Rules adopted for the regulation of a corporation's own actions, by the corporation itself; a subordinate law adopted by a corporation, association or other body for its self-government or to regulate the rights and duties of its officers and members
Rules and regulations, adopted by an association or corporation, which govern its activities
The rules adopted by an association or corporation governing its general organization and management
Basically, the agreement between the company and its shareholders setting out the internal rules by which the corporation will function These often deal with matters such as meetings of directors and shareholders (see Annex F)
A corporation's rules and regulations They typically specify the number and respective duties of directors and officers and govern how the business is run
Rules adopted by the corporation for the regulation of the corporation's own actions; a subordinate law adopted by the corporation to regulate the actions, rights and duties of the officers and members or its self government
Regulations adopted by a corporation for its internal governance By-laws often deal with matters such as directors and shareholders meetings and the rights and obligations of officers
The regulations of a corporation that, subject to statutory law and the articles of incorporation, provide the basic rules for the conduct of the corporation's business and affairs
A legal document stating certain self-imposed rules adopted for the regulation of an organization's own actions Since it is a required element when forming a corporation, Bylaws are a form of agreement or contract between the corporation and its owners to conduct itself in a certain way While for a commercial business the owners are its shareholders, the ownership of a nonprofit corporation belongs to the public as represented by the NPO's Board of Trustees and the government
rules under which a corporation is governed These rules can be amended as provided by state law and the bylaws Rules and regulations under which a board of directors operate a corporation
Collection of formal, written rules governing the conduct of a CORPORATION'S affairs (such as what officers it will have, what their responsibilities are, and how they are to be chosen) Bylaws are approved by a corporation's stockholders, if a stock corporation, or other owners, if a non-stock corporation (See GOVERNING DOCUMENTS ) Top of Page
The rules adopted by the members or by the board of directors or a corporation or other organization for its government Bylaws must not be contrary to the laws of the land, and affect only the members of the given corporation or organization; they do not apply to third parties
The document that contains the ground rules by which a company is run Bylaws normally establish such matters as the titles and duties of executive officers, the timing and procedures for board meetings, and the manner for conducting the annual shareholder meeting
Rules governing the operation of a nonprofit corporation Bylaws often provide the methods for the selection of directors,the creation of committees and the conduct of meetings Topic areas: Governance
The governing regulations of a HOA dealing with routine operational, administrative, and management matters of the property Also outline what rules of parliamentary or democratic procedure are to be used at HOA Meetings
Rules governing the internal operation of a nonprofit corporation Bylaws often provide the methods for the selection of directors, the creation of committees, and the conduct of meetings
Guidelines for the operation of a nonprofit corporation, developed according to state law requirements Bylaws often provide the methods for the selection of directors, the creation of committees and the conduct of meetings
Bylaws are a codification of the rules that some organisation follows Some, such as the ASF bylaws, are legally binding and have significance outside the organisation Others, such as the Jakarta bylaws, are only meaningful within the community and are only as binding as the community itself makes them The bylaws of an organisation within the ASF may not contradict those of the ASF proper; any such conflicting parts in the organisation bylaws are necessarily null and void
Bylaws are the rules and regulations adopted by a corporation for its internal governance It usually contains provisions relating to shareholders, directors, officers and general corporate business At the corporation's initial meeting the bylaws are adopted Bylaws are a private document not filed with any state authority Bylaws are more flexible than the articles of incorporation because they are easier to amend
Regulations, ordinances, rules or laws adopted by an association or corporation or the like for its internal governance Bylaws define the righs and obligations of various officers, persons or groups within the corporate structure and provide rules for routine matters such as calling meetings and the like Most state corporation statutes contemplate that every corporation will adopt bylaws Bylaws are generally easily amended
by laws
Турецкое произношение
bay lôz
/ˈbī ˈlôz/ /ˈbaɪ ˈlɔːz/
[ 'bI, before consonants also ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, preposition & adverb, from Old English, preposition, be, bI; akin to Old High German bI by, near, Latin ambi- on both sides, around, Greek amphi.