Euronun gelişi yeni binyılın işaretidir. - The advent of the euro is the beacon for the new millennium.
(Askeri) KONTROL İŞARETİ (BIYKIN), RADYOFAR: Kerterizlerin (yönlerin), rotaların veya mevkilerin belirlenmesinde kullanılan özel veya farkedilecek sinyaller yayan bir ışık veya elektronik kaynak. Bknz. "crash locator beacon; radio beacon; Z marker beacon"
An underwater device which continually sends out a repetitive signalat a preset frequency Pingers are used to mark locations or objects underwater for later recovery or relocation The amount of time a pinger can be deployed is dependent on its battery life
If someone acts as a beacon to other people, they inspire or encourage them. Our Parliament has been a beacon of hope to the peoples of Europe General Rudnicki was a moral beacon for many exiled Poles
A special frame in Token-Ring systems indicating a serious problem with the ring such as a break
A wireless LAN packet that signals the availability and presence of the wireless device Beacon packets are sent by access points and base stations; however, client radio cards send beacons when operating in non-base station mode
Low-power carrier transmitted by a satellite, which supplies the controlling engineers on the ground with a means of monitoring telemetry data, tracking the satellite, or conducting propagation experiments This tracking beacon usually uses a horn or omni antenna
A special frame in token ring systems indicating a serious problem with the ring such as a break
a tower with a light that gives warning of shoals to passing ships a fire (usually on a hill or tower) that can be seen from a distance guide with a beacon shine like a beacon
The typical beacon is a brightly painted tower, perhaps manned with a pyre and bell Manned beacons are expensive to operate and tend to be limited to larger ports Only major ports keep them burning all night; vessels normally enter/leave a port during daylight hours, unless it would be dangerous to wait outside the harbour Some ports have buoys marking submarine hazards outside the harbour False beacons may be erected by wreckers (q v )
A highly stable radio frequency signal, which is used by earth stations equipped with an automatically (satellite) tracking system Beacons can be generated on-board the satellite, or transmitted from the ground and relayed through the satellite When generated on-board the satellite, they are also known as satellite or on-board beacons and sometimes carry telemetry signals (see Telemetry)
A signal from a Token ring device indicating a serious problem with the ring, such as a broken cable Beacon frames contain the address of the assumed down station
A lighted or unlighted fixed aid to navigation attached directly to the earth'ssurface (Lights and daybeacons; both constitute "beacons ")
Code placed in an ad on a Web page, or in an email, to track whether the ad was delivered correctly
An acronym for the Boston Exchange Automated Communication Order-Routing Network This system permits the automatic execution of trades based on the current stock prices on the consolidated markets at any of the U S securities exchanges
A system wherein a transponder in a missile receives coded signals from a shipboard radar guidance transmitter and transmits reply signals to a shipboard radar beacon receiver to enable a computer to determine missile position The missile beacon transmitter and shipboard radar beacon receiver are tuned to a frequency different from that of the guidance transmitter
A signal fire to notify of the approach of an enemy, or to give any notice, commonly of warning