
listen to the pronunciation of break-out
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(Dilbilim) ansızın patlak vermek
hapisten kaçmak
başlamak (savaş/yangın)
(deyim) özgürlüğünü kazandırmak
fırtına kopmak
patırtı kopmak
fırtına koparmak
(Askeri) Yarma harekatı
(Dilbilim) birdenbire patlak vermek
birden başlamak
isyan çıkmak
(deyim) kurtarmak
(deyim) özgür bırakmak

Biz bu gece kaçmak zorundayız, yoksa çıldıracağım. - We've got to break out tonight or I'll go crazy!

break out of
(deyim) özgürlüğünü kazandırmak
break out
firar etmek
break out

Tom hapisten kaçmama yardım etti. - Tom helped me break out of jail.

Tom ne zaman hapishaneden kaçtı? - When did Tom break out of prison?

break out
break out
patlak vermek
break out in a cold sweat
soğuk terler dökmek
break out
patlak vermek, patlamak, kopmak: "War has broken out in Asia. - Asya'da savaş patladı."
break out
in ile kaplanmak, ... dökmek: "She's broken out in a rash. - Her tarafı isilik oldu."
break out in a rash
isilik olmak
(fire) to break out
yangın çıkmak
(the war) to break out
savaş çıkmak
break out
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- kaçmak 2- (savaş , yangın vs.) patlak vermek , çıkmak
break out
(deyim) patlak vermek. an outbreak patlak verme,bas gosterme ,salgin
break out
in ile kaplanmak, ... dökmek: She's broken out in a
break out
patlak vermek, patlamak, kopmak: War has broken out in Asia. Asya'da savaş patladı
break out
(deyim) kacmak ,firar etmek. a break-out kacma,firar
break out force
(İnşaat) koparma gücü
break out into a sweat
ter basmak
break out of prison
cezaevinden kaçmak
{i} toplu kaçış
{i} hapisten kaçma
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
to bring out, use, or present

Break out the bubbly and celebrate.

To escape, especially forcefully or defiantly

They broke out of prison in the middle of the night.

To begin suddenly; to emerge in a certain condition

The pretty lips pouted awhile but then she glanced up and broke out into a joyous little laugh which had in it all the freshness of a young May morning.

to separate from a bundle

Break out the cables from the harness once they are inside the frame.

An escape from any restrictive or confining situation
An outbreak
break out
begin showing a rash or other skin disorder
1. A forceful emergence from a restrictive condition or situation.2. A sudden manifestation or increase, as of a disease; an outbreak.3. A breakdown of statistical data
break out
The ability to dial across a private network and then to access an exchange line at a suitable terminal PBX in order to enable the call to be charged at the ‘local rate’
break out
begin suddenly and sometimes violently; "He broke out shouting"
break out
To unscrew one section of pipe from another section
break out
  To separate the individual fibers or buffer tubes of a fiber-optic cable for the purpose of splicing or installing optical connectors   [After FAA]  Synonyms fan out, furcate
break out
To unstow, or prepare for use
break out
start abruptly; "After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc"
break out
take from stowage in preparation for usage
break out
become raw or open; "He broke out in hives"; "My skin breaks out when I eat strawberries"; "Such boils tend to recrudesce"
break out
move away or escape suddenly; "The horses broke from the stable"; "Three inmates broke jail"; "Nobody can break out--this prison is high security"
break out
When a team gains control of the puck in their defensive end they will "break out" with the puck to go on the attack Most teams have established break out plays to accomplish this important part of the game
break out
start abruptly; "After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc"
break out
To unstow, or prepare for use
break out
move away or escape suddenly; "The horses broke from the stable"; "Three inmates broke jail"; "Nobody can break out--this prison is high security"
break out
become raw or open; "He broke out in hives"; "My skin breaks out when I eat strawberries"; "Such boils tend to recrudesce"
break out
If you break out in a rash or a sweat, a rash or sweat appears on your skin. A person who is allergic to cashews may break out in a rash when he consumes these nuts A line of sweat broke out on her forehead and she thought she might faint
break out
If a prisoner breaks out of a prison, they escape from it. The two men broke out of their cells and cut through a perimeter fence. see also breakout
break out
begin suddenly and sometimes violently; "He broke out shouting"
break out
If you break out of a dull situation or routine, you manage to change it or escape from it. It's taken a long time to break out of my own conventional training If her marriage becomes too restrictive, she will break out and seek new horizons
break out
When a team gains control of the puck in their defensive end they will "break out" with the puck to go on the attack Most teams have established break out plays to accomplish this important part of the game
break out
take from stowage in preparation for usage
break out
To unscrew one section of pipe from another section
break out
  To separate the individual fibers or buffer tubes of a fiber-optic cable for the purpose of splicing or installing optical connectors   [After FAA]  Synonyms fan out, furcate
break out
become covered (with pimples, etc.); escape
break out
The ability to dial across a private network and then to access an exchange line at a suitable terminal PBX in order to enable the call to be charged at the ‘local rate’
break out
If something such as war, fighting, or disease breaks out, it begins suddenly. He was 29 when war broke out I was in a nightclub in Brixton and a fight broke out
break out in a rash
get a rash, have the skin erupt in red spots, have an allergic reaction
An accident caused by the failure of the walls of the hearth of the blast furnace resulting in liquid iron or slag (or both) flowing uncontrolled out of the blast furnace
The point at which a conductor or group of conductors break out from a multi-conductor cable to complete circuits at various points along the main cable This point is usually harnessed or sealed with some synthetic rubber compound
A sustained move through a support or resistance line As a rule of thumb, this should consist of more than one day's price action The subsequent move can be powerful
A method of moving the puck out of the defensive zone and beginning an attack
A breakout is where a car goes from the starting line to the finish faster than the specified dial-in A double breakout occurs when both cars exceed individual dial-ins The winner is determined by the vehicle that breakouts by the least amount of time
An escape from prison
A general activity during a DesignShop® event when a large group is divided into smaller teams to work on either different issues, or different aspects of the same issue The space in which this activity takes place is a Breakout Area The group undertaking this activity is called a Breakout Team Breakout activities are variously referred to as Breakout Rounds or Design Rounds
A general activity during a DesignShop when a large group is divided into smaller teams to work on either different issues, or different aspects of the same issue The space in which this activity takes place is a Breakout Area The group undertaking this activity is called a Breakout Team Breakout activities are variously referred to as Breakout Rounds or Design Rounds
A rise in a security's price above a resistance level (commonly its previous high price) or a drop below a level of support (commonly the former lowest price ) A breakout is taken to signify a continuing move in the same direction Can be used by technical analysts as a buy or sell indicator
When the price moves out of its recent range Sometimes signals further moves in the direction of the breakout
Point when a stock price moves above some resistance level
The point at which a conductor or conductors are separated from a multi-conductor cable to complete circuits at various points along the main cable
The synopsis of the story Key highlights of the story that stand out
A technical analysis term, used to indicate a rise in a stock's price above its resistance level (such as its previous high price) or drop below its support level (commonly the last lowest price ) The assumption is that the stock will continue to move in the same direction following the breakout, which generates a buy or sell signal
Fractured portion of the cross section of a cut edge of stock A condition naturally occurring during shearing, blanking, punching and other cutting operations
The play used by the attacking team to move the puck out of its own zone and up the ice toward the opponent's goal
If there has been a break-out, someone has escaped from prison. High Point prison had the highest number of breakouts of any jail in Britain. = escape. an escape from a prison, especially one involving a lot of prisoners break out break
an escape from jail; "the breakout was carefully planned"
The point at which a conductor or group of conductors is separated from a multiconductor cable to complete circuits at various points along the main cable
In syndication, a breakout occurs when the coverage of a regular scheduled program differs by 15 percent or more coverage than the normal coverage for a particular telecast
the passing of the puck from a defensive position forward to a teammate to begin an offensive rush
A sentence excerpted from the body copy and set in large type, used to break up running text and draw the reader's attention to the page Also called a blurb or pull quote
Used only in handicap racing, "breakout" refers to a contestant running quicker than he or she "dialed" his or her vehicle (predicted how quick it would run) Unless the opponent commits a more serious foul (e g , red-lights, crosses the centerline, or fails a post-race inspection), the driver who breaks out loses If both drivers break out, the one who runs closest to his or her dial is the winner
An accident caused by the failure of the walls of the hearth of the blast furnace, resulting in liquid iron or slag (or both) flowing uncontrolled out of the blast furnace
A breakdown of statistics
This term describes a market, which has been trading within consolidation and then moves outside this range The movement outside the range is referred to as a breakout with the price then expected to continue moving in the direction of the break Breakouts are usually powerful and occur on high volume
{i} eruption, sudden outbreak (of disease, etc.); escape
Separation or breakage of fibers when the edges of a composite part are drilled out
Used in technical analysis of securities, referring to a pattern where the price of a security changes significantly, either up or down, from a previous range where the price held relatively steady
A point outside a completed geometric pattern Breakout indicates that the pattern in question has been activated such that it gives a minimum prediction