
listen to the pronunciation of block
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{f} engellemek

Ay dünyadan en uzak mesafede olduğunda meydana gelen tutulma tipi halkalı güneş tutulmasıdır. Ay sonra güneş diskini tamamen engellemek için çok küçük görünür. - The eclipse type that occurs when the Moon is at its farthest distance from the Earth is an annular eclipse. The Moon then appears too small to completely block out the disk of the Sun.

Ben korkunç sesleri engellemek için parmaklarımı kulaklarıma koydum. - I put my fingers in my ears to block out the terrible sounds.

{i} blok

O, bloktaki yeni bir çocukla çabucak arkadaş oldu. - He quickly made friends with the new boy on the block.

Hemen hemen tüm sanal bellek uygulamaları bir uygulama programının sanal adres alanını sayfalara böler; bir sayfa bitişik sanal bellek adreslerinden oluşan bir bloktur. - Almost all implementations of virtual memory divide the virtual address space of an application program into pages; a page is a block of contiguous virtual memory addresses.

arsa parçası
binalar dizisi
tıkayan şey
(Otomotiv) ayırıcı blok
(Bilgisayar) önle

Güney senatörleri 1930'lu yıllara kadar linç önleme yasasını engelledi. - Southern senators blocked anti-lynching legislation through the 1930s.

engel oluşturmak
kütük/kaya/taş parçası

Acil çıkış yolları, kamu güvenliği için tıkanıklıklardan uzak tutulmalıdır. - Emergency exits must be kept free of blockages for public safety.

önünü kesmek

Türkiye, Twitter'a erişimi engelledi. - Turkey has blocked access to Twitter.

Facebook, Çin'de engellidir. - Facebook is blocked in China.

(matbaa) blok
bir bütün olarak düşünülen miktar
{f} tıka

Bana gözyaşı kanalımın tıkandığı söylenildi. - I was told my tear duct was blocked.

Acil çıkış yolları, kamu güvenliği için tıkanıklıklardan uzak tutulmalıdır. - Emergency exits must be kept free of blockages for public safety.

{i} makara
{i} kütük
{f} tika
{f} kalıplamak
{f} durdurmak
{i} kütle
büyük parça bitişik bir sıra bina
{i} tutukluk
{i} palanga
(Askeri) EŞYA BLOĞU: İki veya daha çok birim genişlikte, iki veya daha çok birim derinlikte, birbirini destekler durumda, muntazam ikmal maddeleri istifi. Bir eşya bloğu, dikdörtgen veya piramit şeklinde olabilir
(Tıp) Tıkamak, yolunu kesmek, geçmesine engel olmak
(Tekstil) klişe, kalıp
{i} blok, büyük parça
(Tıp) Sinirsel uyarı iletiminin kesilmesi
(Tıp) Tıkanma, kesilme, engel
{i} sıkışıklık
(Nükleer Bilimler) öbek
{i} iki cadde arasındaki binalar [amer.]
(Tıp) İlaçla sınırlı bir bölgenin duyarsız hale getirilmesi, bölgesel his iptali
üzerinde kelle uçurulan tahta
{i} İng. büyük bina: block of flats apartman. office block (büroların bulunduğu) iş hanı
sinyalleri beraber çalışan hat
şapka kalıbı

Altı katlı bir apartmanın en üst katında yaşıyorum. - I live on the top floor of a six storey apartment block.

Caddenin diğer tarafındaki apartman dairelerinde yaşıyoruz. - We live in the block of flats just there on the other side of the street.

yol kesmek
iki cadde arasındaki binalar
block up
(deliği/boşluğu) doldurarak kapamak
block arc
(Bilgisayar) blok yay
block brick
(İnşaat) blok tuğla
block flute
(Muzik) blok flüt
block gage
(Otomotiv) ayar takozu
block glide
(Çevre) blok kayması
block house
(Askeri) korugan
block mold
(İnşaat) blok kalıbı
block off
yolunu tıkamak
block off
geçişine izin vermemek
block off
erişimi engellemek
block out
(Diş Hekimliği) doldurma
block party
(Bilgisayar) açık hava partisi
block plan
(İnşaat) kütle planı
block plan
(İnşaat) blok planı
block size
(Bilgisayar) blok boyutu
block size
blok büyüklüğü
block stone
(İnşaat) blok taş
block text
(Bilgisayar) öbek metni
block text
(Bilgisayar) blok metni
block tin
külçe halindeki kalay
block type
(Bilgisayar) blok türü
block up
block user
kullanıcıya izin vermemek
block wall
(İnşaat) blok duvar
block and tackle
block and tackle
palanga takımı
block and tackle
makara takımı
block capital
büyük harf
block delete
blok silme
block letter
büyük matba harfi
block letters
büyük matbaa harfleri
block mark
blok işareti
block move
öbek taşıma
block of flats

Yolun hemen karşısındaki apartman dairelerde yaşıyoruz. - We live in the block of flats just across the road.

Caddenin diğer tarafındaki apartman dairelerinde yaşıyoruz. - We live in the block of flats just there on the other side of the street.

block of metal
metal bloğu
block of rooms
bitişik oda
block pavement
blok kaplama
block policy
toplu poliçe
block polymerization
blok polimerizasyonu
block position
blok konumu
block printing
el baskısı
block radiator
blok radyatör
block selection
öbek seçimi
block sort
blok sıralama
block sorting
blok sıralama
block structured language
blok yapılı dil
block transfer
blok transferi
block up
block board
blok kurulu
block book
blok kitap
block brake
pabuçlu fren, çeneli fren
block caving
blok göçertme metodu, kütle göçertme yöntemi
block chain
makaralı zincir
block check character
blok çek karakteri, öbek sinama karakteri
block condenser
tıkama kondansatörü
block gauge
aralık mastarı
block header
blok başlığı, öbek başlığı
block heater
blok ısıtıcı
block in

Tom ugg botlarıyla blok etrafında yürüdü. - Tom walked around the block in his ugg boots.

block multiplex
blok çoklamali, öbek çoklamali
block of stone
taş blok
block plane
blok uçak
block sale
blok satış
block search
belirli bir karakter ya da sözcük aramak
block the wind
rüzgarı kesmek
block transaction
blok halinde satım
blok gibi
block and pulley
block cancel character
obek silme damgasi
block caving
blok göçertme
block chaining
blok zincirleme
block code
(Nükleer Bilimler) öbek kod
block construction
(Havacılık) blok dikiş konstrüksiyonu
block control
(Askeri) BLOK KONTROLÜ: Kıta ve ikmal maddeleri nakliyatının, diğer trafik tarafından aksatılmaması için kullanılan usul. Bu usulde, askeri inzibata ait trafik devriyeleri, kıta veya malzeme konvoylarının önünden giderek diğer trafiği durdurur ve yolu açık bulundurur. Buna "block system" da denir
block copy
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) blok kopyası
block copy
blok kopyalama
block copy
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öbek kopyası
block diagonal matrix
obek (blok) kosegen matris
block encryption
blok sifreleme
block equipment
palanga teçhizatı
block exemption
(Avrupa Birliği) grup muafiyeti
block gap
(Askeri) ÖBEK ARALIĞI: Bir bilgi ortamı içinde bir blok veya kayıt sorununu belirtmek için kullanılan bir anlam
block gap
(Askeri,Bilgisayar,Teknik) öbek aralığı
block ignore character
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öbek unut karakteri
block ignore character
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) blok ihmal karakteri
block letter
kitap yazısıyla yazılan büyük harf
block load
(Askeri) BLOK YÜK: Bak. "block shipment"
block mark
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öbek işareti
block mode
blok blok iletim
block move
blok taşıma
block of buildings
block overhead
blok destek bitleri
block paragraphs
İki yana yaslı Paragraflar
block payload
blogun yararli yuku
block plot
(Askeri) ŞEFFAF TATBİK KROKİSİ: Bak. "control sheet"
block plot
(Askeri) şeffaf tatbik krokisi
block point
(Nükleer Bilimler) durdurma noktası
block polymerization
(Tekstil) blok polimerizasyon
block print
(kumaşı/kitabı) kalıpla basmak
block punch index test
makaslama indeks deneyi
block quantization
obek (blok) nicemlemesi
block quotation
blok alıntı
block sale
(Ticaret) borsada blok satış
block seam
(Havacılık) blok dikişi
block selection
blok seçim
block shipment
(Askeri) BLOK SEVKİYAT: Dengeli bir kuvvete belirli miktarda gün için dengeli bir stok temini maksadıyla, denizaşırı bölgelere ikmal maddeleri sevk usulü. Örneğin, 10.000 kişilik bir kuvvet için 30 günlük ikmal gibi
block sort
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öbek sıralama
block sort
(Elektrik, Elektronik) blok ayırma
block storing
(Askeri) BLOK DEPOLAMA: Aynı cinsten kapların bir blok halinde istif edilmesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "commodity loading"
block stowage loading
(Askeri) BLOK İSTİF YÜKLEME: Belirli bir yere gidecek bütün yük bir arada istiflenecek şekilde bir yükleme usulü. Maksat, gittiği yerde, yükün, diğer noktalara ait yüklere zarar vermeden, süratle tahliyesini kolaylaştırmaktır. Ayrıca bakınız: "loading"
block system
(Askeri) BLOK SİSTEMİ: Bak. "block control"
block time
(Askeri) TAKOZ ZAMANI (HV.): Bir tayyarenin rampaya veya terminal sahasına varış veya ayrılış zamanı
block time
(Havacılık) uçuş müddeti
block up
block up
block vote
(Politika, Siyaset) blok oy
block vote
toplu oy
block, group
a chip of the old block
babasının oğlu
block buster
kuvvetli patlayıcı madde
block out
(Spor) blok-aut
block out
taslak yapmak
(Ticaret) kapalı

O cadde çalışma nedeniyle kapalı. - That street is blocked because of the works.

(Bilgisayar) engellenmiş
(Bilgisayar) engellendi

Ben birçok kez engellendim. - I have been blocked many times.

Trafik bir heyelan tarafından engellendi. - Traffic was blocked by a landslide.


Liman bloke edilebilir. - The harbor can be blocked.

Tom Mary'nin yumruğunu bloke etti, sonra sağ eliyle ona tokat attı. - Tom blocked Mary's punch, then slapped her with his right hand.

(Dilbilim) engelli

Facebook, Çin'de engellidir. - Facebook is blocked in China.

(Biyokimya) önleyici
(Tıp) blokör
(Tıp) bloke edici
(Biyokimya) engelleyici
(Tıp) baraj

Nehri bloke eden baraj çok geniş. - The dam blocking the river is very wide.

(Havacılık) yapışma
(Bilgisayar) engelliyor

Sen benim ışığımı engelliyorsun. - You're blocking my light.

(Otomotiv) bloke

O araba trafiği bloke ediyor. - That car is blocking traffic.

Nehri bloke eden baraj çok geniş. - The dam blocking the river is very wide.

(Elektrik, Elektronik) bloke eden

Nehri bloke eden baraj çok geniş. - The dam blocking the river is very wide.

{f} engelle

Beni Facebook'ta engelledin, şimdi öleceksin. - You blocked me on Facebook, and now you're going to die.

Trafik bir heyelan tarafından engellendi. - Traffic was blocked by a landslide.

bloke etme
{i} tıkama
V-block (Vee-block)
(Mühendislik) V-yatağı
bloke et

Sami, Leyla'nın telefon numarasını bloke etti. - Sami blocked Layla's phone number.

Tom Mary'nin yumruğunu bloke etti ve ona tekrar tekme attı. - Tom blocked Mary's punch and kicked her again.

{f} tika

Çocuklar oyuncak bloklarla oynadılar. - The children played with toy blocks.

Çocuklar bloklarla oynarlar. - Children play with blocks.

{f} bloke et: adj.bloke edilmiş
{f} engelle: adj.engelle
{s} tıkalı

Yollar kötü havadan dolayı tıkalıydı. - The roads are blocked due to the bad weather.

Lavabodaki boru tıkalıydı. - The drain in the washbasin is blocked.

{s} bloke edilmiş
{i} engel olma
{f} engelle: prep.engelleyerek
(Tıp) İletimin veya geçişin kesilmesi, tıkanma, tıkama

Park caddesine bir ağaç düştü, trafiği tıkadı. - A tree has fallen across Park Street, blocking traffic.

(Nükleer Bilimler) çevreleme
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To prevent (something or someone) from passing

You're blocking the road - I can't get through.

to shape or mould into the desired shape
A case with one or more sheaves/pulleys, used with ropes to increase or redirect force, for example, as part of the rigging of a sailing ship
An action to interfere with the movement of an opposing player or of the object of play (ball, puck)
A defensive play by one or more players meant to deflect a spiked ball back to the hitter’s court
A logical data storage unit containing one or more physical sectors (see cluster)
Something that prevents something from passing (see blockage)

There's a block in the pipe that means the water can't get through.

A shot played by holding the bat vertically in the path of the ball, so that it loses momentum and drops to the ground
A cuboid of wood, plastic or other material used as a base on which to cut something

Anne Boleyn placed her head on the block and awaited her execution.

To disable communication via telephone, instant messaging, etc., with an undesirable someone

I tried to message, but you blocked me!.

A set of sheets (of paper) joined together at one end

A block of 100 tickets.

To play a block shot
A residential building consisting of flats

A block of flats.

A joined group of four (or in some cases nine) postage stamps, forming a roughly square shape
To hit with a block
To prevent (something from happening or someone from doing something)

His plan to take over the business was blocked by the boss.

To impede an opponent in sports

The offensive linemen tried to block the blitz.

A region of code in a program that acts as a single unit, such as a function or loop
A section of split logs used as fuel
To wait

When the condition expression is false, the thread blocks on the condition variable.

To specify the positions and movements of the actors

It was very difficult to block this scene convincingly.

A group of urban lots of property, several acres in extent, not crossed by public streets

I'm going for a walk around the block.

A substantial, often approximately cuboid, piece of any substance

A block of stone.

A portion of a macromolecule, comprising many units, that has at least one feature not present in adjacent portions
The human head

I'll knock your block off.

The distance from one street to another in a city that is built (approximately) to a grid pattern

The place you are looking for is two long blocks east and one short block north.

To fill (something) so that it is not possible to pass

The pipe is blocked.

{v} to shut or stop up, inclose, hinder
{n} a heavy piece of wood pulley, hindrance
A {wood} block is a piece of wood used as a matrix for a print Wood blocks are used primarily for woodcuts or wood engravings
A square, or portion of a city inclosed by streets, whether occupied by buildings or not
A large or long building divided into separate houses or shops, or a number of houses or shops built in contact with each other so as to form one building; a row of houses or shops
See Block system, below
obstruct; "My nose is all stuffed"; "Her arteries are blocked"
a platform from which an auctioneer sells; "they put their paintings on the block"
Group of contiguous recorded characters treated as a unit and containing one or more logical records Normally used to characterize a DVD ECC block or a CD subcode block, or section, but can also refer to a CD frame
The pattern or shape of a hat
A defensive play by one or more players meant to deflect a spiked ball back to the hitter's court
(computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted; "since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block' and `sector' are sometimes used interchangeably"
A section of a FIS form containing related pieces of information Each form has a "key" block at the top that requests or reflects key access information, and one or more framed data blocks below, each of which generally focuses on one area of data
If you block someone's way, you prevent them from going somewhere or entering a place by standing in front of them. I started to move round him, but he blocked my way
Basic unit of disk space allocation Each disk drive has a fixed block size (BLS) defined in its disk parameter block in the BIOS A block can consist of 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, or 16K consecutive bytes Blocks are numbered relative to zero so that each block is unique and has a byte displacement in a file equal to the block number times the block size
(American football) the act of obstructing someone's path with your body; "he threw a rolling block into the line backer"
an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension; "I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block"
The position of a player or bat when guarding the wicket
A group of adjacent cells in a rectangle is called a block A block is defined by the addresses of the two cells that are in the opposite corners of the rectangle block area, from the top left cell in the block to the bottom right cell in the block Once a block is defined, you can move it, copy it, delete it, or change the contents, format, or mathematical functions
run on a block system; "block trains
shape by using a block; "Block a hat"; "block a garment"
shape into a block or blocks; "block the graphs so one can see the results clearly"
A 'segment' of track which is seperated from the rest of the track by brakes, lift hills or other devices capeable of halting the train The concept is that only one train can enter a block at one time, A safety feature which is standard on all multi-train coasters
In the Java(TM) programming language, any code between matching braces Example: { x = 1; }
To obstruct so as to prevent passage or progress; to prevent passage from, through, or into, by obstructing the way; used both of persons and things; often followed by up; as, to block up a road or harbor
impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball); "block an attack"
A group of buildings in a city or town, demarcated by streets
The popping crease
To secure or support by means of blocks; to secure, as two boards at their angles of intersection, by pieces of wood glued to each
a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides); "the pyramids were built with large stone blocks" housing in a large building that is divided into separate units; "there is a block of classrooms in the west wing" an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension; "I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block" a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit; "he reserved a large block of seats"; "he held a large block of the company's stock" a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings; "he lives in the next block" (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted; "since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block' and `sector' are sometimes used interchangeably" a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides shape into a block or blocks; "block the graphs so one can see the results clearly" shape by using a block; "Block a hat"; "block a garment" support, secure, or raise with a block; "block a plate for printing"; "block the wheels of a car" stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block; "block the book cover" interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia; "block a nerve"; "block a muscle" run on a block system; "block trains
a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides); "the pyramids were built with large stone blocks"
interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia; "block a nerve"; "block a muscle"
render unsuitable for passage; "block the way"; "barricade the streets"; "stop the busy road"
stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block; "block the book cover"
block passage through; "obstruct the path"
A physical unit of information in a logical record Block size is usually expressed in bytes
a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides
A grouping of related characters within the Unicode encoding space A block may contain unassigned positions, which are reserved
In Australia, one of the large lots into which public land, when opened to settlers, is divided by the government surveyors
(1) One or more chronological segments of cutoff, or closed, records that are in the same series and are dealt with as a unit for disposition purposes, especially during the transfer of permanent records to the National Archives For example, a transfer of records in 5-year blocks
interfere with or prevent the reception of signals; "Jam the Voice of America"; "block the signals emitted by this station"
It is used to change the direction of motion, as in raising a heavy object that can not be conveniently reached, and also, when two or more such sheaves are compounded, to change the rate of motion, or to exert increased force; used especially in the rigging of ships, and in tackles
a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope
block and tackle
human male external genitalia
block and tackle
A system of two or more pulleys (the tackles) each enclosed by a housing (the block) with a rope or cable threaded between them, usually used to lift or pull heavy loads
block capital
A capital letter written by hand
block capitals
plural form of block capital
block capitals
text written entirely in capital letters
block copolymer
a copolymer that is a block polymer - adjacent blocks being multiples of different monomers
block diagram
A pictorial representation of a system or process in which subsystems or other components are represented by geometric shapes joined by lines or arrows
block diagrams
plural form of block diagram
block dump
A small image that contains the sectors read off the original disc, during a computing process. It includes all the data the emulator reads off the original ISO image, and is used in problem solving by developers
block heater
an electric heater that heats the engine of a car to ease starting in cold weather
block heaters
plural form of block heater
block hour
A service hour of an aircraft, measured as an hour after leaving the departure gate and before arriving at the destination gate

Some airlines average more than twelve block hours a day from their long-haul aircraft.

block hours
plural form of block hour
block length
The number of characters in a block
block length
The length of a block
block letter
A capital letter written by hand
block letters
plural form of block letter
block level element
an HTML element that normally begins on a new line, and may or may not contain other block level elements or inline elements
block macromolecule
any macromolecule composed of a linear sequence of blocks
block of flats
A residential building consisting of apartments
block out
to cover something, so as to make it impossible to see
block out
to prevent from entering or penetrating

High-factor suncream blocks out the sun's rays.

block out
to prevent (a thought) from entering one's mind

After finding out she had terminal cancer, she tried to block out any thoughts of her own mortality.

block parties
plural form of block party
block party
A festive event held in the street of a city block
block party
A slang term for a game where a single player blocks the shots of many other players. Used frequently on Inside the NBA

Charles Barkley: Everybody.

block polymer
A polymer which is a block macromolecule
block polymers
plural form of block polymer
block up
to be completely blocked or obstrctued
block up
to completely block or obstruct
block of flats
An apartment building, block of flats or tenement is a multi-unit dwelling made up of several (generally four or more) apartments (US) or flats (UK). Where the building is a high-rise construction, it is termed a tower block in the UK and elsewhere. The term apartment building is used regardless of height in the US
block out
SKETCH, adumbrate, chalk (out), characterize, draft, outline, rough (out), skeleton, skeletonize
Block Island
An island off southern Rhode Island at the eastern entrance to Long Island Sound. Visited by Dutch explorers in 1614, it was settled in 1661. Island, Rhode Island, U.S. It lies at the eastern entrance to Long Island Sound, 9 mi (15 km) southwest of Point Judith, R.I. It has an area of about 11 sq mi (29 sq km) and is coextensive with the town of New Shoreham (pop., 2000: 1,010). Called Manisses by its original Indian inhabitants, Block Island (named for the Dutch explorer Adriaen Block) received its first European settlers in 1661 and was admitted to the colony of Rhode Island in 1664. Once dependent on fishing and farming, it is now primarily a resort
block out
indicate roughly; "We sketched out our plan"
block out
plan where and when songs should be inserted into a theatrical production, or plan a theatrical production in general
block out
prevent from entering; "block out the strong sunlight"
block out
shield from light
block and tackle
A combination of one or more blocks and the associated tackle necessary to give a mechanical advantage Useful for lifting heavy loads
block and tackle
pulley blocks with associated rope or cable
block and tackle
n. An apparatus of pulley blocks and ropes or cables used for hauling and hoisting heavy objects. a piece of equipment with wheels and ropes, used for lifting heavy things. Combination of pulleys with a rope or cable, commonly used to augment pulling force. Two or more of the pulleys are attached to a fixed block, and the remaining pulleys are free to move as well as rotate. A block and tackle can be used to lift heavy weights or to exert large forces in any direction. Higher force ratios may be obtained by the use of more pulleys, but this advantage may be offset by increased friction
block and tackle
The rope and pulley assembly used to obtain a mechanical advantage for hoisting or pulling
block and tackle
A lifting device consisting of one or more pulley blocks reeved with chains, wire ropes, or fibre ropes used solely for raising and lowering a load or moving a load horizontally
block and tackle
a kind of two-part pulley system that contains one rope wound around two separate sets of pulleys
block book
A book printed from engraved wooden blocks instead of movable types
block capital
a plain hand-drawn letter
block capitals
{i} plain capital letters
block capitals
Block capitals are simple capital letters that are not decorated in any way. letters in their large form such as A, B, C, rather than a, b, c
block chain
A chain in which the alternate links are broad blocks connected by thin side links pivoted to the ends of the blocks, used with sprocket wheels to transmit power, as in a bicycle
block diagram
n Method of representing people, places, things, or actions which take place within a process or system
block diagram
A simple drawing, using rectangles and lines, that shows how sensors, computers, and actuators are interconnected
block diagram
A diagram that represents how the components, represented by "blocks," are arranged and related reliability-wise in a larger system This is often but not necessarily the same as the way that the components are physically related
block diagram
a diagram showing the interconnections between the components of system (especially an electronic system)
block diagram
A circuit or system drawing concerned with major functions and interconnections between functions
block diagram
A diagram in which the major components of a piece of equipment or a system are represented by squares, rectangles, or other geometric figures, and the normal order of progression of a signal or current flow is represented by lines
block diagram
a diagram that shows the operation, interrelationships, and interdependencies of components in a system Boxes, or blocks (hence the name), represent the components; connecting lines between the blocks represent interfaces There are two types of block diagrams: a functional block diagram, which shows a system’s subsystems and lower-level products, their interrelationships, and interfaces with other systems; and a reliability block diagram, which is similar to the functional block diagram except that it is modified to emphasize those aspects influencing reliability
block diagram
A diagram that shows the operation, interrelationships and interdependencies of components in a system Boxes, or blocks (hence the name), represent the components; connecting lines between the blocks represent interfaces There are two types of block diagrams: a functional block diagram, which shows a system's subsystems and lower level products and their interrelationships and which interfaces with other systems; and a reliability block diagram, which is similar to the functional block diagram except that it is modified to emphasize those aspects influencing reliability
block diagram
A relatively simple diagram that quickly identifies the relationships between systems, groups, people, or other physical or abstract entities (See also flow diagrams )
block diagram
Less structured visualization than a flow chart, this diagram shows the operation, interrelationships and interdependencies of components in a system Boxes or blocks represent the components; connecting lines between the blocks represent interfaces
block diagram
A three-dimensional illustration showing the surface features and the geological features under the ground
block diagram
block diagram
A schematic representation of the optional paths a signal can take through a piece of electronic gear
block diagram
  A diagram of a system, a computer, or a device in which the principal parts are represented by suitably annotated geometrical figures to show both the basic functions of the parts and their functional relationships
block diagram
The block diagram is a simple pictorial representation of a system/sub-systems linked to illustrate the relationships between components/subsystems Click here for more information
block diagram
A system diagram that shows all of the major parts and their interconnections
block diagram
(n) A relatively simple diagram that quickly identifies the relationships between systems, groups, people, or other physical or abstract entities (See also flow diagrams )
block diagram
In electronics, a block diagram provides a simple way of analysing how a system works Block diagrams don't show details of how components work, but simply show how information or signals should travel through the system They are usually drawn using rectangles and arrows
block diagram
perspective drawing portrayed in a three-dimensional manner; drawing which uses boxlike figures to represent an image
block grant
usually awarded to state or local governments for broad purposes and in large amounts
block grant
An intergovernmental transfer of Federal funds to states and local governments for broad purposes such as health, education or community development in general A block grant holds few requirements for how the money is to be spent, instead offering state and local discretion within general guidelines established by Congress and the executive branch Annual program plans or applications are normally required Also see categorical grant or formula grant
block grant
broad grant of funds to a level of government with few conditions attached
block grant
[managed care] A proposed method of administering Medicaid benefits Under a block grant system, Medicaid would not be federally controlled-instead, each state would be given a single grant, and the state would have to decide who is eligible for the benefits and how to divide the funds
block grant
The total amount of funding provided by the Council to an institution for teaching and research
block grant
An unrestricted federal grant, as to a locality
block grant
Lump sum of money given to a state or local governing agency based on a formula to be spent in generally eligible areas Purposes are broadly defined and few restrictions are mandated from the funding source Restrictions can be imposed by the re-granting agency
block grant
a grant of federal money to state and local governments to support social welfare programs; "block grants reduce federal responsibility for social welfare
block grant
Federal funds made to a state for the delivery of a specific group of related services, such as drug abuse related services
block heaters
(Otomotiv) Devices that keep the engine warm when a car sits idle in very cold temperatures. These are especially important for starting diesel engines at extremely low temperatures
block in
To sketch the primary areas and points of reference of an illustration in preparation for going to final design or production
block in
roughly mark the outline of a design or picture (Art); confine a person or thing within a space by blockading the exit
block in
If you are blocked in, someone has parked their car in such a way that you cannot drive yours away. Our cars get blocked in and we can't leave for ages Oh, is that your car outside? I may have blocked you in
block length
length of a city block
block letter
capital letter, upper-case letter
block letter
a plain hand-drawn letter
block letters
Block letters are the same as block capitals. block capitals
block letters
capital letter, upper-case letter
block level
type of level (construction tool which indicates if a surface is level)
block mill
Earliest mechanized factory for mass production. It was conceived by Samuel Bentham, with machinery designed by Marc Brunel and built by Henry Maudslay, and built at England's Portsmouth naval dockyard. By 1805 it was producing 130,000 pulley blocks per year. It remained in production for over 100 years. See also American System of manufacture
block of ice
{i} large piece of ice
block of religious parties
{i} group of religious political parties
block off
obstruct access to
block off
block off the passage through
block off
When you block off a door, window, or passage, you put something across it so that nothing can pass through it. They had blocked off the fireplaces to stop draughts
block off
render unsuitable for passage; "block the way"; "barricade the streets"; "stop the busy road"
block operation
{i} execution of a command on an entire block at once
block out
Something that blocks out light prevents it from reaching a place. Thick chipboard across the window frames blocked out the daylight Those clouds would have cast shadows that would have blocked some sunlight out
block out
{f} repress, take out of mind, ignore
block out
plan where and when songs should be inserted into a theatrical production, or plan a theatrical production in general indicate roughly; "We sketched out our plan
block out
If someone blocks out a thought, they try not to think about it. She accuses me of having blocked out the past I had to block the thought out of my mind
block party
An outdoor public party organized by the residents of a neighborhood or city block. a party held in the street for all the people living in the area
block plane
a small plane used on end grains of wood
block plane
A small plane used by carpenters for cutting across the grain of wood
block print
{i} print made by stamping ink onto a surface using carved blocks of wood or metal (Art)
block schedule
(Ticaret) A schedule based on blocks or periods of time rather than quantities. Sometimes required when the process dictates a fixed drying or curing time, or a contracted vendor turnaround time
block signal
One of the danger signals or safety signals which guide the movement of trains in a block system
block signal
A signal, that indicates, if the way after it is free Than it's green otherwise it's red
block signal
A fixed signal at the entrance to a block to govern a train or engine entering or using that block
block signal
A fixed signal displayed to trains at the entrance of a block to govern use of that block
block signal
The signal is often so coupled with a switch that act of opening or closing the switch operates the signal also
block signal
A fixed signal at the entrance to a railroad block, indicating whether or not trains may enter
block structured language
language that supports use of block phrasing
block system
A system for controlling and safeguarding the flow of railway trains in which track is divided into blocks, each controlled by automatic signals
block system
A system by which the track is divided into short sections, as of three or four miles, and trains are so run by the guidance of electric, or combined electric and pneumatic, signals that no train enters a section or block until the preceding train has left it, as in absolute blocking, or that a train may be allowed to follow another into a block as long as it proceeds with excessive caution, as in permissive blocking
block system
series of sequential blocks; system of blocks for controlling train flow wherein railroad track is divided into short sections and trains are guided by automatic signals
block tin
See under Tin
block up
render unsuitable for passage; "block the way"; "barricade the streets"; "stop the busy road"
block vote
A block vote is a large number of votes that are all cast in the same way by one person on behalf of a group of people
block vote
a vote proportional in magnitude to the number of people that a delegate represents
1-2-3 block
A tool used in machining fields, especially milling, to aid in setup. It is a block of steel that is precisely squared and parallel whose sides are 1, 2, and 3 inches long, respectively. Similar, larger blocks are called 2-4-6 blocks
2-4-6 block
A tool used in machining fields, especially milling, to aid in setup. It is a block of steel that is precisely squared and parallel whose sides are 2, 4, and 6 inches long, respectively. 2-4-6 blocks are a larger version of the more-common 1-2-3 block
basic block
A sequence of contiguous instructions that contain no jumps or labels

Dividing the code into basic blocks makes analysis of control flow much easier.

obstructed impeding total flow in a pipe, etc

The drain is 'blocked, so we must call the plumber.

Agent noun of block; something that blocks something specific
A playing card, needed by one player, that is held by another
boot block
A dedicated block usually at the beginning (first block on first track) of a storage medium that holds special data used to start a system. Some systems use a boot block of several physical sectors, while some use only one boot sector. Other manufacturers use the terms boot block and boot sector interchangeably
A lightweight building block made from cinders and concrete
building block
A component that is part of a larger construction

Cells are the building blocks of life.

bur block
A block (cuboid) with holes in it of varying sizes, designed for various-sized burs (drill bits)
chip off the old block
Someone who takes after their parent

He’s a chip off the old block for following in his father’s footsteps.

cinder block
A lightweight building block made from cinders and concrete
city block
The smallest part of a town enclosed by streets

The store is huge, occupying an entire city block.

city block
The distance from one street to the next

A city block in Lawrence is generally 1/12 of a mile East-West or 1/8 of a mile North-South.

city block
A distance comparable to the distance between streets in a city, in the approximate range of 0.2 - 0.4 km

Go along that road for about a city block and you should see an old barn.

clinker block
A lightweight building block made from cinders and concrete
clump block
a thick, strong single block
code block
A block of sourcecode; often one which is delimited by brackets, or in some similar way, depending on the language
code block
A string, usually of a certain specific length, of characters, which have been encoded and transmitted to a receiver
do one's block
To become enraged
ecology block
A large concrete block with a groove in the bottom face and a tongue on the top face to eliminate slippage when they are stacked. There is also a steel loop on the top face to facilitate lifting. The blocks are stacked in an offset manner to create a wall for retaining earth by means of their great mass. A wall built with them can be readily dismantled and the blocks reused (in ecological fashion)
extended basic block
A sequence of contiguous instructions that contain no labels; unlike basic blocks they may contain jumps

An extended basic block can show more easily when expressions have already been calculated.

falling block
a single-shot firearm action in which a solid metal breechblock slides vertically in grooves cut into the breech of the rifle and actuated by a lever
gapers block
Alternative spelling of gapers' block
gapers' block
A traffic jam resulting from motorists slowing to look at a motor vehicle collision or other roadside distraction

In the pretty, tranquil valley, elk were feeding just off the highway, creating a gapers block.

gawkers' block
Alternative name of gapers' block
have been around the block
Alternative form of have been around
heart block
A disease in the electrical system of the heart, opposed to coronary artery disease, which is disease of the blood vessels of the heart
mental block
Repression of painful thoughts

His mental block is due to a childhood trauma which he will not confront.

mental block
Inability to continue a train of thought
mounting block
A small block, often carved with steps, used for mounting or dismounting a horse at a pub, courthouse etc
new kid on the block
Someone or something new to an existing community

While the Reform Party is the new kid on the block, its members who attended its first national convention this weekend acted like delegates to any other political convention.

new kids on the block
plural form of new kid on the block