
listen to the pronunciation of beton
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
beton karıcı
(İnşaat) Concrete mixer
öngerilmeli boşluklu beton
prestressed hollow concrete slab
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
çimentonun, çoğunlukla kum ve çakıldan oluşan agrega ve uygun miktarlarda su ile karıştırılmasıyla elde edilen sert, dayanıklı, bağlayıcı yapı malzemesi
Kum, çakıl, çimento ve su gibi maddelerin karışımıyla elde edilen yapı malzemesi
Çimentonun su yardımıyla kum, çakıl gibi maddelerle karışması sonucu oluşan sert, dayanıklı, bağlayıcı yapay yığışım
beton santrali
Yıldız biçiminde bölümlenmiş, içinde çeşitli irilikte kum ve çakıl bulunan gereçleri, tamburda su ve çimento ile karıştırarak hazır beton üreten yapım yeri
demirli beton
Yapıda gücü, esnekliği artırmak için metal ve çimentodan yararlanma yöntemi, betonarme
hazır beton
Yapı işlerinde kullanılmak üzere beton santrallerinde hazırlandıktan sonra karmaçlarla taşınan karışım
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

When the concrete is hard, we use an electric drill instead of a pin chisel. - Beton sert olduğu zaman pim keski yerine elektrikli matkap kullanırız.

It's a shame that concrete doesn't burn. - Ne yazık ki beton yanmaz.

concrete, cement, made of concrete
concrete (a building material composed of solidified cement, sand, water, and gravel)
stonelike building material containing cement
beton bloklar
(İnşaat) concrete blocks
beton direk
(Askeri) concrete pillar
beton dökmek
beton dökümü
(İnşaat) pouring of concrete
beton kaplama
(İnşaat) concrete pavement
beton katkı
(İnşaat) admixture
beton katkı
(İnşaat) admix
beton onarımı
(İnşaat) concrete repair
beton piramit
(Askeri) concrete tetrahedron
beton rampa
(Askeri) hard base
beton yol
(Askeri) metalled road
beton zemin
(İnşaat) concrete floor
beton dökme
beton dökme
(İnşaat) pouring of concrete
beton kesme dayanımı
concrete shear strength
beton kesme makinası
concrete cutting machine
beton kesme makinası
concrete cutter
beton kesme makinesi
concrete cutting machine
beton kesme makinesi
concrete cutter
beton yüzeyi
surface of concrete
beton yüzeyi
sconcrete surface
beton ailesi
(İnşaat) concrete family
beton altlık
(İnşaat) concrete bedding
beton ayak
(İnşaat) concrete footing
beton ayak
(İnşaat) reinforced concrete footing
beton bileşen
(İnşaat) concrete component
beton boru
concrete pipe
beton boyası
(İnşaat) concrete paint
beton demiri
(İnşaat) reinforcing bars
beton deneyi
(İnşaat) concrete testing
beton döşeme
concrete floor
beton ekibi
(İnşaat) concrete placing crew
beton gibi
very strong
beton gibi
1. (something) which is as hard as concrete, very hard. 2. (something) which is as durable as concrete, very solid
beton grubu
(İnşaat) concrete family
beton gömlek
(İnşaat) concrete jacket
(İnşaat) concreting
(İnşaat) concrete work
beton işi
(İnşaat,Teknik) concrete work
beton kagiri
(İnşaat) concrete masonry
beton kalıbı
beton kalıbı
formwork, shuttering
beton kaplı
(İnşaat) concrete-covered
beton karıştırıcı concrete mixer, cement mixer
(a machine)
beton kazık
concrete pile
beton kiriş
(İnşaat) concrete beam
beton kiriş
(İnşaat) reinforced concrete beam
beton kolon
concrete column
beton kort
hard court
beton kovası
(İnşaat) concrete hopper
beton kovası
(İnşaat) concreting skip
beton köprü
concrete bridge
beton kırıcı
(İnşaat,Teknik) concrete breaker
beton kırıcı
road breaker
beton kıyı
(Askeri) hard beach
beton lento
(İnşaat) concrete lintel
beton levha
concrete slab
beton mastarı
(İnşaat) long float
beton menfez
(İnşaat) concrete culvert
beton perde
(İnşaat) concrete wall
beton pist
concrete runway
beton plak
(İnşaat,Teknik) concrete slab
beton plaka
concrete slab
beton profil
(İnşaat) concrete section
beton set
concrete embankment
beton soğutma
(İnşaat) concrete cooling
beton sütun
(İnşaat) concrete column
beton sığınak
(Askeri) concrete shelter
beton sığınak
beton tamiri
concrete maintenance
beton temel
concrete foundation
beton ustası
concrete master
beton yapı
(İnşaat) concrete foundation
beton yapım
(İnşaat) concrete construction
beton yapımı
(İnşaat) concrete manufacture
beton yol
beton yüzü
beton yığını
concrete jungle
beton yığını
(deyim) a concrete jungle
beton yığınına çevirmek
beton çekici
(İnşaat) rebound hammer
beton çekici
(İnşaat) concrete test hammer
beton ömrü
longevity of concrete
beton örneği
(İnşaat) concrete sample
beton üretme
concrete production
beton üretme
concrete fabrication
beton dökmek
pour concrete
beton santrali
batch plant
beton santrali
(İnşaat) concrete plant
hafif beton
(İnşaat) lightweight concrete
hafif beton
light concrete
mimari beton
(İnşaat) architectural concrete
plastik beton
plastic concrete
sürekli beton
(İnşaat) monolithic concrete
tarif edilmiş beton
(İnşaat) prescribed concrete
taze beton
(İnşaat,Teknik) fresh concrete
taze beton rötresi
(İnşaat) plastic shrinkage
Beton Santrali
(İnşaat) Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant
brüt beton
(İnşaat) exposed concrete
hazır beton
(İnşaat) Ready-mixed concrete
köpük beton
Foamed concrete
püskürtme beton
ön germeli beton
Prestress concrete
artık beton
waste concrete
aside dayanır beton
acid-resisting concrete
bitümlü beton
bituminous concrete
cep tipi beton penetrometresi
(İnşaat) pocket penetrometer
cüruflu beton
cinder concrete
delikli beton
porous concrete
demirli beton
reinforced concrete
demirsiz beton
plain concrete
desenli beton yüzeyi
(İnşaat) patterned concrete surface
fiber donatılı beton
(İnşaat) fiber reinforced concrete
groyne içeren beton blok
(Çevre) groyne with a concrete block
kaba beton
coarse concrete
kasnaklı beton reinforced concrete cast into
a compressing cylinder
kuru beton
earth-moist concrete
kuru beton
(İnşaat) dry concrete
lifli püskürtme beton
fibrous sprayed concrete
mobil beton pompası
(İnşaat) mobile concrete pump
normal beton
(İnşaat) normal weight concrete
normal beton
(İnşaat) common concrete
odun lifinden beton
wood fibre concrete
petek beton
polimer çimentolu beton
(Askeri) polymer-cement concrete
priz (beton)
(İnşaat) hardening
priz başlangıcı (beton)
initial setting
refrakter beton
refractory concrete ateş betonu
renkli beton
coloured concrete
silindirik beton kabuk
cylindrical concrete shell
silindirik beton örneği
cylindrical concrete specimen
taze beton
unset concrete
taze beton rötre çatlağı
(İnşaat) plastic shrinkage cracks
titreme beton
vibrated concrete
uygunsuz kalite beton
(İnşaat) concrete of inadequate quality
yapay beton blok
(Askeri) artificial concrete block
yoğun beton
heavy concrete
öngerilimli beton
prestressed concrete
öngerilmeli beton
prestressed concrete
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
Beton angreifend
aggressive to concrete
bewehrter Beton
statically reinforced concrete
Abbindebeginn (Beton)
initial set
Abbindebeginn (Beton)
initial setting
Abbindebereich (Beton)
curing area
Abbindebeschleunigung (Beton)
hardening acceleration
Abbindebeschleunigung (Beton)
curing acceleration
Abbindedauer (von Beton)
setting time
Abbindeende (Beton)
final set
Abbindeenergie (Beton)
setting energy
Abbinden (von Beton)
Abbindeprüfung (Beton)
setting test
Abbindereaktion (Beton)
setting reaction
Abbinderegulator (Beton)
setting control agent
Abbindeschwindung (Beton)
setting shrinkage
Abbindeschwund (Beton)
setting shrinkage
Abbindesteuerung (Beton)
set control
Abbindesteuerung (Beton)
setting control
Abbindestörung (Beton)
faulty setting
Abbindetemperatur (Beton)
setting temperature
Abbindeverlauf (Beton)
curing process
Abbindeverlauf (Beton)
setting process
Abbindewasser (Beton)
setting water
Abdeckplatte aus Beton
concrete coping slab
Anziehen (Beton)
initial set
Biegezugfestigkeit (Beton)
bending tensile strength (concrete)
Erstarren (von Zement/Beton)
initial setting
Erstarren (von Zement/Beton)
setting (of cement/concrete)
Frühhochfestigkeit (Beton)
early strength (concrete)
Kübelbahn für Beton
monorail overhead bucket transport system
Nachbehandlung (von Beton)
concrete curing
Nachbehandlung (von Beton)
curing (of concrete)
Schalungsarbeit (für Beton)
Schalungsarbeit (für Beton)
Schalungsarbeit (für Beton)
Schalungsarbeit (für Beton)
shuttering formwork
Schalungshaut (Beton)
formwork shell (concrete)
Schalungsmaterial (für Beton)
shuttering material
Schalungsplatte (für Beton)
shuttering panel (for concrete)
Scheußlichkeiten aus Beton, die vorgeben, Hotels zu sein
concrete abominations masquerading as hotels
Schiedsmischung (Beton)
arbitrary mix (concrete)
Verankerungslänge/Ankerlänge/Einbindetiefe von Bewährungseisen im Beton
grip length/bond length of reinforcing bars in the concrete
Verbundwirkung (Beton)
Versatzmaß (Beton)
displacement (concrete)
waterproof concrete
abbinden (Beton)
to set (concrete)
abbinden (Beton)
to set hard
abbinden (Beton)
to harden
armierter Beton
reinforced concrete
feuchter Beton
moist concrete
mit Beton ausgefüllt
filled with concrete
unbewehrter Beton
unreinforced concrete
wasserundurchlässiger Beton
waterproof concrete
r beton
r concrete
Французский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение beton в Французский Язык Английский Язык словарь

{n} concrete, stonelike building material
béton armé
{n} reinforced concrete
{n} concrete

When the police interrogated Tom, he defended himself well because he had concrete alibis. - Lorsque les policiers ont interrogé Tom, il s'est bien défendu, car il avait des alibis en béton.

It's a concrete bridge, but several places along its length have collapsed. - C'est un pont en béton, mais différents endroits sur sa longueur se sont effondrés.

Датский Язык - Английский Язык
Нидерландский Язык - Английский Язык
Польский Язык - Английский Язык