
listen to the pronunciation of casualty
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} (kazada/savaşta) ölen, ölü; yaralanan, yaralı
{i} şehit
{i} kaza. He was a casualty of the spending cutback. Tasarrufun ucu
kazaya uğrayan kimse
{i} kaza
(Askeri) ZAYİAT: Öldüğü, yaralandığı, incindiği, hastalandığı enterne edilmiş olduğu, düşman eline çıkmış bulunan bir şahıs veya bulunduğu yer ve durumu tespit edilmemiş kimse. Ayrıca bakınız: "battle casualty, nonbattle casualty; coounded"
{i} felâket
(Askeri) (INFLICT CASUALTY) Zayiat (zayiat verdirmek)
{i} İng. acil servis
{i} ölü
acil servis
casualty report
(Askeri) zayiat çizelgesi
casualty department
yaralı koğuşu
casualty department
casualty department
casualty insurance
hasar sigortası
casualty insurance
kaza sigortası
casualty ward
yaralı koğuşu
casualty rate
kaza oranı
casualty toll
Kaza bilançosu, bir kaza sonucu ölen kişi sayısı

Fierce fighting in Ivory Coast, recent casualty toll hits 80.

casualty ward/department
ıng. acil servis
casualty agent
(Askeri) ZAYİAT VERDİRİCİ KİMYA HARBİ MADDESİ: Arazide müessir yoğunlukta kullanıldığı zaman ciddi arıza veya ölüme sebep olabilecek kimya maddesi
casualty arrival point
(Tıp) yaralı ulaşma noktası
casualty attack
(Askeri) GAZ TAARRUZU: Personel tarafından işgal edilen bir sahada azami zayiat temini maksadıyla, kısa bir zamanda (2 dakika veya daha az), yüksek derecede zehirli kimya maddesi yoğunluğu meydana getiren baskın taarruzu
casualty attack
(Askeri) gaz taarruzu
casualty collection point
(Askeri) zayiat toplama noktası
casualty collection point; consolidated cryptologic program ; consolidation and
(Askeri) yaralı toplama yeri; birleştirilmiş kripto programı; birleştirme ve konteynerleme noktası
casualty evacuation
(Askeri) zayiat tahliyesi
casualty evacuation
(Tıp) yaralı nakli
casualty evacuation operation
(Askeri) Yaralı tahliye harekatı
casualty gas
(Askeri) ZAYİAT VERDİRİCİ GAZ: Bak. "casualty agent"
casualty gas
(Askeri) zayiat verdirici gaz
casualty insurance
(Sigorta) zarar ve hasar sigortaları
casualty list
kayıplar listesi
casualty list
zayiat listesi
casualty losses
(Ticaret) olağanüstü zarar
casualty receiving and treatment ship
(Askeri) yaralı kabul ve tedavi gemisi
casualty receiving area
(Tıp) yaralı kabul bölgesi
casualty report
(Askeri) zayiat raporu
casualty report
(Askeri) ZAYİAT RAPORU; ZAYİAT ÇİZELGESİ: Bak. "battle casualty report"
casualty site team
(Tıp) yaralı bölge ekibi
casualty staging unit
(Askeri) ZAYİAT TOPLAMA BİRLİĞİ: Bak. "aeromedical staging unit"
casualty staging unit
(Askeri) zayiat toplama birliği
casualty ward
yaralılar koğuşu
casualty; civil aviation security; close air support
(Askeri) zayiat; sivil havacılık güvenliği; yakın hava desteği
{i} zayiat (kaza)
zayiat kayıplar

Biz daha fazla kayıpları göze alamıyoruz. - We can't afford any more casualties.

Bir savaştan sonra kayıplar genellikle ağırdır. - After a battle casualties are usually heavy.

(Askeri) kayıp

Başka hiçbir kayıp rapor edilmedi. - No other casualties have been reported.

Hiç kayıp raporu yoktu. - There have been no reports of casualties.

casualty department
acil servis
inflict casualty
(Askeri) zayiat verdirmek
combat casualty
savaş zayiatı
can kayıpları

Can kayıpları olabilir. - There might be casualties.

can kaybı

Habere göre, can kaybı yoktu. - Reportedly, there were no casualties.

Başka can kaybı bildirilmedi. - No other casualties were reported.

casualty department
acil servis departmanı
DNBI casualty
(Askeri) hastalığa ve muharebe dışı yaralanmaya bağlı zayiat (disease and nonbattle injury casualty)
battle casualty
(Askeri) MUHAREBE ZAYİATI: Muharebede meydana gelen her türlü zayiat. "Muharebe sırasında" kaydı; düşman hareketinin direkt sonucu, muharebe sırasında veya bununla ilgili olarak maruz kalınan olay, bir düşman veya bir yanlışlık eseri dost hareketiyle meydana gelmek şartıyla bir muharebe vazifesine giderken veya böyle bir vazifeden dönerken uğranılan zayiat durumunu belirtir. Buna, düşman kuvvete, veya düşman kuvveti olduğu tahmin edilen kuvvete açılan dost birliklerin ateşiyle yanlışlıkla veya kaza ile ölen veya yaralanan şahıslar dahildir. Bununla beraber kendi kendini yaralamalar, müstesna durumlar hariç kişinin gaybubeti veya isim listesinden çıkarılmış olması halinde veya görev yerinde gönüllü olarak bulunmaması halinde dost kuvvetlerin sebep olduğu ölüm ve yaralamalar muharebede maruz kalınmış olarak kabul edilmez ve muharebe zayiatı şeklinde yorumlanmaz. Ayrıca bakınız: "died of wounds received in action; nonbattle casualty; wounded"
battle casualty report
(Askeri) MUHAREBE ZAYİAT RAPORU, ZAYİAT ÇİZELGESİ: En küçük bir idari birlik tarafından hazırlanan ve komut zincirinden geçirilen Merkez Dairesi Başkanı'na sunulan rapor
{i} ölü sayısı
combat casualty
(Askeri) muharebe zayiatı
contaminated casualty
(Tıp) kontaine zayiat
disease and nonbattle injury casualty
(Askeri) hastalığa ve muharebe dışı yaralanmaya bağlı zayiat
gas casualty
(Askeri) GAZ ZAYİATI: Bir kimya harbi maddesi vasıtasıyla muharebe dışı edilen insan ve hayvan
gas casualty first aid kit
(Askeri) GAZ İLK YARDIM ÇANTASI: Gaz tesirine maruz kalanlar için ilk yardımı idare eden birlik gaz personeli ile kıta subay ve astsubayları tarafından kullanılmak üzere, kıtalara dağıtılan çanta. Bu çanta, kimya harbi maddelerinin tesirini azaltan özel maddeleri ihtiva eder
hostile casualty
(Askeri) düşman zayiatı
hostile terrorist casualty
(Askeri) düşman terrorist zayiatı
inflict casualty
(Askeri) (ON) Zayıat verdirmek
joint casualty collection point
(Askeri) müşterek zayiat toplama noktası
joint casualty report
(Askeri) müşterek zayiat raporu
joint personnel status and casualty report
(Askeri) müşterek personel durum ve zayiat raporu
mass casualty
(Askeri) toplu zayiat
merchant ship casualty report
(Askeri) TİCARİ GEMİ HASAR RAPORU: Bir ticaret gemisinde denizde veya limanda meydana gelen hasar hakkında mesaj veya diğer vasıtalarla verilen bir rapor. Ticari gemi zayiat raporları, refakat kuvveti komutanı veya diğer münasip makam tarafından hasarın meydana geldiği bölge harekat kontrol makamına gönderilir
merchant ship casualty report
(Askeri) ticari gemi hasar raporu
nonbattle casualty
(Askeri) MUHAREBE DIŞI ZAYİAT: Bir muharebe zayiatı durumunda olmayan; fakat hastalık, sakatlık sebebiyle-hastalık veya bir arızadan ölenler dahil-veya kendi arzusu, düşman tesiri ya da enterne edilmiş olmak gibi bir sebebe dayanmaksızın, birliğinden kaybolmuş durumda olan bir şahıs. Bak. "battle casualty", "wounded"casualty", "nonbattle dead", "nonbattle missing", "nonbattle sick and injured"
nonhostile casualty
(Askeri) düşman olmayan zayiat
primary casualty receiving and treatment ship
(Askeri) esas zayiat kabul ve tedavi gemisi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Chance nature; randomness

The non-necessary follow; of which, saith Fuchsius, no art can be made, by reason of their uncertainty, casualty, and multitude .

Something that happens by chance, especially an unfortunate event; an accident, a disaster
The accident and emergency department of a hospital
A person suffering from injuries or who has been killed due to an accident or through an act of violence
a fatal or serious accident or disaster
{i} injured person, someone who has been killed (as a result of war, natural disaster, accident, etc.); accident
A casualty of a particular event or situation is a person or a thing that has suffered badly as a result of that event or situation. Fiat has been one of the greatest casualties of the recession. = victim
{n} an accident, chance, fortune
A casualty is a person who is injured or killed in a war or in an accident. Troops fired on demonstrators near the Royal Palace causing many casualties
Loss, damage, or destruction resulting from perils or acts of God, theft, disappearance, or other circumstances beyond the control of Stanford
Any injury of the body from accident; hence, death, or other misfortune, occasioned by an accident; as, an unhappy casualty
Any person lost to the organization by having been declared dead, wounded, injured, diseased, interned, captured, retained, missing, missing in action, beleaguered, besieged, or detained See also "battle casualty," "nonbattle casualty," and "wounded" (Joint Pub 1-02)
a decrease of military personnel or equipment
Any person suffering physical and/or psychological damage that leads to death, injury, or material loss
a decrease of military personnel or equipment someone injured or killed in an accident someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement
A person killed, admitted to hospital, or injured requiring medical attention as a result of a road crash Excludes injured persons who do not require medical attention
an accident that causes someone to die
a soldier who cannot fight because of wounds, injury, sickness, or death
a wounded or dead person
Liability or loss resulting from an accident
The complete or partial destruction of property resulting from an identifiable event of a sudden, unexpected, or unusual nature
– The damage, destruction, or loss of property resulting from an identifiable event that is sudden, unexpected, or unusual A sudden event is one that is swift, not gradual or progressive An unexpected event is one that is ordinarily unanticipated and unintended An unusual event is one that is not a day-to-day occurrence and that is not typical of the activity in which you were engaged A casualty can occurs when property is damaged as a result of a disaster such as a storm, fire, car accident, or similar event Back to Top
Casualty is the part of a hospital where people who have severe injuries or sudden illnesses are taken for emergency treatment. I was taken to casualty at St Thomas's Hospital
That which comes without design or without being foreseen; contingency
A person fatally injured, or who sustains injuries and is recorded as a personal injury in a collision / incident
Any person who is lost to the organization by reason of having been declared dead, wounded, injured, diseased, interned, captured, retained, missing, missing in action, beleaguered, besieged, or detained
Casualty insurance policies include coverage against theft, burglary, vandalism and machinery damage as well as health and accident insurance Casualty policies are usually written on specific risks, such as theft, rather than being all-inclusive
A person killed or injured in an accident Casualties are sub-divided into killed, seriously injured and slightly injured
Numerical loss caused by death, wounds, discharge, or desertion
someone injured or killed in an accident
someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement
Any person who is lost to his organization by reason of having been declared dead, wounded, injured, diseased, interned, captured, retained, missing, missing in action, beleaguered, besieged, or detained
a military person lost (as by death or capture) during warfare
casualty department
(also casualty ward) The department of a hospital providing immediate treatment for emergency cases
casualty care research center
an agency in the Department of Defense that is a national center for research on all aspects of injury control and casualty care
casualty insurance
Provision against loss to persons and property, covering legal hazards as well as those of accident and sickness. Major classes include liability, theft, aviation, workers' compensation, credit, and title. Liability insurance contracts may cover liability arising from use of an automobile, operation of a business, professional negligence (malpractice insurance), or property ownership. Credit insurance may cover the risk of bad debts from insolvency, death, and disability, the risk of loss of savings from bank failure, and the risk of loss of export credit due to commercial or political changes
casualty rate
death toll, number of deaths, amount of mortalities
casualty ward
hospital ward designed for treating injuries received by accident (emergency room)
plural form of casualty

On July 8, an American C-47 crashed into a mountain west of Wiesbaden, killing everyone on board, the mission's first casualties.

The collective tally of injuries and fatalities of an event
{i} people killed or injured in war or in disasters, losses
a military person lost through death, wounds, injury, sickness, or capture
A broad term encompassing those killed or wounded in action, those who later died of their wounds, those missing in action and those taken as prisoners of war
Those wounded or dead in the war
Casualties are unit losses caused mainly by fire or melee combat As units take casualties (also called "kills"), they lose stands
plural of casualty
personnel casualty
military personnel lost by death or capture
war casualty
someone who was killed in a war, someone who fell in battle