
listen to the pronunciation of bulk
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
esas kısım
{i} yığın
(Askeri) döküm yük (bulk cargo)
{i} kütle
{i} hacim
dökme yük
(İnşaat) gevşek yığın
(Jeoloji) kütle halinde
(Denizbilim) yığık
büyük kısım
(sıfat) toptan
hantal gövde
en önemli kısım
Malzemenin kenar etkilerinden bağımsız iç kısmı; oylum
{f} büyümek
{f} önemli olmak
{f} şişmek
{i} yük
{i} cüsse

Cüsselerine ve ağırlıklarına rağmen, su aygırları hızla yüzebilir. - Despite their bulk and weight, hippos can swim rapidly.

{s} toptan

Ben toptan kırtasiye satın alıyorum. - I buy stationery in bulk.

Toptan alışveriş yaparak para tasarrufu yapabilirsin. - You could save money by buying in bulk.

ambalajlanmamış yük veya eşya
{i} boy
{f} şişirmek
{i} eşya
cüsseli veya önemli olmak
hacim/esas/hantal gövde
{i} ekseriyet
in bulk dökme halinde
{i} çoğunluk
(Ticaret) toplam
kargo dökme
(Askeri) kuru yük
(Kanun) miktar
(Tıp) kitle

Toplu olarak satın alırsanız, % 20 daha ucuz dur. - If you buy in bulk, it's 20% cheaper.

esas kısmı
bulk material
Tartmalık malzeme
bulk cargo
(Ticaret) havaleli mal
bulk cargo
(Ticaret) dökme mal ambalajsız mal
bulk cargo
(Askeri) DÖKÜM, YÜK: Nakil vasıtasının konteyner vazifesi gördüğü genellikle toplu halde gönderilen yük; ör., sıvı, hububat, maden cevheri
bulk cargo
(Ticaret) ambalajsız mal
bulk cargo
(Kanun,Ticaret) dökme yük
bulk carriers
(Askeri) dökme yük taşıyan gemiler
bulk clearance
(Turizm) toplu işlem
bulk culture
(Gıda) işletme kültürü
bulk culture
(Gıda) ana kültür
bulk curing
hanga da kurutma
bulk delay
(Bilgisayar) yığınsal gecikme
bulk density
(Kimya) dökme yoğunluğu
bulk density
(Tıp) serbest yoğunluk
bulk density
(Havacılık) kütle yoğunluğu
bulk density
birim hacim ağırlığı
bulk density
birim oylum ağırlığı
bulk density
(Kimya) dökme mal yoğunluğu
bulk density
(İnşaat) genel yoğunluk
bulk encryption
(Askeri) küme halinde şifreleme
bulk erasing
(Bilgisayar) manyetik silme
bulk factoring
(Ticaret) toptan faktöring
bulk feeder
(Bilgisayar) top besleyicisi
bulk flow
(Gıda) yığın akışı
bulk forming
(Tıp) kitle arttırıcı
bulk mail
(Bilgisayar) önemsiz posta
bulk material
(Askeri) kaba malzeme
bulk material
(İnşaat,Teknik) dökme malzeme
bulk message
(Bilgisayar) toplu mesaj
bulk minerals
(Jeoloji) hacim mineralleri
bulk order
(Ticaret) toplu sipariş
bulk order
yüklü sipariş
bulk panels
(Bilgisayar) yığın pano
bulk petroleum
(Askeri) döküm petrol
bulk product
(Tıp) yarı mamül
bulk product
(Tıp) dökme ürün
bulk sales
(Ticaret) toptan satışlar
bulk sampling
(Bilgisayar) yığın örneklemesi
bulk tea
(Tarım) dökme çay
bulk temperature
(Gıda) yığın sıcaklığı
bulk volume
(Gıda) yığın hacmi
bulk water
(Gıda) yığın su
bulk weight
dökme (birim) ağırlık
bulk yarn
(Teknik,Tekstil) tekstüre iplik
bulk yarn
(Teknik,Tekstil) hacimli iplik
bulk buying
toptan alım
bulk cement
dökme çimento
bulk cost
ambalajsız maliyet
bulk density
yığın yoğunluğu
bulk discount
toptan indirimi
bulk large
büyük görün
bulk storage
yığın bellek
bulk bill
(Tıp, İlaç) Avustralya Medicare sağlık sigortası sisteminde hekimin hastadan katkı payı istemeden muayene ücretinin %85'ini doğrudan Medicare'e faturaladığı sistemdir. Alternatif olarak ücretin %100'ünü hastadan tahsil edebilir ve hasta faturasını Medicare'e götürdüğünde %85'ini geri alır. Bulk bill sistemini kullanan hekim hastdan hiç bir şekilde ayrıca ücret almaz
bulk buying
Toplu alım
bulk concentration
yığın konsantrasyonu, yığın derişimi
bulk cost
ambalâjsız maliyet
bulk deformation
(Metal İşleme) Talaşsız şekil verme proseslerinden plastik deformasyon
bulk fixing
Toplu sabitleme
bulk flotation
kolektif flotasyon, bileşik yüzdürme
bulk food
dökme yem
bulk head
Toplu kafa
bulk modulus
kübik esneklik modülü
bulk price
(Ticaret) toptan fiyat
bulk sample
kütle numune, kütle örnek
bulk shipment
dökme sevk
bulk transfer
gereksiz nakliye
bulk treatment
toplu tedavi
bulk up
Kasları gelişmek
bulk up to
Toplu kadar
bulk viscosity
Toplu viskozite
bulk cargo
(Askeri) döküm yük
bulk carrier
(Ticaret) dökme mal taşıyan gemi
bulk concentration
(Nükleer Bilimler) kütlesel derişim
bulk cost
(Ticaret) ambalajsız değer
bulk data transmission
yiginsal veri iletimi
bulk delay
yiginsal gecikme (to)plu gecikme
bulk density
kütle/yığın yoğunluğu
bulk density
(Nükleer Bilimler) yığın yoğunluğu,kütlesel yoğunluk,yığma yoğunluğu
bulk factor
(Havacılık) kütle faktörü
bulk flotation
bileşik yüzdürme
bulk flotation
kolektif flotasyon
bulk freight
(Havacılık) yığma kargo
bulk irradiator
(Nükleer Bilimler) yığın ışınlayıcı
bulk large
büyük görünmek
bulk liquid storage space
(Askeri) DÖKÜM SIVI DEPOLAMA SAHASI: Sıvı maddelerin döküm halinde depolanması için ayrılmış sarnıç içi saha. Bak. "storage space"
bulk load method
(Askeri) karışık yükleme usulü
bulk load method
(Askeri) KARIŞIK YÜKLEME USULÜ, KİTLE YÜKLEME USULÜ: Hava nakliyatında, karışık ikmal maddelerini taşımak için gerekli hava aracı ihtiyaçlarının hesaplanmasında, genellikle, karışık yükleme usulü kullanılır. Bu usul; hava aracı ihtiyaçlarının hesaplanmasında hakim faktörün, yük ağırlığı olması keyfiyetine dayanır
bulk load method
(Askeri) kitle yükleme usulü
bulk loading
(Askeri) kitle yükleme
bulk loading
dökme yükleme
bulk loading
(Askeri) karışık yükleme
bulk loading
(Askeri) KARIŞIK YÜKLEME, KİTLE YÜKLEME: İkmal maddelerinin; sınıf, hizmet veya cins ayrımı yapmaksızın, bir geminin bütün taşıma kapasitesinden faydalanılacak şekilde istiflenmesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "loading"
bulk material
(Askeri) KABA MALZEME, KİTLE MALZEME: Malzeme kalemlerinin genel imali için döküm halinde dağıtılan malzeme, (saç levha, boru, tüp, demir çubuk, salmastra malzemesi)
bulk mortgage
taşınır mal ipoteği
bulk petroleum
(Askeri) DÖKÜM PETROL: Genellikle, boru hattı, demiryolu, sarnıçlı vagon, sarnıçlı kamyon, sarnıçlı römork, şat, açık deniz teknelerinde taşınan ve doldurma kapasitesi 55 galonun üstündeki sarnıç veya kaplarda depolanan sıvı petrol ürünleri. Ayrıca bakınız: "petroleum"
bulk petroleum capabilities report
(Askeri) döküm akaryakıt imkan ve kabiliyetler raporu
bulk petroleum contingency report; petroleum damage and deficiency report; repor
(Askeri) döküm petrol ihtimalat raporu; petrol hasar ve yetersizlik raporu; acil durum petrol yağı ve motor yağları raporu
bulk petroleum conversion kilts
(Askeri) DÖKÜM PETROL TAHVİL KAPLARI: Genel maksat sarnıçlarını, döküm petrol ürünleri taşıma aracı haline çevirme imkanı veren mevzuat
bulk petroleum product
(Askeri) DÖKÜM PETROL ÜRÜNÜ: Çeşitli vasıtalarla taşınan ve 250 lt. den büyük doldurma kapasitesi olan tanklarda ve konteynerlerde depolanan sıvı petrol
bulk petroleum war reserve requirement
(Askeri) döküm petrol har yedeği ihtiyacı
bulk petroleum war reserve stocks
(Askeri) döküm petrol har yedeği stokları
bulk purchases
(Ticaret) toptan alım
bulk reduction
(Askeri) KÜÇÜK KAPLARA AKTARMA: Döküm petrol ürünlerinin, depo sarnıçlarından kaplara aktarılması işlemi
bulk reduction
(Askeri) küçük kaplara aktarma
bulk replacement stockage
(Askeri) İKMAL PERSONELİ TOPLAMI: Bir denizaşırı harekat alanı personel ikmal sisteminde misafir (attached unassigned) olarak bulundurulmasına izin verilen ve harekat alanının, yetki verilmiş azami insan mevcudu dahilinde bulunan toplam personel miktarı
bulk sample
külle numune
bulk sample
kütle örnek
bulk sampling
yigin orneklemesi
bulk shipment
(Ticaret) malı dökme halinde sevketme
bulk stock
(Askeri) kitle stok
bulk stock
(Askeri) ambalajlı malzeme
bulk stock
(Askeri) AÇILMAMIŞ MALZEME AMBALAJI, AMBALAJLI MALZEME, KİTLE STOK (ORD.): Askeri ikmal maddelerini ihtiva eden, içi dolu, açılmamış malzeme ambalajları
bulk storage
(Askeri) döküm depolama
bulk storage
(Askeri) DÖKÜM DEPOLAMA: Petrol ürünleri nevinden sıvı maddelerin varil içinde veya ambalajlı depolamadan farklı olarak sarnıçlar içinde depolanması. Ayrıca bakınız: "bin storage; storage "
bulk storage
(Askeri) kitle depolama
bulk storage space
(Askeri) SIVI DEPOLAMA SAHASI: Bak. "bulk liquid storage space" ve "stoxage space"
bulk supply
(Askeri) döküm ikmal maddesi
bulk supply
(Askeri) DÖKÜM İKMAL MADDESİ: Çok büyük miktarlarda gönderilen her cins askeri ikmal maddeleri. Kum, çakıl, boya, barut vesaire döküm ikmal maddesi örnekleridir. Bu maddeler; birim miktarından çok, ağırlık ve hacim ile ölçülür
buy in bulk
toptan satın almak
in bulk

Biz toptan kırtasiye satın alırız. - We buy stationery in bulk.

Ben toptan kırtasiye satın alıyorum. - I buy stationery in bulk.

in bulk
bulk density
(Fizik) hacim ağırlığı
bulk density
(Jeoloji) hacim yoğunluk
bulk modulus
esneklik modülü
bulk modulus
(İnşaat) hacim modülü
in bulk
dökme olarak
in bulk
sell by the bulk
(Ticaret) götürü satmak
specific bulk density
birim hacim ağırlığı
specific bulk density
özgül ağırlık
specific bulk gravity
birim hacim ağırlığı
specific bulk gravity
birim oylum ağırlığı
unprocessed bulk
(Tıp) işlenmemiş yığın
high bulk yarn
hacimli ipilk
in bulk
büyük miktarda
light in bulk
yükte hafif
light in bulk
pahada ağır
light in bulk
high in value
breaking bulk
Toplu kırma
bulk of
light in bulk, high in value
yükte hafif, pahada ağır
the bulk
the bulk of
the bulk of
Bir şeyin en büyük kısmı, aslan payı
aerial bulk fuel delivery system
(Askeri) havadan dökme yakıt atma sistemi
amphibious assault bulk fuel system
(Askeri) amfibi taarruz dökme yakıt sistemi
amphibious assault bulk water system
(Askeri) amfibi taarruz dökme su sistemi
amphibious bulk fuel system
(Askeri) amfibi dökme yakıt sistemi
breaking bulk
(Ticaret) numune için ambalajı kırma
high bulk yarn
(Tekstil) hacimli iplik, HB-iplik
in bulk

Ben ambalajsız ya da 1 kilogramlık torbalarda paketlenmiş olarak pirinç satarım. - I sell rice in bulk or packed in 1 kilogram bags.

initial bulk stock
(Askeri) GÖTÜRÜ STOK: Özel kullanma esasına dayanan dağıtım tecrübesi edinmek ve tam stok seviyelerini tespit etmek üzere, gerekli süre içinde ikmali yapılan depo veya garnizon stokları
offshore bulk fuel system
(Askeri) deniz aşırı döküm yakıt sistemi
packaged bulk petroleum
(Askeri) KAPLARA KONMUŞ DÖKÜM PETROL; AMBALAJLANMIŞ DÖKÜM PETROL: Harekat zorunluğu ile kaplara konulan ve ikmalleri (depolanmaları, taşınmaları ve dağıtımları) 5 galonluk bidonlarda veya 55 galonluk varillerde yapılan döküm petrol. Bak. " petroleum"
sale in bulk
(Ticaret) götürü satış
sell by bulk
(Ticaret) toplu olarak satmak
sell in bulk
(Fiili Deyim ) toptan satmak
the bulk of
(Fiili Deyim ) en büyük kısmı
universal bulk head connector
(Askeri) kontra somunla bağlantı
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Unpackaged goods when transported in large volumes, e.g. coal, ore or grain
being large in size, mass or volume
to grow in size; to swell or expand
A hypothetical higher-dimensional space within which our own four-dimensional universe may exist
Size, mass or volume

The Quantity of Matter is the meaſure of the ſame, arising from its denſity and bulk conjunctly.

a cargo or any items moved or communicated in the manner of cargo
The result of water retained by fibre
Excess body mass, especially muscle
The major part of something
to be, or appear to be, massive
{i} volume, mass; main part, most
{n} size, quantity, a chief part, stall, cargo
You can refer to a large person's body or to their weight or size as their bulk. Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet
measure of thickness of paper in thousandths of an inch or number of pages per inch
In brane cosmology, a hypothetical higher-dimensional space within which our own four-dimensional universe may exist
The reciprocal of paper density Also known as specific volume
The body
A bulk shipment is merchandise that is shipped as loose cargo that is loaded directly into a ship's or aircraft's hold or on a flatbed truck/railcar It is not inside of a metal shipping container Example: Bulk grains, liquids or oversized heavy equipment
the property of something that is great in magnitude; "it is cheaper to buy it in bulk"; "he received a mass of correspondence"; "the volume of exports"
The large piles of tobacco leaves as they undergo fermentation BUNCH Refers to the cigar when it consists of the filler and the binder, before the application of the wrapper leaf BUNDLE Packaging method which uses cellophane overwrap on 25 or 50 cigars traditionally without bands Bundles are usually cheaper than boxed cigars, and contain seconds of premium cigars
TECHNOLOGY: Technology based on the manipulation of atoms and molecules in bulk, rather than individually; most present technology falls in this category
emphasis You can refer to something's bulk when you want to emphasize that it is very large. the shadowy bulk of an ancient barn
A term given to paper to describe its thickness relative to its weight
cause to bulge or swell outwards
{f} inflate, cause to swell; play a considerable role
The cargo of a vessel when stowed
Any quantity of fuel sold or delivered except into fuel supply tanks of vehicles
Relative thickness of a sheet or sheets, for example, a bulky paper and a thin paper both of the same weight display different "bulk"
– a large pile of leaves that are being fermented See Fermentation
The combined effect of the arrangement, volume and shape of a building or group of buildings Also called massing
The term used to describe the volume occupied by a standard mass of clean wool, compressed with a standard force It is related to the amount of fibre crimp and is often described in conjunction with resistance to compression
Thickness of paper expressed in thousandths of an inch or paper per inch (p p i )
{s} relating to or designed for the mass of people, large-scale, widespread, popular
Thickness of paper
In paper technology the term Bulk refers to weight per unit volume, e g , a 90gsm paper with a bulk of 9 would be calculated as 9 x 90 = 81 microns
stick out or up; "The parcel bulked in the sack
the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part; "the majority of his customers prefer it"; "the bulk of the work is finished"
A paper's thickness or, based on a given basis weight, the number of pages per inch
paper term
stick out or up; "The parcel bulked in the sack"
the property possessed by a large mass the property of something that is great in magnitude; "it is cheaper to buy it in bulk"; "he received a mass of correspondence"; "the volume of exports"
A large amount of something that is not divided into separate packages Many stores allow shoppers to scoop out the amount they need of bulk goods like popcorn or potato chips This reduces waste and packaging
The main mass or body; the largest or principal portion; the majority; as, the bulk of a debt
If you buy or sell something in bulk, you buy or sell it in large quantities. Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities. bulk purchasing
Magnitude of material substance; dimensions; mass; size; as, an ox or ship of great bulk
A projecting part of a building
To appear or seem to be, as to bulk or extent; to swell
(a) dangerous goods of Class 2 (gases) in a container greater than 500L; (b) liquid or a paste other than Class 2 in a container greater than 250L; or (c) solids in a container greater than 400kg
The bulk of something is most of it. The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents The vast bulk of imports and exports are carried by sea. = majority Bulk is also a pronoun. They come from all over the world, though the bulk is from the Indian subcontinent
a ships cargo
The degree of thickness of paper
thickness of the paper relative to its weight High bulk paper is thicker than low bulk paper, but not heavier (See also: Caliper )
Paper thickness Sometimes used as the number of pages per inch
Thickness of paper relative to its basic weight
the property possessed by a large mass
A large pile of tobacco leaves in which fermentation occurs
Reverse of density, expressed as cubic centimeter per gram
muscle mass C
bulk bill
To charge the government for medical expenses incurred at a general practitioner
bulk billing
The process whereby the government is charged for a patient's medical expenses incurred at a general practitioner
bulk cargo
Any cargo, either liquid or dry, that is shipped in volume without being packed into containers
bulk cargos
plural form of bulk cargo
bulk carrier
Any ocean-going cargo vessel designed to carry bulk cargo in its holds
bulk carriers
plural form of bulk carrier
bulk density
The mass of a particulate material (including voids) in a unit volume
bulk liquid
Liquids that undergo commercial transportation in large volumes, usually not including petroleum products. Vegetable oils and fish oils are common bulk liquids
bulk liquids
plural form of bulk liquid
bulk out
To become thicker, fatter or more bulky
bulk out
To cause to be more substantial; to add substance to
bulk out
To become more substantial
bulk out
To cause to be thicker, fatter or more bulky
bulk technology
Technology that is based upon the manipulation of atoms and molecules in bulk - as distinct from that involving individual atoms or molecules in nanotechnology etc
bulk up
To gain weight
bulk up
: To train the body with a high-calorie diet and intense weightlifting in order to increase the overall mass of the body, especially the muscles
bulk carrier
single decked ship that carries dry cargoes in bulk (as grain, sugar, coal etc.)
bulk material
Material ordered, stored, issued, and sold by weight (such as bar stock or minerals), volume (such as cement or oil), or footage (such as lumber)
bulk deformation
(Metal İşleme) Process where the work pieces and products have relatively high ratios of volume to surface area or volume to thickness
bulk out
Make something bigger or thicker

I BULKED the essay OUT with a few quotes to reach the number of word required.

bulk product
In retail, unpackaged, fresh products displayed in bins in large quantitites and sold by the piece or the pound, such as grains, sweets or snacks
bulk sale
A bulk sale is a sale of goods by a business that represents all or substantially all of its inventory to a single buyer unless such a sale would be common in the ordinary course of its business. In order to protect the purchaser from claims made by creditors of the seller, the seller must usually complete an affidavit outlining its secured and unsecured creditors. The affidavit must usually be filed with a government department, such as a court office. Such procedures are outlined in the bulk sales act of most jurisdictions. If the buyer does not complete the registration process for a bulk sale, creditors of the seller may obtain a declaration that the sale was invalid against the creditors and the creditors may take possession of the goods or obtain judgment for any proceeds the buyer received from a subsequent sale
bulk tank
In dairy farming a bulk milk cooling tank is a large storage tank for cooling and holding milk at a cold temperature until it can be picked up by a milk hauler. The bulk milk cooling tank is an important milk farm equipment. It is usually made of stainless steel and used every day to store the raw milk on the farm in good condition. It must be cleaned after each milk collection. The milk cooling tank can be the property of the farmer or being rented to the farmer by the dairy plant
bulk up
Increase the amount of muscle
bulk Email
{i} unrequested email of many identical items sent to many email addresses
bulk buying
act of buying a large quantity at one time
bulk cargo
Unpacked homogeneous cargo poured loose in a certain space of a vessel or container e g oil and grain
bulk cargo
Cargo that is made up of one commodity; examples include grain, oil, and ore
bulk cargo
A shipment such as oil, grain, or ore that is not packaged, baled, bottled, or otherwise packed but is loaded without counting or marking There are two types of carriersthe dry-bulk carrier and the liquid-bulk carrier, better known as a tanker
bulk cargo
Goods not in packages or containers See also, Break Bulk Cargo
bulk cargo
Cargo not packaged or broken into smaller units Bulk cargo is either dry (grain) or liquid (petroleum) and cannot be counted
bulk cargo
Homogeneous unpacked dry cargo such as grain, iron ore or coal Any commodity shipped in this way is said to be in bulk
bulk cargo
Unpackaged cargo such as coal, ore, grain, and other commodities that are carried in bulk
bulk cargo
Loose cargo, not unitized, not loaded in containers or on pallets
bulk cargo
Usually a homogeneous cargo stowed in bulk, and not enclosed in any container
bulk carrier
Single deck vessel designed to carry homogeneous unpacked dry cargoes such as grain, iron ore and coal
bulk carrier
All vessels designed to carry bulk cargos such as grain, fertilizers, ore and oil
bulk carrier
Vessel that carries bulk commodities such as petroleum, grain, or ore, which are not packaged bundled, bottled, or otherwise packed
bulk carrier
There are two types of bulk carriers, the dry-bulk carrier and the liquid-bulk carrier, better known as a tanker Bulk cargo is a shipment such as oil, grain, or one which is not packaged, bundled, bottled, or otherwise packed and is loaded without counting or marking
bulk carrier
A single-deck ocean going vessel designed to carry dry bulk commodities such as grain, coal and iron ore
bulk carrier
Ship specifically designed to transport vast amounts of cargoes such as sugar, grain, wine, ore, chemicals, liquefied natural gas; coal and oil See also LNG Carrier, Tanker, OBO Ship
bulk density
The mass per unit of volume in powder form, including the air trapped between particles
bulk density
The mass or weight of oven-dry soil per unit of bulk volume, including air space Typically grams per cubic centimeter, water having the weight of one gram per cc Compaction from logging equipment, recreationists' use, grazing animals, etc increases bulk density
bulk density
The weight of a material per unit of volume compared to the weight of the same volume of water
bulk density
The density of a modking material in loose form expressed as a ratio of weight to volume
bulk density
The mass (weight) per unit volume of a solid particulate material as it is normally packed, with voids between particulates containing air Usually expressed as lb/ft3 or g/cm3
bulk density
Mass of powdered or granulated solid material per unit of volume
bulk density
The mass of dry soil per unit bulk volume (solids plus pores) expressed in g/cm3
bulk density
The mass of soil per unit of volume
bulk density
The total air dry soil mass divided by the total soil volume, (g/cc) Estimated as the 1-SAT (%v air space) times particle density of 2 65 times fraction soil matrix plus 2 65 times gravel fraction
bulk density
The density of a powder under non-specified conditions, for example in a shipping container
bulk density
the mass of a unit volume of soil, generally expressed in gm/cm3 The volume includes both solids and pores Thus soils that are light and porous will have low bulk densities, while heavy or compact soils will have high bulk densities
bulk density
It is the value of the density of rock as it occurs in nature In well logging, it is the density of the rock with the pore volume filled with fiuid Natural density The equation commonly used to compute porosity from well log derived bulk density is: where f is pore volume filled with a fluid of density rf, rb is the well-log-derived bulk density, and rma is the density of the rock framework See density log and Z/A effect
bulk density
weight per unit volume For fuels, this is usually expressed as pounds per cubic foot; for soils, grams per cubic centimeter
bulk density
The weight per unit volume of a material including voids inherent in the material as tested Colorants may vary widely in their specific gravity and this figure could be even greater with filled materials This has a direct impact on the bulk density of materials being delivered by volumetric feeders and is but one reason these units need constant calibration and monitoring
bulk density
Weight per unit of volume, usually specified in pounds per cubic foot
bulk density
The mass of dry soil per unit volume, corrected for weight and volume of coarse fragments greater than 2mm in diameter
bulk issue
(Ticaret) Components and materials issued to the production floor based on the cumulative requirements for multiple production orders, shifts or days. Not used in to-order environments where lot traceability is an issue
bulk mail
Standard (former third-class) mailings of 200 or more pieces (or 50 pounds of addressed pieces) of identical weight Eligible for a discount rate if prepaid and sorted under specific standards
bulk mail
A quantity of mail prepared according to strict postal regulations in order to qualify for postal discounts For more on Bulk Mail click here
bulk mail
represents quantities of mail prepared for mailing at reduced postage rates, including discounted First-Class Mail and advertising or non-preferential mail (Standard mail) The Postal Service uses the terms "bulk" and "presorted" interchangeably The term includes parcel post, circulars, or advertising mail generally sent in quantity
bulk mail
– Mail that is rated for postage partly by weight and partly by the number of pieces in the mailing The term is generally used to refer to Standard Mail (A)
bulk mail
Mailings that require special preparation: presorting and bundling, so that it my bypass some handling stages in the delivery process These mailings are sent at discounted bulk rates
bulk mail
A category of third-class mail that refers to a quantity of identical pieces, but addressed to different names A term used in reference to postal standards
bulk mail
sending out advertising material to many addresses, bulk mail
bulk mail
mail consisting of large numbers of identical items (circulars or advertisements) sent to individual addresses at less than 1st-class rates and paid for in one lot
bulk modulus
the ratio of the change in pressure acting on a volume to the fractional change in volume
bulk modulus
Numerical constant that describes the elastic properties of a solid or fluid under pressure from all sides. It is the ratio of the tensile strength or compressive force per unit surface area to the change in volume per unit volume of the solid or fluid and thus is a measure of a substance's ability to resist deformation. Its units are newtons per square metre (N/m^2). Matter that is difficult to compress has a large bulk modulus; for example, steel has a bulk modulus of 1.6 10^11 N/m^2, three times that of glass (i.e., glass is three times more compressible than steel)
bulk of
most of, the main part of, the lion's share of
bulk sale
sale of a large quantity of goods to a single buyer; sale of all the property owned by a business
bulk supply
wholesale supply, supply in large quantities
break bulk
Unload a ship
break bulk
Take part of a ship's cargo out of its hold
Of cargo, heterogeneous in size, shape, and handling requirements; neither bulk nor containerized

Break-bulk cargo is characterized by its multiplicity and diversity. ... In break-bulk service, a cargo ship might carry barrels of cooking oil, ... cartons..., bales ..., bags ..., and so on.

breaking bulk
(Gemicilik) In shipping Breaking bulk is a maritime term for extraction of a portion of the cargo of a ship or the beginning of the unloading process from the ship's holds. Break bulk cargo is typically material stacked on wooden pallets and lifted into and out of the hold of a vessel by gantry cranes on the dock or aboard the ship itself. The volume of break bulk cargo has declined dramatically worldwide as containerization has grown
the bulk of
(deyim) Most of, the main part of, the lion's share of
break bulk
Cargo loaded in bulk inside a vessel as compared to containerized cargo
break bulk
The process of assimilating many small shipments into one large shipment at a central point so that economies of scale may be achieved; to commence discharge of cargo
break bulk
The cargo is shipped loose in a vessel, together with other cargo The term distinguishes it from cargo that is shipped either
break bulk
For consolidated air freight, it is moved under one MAWB and each consignment designated to specific consignee or receipant is under one HAWB When freight forwarder receives the consolidated cargo from carrier, they will break the consolidation apart per HAWB then proceed customs clearance along with associated shipping and import documents Such Break-Bulk is normally handled by airlines or their contracted ground handling agent » Back to top of screen
break bulk
Disassembling or unpacking a consolidated shipment for delivery or for reconsignment
break bulk
To commence discharge
break bulk
This term refers to the breaking down of a consolidation Consolidations occor when several shippers share one freight rate, getting a better rate than they would individually Usually, their cargo is grouped together in one ocean container or air shipping unit (container or pallet) The Breakbulk department (typically referring to just air inbound) is resposible for tracking the incoming consolidation and breaking it down according to consignee upon arrival
break bulk
To separate a composite load into individual shipments that are routed to different destinations
break bulk
Unload and distribute a portion or all of the contents of a rail car, container, or trailer
break bulk
{i} individual items of packaged cargo, loose cargo carried in the storage compartment of a ship or other vehicle
The separation of a consolidated bulk load into smaller individual shipments for delivery to the ultimate consignee The freight may be moved intact inside the trailer, or it may be interchanged and rehandled to connecting carriers
cargo other than RO/RO, containerized, or bulk
The separation of a single consolidated bulk load into smaller individual shipments for delivery to the ultimate consignees
Cargo that is moved as individual packages This type of operation does not unitize the cargo
past of bulk
{i} swelling of cement or sand and other building materials when they become wet or damp
present participle of bulk
third-person singular of bulk
in bulk
in large quantities
sell by bulk
sell in large quantities
transportation in bulk
conveying in large quantities, transporting large amounts
verb bulk 3
bulk large to be the main or most important part of something bulk out to make something bigger or thicker by adding something else
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
the bulk
bulk modülü
(Jeoloji) compressibility modules