
listen to the pronunciation of category
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Kategori 5 kasırgalar en kötüsüdürler. - Category 5 hurricanes are the worst.

Bu oyunlar yetişkin kategorisi altında listelenmiş. - These games are listed under the adult category.

{i} sınıf
{i} bölüm
{i} grup
ulam kategori
(Askeri) (TROOP PROGRAM) BİRLİK VE PERSONEL KATEGORİSİ (TEŞKİLAT VE KONUŞ ŞEMASI): Kara Kuvvetlerindeki bütün personel ve birlikleri; harekat kuvvetleri, destek kuvvetleri, eğitim üssü esas görevlerine göre misafir, hasta olarak sınıflara ayırma usulü. Ayrıca bakınız: "unit categories"
{i} zümre
{i} kategori, bölüm, sınıf, tabaka, zümre
(Askeri) İHTİYAT SINIFI: Her Silahlı Kuvvetler İhtiyat Asli Teşkilinde; birinci derecede hazır ihtiyat, ikinci derecede hazır ihtiyat ve üçüncü derecede hazır ihtiyat, Silahlı Kuvvetler İhtiyat Sınıfı ile tespit edilmiş kategorilerdir
nitel bölüm
category a prisoners
en üst güvenlik derecesinde tutulan tehlikeli mahkumlar
category area
(Bilgisayar) kategori alanı
category axis
Kategori Ekseni
category axis scale
Kategori Ekseni Ölçeği
category filter
(Bilgisayar) kategori süzgeci
category label
(Bilgisayar) kategori etiketi
category labels
Kategori Etiketleri
category level
(Askeri) kategori seviyesi
category life cycle
(Ticaret) kategori yaşam döngüsü
category mode
(Bilgisayar) kategori modu
category name
(Bilgisayar) kategori adı
category precision approach
(Havacılık) hassas yaklaşma kategorisi
category shading
(Bilgisayar) kategori gölgelendirme
category string
(Bilgisayar) kategori dizesi
category symbol
(Dilbilim) küme simgesi
category title
(Bilgisayar) kategori başlığı
category x
(Bilgisayar) x kategorisi
category x axis
(Bilgisayar) x kategori ekseni
category x axis labels
(Bilgisayar) x kategori ekseni etiketleri
category x axis scale
(Bilgisayar) x kategori ekseni ölçeği
category; crisis action team
(Askeri) kategori; kriz müdahele timi
asset category
(Bilgisayar) demirbaş kategorisi
choose a category
(Bilgisayar) kategori seç
edit category
(Bilgisayar) kategori düzenle
event category
(Bilgisayar) olay kategorisi
grammatical category
gramatik kategori
syntactic category
sözdizim kategorisi
basic category
temel kategori

Seçkinlerin temsilcileri geçmişin kategorilerine göre düşünmeye devam ediyorlar. - The representatives of the elite continue to think according to the categories of the past.

fundamental category
temel kategori
lexical category
sözcük kategori
major category
ana kategori
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) security category
(Askeri) NATO Güvenlik Sınıflandırması
access category
erisim sinifi
aircraft category
(Havacılık) uçak kategorisi
danger category
tehlike kategorisi
food category
(Bilgisayar) yiyecek kategorisi
functional category
(Dilbilim) işlevsel küme
importance category
önem kategorisi
importance category
(Askeri) ÖNEM KATEGORİSİ (HV.): Araştırma ve geliştirme programı bünyesinin numaralı derece tahsis edilmiş, dört bölümden birini münferit programlar veya projeler halinde gösteren ve Hava Kuvvetleri hesabına nisbi önlemlerinin bir ifadesini teşkil eden bir projeler listesi
investment cost category
music category
(Bilgisayar) müzik kategorisi
protection category
(Askeri) koruma kategorisi
seismic category
(Çevre) sismik kategori
selected category labels
(Bilgisayar) seçili kategori etiketleri
special category
(Askeri) özel kategori
special category messages
(Askeri) ÖZEL SINIFLANDIRMAYA TABİ MESAJLAR: Özel emniyet tedbirlerine veya işleme ihtiyaç gösteren, normal emniyet sınıflandırmasıyla güvenliliği tam sağlanamayan ve ancak, sırf bu maksatla güvenlik belgesi verilmiş yetkili kimseler tarafından işlem görmeyi ve elden geçirilmeyi icap ettiren özel proje ve konularla ilgili ve özel işaretlerle tanıtılmış mesajlar. SPECIAL CATEGORY OF ARMY PERSONNEL WITH AIR FORCE: HAVA KUVVETLERİ EMRİNDEKİ ORDU PERSONELİ: Yalnız Hava Kuvvetlerine ait işlerde çalışmak üzere ABD Hava Kuvvetleri teşkilatındaki teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosu veya kuruluş dışı kadro görevlerine ya da hava komutanlıklarındaki görevlere atanan Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığına mensup personel ve birlikler. Bu personel ve birlikler Hava Kuvvetleri kuvvesine dahil edilirler
super category
(Dilbilim) üst-ulam
training priority category system
(Askeri) EĞİTİM ÖNCELİK KATEGORİSİ SİSTEMİ: Çeşitli ihtisas gruplarına teknik eğitim sağlar. Temel ihtisaslar, ilgili eğitimin çeşitliliği esasına dayanılarak, üç öncelik grubuna ayrılmıştır. A ihtisas grupları kategorisine ayrılan bütün havacılara- eğitim imkanları, hazırlanma süresi kifayetsizliği gibi sebeplerin, tamamlanmasını engellemeleri halleri dışında-resmi teknik eğitim gösterilir. B ihtisasları kategorisinde eğitim görme oranı yeteneğin görev başı eğitimine uygunluk derecesine göre, azami % 90 ile asgari % 10 arasında değişir. Görev başı eğitimine en elverişli olan C ihtisasları kategorisi için resmi teknik eğitim programlanmamıştır. Eğitim öncelik kategorisi sistemi, münferit Hava Kuvvetleri ihtisaslarına ayırma veya havacı er kaynaklarının zihni yeterlik bakımdan dağılımları için öncelikler koymamıştır
vary by category
(Bilgisayar) kategoriye göre ayır
weight category
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A group, often named or numbered, to which items are assigned based on similarity or defined criteria

I wouldn't put this book in the same category as the author's first novel.

A collection of objects, together with a transitively closed collection of composable arrows between them, such that every object has an identity arrow

One well-known category has sets as objects and functions as arrows.

{n} a class, rank, order of ideas
Collections of related data items are organized in mmCIF categories A category is a tabular data structure Within a category, those data items that determine the uniqueness of each row in the category/table are designated as key data items of the category
uci A grouping of data values along a dimension for operational purposes For example, an air traffic controller might be instructed to implement the same procedures for all aircraft with speeds in the category of 600 to 800 knots (Also see "Value ") [MIL-HDBK-1908B]
In the Objective-C language, a set of method definitions that is segregated from the rest of the class definition Categories can be used to split a class definition into parts or to add methods to an existing class
a named branch of the knowledge hierarchy to which items belonging to a given knowledge category are added (e g you might keep such categories: General Knowledge, Family, Internet, Job, etc ) Every category is characterized by (1) name, (2) item template (which determines the appearance of its items, e g color, font, size, etc ), (3) root (hierarchy node that is the ascendant of all newly added elements) and (4) hook (hierarchy node to which new elements are added as children until the children limit is passed when a new descendant of root is chosen as the new hook) Categories can be edited with Tools : Categories
1 ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A, the North American standard for cabling describes mechanical properties and transmission characteristics of unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cables and screened twisted-pair (ScTP) cables and assigns a unique number classification (Category 3, Category 4, and Category 5) 2 ISO/IEC IS 11801, the international standard for cabling and local standardization documents define cabling component categories based on transmission performance parameters such as attenuation and NEXT loss, over a specified frequency range (Source BICSI Telecommunications Dictionary)
According to Aristotle a few fundamental Categories structure both thought and reality In conception, they are archetypes of thought; in concretion, they are the archetypes of existence Aristotle (Categories), names ten: Substance, Quality, Quantity, Relation, Where, When, Position, Having, Action Passion Kant's Categories structure or express the types of judgment by which minds unite their thoughts and experience into a single awareness or conception: things are only thinkable and experiencable phenomena insofar as they answer to these Categories Kant specifies 12 Categories under four headings: Quantity (Unity, Plurality, & Totality); Quality (Reality, Negation, & Limitation); Relation (Inherence-Subsistence, Cause-Effect, & Community (reciprocity between the agent and patient)); and Modality (Possibility-Impossibility, Existence-Nonexistence, Necessity-Contingence)
One of the highest classes to which the objects of knowledge or thought can be reduced, and by which they can be arranged in a system; an ultimate or undecomposable conception; a predicament
In FrontPage, a classification for labeling and grouping Web pages and files by common criteria such as page contents, file types, or similar distinction
If people or things are divided into categories, they are divided into groups in such a way that the members of each group are similar to each other in some way. This book clearly falls into the category of fictionalised autobiography The tables were organised into six different categories = class. W2S2 categories a group of people or things that are all of the same type category of
In SFX Machine, Categories are folders of Preset files You can select a Category (for example, "Delay") by using the Category List Box; then choose a Preset ("Sitar Drone") from the Preset List Box
A standard classification that is used to divide the collections of a museum
In a web page editor, a classification for labeling and grouping Web pages and files by common criteria such as page contents, file types, or similar distinction
Subscriber category (CAT) is used to assign a type of service (Main Station (MS), Integrated-Services Digital Network (ISDN) Basic Access (IBA), Electronic Key Telephone Service (EKTS), COIN) to the subscriber The category indicated must be compatible with the circuit type of the Digital Line Unit (DLU) module For Integrated-Services Digital Network (ISDN), the CAT determines whether the user is an IBA or EKTS line CAT can be assigned in the line class code or on the subscriber
Class; also, state, condition, or predicament; as, we are both in the same category
A logical grouping of related resources by subject matter in the iPlanet Compass Server Each resource can be assigned to more than one category Categories can also have subcategories
a general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme
As used in this document, the large organizers for the study of technology The categories are: The Nature of Technology, Technology and Society, Design, Abilities for a Technological World, and The Designed World
Classification of a group of Configuration Items, change documents or Problems
Under most languages, a logical grouping of related classes The OO-Browser does not yet have any support for this kind of category Under Objective-C, a partial class definition that implements a related set of methods The full class definitions is formed from the conjunction of all of the class' categories The OO-Browser supports Objective-C category browsing
Defines the industrial category/classification of the industry service sector
Different funds have different goals and specialize in different areas of the market To reflect this, funds with similar investment objectives are grouped together into fund categories For example, funds that invest in the utilities sector are grouped together in the fund category "Sector–Utilities " For a complete list of investment objective categories and their definitions, click here It wouldn't be useful to simply compare the returns of a fund that specializes in Asian companies with the returns of a major U S index The stocks represented are very different and shouldn't be expected to perform in the same way Knowing the fund category to which your fund belongs allows you to compare your fund with its category as a whole You'll probably still be interested in how your fund did compared with the index, but comparing performance within a category completes the picture
Product classification consisting of Federal Supply Classification (FSC) codes for supplies at the two digit level and Product Service Codes (PSC) for services typically identified by a single alpha character The category is the equivalent of the Material Group in SAP The Category describes the supplies or services purchased Selection of the category also derives the General Ledger and Commitment Item information in the account assignment information Purchases may be searched for or consolidated into a report using the Category The category list is maintained by the IFM Competency Center in cooperation with the Agency Bankcard Program Coordinator
a collection of things sharing a common attribute; "there are two classes of detergents"
Choose from the pulldown menu a category, the wanted word should be in or choose "All" if you don't want a specific category
1) A technical support provider's domain in Casetracker, e g , Helpdesk Some categories have subcategories, e g , Helpdesk: Call Center 2) The area of responsibility to which a case is associated All cases are assigned to a single category Individuals who have been authorized to work with a category can retrieve, view and modify cases for that category A "category" in this case can be a subcategory or a category without any subcategories
{i} class, division
is a convenient name for a subset of things that have a common characteristic, e g , personal information is a category containing elements such as name, address, ethnicity, gender, etc
A logical grouping of related resources by subject matter in the Netscape Compass Server Each resource can be assigned to more than one category Categories can also have subcategories
This keyword defines the "category" attribute for the product object It refers to the type of software being packaged
(relevance to customs clearance) means a grouping of textile or apparel goods defined in the Correlation: Textile and Apparel Categories with the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, 1992 (or successor publication), published by the United States Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Textiles and Apparel, Trade and Data Division, Washington, D C ; and general import statistics means statistics of the U S Bureau of the Census or its successor
Any rank within the classification hierarchy, e g , family, subfamily, subspecies
category killer
A retailer that offers a wider selection of merchandise in a category than existing retailers, at lower prices, thereby gaining substantial share of the market and "killing" the existing retailers
category killers
plural form of category killer
category mistake
A semantic or ontological error by which a property is ascribed to a thing that could not possibly have that property
category mistakes
plural form of category mistake
category theory
A branch of mathematics which deals with spaces and maps between them in abstraction, taking similar theorems from various disparate more concrete branches of mathematics and unifying them
Category Management
A retailing and purchasing concept in which the range of products purchased by a business organization or sold by a retailer is broken down into discrete groups of similar or related products; these groups are known as product categories (examples of grocery categories might be: tinned fish, washing detergent, toothpastes)
category a prisoners
Category A prisoners are those whose escape would be highly dangerous to the public or national security
category management
Category management is a development of the brand management approach to product development, and was developed to take account of the growing power of some retailers. Retail products are broken into like groupings called Categories. These groupings are then managed as business units and will go through business reviews on an ongoing basis to determine growth, profitability, trends and future opportunities
category killer
a retailer who dominates a retail category so much that others can barely survive
category killer
Giant specialty store that carries a very deep assortment of a particular line and is staffed by knowledgeable employees
category killer
A retailer who's combination of size selection, service and / or pricing can drive the majority of competing retailers out of business
category killer
A store with a narrow focus of specialization able to deliver product at a lower price than more broad-lined retailers and that undercuts competition in a market area, e g , Toys "R" Us, pet food superstores
category killer
A retail channel with enough size, selection, service and pricing techniques to drive competing retailers out of business
lexical category
A linguistic category of words (or more precisely lexical items), generally defined by the syntactic or morphological behaviour of the lexical item in question, such as noun or verb
Our website is divided into 8 categories
dictionary, polyglot, biology
the most general concepts, in terms of which every object must be viewed in order for it to become an object of empirical knowledge The four main categories (quantity, quality, relation and modality) each have three sub-categories, forming a typical example of a twelvefold, architectonic pattern (Cf space and time )
Groups of related content, organized hierarchically by subject matter
Judaism; No Category
Facts about Breast Cancer • Glossary of Women's Health Terms • Infertility Women's Health Conditions • Women's Health Fact Sheet • Anorexia Nervosa Birth Control Methods • Calcium Intake • Cervical Cancer • Menopause Migraine Headaches • Pap test
The first order division of metadata fields for the DLESE metadata framework Categories are made up of fields
Groupings of item classifications on your Web site which includes the inventory grouping classifications in ACCPAC Inventory Although your inventory may include many sub-classifications of items which are meaningful to you, and helpful in the analysis of your sales and cost of sales, customers may be discouraged by having to browse through seemingly identical groups on your Web store Alternatively, you may be able to aid customers by differentiating items into categories that may not make sense for inventory or sales analysis purposes
Data and Utilities
I'm particularly interested in trying to figure out categories and classification as our knowledge of biology and physiology extends to previously inaccessible levels of biochemistry and molecular biology While medicine has long been organized by organ or system, and to some extent on the cellular level, new technologies are revealing relationships among disciplines previously seen as quite unconnected See networks and pathways in the Metabolic engineering glossary as an example
plural of category
Organizes values in a data series
ASP ASP NET C/C++ CFML Flash Java JavaScript PHP Perl Python Remote Hosts Tools XML
ASP C and C++ CFML Flash HTML Java JavaScript Perl PHP Python Remotely Hosted Tools & Utilities Visual Basic XML
the basic general concepts of thought, language or reality, sometimes claimed to have an origin or justification differing from those of ordinary concepts Aristotle and Kant provide the classical discussions of categories, although categories play different roles in their thought
To encourage flexibility of thinking, students aim to brainstorm problems and solutions in a wide range of categories These cover many aspects of the problem situation
levels of observed performance by an object on an agent
This option allows you to be listed in our category listing This directory will be linked from our main page, so if you want to have a private forum hidden from the general public, you might want to uncheck this option
- a feature in the WebCommerce Back Office that lets a merchant define how he wants to organize his products When products are logically and attractively organized so that they are easier to find, shoppers are more successful at locating products they wish to purchase
A somewhat useful way of denoting distinctive areas of music (and other art forms), provided one recognises that there are always border line cases regardless of where one draws the border lines
(i e Category 5, 5 enhanced, 6, etc ) - Categories in this contest were established by the EIA/TIA to identify the performance levels of copper communications cabling CAT 3 was designed for use with 10Base-T CAT 5 was designed for use with 100Base-Tx, and the most recently passed CAT 5 Enhanced standards (CAT 5 E) were designed for use with 1000Base-T (gigabit)
Top Level > Interaction Design > Search
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Auction areas are defined by categories that best describe the artwork or item(s) offered by a seller New categories may be added as needed to properly represent particular art forms or offered items The ability to suggest a category has been included in the Auction area, however, guyla com reserves the right to expand or contract category listings at any time
grammatical category
(grammar) a category of words having the same grammatical properties
medical category
medical classification
quality category
rank of army recruits according to their abilities and level of suitability to various roles

    Расстановка переносов


    Турецкое произношение



    /ˈkatəˌgôrē/ /ˈkætəˌɡɔːriː/


    [ 'ka-t&-"gOr-E, -"gor- ] (noun.) 1588. From Middle French catégorie Late Latin categoria (“class of predicables”) Ancient Greek κατηγορία (kategoria, “head of predicables”)


    ... the category from ...
    ... so this was the top voted video question in the music category comes from market ...