
listen to the pronunciation of brake
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{f} frenlemek
{f} fren yapmak

Frenleri tamir ederlerse, arabayı satın alacağım. - I will only buy the car if they repair the brakes first.

O, fren pedaline bastı. - He pressed the brake pedal.

frenleyip durdurmak/yavaşlatmak
(Askeri) kastanyola
eğleçleyip durdurmak/yavaşlatmak
eğleç yapmak
{f} fren yap

Dönmeden önce hafifçe fren yap. - Brake lightly before making a turn.

Sami fren yapıyordu ama frenler çalışmadı. - Sami was braking but the brakes didn't work.

fren yapma

O, zamanında fren yapmadı ve bir ağaca çarptı. - He didn't brake on time, and ran into a tree.

{f} frenle

Frenleri tamir ederlerse, arabayı satın alacağım. - I will only buy the car if they repair the brakes first.

Yeni frenlere ihtiyacın var gibi görünüyor. - It sounds like you need new brakes.

{i} büyük eğreltiotu
brakyçalıyla kaplı
iş1emek brake adjustmentfren ayarı
fren takozu
brake block tekerlek baskı takozu
{f} işlemek keten
{i} çalılık
{i} fre

John ayağını frene koydu ve biz aniden durduk. - John put his foot on the brake and we stopped suddenly.

Araba sürmeden önce frenleri kontrol edin ve ayarlayın. - Check and adjust the brakes before you drive.

{f} kenevir vb
(fiil) fren yapmak, frenlemek, işlemek (keten, kenevir vb.)
{i} keten ve kenevir liflerini ayırma aleti
keten tarağı

Cırtlak frenli bir motosikleti kim ister? - Who will want a motorcycle with screeching brakes?

brake block
brake pad
(Otomotiv) disk fren balatası
brake pedal
oto fren pedalı
brake power
(Otomotiv,Teknik) frenleme gücü
brake shoe
(Otomotiv) fren balatası
brake shoe
(Otomotiv) fren pabuçları
brake van
(Otomotiv) furgon
brake actuating cable
fren icra kablosu
brake air bleeding
fren havasını alma
brake anchor bracket
fren tespit plakası
brake anchor pin
fren tespit pimi
brake arm
fren kolu
brake backing plate
fren destek plakası
brake band
fren kuşağı
brake band adjusting nut
fren kuşağı ayar somunu
brake band anchor spring
fren kuşağı tespit yayı
brake band lining
fren kuşağı balatası
brake band pivot
fren kuşağı mihveri
brake bar
eğleç çubuğu
brake bar
fren çubuğu
brake block
fren takozu
brake booster
fren takviyesi
brake bracket
fren mesneti
brake cable
fren kablosu
brake cam
fren kamı
brake circuit
fren devresi
brake control
eğleç kumandası
brake cylinder
eğleç silindiri
brake disk
fren diski
brake drum
eğleç kampanası
brake drum
fren tamburu
brake drum
eğleç çanağı
brake drum
eğleç tamburu
brake failure
fren hatası
brake fern
kuzgun otu
brake fluid
eğleç yağı
brake fluid
eğleç hidrolik yağı
brake lever
eğleç levyesi
brake light
fren lambası
brake light
eğleç lambası
brake lining
eğleç balatası
brake parachute
fren paraşütü
brake pedal
eğleç pedalı
brake pedal
fren pedalı
brake pedal clearance
fren pedal boşluğu
brake pedal pull back spring
fren pedalı geri itme yayı
brake pedal shaft
fren pedalı mili
brake piston
fren pistonu
brake plate
fren plakası
brake power
eğleç gücü
brake power
fren gücü
brake pressure
fren basıncı
brake pressure governor
fren basıncı regülatörü
brake pressure indicator
fren basıncı göstergesi
brake pressure tester
fren basıncı kontrol cihazı
brake pull bar
fren çekme kolu
brake pull rod
fren çekme kolu
brake ratchet
fren mandalı
brake regulator
fren regülatörü
brake regulator control rod
fren regülatör çubuğu
brake resistance
fren direnci
brake resistance
eğleç direnci
brake return spring
fren pedalı geri çekme yayı
brake ring
eğleç halkası
brake ring
fren halkası
brake rod
eğleç çubuğu
brake rod
fren çubuğu
brake servo unit
fren servosu
brake shaft
fren aksı
brake shoe
eğleç çarığı
brake shoe lining
fren pabucu balatası
brake shoe pin
fren pabucu pimi
brake spindle
fren mili
brake spindle
eğleç mili
brake spring
fren yayı
brake spring pin
fren yayı pimi
brake stop lamp
fren stop lambası
brake system
fren sistemi
brake test
fren testi
brake tube
fren hidrolik borusu
brake valve
fren supabı
brake caliper
fren kaliper
brake camshaft
fren kam mili
brake compensator
fren dengeleyicisi
brake cone
fren konisi
brake control
fren kumandası
brake disc
fren diski
brake dynamo
fren dinamosu
brake dynamometer
fren dinamometresi
brake equalizer
fren dengeleyicisi
brake fade
fren fade
brake fading
fren zayıflaması
brake flange
fren flansi
brake fluid
fren sıvısını
brake force
fren kuvveti
brake gear
fren vites
brake horse power
fren beygir gücü
brake hose
fren hortumu
brake hub
fren göbeği
brake jet
fren jet
brake judder
Frene basıldığında oluşan sarsılma

Vibrations can be caused by brake judder.

brake lamp
fren stop lambası, fren lambası
brake lights
fren lambaları
brake lining
fren balatası
brake mean effective pressure
fren ortalama etkili basıncı
brake operating lever
fren kumanda kolu
brake pad
Fren balatası
brake pads
fren balataları
brake pipe
fren boru
brake pressure line
fren basınç hattı
brake shoe
fren pabucu
brake wheel
fren çarkı, fren tekeri
brake band
fren kuşağı,fren takımı
brake block
fren pabucu
brake bracket
(Tekstil) fren pabucu (iğler)
brake cam
fren kaması
brake cam
(Otomotiv) fren ayar mili
brake drum
(Askeri) FREN KAMPANASI: Bak. "Brake mechanism"
brake drum
(Otomotiv) fren çanağı
brake drum
fren kampanası/tamburu
brake dust
(Otomotiv) fren tozu
brake equipment
fren ekipmanı
brake equipment
(Otomotiv) fren teçhizatı
brake equipment
fren donanımı
brake fade
(Otomotiv) fren boşalması
brake fade
(Otomotiv) fren zayıflaması
brake feel
(Otomotiv) pedal mukavemeti
brake feel
(Otomotiv) frenleme hissi
brake fern
brake fluid
(İnşaat) fren hidroliği
brake fluid
fren yağı
brake gear
(Otomotiv) fren çubukları
brake hose
(Otomotiv) fren hidrolik hortumu
brake inspection
(Otomotiv) fren kontrolü
brake lag
(Otomotiv) fren tutma süresi
brake lag
fren tutma mesafesi
brake lag
(Otomotiv) iren tutma süresi
brake load
(Otomotiv,Teknik) fren yükü
brake mark
(Otomotiv) fren izi
brake mechanism
(Askeri) FREN TERTİBATI: Yürüyen bir aracın hızını azaltmak veya birden durdurmak; ya da bir aracı hareket edemez hale getirmek maksadıyla kullanılan tertibat. Bu tertibat, dönen ve dönmeyen kısımlar ile, bunlar üzerinde fren işini gören sürtünme satıhlarını içine alır. Dönen kısım; tekerleğe tespit edilmiş bir fren kampanası; dönmeyen kısım ise, fren pabuçlarını ve bu pabuçları kampana üzerinde sıkıştırmaya yarayan bağlantılardan teşekkül eder
brake noise
(Otomotiv) fren gürültüsü
brake nut
fren somunu
brake out
(Askeri) çemberden kurtulma
brake pad kit
diskli fren balatası kiti
brake pads
fren balataları kontrolü
brake parts
(Otomotiv) fren tertibatı
brake path
(Otomotiv) fren hidrolik kanalı
brake pedal
fren pedalı [aut.]
brake pipe
fren borusu
brake pipe union
(Otomotiv) fren borusu rekoru
brake plate
(Otomotiv) fren levhası
brake rigging
(Askeri) TAZYİKLİ HAVA FRENİ: Muharrik araçlara monte edilmiş komple levye ve bağlantı çubukları. Bu tertibat; fren silindiri içindeki pistona tazyik suretiyle hareket ettirildiği zaman, bu tazyiki fren pabuçlarına intikal ettirir ve çoğaltır
brake rod
fren kumanda çubuğu
brake screw
(Otomotiv) fren vidası
brake shaft
(Otomotiv) el freni mili
brake shaft
fren mili
brake shaft
(Otomotiv) el fren mili
brake shaft
fren şaftı
brake test
(Otomotiv) fren deneyi
brake valve
fren ventili
brake valve
fren valfi
brake wear
frenin aşınması
brake wheel
(Otomotiv) fren çarkı
brake wheel
(Otomotiv) fren tekeri
brake wheel
el freni volanı
(Askeri) fren sistemi
(Otomotiv) fren yapma
compressed air brake
(Otomotiv) hava freni
disc brake pad
(Askeri,Otomotiv) disk fren balatası
disc brake pad
fren balatası
dive brake
(Bilgisayar) dalış freni
emergency brake
(Otomotiv) açıl durum freni
press brake
(Mekanik) apkant pres
relieve the brake
fren gevşetmek
serve as a brake on
fren görevi görmek
shooting brake
kalburüstü sınıf arabası
shooting brake
slam on the brake
frene basmak
air assisted hydraulic brake system
hava servolu fren sistemi
air brake manifold
hava freni manifoldu
air brake valve
hava freni subabı
continuous service brake
devamlı servis freni
drum brake
tamburlu fren
drum brake
tamburlu eğleç
foot brake
ayak eğleci
hydraulic brake fluid
hidrolik fren sıvısı
internal brake
iç eğleç
internal brake
iç fren
maximum brake horsepower
maksimum fren beygirgücü
parking brake
el eğleci
rope brake
kablolu eğleç
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A specific torture instrument
A type of machine for bending sheet metal. (See wikipedia.)
A canebreak
To be stopped or slowed (as if) by braking
A fern type, bracken
A four-wheeled carriage type
Simple past tense and past participle of break

And all the people brake off the golden earrings.

To pulverise with a harrow
To operate (a) brake(s)
The handle, manned by up to six men, by which a ship's pump was worked
A device used to slow or stop a vehicle, by friction; often installed on the wheels, then often in the plural
Something that slows or stops an action
To bruise and crush; to knead

The farmer's son brake the flax while mother brakes the bread dough.

A thicket, or an area overgrown with briers etc

A Dog, and yelping runs about.

{n} a thicket of brambles or shrubs, instrument for dressing flax, kneadingtrough, bit, handle of a pump
A device, such as the disc or drum brake, for retarding motion This is usually created by means of friction caused by a clamping force from a stationary caliper or shoe, against a rotating rotor or drum
stop travelling by applying a brake; "We had to brake suddenly when a chicken crossed the road"
When a vehicle or its driver brakes, or when a driver brakes a vehicle, the driver makes it slow down or stop by using the brakes. She braked sharply to avoid another car He lit a cigarette and braked the car slightly She braked to a halt and switched off
A sharp bit or snaffle
A device used to slow or stop a vehicle, by friction; often installed on the wheels
A piece of equipment used for forming metal
a metal piece with 2 or 3 prongs on the sled used for stopping the team
Less properly: Any fern
Two- and three-seated sporting rigs, four-wheeled and open; two-seated brake toys are especially prized and are known in only a few advanced collections
To operate a brake
aquilina, common in almost all countries
a restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle an area thickly overgrown usually with one kind of plant any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants cause to stop by applying the brakes; "brake the car before you go into a curve"
An apparatus for testing the power of a steam engine, or other motor, by weighing the amount of friction that the motor will overcome; a friction brake
A brake will slow the ride, or stop it
past tense of break
A frame for confining a refractory horse while the smith is shoeing him; also, an inclosure to restrain cattle, horses, etc
{i} device which is used to slow or stop a vehicle; thicket; type of fern; carriage
any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants
A mechanism that diminishes or prevents the motion of another device
A cart or carriage without a body, used in breaking in horses
(Thread brake): A device for achieving even thread tension in the various operations of the textile industry
an electro-mechanical device used to prevent the elevator from moving when the car is at rest and no power is applied to the hoist motor On some types of control, it also stops the elevator when power is removed from the hoist motor
hand- or power-activated machinery used to form metal
An extended handle by means of which a number of men can unite in working a pump, as in a fire engine
{f} stop a vehicle, slow down a vehicle
To be stopped or slowed, as if by a brake
A baker's kneading though
An ancient engine of war analogous to the crossbow and ballista
A device to hold a warp beam from turning, made of a metal cable or band which winds on a metal drum
Caliper, Cantilever, Centerpull, Coaster, Disk, Double pivot, Drum, Roller, Rollercam, Roller lever, Sidepull, Single pivot, Spoon****
a system used to bring a car to a stop In an electric car, this is done by the speed control while in a nitro car, braking power is usually done with a disk brake, although some are still known to use the clutch bell and a friction pad as a brake system, although this is rare nowadays
a restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle
large coarse fern often several feet high; essentially weed ferns; cosmopolitan
(1) A piece of equipment used for forming metal (2) A straight bend in a metal sheet
A machine for turning or bending the edges of sheet metal Alternately, any device for slowing or stopping a machine or vehicle
an area thickly overgrown usually with one kind of plant
A two-clawed metal bar that the musher stands on to slow the team Used in unison with the Track see The Anatomy of a Dog Sled
An ancient instrument of torture
wooden or iron brake shoe encircling the brake wheel
The mechanism used on a mechanical power press to stop and/or hold the crankshaft, either directly or through a gear train, when the clutch is disengaged
the P
device that helps you stop, as in: When the driver saw the cow in the road, he hit the brake
A large, heavy harrow for breaking clods after plowing; a drag
A type of machine for bending sheet metal
n machine for bending/folding sheet metal Also: bending brake
usually a foot-controlled lever which keeps carriage from rolling when it is applied either to tire, or inserted into spokes of wheels
cause to stop by applying the brakes; "brake the car before you go into a curve"
That part of a carriage, as of a movable battery, or engine, which enables it to turn
n [{also brakes}] rem
Brakes are devices in a vehicle that make it go slower or stop. The brakes began locking A seagull swooped down in front of her car, causing her to slam on the brakes
the handle, manned by up to six men, by which a ships pump was worked
A device, other than a motor, used for retarding or stopping motion by friction or power means
It has solitary stems dividing into three principal branches
A fern of the genus Pteris, esp
Device used to decrease velocity It is usually attached to the heel of one skate
brake assembly
The collective replacement parts used to repair an automobile's worn down brakes
brake bias
The front and rear distribution of braking power. The brake bias should match the traction of the vehicle while braking
brake drum
A hollow metal cylinder, attached to a wheel of a vehicle, to which pressure is applied when braking
brake horsepower
The useful horsepower of an engine as measured using a friction brake (or dynamometer) attached to the drive shaft
brake horsepowers
plural form of brake horsepower
brake mean effective pressure
the average (mean) pressure which, if imposed on the pistons uniformly from the top to the bottom of each power stroke, would produce the measured (brake) power output
brake noodle
A rigid or stiffly flexible sheath used on some bicycles to turn a brake cable neatly around a corner
brake pad
A friction element in a disc brake
brake pads
plural form of brake pad
brake pedal
the pedal in a vehicle, usually a car, which operates the brakes
brake pedals
plural form of brake pedal
brake press
A press brake
brake presses
plural form of brake press
brake shoe
An element of a drum brake into which the friction-producing brake lining is attached
brake shoes
plural form of brake shoe
brake caliper
A motor-vehicle or bicycle brake consisting of two or more hinged components
brake van
brake van
A compartment, carriage, or wagon in a train which contains braking apparatus operated by the guard
brake backing plate
(Otomotiv) A metal plate, located inside the brake drum, on which the wheel cylinder, brake shoes, and other brake parts are mounted
brake band
flexible band around the brake drum
brake band
a band that can be tightened around a shaft to stop its rotation
brake booster
(Otomotiv) If your car has power brakes, a brake booster is located between the brake pedal and the master cylinder to increase the force applied to the brakes. There are two common types
brake calipers
(Otomotiv) The clamp like device on a disc brake system that squeezes the brake pads onto the brake disc to slow down or stop the car
brake cylinder
a cylinder that contains brake fluid that is compressed by a piston
brake discs
(Otomotiv) Also known as rotors, these are used universally on front braking systems and on some rear braking systems. Brake fluid under pressure pushes pistons in brake calipers, which clamp a set of brake pads around one corner of the rotating disc and slow it down, thus slowing down the car
brake disk
the brake disk plate is fixed to the wheel; pressure is applied to it by the brake pads
brake drum
A metal cylinder to which pressure is applied by a braking mechanism in order to arrest rotation of the wheel or shaft to which the cylinder is attached
brake drum
a hollow cast-iron cylinder attached to the wheel that forms part of the brakes
brake drum
mechanism of a vehicle attached to the wheel hub or transmission shaft which aids in braking movement of a vehicle
brake drums
Automobile break drums used as metal percussion sounds by the comparsas in the Cuban carnival
brake drums
The cast iron housing and friction surface around a drum brake The brake shoes expand outward and rub against the inside surface of the drums when the brakes are applied Worn drums often take on a grooved appearance The inner surface should be turned smooth on a brake lathe when the shoes are replaced If the drum has worn too thin, is cracked, warped or has taken on a bell-mouthed shape, it must be replaced The spring around the outside of the drum on some vehicles is there to soak up vibrations and noise
brake drums
(Otomotiv) Part of the braking system, these are metal drums mounted at the rear wheels on some cars. The brake shoes press against the inner surfaces of the drums to slow or stop the car. See also brake system
brake drums
Part of the braking system, these are metal drums mounted at the rear wheels on some cars The brake shoes press against the inner surfaces of the drums to slow or stop the car See also brake system
brake drums
Brake drums are drum-shaped components which contain internal brake shoes, which expand and press against the drum, when the driver presses on the brake pedal, slowing or stopping the car
brake failure
brakes fail to stop a vehicle
brake fluid
Fluid used in a hydraulic brake system
brake fluid
The brake system uses a special kind of alcohol-based hydraulic fluid The fluid is "hydroscopic," which means it tends to absorb moisture over time (never leave a can of brake fluid open for this reason) Moisture lowers the boiling point of the fluid and causes internal corrosion in the brake system That's why the fluid should be replaced when brake repairs are made or every couple of years, whichever comes first The best kind of brake fluid is silicone-based It won't absorb moisture and doesn't require periodic replacement -- but it costs several times as much as ordinary brake fluid
brake fluid
(Otomotiv) The liquid used in the hydraulic brake system to stop or slow the car. See also brake discs, brake lines
brake fluid
A special type of hydraulic fluid designed specifically for brakes Brake fluid transfers the motion of a driver stepping on a brake pedal directly to operate a brake caliper or wheel cylinder
brake fluid
liquid used in certain kinds of brakes so that the different parts move smoothly
brake fluid
The liquid used in the hydraulic brake system to stop or slow the car See also brake discs, brake lines
brake horsepower
{i} b.h.p., effective horsepower that is available for driving machinery (Mechanics)
brake horsepower
The actual or useful horsepower of an engine, usually determined from the force exerted on a friction brake or dynamometer connected to the drive shaft
brake light
a light on the back of a vehicle that comes on when you use the brake
brake light
stoplight, light on the rear of an automobile that lights up when the driver steps on the brake pedal
brake lines
flying lines attached to the kite to slow the kite or reduce its pull in strong winds Brake lines lead to a back attachment point (trailing edge) of the kite
brake lines
Metal tubing and rubber hoses connecting the master cylinder to the wheel brake assemblies
brake lines
Metal tubing and rubber hoses which connects each brake caliper or wheel cylinder to the brake master cylinder
brake lines
The tubes or hoses connecting the master cylinder to the wheel cylinders in a hydraulic brake system
brake lines
flying lines attached to the kite to slow the kite or reduce its pull in strong winds Brake lines lead to back attachment points on the trailing edge of foil kites Naish and Wipika inflatable kites use the front lines as "brakes"
brake lines
(Otomotiv) A system of hoses and metal tubes through which the brake fluid flows from the master cylinder to the brakes at each wheel. See also brake system
brake lines
Metal tubing and rubber hoses connecting master cylinder to wheel brake assemblies
brake lines
Steel brake lines are an avenue through which pressurized brake fluid travels
brake lines
system of hoses and metal tubes through which the brake fluid passes from the master cylinder to the brakes
brake lines
A system of hoses and metal tubes through which the brake fluid flows from the master cylinder to the brakes at each wheel See also brake system
brake lining
The covering of a brake shoe
brake lining
the lining on the brake shoes that comes in contact with the brake drum
brake lining
(Otomotiv) For drum brakes, this is high-friction and heat resistant material that's attached to a brake shoe. When the shoe is pressed against the brake drum, the lining grabs the inside of the drum, which stops the wheel and thus the car
brake pad
A flat block that presses against the disk of a disc brake
brake pads
Found on disc brakes, brake pads provide the necessary friction to the discs to stop your vehicle Brake pads are usually manufactured out of a material that is "Semi-Metallic" in nature This means the composition of the material is half-metallic
brake pads
These brake linings are composed of high temperature materials that create friction that stops your car
brake pads
Replaceable friction surfaces mounted on caliper of disc brake system
brake pads
Replaceable friction surfaces mounted on the caliper of a disc brake system
brake pads
pads apply friction to both sides of the brake disk
brake pads
You should check your brake pads at least every 6 months If the grooves are no longer visible, they should be replaced
brake pads
In a disc system, they are the replaceable flat segments consisting of a rigid backing plate plus frictional lining that takes the place of the shoe and lining in a drum brake Brake pads are sometimes referred to as brake pucks
brake pads
These are the linings used in the front disc brakes They are called pads because of their flat pad-like shape Each brake uses a pair of pads (one inner, one outer) Replacement pads are sold in two-pair sets, and are fairly easy to change (See Brake Squeal) Calipers should be inspected for leaks (See Calipers), and the rotors resurfaced to restore a smooth surface (See Brake Rotors)
brake pads
Brake pads are used specifically with disc brake systems The pads fit inside the calipers, and create friction and stopping power when pressed against the brake rotor When you have your disc brakes replaced, it is often just the pads that are being replaced
brake pads
For disc brakes, the replaceable flat segments consisting of a rigid backing plate plus frictional lining that take the place of the shoe and lining in a drum brake Brake pads are sometimes referred to as brake pucks
brake pads
For disc brakes, these are friction material on a metal backing plate that, during braking, is clamped around a brake disc by brake caliper pistons to slow down the wheel to which it is attached See also brake system, brake fluid
brake pedal
device for slowing or stopping a vehicle
brake pedal
foot pedal that moves a piston in the master brake cylinder
brake power
strength to stop, power to slow down
brake shoe
The arc-shaped carrier to which the friction lining are mounted and which force the lining against the rotating drum during braking
brake shoe
holds the brake pad
brake shoe
A curved piece of aluminum with a lining used to prevent the Micrometer Stop from moving during operation
brake shoe
A curved metal block that presses against and arrests the rotation of a wheel or brake drum. one of the two curved parts that press against the wheel of a vehicle in order to make it go more slowly or stop
brake shoe
Correctly, the shoe is the metal component (rim and web assembly) used to push the friction material against the drum in a drum brake system, but the term is now used to refer to the whole shoe and lining assembly
brake shoe
device that rubs against a wheel to slow or stop a moving vehicle
brake shoe
The arc-shaped carrier to which the brake linings are mounted in a drum brake They also force the lining against the rotating drum during braking
brake shoe
a restraint provided when the brake linings are moved hydraulically against the brake drum to retard the wheel's rotation
brake shoe
moving member(s) of a brake, lined with friction material which, when in contact with the brake drum, holds the elevator at floor level On some types of control, it will stop the elevator when power is removed from the hoist motor
brake shoes
The friction device used to stop the vehicle in a drum brake system The "shoes" are half mooned shaped and are hydraucially pushed against the smooth circular drum surface thus stopping the car The friction material used is usually semi-metallic, sometimes organic in nature
brake shoes
Brake shoes are used specifically with drum brake systems Brake shoes fit inside the brake drum, and are pressed against the drum by a wheel cylinder when the brakes are applied, thus slowing or stopping the car
brake shoes
Curved, replaceable friction surfaces used with drum-type brakes
brake shoes
Curved pieces of metal on which brake linings are bonded The shoes push the lining against the brake drum in order to slow and stop the car
brake shoes
The replaceable friction material that contacts the brake drum in a drum brake system to slow or stop the car
brake shoes
(Otomotiv) Curved pieces of metal on which brake linings are bonded. The shoes push the lining against the brake drum in order to slow and stop the car
brake shoes
The brake linings used in drum brakes (the rear brakes on most cars) Each drum contains two shoes (a primary or leading shoe, and a secondary or trailing shoe) Replacement shoes are sold in sets of four, one pair for each brake When shoes are replaced, the condition of the mounting hardware and return springs should be carefully inspected Replace any worn, damaged or stretched components Drums should also be turned on a lathe to restore a smooth surface
brake system
(Otomotiv) A system that starts with your brake pedal and finishes with your brake pads. It uses hydraulic pressure to enable your car to slow and stop safely as you step on the pedal. It consists of all the parts, when you step on the brake pedal, that work together to force brake fluid in the master cylinder, through the brake lines, and into the calipers / cylinders in the disc or drum brakes at each wheel
brake system
brake consisting of a combination of interacting parts that work to slow a motor vehicle
brake system
system which slows the movement of a vehicle
ABS brake
Another name for antilock brake
antilock brake
A brake fitted to some road vehicles to prevent skidding and improves control by sensing and compensating for overbraking
caliper brake
A form of brake, used on bicycles, in which a pair of arms, carrying brake pads, move inwards and press on the the rim of the wheel
cane brake
a dense thicket of sugar-canes

Cain't no-a high-toned woman make me walk the line.

dead man's brake
A brake that normally operates under pressure, but engages fully when all pressure is released
deadman's brake
A brake that normally operates under pressure, but engages fully when all pressure is released
disc brake
A type of brake where the friction is produced by brake pads which are pressed against a disk
drum brake
A form of brake in which friction is applied by pads to the inner surface of a rotating cylinder (the brake drum) connected directly to a wheel
emergency brake
A brake which can be used by passengers in a vehicle to stop in event of an emergency
Attributive form of emergency brake

emergency-brake jerkiness.

foot brake
The pedal in a motor car which operates the brakes when depressed by the foot
jake brake
Especially on trucks, an engine compression brake that closes the valves in an engine in order to slow the vehicle; an engine retarder
muzzle brake
A device placed at the muzzle of a firearm to reduce the recoil energy by redirecting the escaping gases
parking brake
A brake in a vehicle that can be set to avoid the vehicle rolling down a hill
Attributive form of parking brake

parking-brake jerk.

press brake
A machine used in cold-forming sheet metal or strips of metal into desired profiles
third person singular of brake
Information about the brake system of the car
Are used to stop the bike
Device used to slow or stop the train These are places at strategic places along the track to keep the train within reasonable speed (as in the rides specs , or within park tolerances, which are often not the same as the enthusiasts tolerance) Brakes are almost always located on the track instead of the train Brakes come in many different varietys
A device used to slow or stop the train on a roller coaster Brakes are placed on the brake run, but may also be located along the course the train travels to slow the train down if necessary or stop it at a block Related terms are block brake, trim brake and brake run Types of brakes include skid brakes, fin brakes, and magnetic brakes
brake consisting of a combination of interacting parts that work to slow a motor vehicle
The brake system uses hydraulic pressure to stop your vehicle when you step on the brake pedal Pushing the pedal down pumps fluid from the master cylinder to the brakes at each wheel This squeezes the brake linings against the rotors and drums, creating friction which brings the vehicle to a halt The only maintenance the system requires is to check the fluid level periodically, and to replace the fluid every couple of years -- or when brake repairs are performed (See also Brake Bleeding, Brake Drums, Brake Fluid, Brake Job, Brake Linings, Brake Pads, Brake Rotors, Brake Shoes, Calipers, Master Cylinder, Parking Brake and Wheel Cylinder)
Brakes are used to slow the train, they are located strategically in the circuit to control speeds in areas where excessive speed may be undesirable Most brakes are located on the track, rather than on the train They operate by squeezing or rubbing on a pad or fin on the passing train There are several types of brakes, see: check brake, scarf brake, and trim brake
The brake lines of the canopy are synonymous with steering lines Used together, they slow the parachute Used independently they result in a turn
plural of brake
Every coasteraholic's nightmare! used to slow the train, they are located strategically in the circuit to control speeds in areas where excessive speed may be undesirable (note that "undesirable" and "unsafe" are not necessarily synonymous in this case, see also Theme Park Mentality) Brakes are usually located in the center of the trackwork, and not on the cars themselves There are several different types of brakes used on a coaster, they are
Devices used to slow or stop the train These are placed at strategic places along the track to keep the train within reasonable speed (as in the ride's specs , or within park tolerances, which are often not the same as the enthusiasts' tolerance ) Brakes are almost always located on the track instead of the train Brakes come in many different varieties - see Check Brake, Fin Brake, Magnetic Brake, Scarf Brake, Skid Brake, and Trim Brake
{i} devices which allow one to slow or stop a vehicle
Usually used in sentences like "under braking" or "need more/less braking", this simply refers to the time when the car is actually using its brakes
{i} stopping, halting, decelerating, restraining
present participle of brake
The braking (B) position of the running mode selector is unique to the Prius Only use this when traveling down a long steep hill to save wear on the mechanical brakes or relieve an ache in your braking foot If you engage this mode during normal driving you will at minimum ruin your fuel economy If you don't live in a mountainous area, you may never need this mode
The mechanical bending, flanging, folding and forming of sheet or plate material using a press, folding, or box brake