The process of splitting the nucleus of an atom into smaller particles; nuclear fission
(also Nuclear fission) - A nuclear process in which the nuclei of a heavy atom (e g , uranium is split by a neutron, releasing a large amount of energy and additional neutrons
The splitting of heavier atomic nuclei into lighter ones In the case of heavy atoms (e g , uranium, plutonium), this will release energy Fission is how nuclear power plants produce energy
The splitting of the nucleus into at least two other nuclei and the release of a relatively large amount of energy Two or three neutrons are usually released during this type of transformation Fission reactions occur only with heavy elements such as uranium and plutonium
a nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy
The process whereby an atomic nucleus of appropriate type, after capturing a NEUTRON, splits into (generally) two nuclei of lighter elements, with the release of substantial amounts of energy and two or more neutrons
The splitting of the nucleus of a heavy atom into two lighter nuclei It is accompanied by the release of neutrons, X-rays, gamma rays, and kinetic energy of the fission products It is usually triggered by collision with a neutron, but in some cases can be induced by protons and other particles or gamma rays
Nuclear reaction in which a larger atomic nucleus splits into two or more smaller nuclei with the release of large amounts of energy Nuclear fission has been used on Earth to produce power for nearly 50 years
Nuclear fission is the splitting of the nucleus of an atom to produce a large amount of energy or cause a large explosion
The splitting of atoms that results in the release of large amounts of energy Two or three neutrons are usually released during this event Fission occurs either naturally or when an atom's nucleus is bombarded by neutrons
The splitting apart of an atom's nucleus, releasing a large amount of heat energy
A type of nuclear reaction in which a nucleus with a large atomic number breaks into two or more smaller-atomic-number nuclei with the release of energy; reaction used in the atomic bomb and atomic power plants
bir elementin atom çekirdeğinin daha ufak zerrelere ayrılması
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