birden çok hidroksil grubu içeren alkol, polihidrik alkol

listen to the pronunciation of birden çok hidroksil grubu içeren alkol, polihidrik alkol
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Kimya) polyol
A key chemical in foam formulation which, when mixed with diisocyanates and other specific ingredients, produces the reaction that causes flexible polyurethane foam to form
Any organic compound having three or more hydroxyl functional groups
A polyhydric alcohol, i e , an alcohol containing three or more hydroxyl groups, such as a glycerol
A key chemical in foam formulation which, when mixed with diiso-cyanates and other specific ingredients, produces the reaction that causes flexible polyurethane foam to form
An organic compound having more than one hydroxyl (-OH) group per molecule In the cellular plastics industry, the term includes monomeric and polymeric compounds containing alcoholic hydroxyl groups such as polyethers, glycols, glycerol, and polyesters, used as reactants in polyurethane foam
A chemical compound with more than one reactive hydroxyl group attached to the molecule
birden çok hidroksil grubu içeren alkol, polihidrik alkol

    Расстановка переносов

    bir·den çok hid·rok·sil gru·bu i·çe·ren al·kol, po·li·hid·rik al·kol

