be all over

listen to the pronunciation of be all over
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение be all over в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

be over
bitmiş olmak, bitmek, sona ermek: The concert's over. Konser bitti. It's over between us. Aramızda her şey bitti
all over
her yönden
all over
her tarafta
all over
all over
her yerinde

Bankanın şubeleri Japonya'nın her yerinde bulunmaktadır. - The branch offices of the bank are located all over Japan.

Yiyecek yokluğundan dolayı şehrin her yerinde şiddet patlak verdi. - Violence erupted all over the city because of the food shortages.

be over
be over
tamam olmak
all over
her yer

Adam köyün her yerinde iyi tanınmıştır. - The man is well-known all over the village.

Uçuştan sonra her yerde morlukları vardı. - He had bruises all over after the fight.

all over
her taraf

Vücudumun her tarafı ağrıyor. - My body aches all over.

Kolumun her tarafında sivrisinek ısırıkları var. - I have mosquito bites all over my arm.

all over
be over

Bu dersin bitmesine 10 dakika kaldı. - This class will be over in ten minutes.

Son dersin ne zaman bitecek? - What time will your last class be over?

all over

Her şeye yeniden başladık. - We started all over again.

Tom raporu baştan yeniden yazmak zorundaydı. - Tom had to write the report all over again.

all over
tamamen; bitmiş; tekrar, baştan
all over

Onun bitmiş olduğunu biliyorduk. - We knew it was all over.

all over
all over
her yerde

Tom için her yerde araştırma yaptım. - I searched all over for Tom.

Tom her yerde seni arıyordu. - Tom was looking all over for you.

all over

Bu konuşmanın en önemli kısmı bütün haberlerde tekrar edildi. - This soundbite was repeated all over the news.

Biz tekrar baştan başlamak zorundayız. - We have to start all over again.

all over

Bu yeni baştan oluyor. - It's happening all over again.

Japoncam için faydalı olacak güzel bir yazı hazırlamaya çalıştım, ama öğretmenim yazıda epey yanlışlar olduğunu ve yeni baştan yazmam gerektiğini söyledi. - I have attempted to create a good essay which utilizes my Japanese, but my professor said that much of it was incorrect and that I have to do it all over again.

be over
be over
(Fiili Deyim ) sona ermek , bitmek
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение be all over в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

all over
In every way; thoroughly

Dancing with everyone, singing show tunes all night: that was Luke all over.

all over
Over an entire extent

He was covered all over with mud.

all over

I've looked all over for it.

all over
Everywhere; covering completely

He dropped the bucket and got paint all over the floor and his clothes.''.

all over
to or in any or all places; "You find fast food stores everywhere"; "people everywhere are becoming aware of the problem"; "he carried a gun everywhere he went"; "looked all over for a suitable gift"; (`everyplace' is used informally for `everywhere')
all over
over the entire area; "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers"; "felt tired all over"
all over
having come or been brought to a conclusion; "the harvesting was complete"; "the affair is over, ended, finished"; "the abruptly terminated interview"
all over
from every direction, everywhere; finished, ended
all over
over the entire area; "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers"; "felt tired all over
be over
be finished, end, terminate, be completed
be all over

    Турецкое произношение

    bi ôl ōvır


    /bē ˈôl ˈōvər/ /biː ˈɔːl ˈoʊvɜr/


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