From the Latin work meaning 'fuzzy' A cloud like aggregation of gas and/or dust associated with star forming regions and in the case of planetary nebula, the death of stars Nebulae are typically classified as
Before the `Great Debate', this term referred to any resolved nebulosity observed in the sky It had also been noticed that a there were different types of nebulae (singular: nebula), one of which had spiral structure and so were referred to as "spiral nebulae " Today "spiral nebulae" are referred to as "spiral galaxies" and "nebulae" refer to large gas and dust clouds that populate a galaxy
A diffuse of interstellar dust or gas Nebulae come from the Latin word for mist or cloud Nebula comes in several different forms to include emission nebula, reflection nebula, and dark nebulae just to name a few The gas in nebulae is mostly H (Hydrogen) gas
A nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. - Bir bulutsu; toz, hidrojen, helyum ve diğer iyonize gazlardan oluşmuş bir yıldızlararası buluttur.