center
fransız kültür merkezi
health care center
(Kanun) sağlık ocağı
health center
sağlık merkezi
help center
(Bilgisayar) yardım merkezi
information center
bilgi merkezi
international trade center
(Ticaret) uluslararası ticaret merkezi
left center
(Bilgisayar) sol orta
live center
(Mekanik) döner punta
mass center
(Fizik) kütle merkezi
media center
medya merkezi
nervous center
(Anatomi) sinir merkezi
performance center
gösteri merkezi
profit center
(Ticaret) kar merkezi
reception center
(Çevre) kabul merkezi
rest center
dinlenme merkezi
revenue center
gelir merkezi
riding center
atlı spor kulubü
shopping center
switching center
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) anahtarlama merkezi
wellness center
yaşam merkezi
youth center
gençlik merkezi
advice center
danışma merkezi
air route traffic control center
hava rotası trafik kontrol merkezi
colour center
renk merkezi
commercial center
ticaret merkezi
computer center
bilgisayar merkezi
control center
kontrol merkezi
data center
veri merkezi
day care center
günlük bakım merkezi
distribution center
dağıtım merkezi
drop center rim
derin tabanlı jant
financial center
mali merkez
information processing center
bilgi işlem merkezi
integrated information center
tümleşik bilişim merkezi
job center
iş ve işçi bulma merkezi
nerve center
sinir merkezi
research center
araştırma merkezi
respiratory center
solunum merkezi
shopping center
alışveriş merkezi
tap center
orta uç
top dead center
üst ölü çekit
training center
eğitim merkezi
transshipment center
aktarma merkezi
Navy Antiterrorism Analysis Center; Navy Antiterrorist Alert Center
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Anti-Terörizm Analiz Merkezi; Deniz Kuvvetleri Anti
aerial port control center; alternate processing and correlation center
(Askeri) hava limanı kontrol merkezi; yedek işleme ve korelasyon merkezi
aerospace operations center; Army operations center
(Askeri) hava-uzay harekat merkezi; Kara Kuvvetleri harekat merkezi
air tactical operations center; air terminal operations center
(Askeri) hava taktik harekat merkezi; hava terminal harekat merkezi
allied movement coordination center; alternate military command center
(Askeri) müttefik intikal koordinasyon merkezi; yedek askeri komuta merkezi
circuit routing chart; control and reporting center, CONUS replacement center; C
(Askeri) devre yönlendirme haritası; kontrol ve raporlama merkezi, Kıta Amerikası (CONUS) İkame Merkezi
combat air operations center; combined air operations center
(Askeri) muharebe hava harekat merkezi; Birleştirilmiş Hava Harekat Merkezi
combat information center; combat intelligence center (Marine Corps); combined i
(Askeri) muharebe bilgi merkezi; muharebe istihbarat merkezi (Deniz Piyadeleri Sınıfı); birleştirilmiş istihbarat merkezi; muhabere arayüz kontrolörü; içerik gösterge kodu; İKK merkezi
damage control center; deployment control center
(Askeri) hasar kontrol merkezi; intikal kontrol merkezi
data distribution center; defense distribution center
(Askeri) veri dağıtım merkezi; savunma dağıtım merkezi
defense management data center; defense manpower data center
(Askeri) savunma bakanlığı idare veri merkezi; savunma bakanlığı insan gücü veri merkezi
flight ferry control center; force fires coordination center
(Askeri) uçuş feri kontrol merkezi; kuvvet atış koordinasyon merkezi
information coordination center; intelligence coordination center (USCG); Inters
(Askeri) bilgi koordinasyon merkezi; istihbarat koordinasyon merkezi (USCG); Eyaletler Arası Ticaret Komisyonu
joint combat camera center; joint communications control center
(Askeri) müşterek muharebe görüntüleme merkezi; müşterek muhabere kontrol merkezi
joint lighterage control center; joint logistics coordination center
(Askeri) müşterek yükleme ve boşaltma layterleri kontrol merkezi; müşterek lojistik koordinasyon merkezi
joint personnel receiving center; joint personnel reception center
(Askeri) müşterek personel alım merkezi; müşterek personel kabul merkezi
joint reception center; joint reconnaissance center
(Askeri) müşterek kabul merkezi; müşterek keşif merkezi
rear area operations center; regional air operations center
(Askeri) geri bölge harekat merkezi; bölge hava harekat merkezi
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык

Определение center(a) в Турецкий язык Турецкий язык словарь

center of Impact
(Askeri) ORTA VURUŞ NOKTASı: Dağılma dikdörtgeninin merkezi. Mermi düşüş noktalarından meydana gelen şeklin sadece en önünde ve en arkasında bulunan iki nokta arasındaki mesafe dikkate alındığı zaman bu mesafenin merkezidir. En sağda ve en solda bulunan iki nokta arasındaki istikamet bakımından da istikamet merkezi olur. Bak. "mean point of impact"
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
equally distant from the extremes
Center of the Universe
a nickname for New York City
The player, generally the tallest, who plays closest to the basket
The point in the interior of a sphere that is equidistant from all points on the surface of the sphere
The middle portion of something; the part well away from the edges
To cause (some attribute, such as a mood or voltage) to be adjusted to a value which is midway between the extremes
The point in the interior of any figure of any number of dimensions that has as its coordinates the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of all points on the perimeter of the figure (or of all points in the interior for a center of volume)
The point in the interior of a circle that is equidistant from all points on the circumference of the circle
A place where some function or activity occurs

convention center.

To concentrate on (something), to pay close attention to (something)
To cause (an object) to occupy the center of an area
The forward that generally plays between the left wing and right wing and usually takes the faceoffs
A topic that is particularly important in a given context

the center of attention.

The person who holds the ball at the beginning of each play
Of, at, or related to a center
The point on a line that is midway between the ends
center field
A central role in some activity that requires speed

I'd be happy to play center field on this proposal. I can cover a lot of ground.

center field
The defensive position in the outfield in the middle, typically played by a player that can run fast
center field
The part of a baseball field which is beyond the infield and straight ahead left if you stand on home plate and face the pitcher
center fielder
the outfield defensive player who stands in the middle of the field

The center fielder made a spectacular sliding catch.

center fielders
plural form of center fielder
center mark
A symbol used to mark the center of a circle or partial circle on an engineering drawing
center marks
plural form of center mark
center of curvature
The center of the osculating circle to a given curve at a given point
center of gravity
any pivotal or central idea or group
center of gravity
a point, near or within a body, through which its weight can be assumed to act when considering forces on the body and its motion under gravity. This coincides with the center of mass in a uniform gravitational field
center of inertia
Alternative spelling of centre of inertia
center of lift
That point on an aircraft where all the various lifting forces act. If the center or lift is not coincident with the center of gravity on the fore/aft axis, the plane will pitch, if not coincident on the lateral axis, it will roll
center of mass
US spelling of centre of mass
center punch
a device used to create a small indentation in preparation for drilling a hole
center punch
the small indentation created by such a device
center punch
to create a small hole or indentation in a workpiece as a guide in preparation for drilling
center punches
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of center punch
center punches
plural form of center punch
center stage
The area in the center of the stage, especially one towards the front
center stage
An important or prominent position
Attributive form of center of gravity, noun

center-of-gravity data for the structures.

{v} to place on a center, meet, rest, end
center-weighted metering
(Fotoğrafçılık) A mode of automatic light metering in a camera that compensates for differences in the brightness of the central and peripheral portions of the image
Center Parcs
a type of holiday centre providing hotel and tourist services in the UK and in Europe, especially in attractive countryside and forest areas
Center Party
German political party formed to support Roman Catholic interests. It was active in the Second Reich from the 1870s, when it came into conflict with Otto von Bismarck in the Kulturkampf, to 1933, when it was dissolved by the Nazi-dominated government. It was the first party of imperial Germany to cut across class and state lines, but because it represented the Roman Catholics, who were concentrated in southern Germany, it never won a parliamentary majority
Center for Disease Control
public health organization in the United States that researches contagious diseases, CDC
Center for Palestinian Research and Studies
place dedicated to studying Palestinian related issues
Center for Prisoner Rehabilitation
institution in which convicts are taught the skills necessary to function in society
Center for Strategic Studies
Jaffa Institute of the Tel Aviv University (Israel)
a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure
the position on a hockey team of the player who participates in the face off at the beginning of the game
A temporary structure upon which the materials of a vault or arch are supported in position until the work becomes self-supporting
central; equally distant from two extremes, halfway
Individual: Balance point of the body mass - located near the diaphragm Couples: Center point between partners
To form a recess or indentation for the reception of a center
the position of the player on the line of scrimmage who puts the ball in play; "it is a center's responsibility to get the football to the quarterback"
They sit in the middle of the legislative chamber, opposite the presiding officer, between the conservatives or monarchists, who sit on the right of the speaker, and the radicals or advanced republicans who occupy the seats on his left, See Right, and Left
The member of the offensive team who plays in the middle of the line and snaps the ball back between his legs to the quarterback, kicker, or holder
a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process; "in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere"
move into the center; "That vase in the picture is not centered"
A punch for making indentations or dots in a piece of work, as for suspension between lathe centers, etc
direct one's attention on something; "Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies"
A compound hydraulic valve for regulating the passage of the gas through a set of purifiers so as to cut out each one in turn for the renewal of the lime
{f} place in the center, gather to a center; focus on a subject; be at a centre
A point equally distant from the extremities of a line, figure, or body, or from all parts of the circumference of a circle; the middle point or place
In ice hockey, the center is the middle player of the forwards The center normally takes the face offs
An offensive line position at the center of the line of scrimmage The center snaps the ball to the quarterback or punter
center upon; "Her entire attention centered on her children"; "Our day revolved around our work"
A CENTER or reference value is stored with each variable (variable attribute) When you create a new variable, by default the median will be computed and stored as reference values A number of commands use a CENTER option (e g some coding options) to refer to this value This allows easy comparisons with global values (e g global percentages etc) Several commands (DISP, PERCENT) modify this center value Refrenence values are stored into system files (PUT) and restored by a GET command There is also a label and descriptor attached to the CENTER, this label/descriptor is global to a whole WA, i e it is not always meaningful for all variables The CENTER command is used to manage this attribute Note that reference value and center are synonyms
according to the hypermoderns, the squares a1, a8, h1, h8
When a ball is passed from the wings into the penalty area of the field; also known as a cross
an area that is approximately central within some larger region; "it is in the center of town"; "they ran forward into the heart of the struggle"; "they were in the eye of the storm"
point that a circle is drawn around and is the same distance from every point on the circle -- " used as the center of a circle " (244)
the object upon which interest and attention focuses; "his stories made him the center of the party"
A principal or important point of concentration; the nucleus around which things are gathered or to which they tend; an object of attention, action, or force; as, a center of attaction
the sweet central portion of a piece of candy that is enclosed in chocolate or some other covering
(n ) The text character or graphic point that is equal distance from two margins
Those members of a legislative assembly (as in France) who support the existing government
A conical recess, or indentation, in the end of a shaft or other work, to receive the point of a center, on which the work can turn, as in a lathe
of or belonging to neither the right nor the left politically or intellectually
A punch for punching holes in sheet metal, having a small conical center to insure correct locating
The e4, e5, d4, and d5 squares on the chessboard
upon which the work is held, and about which it revolves
The vertical axis or core of a tropical cyclone It is usually determined by cloud vorticity patterns, wind, and/or pressure distributions
The center of a graph is the subgraph induced by the central vertices of a graph
the piece of ground in the outfield directly ahead of the catcher; "he hit the ball to deep center"
To pass the ball from the side of the field into the center of the field
To pass the ball from the side of the field into the middle of the field
Aligns the selected text or image in the center of the text area
In a traditional alignment with three forwards, the center plays between the left and right wings
a position on a basketball team of the player who participates in the center jump to start the game the position of the player on the line of scrimmage who puts the ball in play; "it is a center's responsibility to get the football to the quarterback"
{i} middle, midpoint, place located in the middle; organization or place which offers a specific kind of service or activity (i.e. medical center, sports center, etc.); filling of food (such as doughnut, chocolate, etc.); main area of a city; focus of attention; (Ice Hockey) player who takes part in a face-off at the start of play; (Baseball) center field
The earth
To place or fix in the center or on a central point
(basketball) the person who plays center on a basketball team
Positioned in the middle of the front line of attack Closest to the opponent's goal, so usually is top scorer On defense, protects the area in the center of his defensive zone known as the slot
Generally speaking, the vertical axis of a tropical cyclone, usually defined by the location of minimum wind or minimum pressure The cyclone center position can vary with altitude In advisory products, refers to the center position at the surface
equally distant from the extremes
the sweet central portion of a piece of candy that is enclosed in chocolate or some other covering politically moderate persons; centrists the middle of a military or naval formation; "they had to reinforce the center"
The balance point of the body mass - located near the diaphragm
The middle or central portion of anything
see centre. the American spelling of centre. Center Party civic center Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Manzanar Relocation Center Rockefeller Center World Trade Center
the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutor's argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the story"
a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure an area that is approximately central within some larger region; "it is in the center of town"; "they ran forward into the heart of the struggle"; "they were in the eye of the storm"
a position on a basketball team of the player who participates in the center jump to start the game
To be collected to a point; to be concentrated; to rest on, or gather about, as a center
a pass from a player located near the sideline towards the middle of the field; used to get the ball closer to the front of the goal; also called a cross
The 6-digit number, used in Carnegie Mellon's chart of accounts, which identifies the source of the funds and the user of the asset
a place where some particular activity is concentrated; "they received messages from several centers"
To collect to a point; to concentrate
the position on a hockey team of the player who participates in the face off at the beginning of the game a building dedicated to a particular activity; "they were raising money to build a new center for research"
The player in the center of a team's forward line He takes most of the faceoffs and often leads an attack by carrying the puck into the attacking zone, then shooting or passing to a teammate
politically moderate persons; centrists
the middle of a military or naval formation; "they had to reinforce the center"
(ice hockey) the person who plays center on a hockey team
To be placed in a center; to be central
A pass from the side of the field toward the penalty area
One of the two conical steel pins, in a lathe, etc
a building dedicated to a particular activity; "they were raising money to build a new center for research"
CENTER is an element that centers the text it contains in the browser window
(football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback; "the center fumbled the handoff"
mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers; usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area; a modern version of the traditional marketplace; "a good plaza should have a movie house"; "they spent their weekends at the local malls"
(basketball) the person who plays center on a basketball team (ice hockey) the person who plays center on a hockey team move into the center; "That vase in the picture is not centered"
center back
The player in the back line during a volleyball or water polo game
center bit
a bit with a sharp center point for guidance and two side cutters
center bit
A drill bit having a sharp center point, used in carpentry for boring holes
center field
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the central third of the outfield the piece of ground in the outfield directly ahead of the catcher; "he hit the ball to deep center
center field
middle area of a sports field
center fielder
the person who plays center field
center fielder
The player who defends center field
center for disease control and prevention
a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services; located in Atlanta; investigates and diagnoses and tries to control or prevent diseases (especially new and unusual diseases)
center forward
front-line sports position in the middle of the field
center line
The line that separates the left court from the right court
center line
The center line bisects the middle of the rink It is red, 12 inches wide, and on many inks it is a dashed line
center line
A line that bisects the field along its width and runs through the center circle
center line
a red, 12-inch wide line across the ice midway between the two goals
center line
The imaginary line running from bow to stern along the middle of the boat
center line
Vertical line between the fingers and through the middle of the thumb
center line
Represents the overall average operating level of the process
center line
The line dividing the field in half
center line
Virtual line running down the stage through the exact center of the proscenium opening
center line
A red line twelve (12) inches across drawn at the center of the rink and extending parallel with the goal lines and continued vertically up the side of the dasherboard This line also contains regular interval markings of a uniform design
center line
Line perpendicular to the net that separates the left and right service courts
center line
The line that runs down the middle from hack to hack
center line
a line that bisects a plane figure
center line
The line that runs from the mid-point between the hacks at one end of the ice to the mid-point between the hacks at the other end of the ice
center line
n the line which lies in the plane of the net and extends from sideline to sideline, dividing the court 中線。
center line
a line that represents the center of a part or characteristic
center line
The center line bisects the middle of the rink It is red, 12 inches wide, and on many rinks it is a dashed line
center line
A line midway between and parallel to the baselines that divides the court into halves Also known as division line, midcourt line, ten-second line, and time line
center line
n the line which lies in the plane of the net and extends from sideline to sideline, dividing the court 中线。
center line
n the line which lies in the plane of the net and extends from sideline to sideline, dividing the court
center line
The red stripe that extends across the ice, midway between the two goals
center line
The line that divides the field in half, parallel to the goal lines
center of activity
place where everything happens, location where activity is going on
center of attention
the object upon which interest and attention focuses; "his stories made him the center of the party"
center of attention
{i} object on which the attention focuses
center of attraction
interesting place, place people are drawn to
center of buoyancy
(physics) the center of mass of the immersed part of ship or other floating object
center of curvature
the center of the circle of curvature
center of flotation
the center of gravity of a floating object
center of gravity
point where the force of gravity has the most effect
center of gravity
the point within something at which gravity can be considered to act; in uniform gravity it is equal to the center of mass
center of mass
The point in a system of bodies or an extended body at which the mass of the system may be considered to be concentrated and at which external forces may be considered to be applied. Also called barycenter, centroid
center of mass
point representing the mean position of the matter in a body
center of mass
point of a body at which the entire mass may be considered as concentrated
center of power
main source of power, main source of energy
center of pressure
area where the pressure is greatest
center of the earth
bowels of the earth, deep below the surface of the earth; the equator
center of town
central place in a city, area of recreation and business
center on
center upon; "Her entire attention centered on her children"; "Our day revolved around our work"
center on
center upon, focus on, revolve around; have as a center
center on
have as a center; "The region centers on Charleston"
center on
have as a center; "The region centers on Charleston
center punch
make a small hole in something as a guide for a drill
center punch
A tool with a sharp point used in metalworking to mark centers or center lines on pieces to be drilled
center round
concentrate on, be mainly concerned with
center seat
seat with a good view which is located in the center
center section
center brigade or regiment; center part
center spread
the spread at the center of a magazine
center spread
the two facing center pages of a publication; there is a continuous gutter in the center spread
center spread
The facing pages in the center of a signature; also called Natural Spread to top
center spread
The two pages that face each other in the center of a book or publication
center stage
the central area on a theater stage
center stage
a position of prominence or importance
center stage
the central area on a theater stage a position of prominence or importance
middle-point, middle area
{i} hand punch used for marking the centers of holes to be drilled
World Trade Center
A former complex of buildings in New York City destroyed in the 9/11 attacks
call center
A business location where a person can call for such things as customer service, to place an order, etc
call center
A business location where large numbers of telemarketing calls are placed
chiral center
a stereocenter
crisis center
a place staffed by volunteers who give help and advice to people experiencing difficulties
data center
Alternative spelling of data centre
day care center
A nursery for the supervision of preschool children while the parents work. Generally more entertaining and less educational than a preschool, but with longer hours of operation
dead center
The position of the crank of a piston when it is in line with the connecting rod
entertainment center
A piece of furniture, usually composed of a shelves and possibly also including cabinets, used to house major electronic items used for entertainment, such as a television set, a VCR and/or DVD player, stereo components, and cable or satellite television receivers

Over-all view of the author's home entertainment center which includes a TV set and bookshelves in addition to the amplifier and speaker enclosure.

entertainment center
A location to which people congregate to be entertained by performances or amusing activities
front and center
At the center of attention
front and center
A command to come to the center of attention of an assemblage, as of military personnel or students
garden center
Alternative spelling of garden centre
left, right and center
All over the place; indiscriminately; frequently or excessively

People in my village are becoming ill left, right and center; I think it must be the flu.

music center
A place where music is performed or rehearsed
nerve center
A point at which nerves come together for the processing of information
nerve center
By extension, a physical location in a business, organization, or agency where information procured from different sources is brought together to be considered and acted upon by decision-makers
radical center
a point, at which the radical lines of three circles meet
science center
An organization, location, or a virtual location where science is done or exhibited, either professionally or educationally
shopping center
A shopping mall
tactical air control center
The principal air operations installation (ship-based) from which all aircraft and air warning functions of tactical air operations are controlled. Also called Navy TACCJoint Publication 1-02 U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms; 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 14 April 2006)
three-center two-electron bond
Any of several forms of extended covalent bond, deficient in one electron, joining three atoms
top dead center
The reference mark on a flywheel (and engine block) indicating the engine is in the top dead center position, when aligned
top dead center
A position in the four-stroke combustion process wherein the piston is at the topmost point in its stroke. This can either be during the compression phase or the combustion phase
world trade center
a building that houses all the facilities associated with global commerce
logistics center
A logistics center, or depot, is a facility dedicated to logistical operations. A logistics center might be a warehouse, freight forwarder, or a repair depot
Authentication Center
A part of a network that manages the encryption keys that validate the identity of customers and enable voice privacy services