Tom bir kaya ve sert bir yer arasına sıkıştı.
- Tom is caught between a rock and a hard place.
Tom Mary ve John'un arasına sığışmaya çalıştı.
- Tom tried to squeeze in between Mary and John.
Sinüs ve kosinüs fonksiyonları -1 ve 1 arasında bir değer alır (-1 ve 1 dahil).
- The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included).
Facebook ve Twitter arasındaki fark, Twitter'ın bir mikroblog servisi olmasıdır.
- Difference between Facebook and Twitter is, Twitter is a microblogging service.
Arada hep bir kadın var.
- There's always a woman in between.
O, arada balığa gitti.
- He went fishing in between.
Titanik'in batışında 1490 ila 1635 kişi öldü.
- Between 1,490 and 1,635 people died in the sinking of the Titanic.
Akşam yemeği saat 9 ila 12 arasında servis edilir.
- The evening meal is served between 9 and 12.
Onlar arasındaki aralık daraldı.
- The gap between them has narrowed.
Japonya ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri arasındaki bir savaşın patlak verdiği Aralık 1941'de henüz doğmamıştım.
- I was not yet born when a war between Japan and the U.S. broke out in December 1941.
Aralarında gizli bir anlaşma var.
- They have a secret understanding between them.
İki erkek çocuk yemeklerini kendi aralarında pişirdi.
- The two boys cooked their meal between them.
Onun İlk askeri deneyimleri İngiliz sömürge imparatorluğu ve bağımsızlık arayan Boerler arasındaki savaşta yer aldı.
- His first military experiences took place in the war between the British colonial empire and the Boers, who sought independence.
Esperanto: Avrupa veya Asya dili denemesinde Claude Piron, Esperanto ve Çince arasındaki benzerliği gösterdi ve Esperanto'nun yalnızca Avrupa merkezli olduğunu ortaya koydu.
- In his essay Esperanto: European or Asiatic language Claude Piron has shown the similarities between Esperanto and Chinese, thereby putting to rest the notion that Esperanto is purely eurocentric.
Onların aralarındaki rekabet kısa sürede ortaya çıktı.
- The rivalry between them was soon apparent.
Taksiler sağanak sırasında seyrekti.
- Taxis are few and far between during a rainstorm.
İki erkek çocuk yemeklerini kendi aralarında pişirdi.
- The two boys cooked their meal between them.
Tom ve Mary parayı kendi aralarında paylaştılar.
- Tom and Mary divided the money between themselves.
Aramızda kalsın, John'un fikri pek ilgimi çekmiyor.
- Between you and me, John's idea doesn't appeal to me very much.
Aramızda kalsın, onunla ilgili fikrin nedir?
- Between you and me, what is your opinion of her?
Taksiler sağanak sırasında seyrekti.
- Taxis are few and far between during a rainstorm.
Bu nehirde balıklar tek tük.
- The fish in this river are few and far between.
A lot of tween girls love the Jonas Brothers.
We've only got £5 between us.
I want to buy one that costs somewhere between forty and fifty dollars.
You must choose between him and me.
The shuttle runs between the town and the airport.
Let's keep this between ourselves.
The difference between you and me is that I'm actually interested in trying to do the right thing.
- The difference between you and me is that I'm actually interested in trying to do what is right.
The difference between you and me is that I'm actually interested in trying to do what is right.
- The difference between you and me is that I'm actually interested in trying to do the right thing.
The Rhine runs between France and Germany.
- The Rhine flows between France and Germany.
Switzerland is situated between France, Italy, Austria and Germany.
- Switzerland is located between France, Italy, Austria and Germany.
If Washington Mutual needs to raise capital quickly, it will very likely find itself between a rock and a hard place, because credit markets have all but closed their doors to troubled banks.
Yet for a time the nation was again placed between the democracy of the levellers and the despotism of the Stuarts, — between the hammer and the anvil.
he Finns might just have the best goaltending in the 12-team tournament.
Let’s keep this conversation between you and me.
Between you and me and the bed-post – young master’s quarrelled with old master.
As your chances of mega-success increase so do your chances of falling between two stools, and if you get it wrong, you could end up with a dog’s dinner that satisfies no one.
She's the go-between for engineering and manufacturing, so you'll have to ask her if you need to coordinate between the groups.
Errors are more frequent when the play happens on an in-between hops.
If you read between the lines a little, you will realize that he has deeper motives.
... from the differences between all of those devices as much as possible. ...
... few places in the world offer such clear evidence of a successful fusion between ...