Lacking some physical or mental attribute or skill; used after adverbs to make politically correct adjectives
mentally challenged.
Used following adverbs to make jocular adjectives in imitation of and mocking politically correct adjectives of this kind, as "X-challenged" = "lacking X"
If you say that someone is challenged in a particular way, you mean that they have a disability in that area. Challenged is often combined with inappropriate words for humorous effect. terms like `vertically-challenged' -- meaning short She ran off with an intellectually challenged ski instructor. visually/physically/mentally etc challenged used as a polite expression for describing someone who has difficulty doing things because they are blind etc
bir konuda ya da yetenekte eksik, noksan; yetersiz, kifayetsiz
Расстановка переносов
bir ko·nu·da ya da ye·te·nek·te ek·sik, nok·san; ye·ter·siz, ki·fa·yet·siz