Can't a guy take a shit in peace?.
Oh, shit. I left my worksheet at home, she said to the language arts teacher, which got her in trouble.
I want your shit out of my garage by tomorrow.
Her son has been a real shit to her.
That ad shits me to tears.
What a shit film that was!.
Your crap stubbornness makes people sick.
- Senin bok inatçılığın insanları hasta ediyor.
Sami was just a bunch of crap.
- Sami bir bok yığınından ibaretti.
This is such bullshit.
- Bu kadar boktan olur.
Eat shit — millions of flies cannot be wrong.
- Bok ye - milyonlarca sinek yanılıyor olamaz.
We were all scared shitless.
- Hepimizin korkudan ödü bokuna karıştı.
So the librarian gives the chicken a book. The chicken goes away, but comes back the next day, goes up to the librarian's desk and says: 'Bok, bok!'.