
listen to the pronunciation of battery
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Arabamın aküsünü doldurmam gerek. - I have to charge the battery of my car.

Tom bana arabası için yeni bir akü satın almak istediğini söyledi. - Tom told me he wanted to buy a new battery for his car.


Saat durmuş. Yeni bir pil gerekli. - The clock has stopped. It needs a new battery.

Dün, ben saatime yeni bir pil koydurdum. - I got a new battery put in my watch yesterday.


Arabamın bataryasını şarj etmek zorundayım. - I have to charge the battery of my car.

Saat durdu. Onun yeni bir bataryaya ihtiyacı var. - The clock stopped. It needs a new battery.

{i} takım

Pil takımımı nereye koydum? - Where did I put my battery pack?

(Kanun) darp

Tom saldırı ve darp ile suçlandı. - Tom has been charged with assault and battery.

Saldırı ve darptan suçlandı. - He was charged with assault and battery.

atıcı beysbol
(Tıp) bateri
(Kanun) dayak
(Otomotiv) ilk hareket bataryası
(Kanun) fena işlem
müessir fiil
{i} huk. dövme, dayak
(isim) pil, akü, batarya; borda topları; seri, dizi, takım; vurmalı çalgılar, vuruş; atıcı [beysb.], kötü muamele; tavuk kafesleri dizisi
{i} vurmalı çalgılar
{i} kötü muamele
(Askeri) BATARYA: Kara ordusunun diğer sınıflarında bir bölüğe veya benzeri birliğe tekabül eden taktik ve idari topçu birliği veya asbirliği
{i} vuruş
{i} borda topları
elektrik bataryası
atıcı ve tutucu
{i} tavuk kafesleri dizisi
kötü davranış
{i} atıcı [beysb.]
(Tekstil) akümülatör
{i} ask. batarya
bir şahsın haksız yere dövülmesi veya bedeni ezaya maruz bırakılması
(Havacılık) grup
battery operated
battery box
(Otomotiv) batarya kutusu
battery case
(Otomotiv) akü kutusu
battery case
(Askeri) akü muhafazası
battery charger
(Bilgisayar) batarya yükleci
battery level
(Bilgisayar) akü düzeyi
battery level
(Bilgisayar) pil düzeyi
battery life
(Bilgisayar) akü ömrü
battery life
battery low
(Bilgisayar) pil düşük
battery low
(Bilgisayar) pil tükenmek üzere
battery out
(Bilgisayar) pil bitti
battery pack
(Bilgisayar) akü takımı
battery pack
battery tester
(Otomotiv) akü test cihazı
battery acid
akü asidi
battery backup
batarya yedeği
battery box
akümülatör kutusu
battery box
akümülatör kabı
battery capacity
batarya kapasitesi
battery carbon
batarya kömürü
battery carrier
akü kutusu
battery case
akümülatör kabı
battery case
akümülatör kutusu
battery case
akü kabı
battery charger
pil şarj aygıtı
battery charger
akü şarj aygıtı
battery charger lamp
redresör lambası
battery charging clip
batarya şarj pensesi
battery charging rectifier
akü şarj redresörü
battery clamp
batarya pensesi
battery clip
akü maşası
battery coil ignitton
akülü ateşleme
battery filling plug
akümülatör şarj fişi
battery fitting cap
akümülatör kapağı
battery float current
pil akıcı akımı
battery ignition
akülü ateşleme
battery locomotive
akülü lokomotif
battery plate
akü plakası
battery pole
akü kutbu
battery positive terminal
akü pozitif kutbu
battery resistance
akü direnci
battery switch
batarya anahtarı
battery terminal
akü kutup başı
battery terminal cap
batarya bağlantı ucu
battery tester
akü kontrol aygıtı
battery tray
akü tablosu
battery tray
akü kestesi
battery voltage
akü voltajı
battery voltmeter
batarya voltmetresi
battery wire
batarya teli
battery box, case
akümülatör kabı, akümülatör kutusu
battery cage
İn agriculture, battery cages (called laying cages in the United States) are a confinement system used primarily for egg-laying hens
battery charger
pil şarj cihazı
battery charging clips
batarya şarj pensesi, doldurma masası
battery chicken
Yumurta üretme çiftliklerinde kafeste tutulan tavuk
battery farm
kümes hayvanlarının üretiminde, hayvanların sıkış tepiş yerlerde yetiştirildikleri küçük kafeslerin kullanıldığı çiftlikle
battery holder
Pil yatağı
battery life
pil ömrü
battery low
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Zayıf pil: Pilin enerjisinin düşüklüğünü bildiren ifade
battery pack
pil takımı
battery powered
battery-operated wheelchair
akülü tekerlekli sandalye
battery acid
(Kimya) batarya asiti
battery acids
akümülatör asiti
battery acquisition radar
(Askeri) BATARYA YAKALAMA RADARI: Savunma hedef tespit radarlarından daha kısa menzilli ve daha yüksek sıhhat derecesine ihtiyaç gösteren bir kara ordusu hava savunma radarı. Normal görevi; genellikle, ya bir savunma hedef tespit radarı veya diğer radarlardan, doğrudan doğruya veya birlikte çalıştığı Kara Ordusu Hava Savunma Komuta Yeri vasıtasıyla temin edilen bilgilerle, ya da, zaman zaman, kendi müstakil araştırmaları ile, bir kara ordusu hava savunma topçu bataryası için hedefler ele geçirmektir. Ele geçirilen hedefler, batarya hedef takip radarına intikal ettirilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "combat surveillance radar"
battery adjust
(Askeri) tekmil batarya
battery backup
(Bilgisayar) pil desteği
battery box cap
(Otomotiv) akü kapağı
battery cable
akümülatör kablosu
battery cables
(Otomotiv) batarya kabloları
battery carbon
(Otomotiv) akü kömürü
battery carrier
(Otomotiv) akü mahfazası
battery caution
(Otomotiv) akü ile ilgili uyarı
battery cell
(Otomotiv) akü hücresi
battery center
(Askeri) BATARYA ORTASI: Bir batarya mevziinin, ortalama geometrik merkezine rastlamak üzere, toprak üzerinde varsayılan bir nokta. Bataryanın atış planındaki mevkii. "Chart location of the battery" de denir
battery centre
(Askeri) batarya ortası
battery charge
(Otomotiv) akü şarjı
battery chart
(Askeri) BATARYA ATIŞ PLANI: Bak. "firing chart"
battery chart
(Askeri) batarya atış planı
battery clamp
(Otomotiv) akü kelepçesi
battery commander
(Askeri) BATARYA KOMUTANI: Bataryaya komuta eden subay
battery commander's telescope
(Askeri) BATARYA DÜRBÜNÜ: Bir rükbe veya sehpa üzerine oturtulmuş iki kollu dürbün. Bu dürbün atışları gözetlemek ve atış esaslarını hazırlamak için düşey ve yatay açıları ölçmede kullanılır. Buna "BC telescope" da denir
battery control center
(Askeri) BATARYA KONTROL MERKEZİ: HAWK füzelerinin batarya seviyesinde kontrol edildiği hareket merkezi
battery cover
(Otomotiv,Teknik) akü kapağı
battery cover
(Otomotiv) batarya sandık kapağı
battery emplacement book
(Askeri) BATARYA MEVZİ ESASLARI KAYIT DEFTERİ: Bütün atış esaslarının ve toplara, bataryaya ait, bunlara benzer diğer bilgilerin muntazam bir şekilde kaydedildiği defter
battery executive
(Askeri) BATARYA SUBAYI: Batarya komutan yardımcısıdır. Kıyı topçusunda ise, kısım komutanıdır
battery executive
(Askeri) batarya subayı
battery fluid
(Otomotiv) akü suyu
battery fluid
(Otomotiv) kü suyu
battery frame
akü kasası
battery front
(Askeri) BATARYA CEPHESİ: Bir bataryanın dış topları arasındaki aralık
battery front
(Askeri) batarya cephesi
battery fuse
(Otomotiv) batarya sigorta
battery fuse
(Otomotiv) batarya sigortası
battery ground
(Otomotiv) akü şaşısı
battery ground pattern
(Askeri) BATARYA MEVZİLENME DÜZENİ: Atış için mevzilendirilmiş bir batarya toplarının yerleşme tarzıyla ortaya çıkan biçim ve boyutları
battery heater
akü ısıtıcısı
battery hen
kafes tavuğu
battery left
(Askeri) (OR RIGHT) BATARYADA SOLDAN (SAĞDAN) ATIŞ: Silahların soldan (veya sağdan) birbiri ardından, aksi belirtilmedikçe, 5 er saniye ara ile atıldığı atış metodu
battery left
(Askeri) (RIGHT) (TROOP) BATARYA (BİRLİK) SOLDAN (SAĞDAN) ATIŞ: Silahların soldan (sağdan) birbiri ardından 5 er saniye aralıklarla atıldığı atış metodu
battery lid
akü kapağı
battery limits
(Otomotiv) tesis sınırları
battery loom
(Otomotiv) akü kutup başı
battery low led
(Bilgisayar) pil düşük ışığı
battery manning table
(Askeri) BATARYA İŞ BÖLÜM ÇİZELGESİ: Bir topçu bataryasındaki personelin isim, vazife ve mevkilerini gösteren çizelge
battery meter
(Bilgisayar) akü ölçeri
battery mount
akü kelepçesi
battery name
(Bilgisayar) pilin adı
battery name
(Bilgisayar) pil adı
battery of tests
(Askeri) TESTLER GRUBU: Müşterek bir maksat için tatbik edilen bir testler grubu. Elde edilen puanlar, ya bir şahıs hakkında genel kanaatı gösterir, ya da tek bir not veya değerlendirme şeklinde birleştirilir. Genellikle, testler grubu, bir işten elde edilen verimi, teker teker kullanılan diğer aletlerin herbirinden daha sıhhatli olarak belirtilir
battery ok led
(Bilgisayar) pil normal ışığı
battery operated
battery plug
akü fişi
battery pole
akümlatör kutbu
battery post
(Otomotiv) akümülatör kutup başı
battery post
(Otomotiv) akü başı
battery room
batarya dairesi
battery room
(Otomotiv) akü mahalli
battery status
(Bilgisayar) pil durumu
battery switch
akü sivici
battery switch
(Otomotiv) batarya şalteri
battery tag
(Bilgisayar) pil etiketi
battery target method
(Askeri) TOP-HEDEF HATTI USULÜ, HAVA GÖZETLEMESİYLE ATIŞ USULÜ: Topçu ateşini havadan tanzim usulü. Bu usul ile sapmalar, esas top-hedef hattına göre kısa, uzun, sağa, sola düşüşler halinde belirtir
battery tray
(Otomotiv) akü tablası
battery tray
akü rafı
battery vents
(Otomotiv) akü delikleri
battery water
(Otomotiv) akü suyu
balancing battery
tampon batarya
backup battery
imdat aküsü
barrel in battery
barrel out of battery

Saat çalışmıyor, yeni pillere ihtiyacım var. - The clock has run down. I need new batteries.

Radyodaki pilleri değiştirmeliyim. - I have to change the batteries in the radio.

anode battery
anot bataryası
assault and battery
müessir fiil
automobile battery
araba aküsü
b battery
b bataryası
booster battery
yardımcı akü
c battery
c bataryası
cell battery
central battery
merkez bataryası
circular diffusion battery
yuvarlak difüzyon bataryası
closed circuit battery
kapalı devre bataryası
compensating battery
dengeleme bataryası
control battery
kumanda bataryası
electric battery
elektrik bataryası
emergency battery
yedek batarya
flashlight battery
fener pili
galvanic battery
galvanik pil
high tension battery
yüksek gerilim bataryası
lead acid battery
kurşun asitli batarya
lead storage battery
kurşun asitli akü
lithium battery
lityum batarya
low tension battery
alçak gerilim bataryası
quartz battery
kuvars pil
solar battery
güneş bataryası
storage battery
traction battery
çekme bataryası
voltaic battery
elektrik pili
anti-aircraft missile battery
(Askeri) Uçaksavar füze bataryası

A soviet anti-aircraft missile battery fired three missiles.

buffer battery
tampon batarya
can you replace the battery
Pili değiştirebilirsiniz
domestic battery
(Kanun) The domestic infliction of unlawful personal violence on another person, even where the contact does no physical harm
domestic battery
(Kanun) Aile içi dayak veya her tür kötü muamele
dry battery
kuru pil
get the battery charged
Pil şarj olsun
grid battery
ızgara bataryası
lithium-ion battery
lityum-iyon pil
nickel-zinc battery
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Nikel-çinko pil
nuclear battery
nükleer pil
pb battery
Kurşun (pb) plakalı akü/pil
plate battery
anot bataryası
run out of battery
şarjı bitmek
water battery
su pil
acpi control method battery
ACPI Denetim Yöntemli Pil
aid battery
cihazı için pil
aircraft battery
(Havacılık) uçak bataryası
army classification battery
(Askeri) ORDU SINIFLANDIRMA TESİSLERİ GRUBU: Erin; askeri meslek ihtisası çeşitli meslek sahalarında yetişme kabiliyetini ölçmeye yarayan bir seri istidat testleri
assault and battery
huk. müessir fiil
available battery capacity
(Televizyon) geçerli pil kapasitesi
b battery
anot bataryası
booster battery
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) güçlendirme bataryası
booster battery
güçlendirici batarya
brass coated battery
pirinç giydirmeli batarya
can you replace the battery
pilini değiştirir misiniz
chart location of the battery
(Askeri) BATARYA YERLEŞKESİ ŞEMASI: Bak. "battery center"
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
An array of similar things

Schoolchildren take a battery of standard tests to measure their progress.

Two or more major pieces on the same rank, file, or diagonal
The catcher and the pitcher together
A coordinated group of artillery
The crime or tort of intentionally striking another person
A device that produces electricity by a chemical reaction between two substances
A set of small cages where hens are kept for the purpose of farming their eggs
{n} act of battering, line of cannon, parapet, in law, a laying hands on, a vat to beat indigo in
an assault in which the assailant makes physical contact
A dc voltage source that converts chemical energy into electrical energy
Two or more pieces on the same rank, file, or diagonal
a group of electric cells for providing electric current; a single electric cell
(elec) A device that stores energy and produces electric current by chemical action A group of two or more CELLs are electrically connected in series or parallel F - batterie S - bateria
An electro-chemical device that stores energy Consists of one or more cells
A battery is an electrochemical cell or enclosed and protected material that can be charged electrically and provide a static potential for power or released electrical charge when needed
A battery of tests is a set of tests that is used to assess a number of different aspects of something, such as your health. We give a battery of tests to each patient
Two or more pieces of artillery in the field
The act of battering or beating
A device that transforms chemical energy into electric energy The term is usually applied to a group of two or more electric cells connected together electrically In common usage, the term "battery" is also applied to a single cell, such as a household battery
A number of coated jars (Leyden jars) so connected that they may be charged and discharged simultaneously
group of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place
a unit composed of the pitcher and catcher group of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place
A device which stores energy by converting electrical energy into chemical energy This energy can be reconverted to electrical energy by the reversal of the chemical reactions
An electrical device consisting of one or more cells which converts chemical or solar energy into electrical energy A battery provides a source of steady-state DC voltage
An apparatus for generating voltaic electricity
The unlawful beating of another
a series of stamps operated in one mortar for crushing ores
A car battery is a rectangular box containing acid that is found in a car engine. It provides the electricity needed to start the car. a car with a flat battery
a collection of related things intended for use together; "took a battery of achievement tests"
A battery of people or things is a very large number of them. a battery of journalists and television cameras
A number of similar machines or devices in position; an apparatus consisting of a set of similar parts; as, a battery of boilers, of retorts, condensers, etc
Technically, a battery consists of two or more series or parallel connected galvanic cells Frequently, however, a single cell is called a battery
the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target; "they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops"; "the shelling went on for hours without pausing"
The power source for a wireless phone Rechargeable batteries such as nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride and lithium ion are used in wireless phones and communication devices Back to the top
A device that produces and stores electrical current via a chemical reaction
A device that stores electrical energy using electrochemical cells Chemical reactions occur spontaneously at the electrodes when they are connected trough an external circuit, producing an electrical current The physical construction of the battery is such that it does not permit the intermixing and consequent direct reaction of the chemicals stored in it See also rechargeable battery and non-rechargeable battery And an Encyclopedia Article
An electrical storage container designed to produce DC voltage by means of an electrochemical reaction This reaction occurs in the container between the lead plates and sulfuric acid Voltage is supplied to the starting, ignition and other electrical systems
Literally, a set of similar items, such as an artillery battery Used to describe a battery of electrochemical cells connected in series
to recharge your batteries: see recharge see also assault and battery. Any of a class of devices, consisting of a group of electrochemical cells (see electrochemistry), that convert chemical energy into electrical energy; the term is also commonly applied to a single cell of this kind. A wet cell (e.g., a car battery) contains free liquid electrolyte; in a dry cell (e.g., a flashlight battery) the electrolyte is held in an absorbent material. Chemicals are arranged so that electrons released from the battery's negative electrode flow (see electric current) through a circuit outside the battery (in the device powered by it) to the battery's positive electrode. The battery's voltage depends on the chemicals used and the number of cells (in series); the current depends on the resistance in the total circuit (including the battery and thus on electrode size). Multiple batteries may be connected in series (the positive electrode of one to the negative electrode of the next), which increases total voltage, or in parallel (positive to positive and negative to negative), which increases total current. Batteries that are not rechargeable include standard dry cells used in flashlights and certain wet cells for marine, mine, highway, and military use. Car batteries, many kinds of dry cells used in cordless appliances, and batteries for certain military and aerospace uses may be recharged repeatedly
Device that converts chemical energy into electricity Most watch batteries are silver oxide type delivering 1 5 volts Much longer-lasting lithium batteries are 3 volt
A company or division of artillery, including the gunners, guns, horses, and all equipments
An electrically connected group of cells (wired in series) that stores an electrical charge and supplies a direct current (DC) 4
Any place where cannon or mortars are mounted, for attack or defense
Batteries are small devices that provide the power for electrical items such as radios and children's toys. The shavers come complete with batteries. a battery-operated cassette player. rechargeable batteries
A battery of equipment such as guns, lights, or computers is a large set of it kept together in one place. They stopped beside a battery of abandoned guns. batteries of spotlights set up on rooftops
any energy-storage device allowing release of electricity on demand It is made up of one or more electrical cells Primary-cell batteries are disposable; secondary-cell batteries, or accumulators, are rechargeable Primary-cell batteries are an extremely uneconomical form of energy, since they produce only 2% of the power used in their manufacture The lead-acid car battery is a secondary-cell battery The car's generator continually recharges the battery It consists of sets of lead (positive) and lead peroxide (negative) plates in an electrolyte of sulfuric acid (battery acid) The introduction of rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries has revolutionized portable electronic newsgathering (sound recording, video) and information processing (computing) These batteries offer a stable, short-term source of power free of noise and other electrical hazards [return to top]
{i} act of beating another person; electric storage cell; system; group of 4-6 soldiers carrying similar or identical weapons; series, set, group of related items; intentional use of force against another person without his consent (Law)
In the United States, a battery of flying artillery consists usually of six guns
a device that produces electricity; may have several primary or secondary cells arranged in parallel or series
Battery farming is a system of breeding chickens and hens in which large numbers of them are kept in small cages, and used for their meat and eggs. battery hens being raised in dark, cramped conditions
(Otomotiv) A box filled with a solution of water and acid that stores electricity generated by the alternator. It deliver power to the parts of the car that operate on electricity
a device that uses a chemical reaction to produce electrical energy
an assault in which the assailant makes physical contact a device that produces electricity; may have several primary or secondary cells arranged in parallel or series a series of stamps operated in one mortar for crushing ores a collection of related things intended for use together; "took a battery of achievement tests"
It includes every willful, angry and violent, or negligent touching of another's person or clothes, or anything attached to his person or held by him
A combination of two or more chemical cells electronically connected together to produce electric energy (Common usage permits this designation to be applied also to a single cell used independently )
A device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy, producing an electric current when connected in a circuit
a unit composed of the pitcher and catcher
Electricity producing cells which use interaction of metals and chemicals to create electrical current flow
A series of stamps operated by one motive power, for crushing ores containing the precious metals
A collection of cells that store electrical energy; each cell converts chemical energy into electricity or vice versa, and is interconnected with other cells to form a battery for storing useful quantities of electricity
An electrochemical device for storing energy
An energy storage device composed of one or more electrolyte cells

I should have left the camera battery recharging. - I should've left the camera battery recharging.

I should've left the camera battery recharging. - I should have left the camera battery recharging.

battery booster
A portable battery, fitted with cables and a charger, used to charge a dead battery, especially in a car
battery cage
A cage in which a hen (chicken) is kept to lay eggs
battery cages
plural form of battery cage
battery hen
a hen kept in a small cage or battery
battery mate
One member of a battery, a baseball pitcher and catcher collectively
Being an electronic device that uses a battery to maintain operation when not powered by the main electrical supply (e.g. during a blackout)
Being a device that uses a battery to maintain volatile memory when powered off
battery-backed save
Saved game data written to a volatile memory chip in a video game cartridge with battery power to maintain the data when not in use
battery-backed saves
plural form of battery-backed save
battery farming
Battery farming (or factory farming in the USA) is the practice of large numbers of animals in confined conditions in order to produce high outputs and low costs. However, meat quality is often lower. Food companies love it; it creates high profits at small costs and is highly efficient. Animal activists hate it; they argue it is cruel and degrading for the animals and want it stopped
Battery Park
a park at the southwestern end of Manhattan next to the Hudson River
battery acid
dilute sulfuric acid used in storage batteries
battery charger
Device for restoring battery to a proper electrical charge
battery charger
A device for restoring a battery to a proper electrical charge
battery charger
a device for charging or recharging batteries
battery charger
Electrical equipment designed to restore capacity to secondary batteries
battery charger
An optional equipment for maintenance of power
battery charger
A device capable of supplying electrical energy to a battery
battery charger
device for refreshing a battery's electrical charge
battery charger
An electrical device that is used for restoring a battery to its original state of charge by passing a current through the battery in a direction opposite of the discharge current flow
battery leader
head of a military artillery unit
battery life
The maximum talk/standby time available in a battery It is important to note that the life on a battery differs greatly between analog and digital cellular system, digital systems extend the life of the battery by requiring less power
battery life
The minimum period of time that a battery will continue to provide power to run the watch Life begins at the point of manufacture when the factory initially installs the battery
battery of tests
series of tests, series of examinations
battery operated
{s} that operates on batteries
battery pack
a collection of batteries that are joined together to increase the available voltage
battery pack
A collection of batteries that are joined together to combine the voltage of the batteries to power an electrical device This term is used for electric R/C cars (normally a pack to power the motor) and also for Nitro cars (to power the servos controlling steering and throttle/brake)
battery pack
Two or more electrochemical cells electrically interconnected in an appropriate series/parallel arrangement to provide the required operating voltage and current levels Under common usage, the term "battery" is often also applied to a single cell
battery powered
using power stored on a battery; running off of batteries
powered by one or more electric batteries; "a battery-powered radio"
powered by one or more electric batteries; "a battery-powered radio
backup battery
reserve battery; battery that serves as a substitute or support
I need a battery
Indicates that the speaker needs an electrical battery
alkaline battery
A power cell having potassium hydroxide as its electrolyte, a zinc / manganese dioxide cell
assault and battery
The combination of two violent crimes: assault (the threat of violence) and battery (physical violence). This legal distinction exists only in jurisdictions that distinguish assault as threatened violence rather than actual violence
atomic battery
any device that converts the energy of particles emitted from atomic nuclei into electrical energy
car battery
A 12 volt battery used to start an automobile
dry cell battery
an electric battery employing a zinc-carbon dry cell
lithium battery
Any of a group of electrical batteries that have a lithium anode; used in many portable electronic devices
local battery
In telegraphy, the source of power that actuates the telegraphic station recording instruments, as distinguished from the source of power that furnishes current to the line
local battery
In telephony, a source of local power for a telephone instrument, as opposed to being powered from the central office
nuclear battery
any device that converts the energy of particles emitted from atomic nuclei into electrical energy
In firearms and artillery, a condition in which a live round is at least partially in the firing chamber and capable of being fired, but is not properly secured by the usual mechanism of that particular weapon
stamp battery
A stamp mill
voltaic battery
A battery; a voltaic cell
alkaline battery
A long-lived dry cell with an alkaline electrolyte that decreases corrosion of the cell ¯ called also 'alkaline cell'
lithium-ion battery
(Elektrik, Elektronik) A lithium-ion battery (sometimes Li-ion battery or LIB) is a family of rechargeable battery types in which lithium ions move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode during discharge, and back when charging. Chemistry, performance, cost, and safety characteristics vary across LIB types. Unlike lithium primary batteries (which are disposable), lithium-ion electrochemical cells use an intercalated lithium compound as the electrode material instead of metallic lithium
nickel cadmium battery
(Elektrik, Elektronik) The nickel-cadmium battery (commonly abbreviated NiCd or NiCad) is a type of rechargeable battery using nickel oxide hydroxide and metallic cadmium as electrodes
nickel-metal hydride battery
(Elektrik, Elektronik) A nickel-metal hydride cell, abbreviated NiMH, is a type of rechargeable battery similar to the nickel-cadmium cell. The NiMH battery uses a hydrogen-absorbing alloy for the negative electrode instead of cadmium. As in NiCd cells, the positive electrode is nickel oxyhydroxide (NiOOH). A NiMH battery can have two to three times the capacity of an equivalent size nickel-cadmium battery. Compared to the lithium-ion cell, the volumetric energy density is similar but self-discharge is higher
nickel-zinc battery
(Elektrik, Elektronik) The nickel-zinc battery (sometimes abbreviated "NiZn") is a type of rechargeable battery that may be used in cordless power tools, cordless telephone, digital cameras, battery operated lawn and garden tools, professional photography, flashlights, electric bike, and light electric vehicle sectors
oxyride battery
(Elektrik, Elektronik) The Oxyride (TM) battery is the trademark of a non-rechargeable battery developed by Panasonic. It is specially developed to power high-drain digital devices such as digital cameras. These batteries contain Oxy Nickel Hydroxide (NiOOH), differentiating them from standard Alkaline batteries. Oxyride batteries deliver an average voltage between 1.5V and 1.7V
a battery
battery used to heat the filaments of a vacuum tube
alkaline battery
(elec) A BATTERY that uses sodium or potassium hydroxide as an electrolyte, and nickel-oxide flakes and powdered iron or nickel-cadmium for its active plates F - accumulateur alcalin S - pila alcalina
alkaline battery
A type of battery often used in electronic equipment Offers longer operating life than other types of readily-available batteries
alkaline battery
Primary battery which employs alkaline aqueous solution for its electrolyte
assault and battery
Assault and battery is the crime of attacking someone and causing them physical harm. An assault upon a victim that is carried out by striking the victim, knocking the victim down, or otherwise doing violence to the victim. the crime of threatening to attack someone physically and then attacking them. Related but distinct crimes. Battery is the unlawful application of physical force to another; assault is an attempt to commit battery or an act that may reasonably cause fear of imminent battery. With manslaughter and murder (see homicide), these concepts are articulated to protect against rude and undesired physical contact or the threat of it. Battery requires no minimum degree of force, nor does it need to be applied directly; administering poison and transmitting a disease may both be battery. Accidents and ordinary negligence are not, nor is reasonable force used in the performance of duty (e.g., by a police officer). See also rape
auxiliary battery
small battery in portable computers which supplies an electrical current for several minutes after the removal of the main battery
b battery
battery for supplying a constant positive voltage to the plate of a vacuum tube
a device that uses chemicals to produce electric current; provides electrical power for things such as cars, flashlights, and toys
Types of batteries for wireless or cellular phones listed below illustrate some of their advantages and disadvantages Most cellphone handset units will accept a "standard" or "extended" battery, with additional output of the extended adding to the length of time the battery will power the handset Battery types NiCad or NiCd means Nickel Cadmium Nimh refers to Nickel Metal Hydride Li is for Lithium
Alkaline, automotive, dry cell, gel type, and ordinary household batteries Please itemize by battery type, if possible
Type and quantity of batteries
The most common types of batteries for wireless phones are listed below, with their various advantages and disadvantages Regardless of the technology, most handheld and portable units will accept a "standard" or "extended" battery, with the additional output of the latter adding to the length of time the battery will power the unit
plural of battery
A battery holds an electrical charge for future use by an electrical device A single cell is a battery, a collection of cells is a battery pack Batteries in use in the R/C hobby can contain alkaline materials (non-rechargeable, used for transmitter batteries), nickel-cadmium or nickel metal hydride Each type of battery has its advantages and disadvantages, see the associated glossary entries for details
There are two batteries the can 01 use Every 01 has an internal battery mounted on the main circuit board Click here for details The PROG/SEQ DATA card has its own battery Click here for details
Digital cameras use up batteries at an appalling rate A typical camera uses about 1,000 milliamperes (mA) when it's running with the display lit up So if you had a set of 1,000 milliampere-hour (mAh) batteries in the camera, you could figure on getting about an hour of running time out of them 500 mAh batteries would give you half as much time, and so on Alkaline batteries are the sole exception to this handy rule of thumb: they have high mAh ratings, but deliver very short operating times With that in mind, let's look at your choices
as described in WAC 173-303-573(2)
Digital camera batteries vary by model, from traditional AA size to rechargeables like these: Nickel Cadmium (NiCad) NiCads have a longer life than traditional batteries but need to be discharged before recharging or they lose their capacity to retain a full charge Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) NiMHs last longer than NiCads and do not need to be discharged before recharging Lithium Ion Lithium ion batteries hold a charge longer than NiCads or NiMHs
bunsens battery
See under Battery, and Burner
c battery
battery used to maintain the grid potential in a vacuum tube
car battery
a lead-acid storage battery in a motor vehicle; usually a 12-volt battery of six cells; the heart of the car's electrical system
charge a battery
energize a battery, reload energy into an energy storage cell
d size battery
{i} battery with a diameter of 33 mm and a length of 58 mm and alkaline weight of 135 grams
dry battery
an electric battery containing chemicals that are not in a liquid form
dry battery
battery consisting of a number of dry cells
dry battery
a voltaic battery consisting of two or more dry cells
electric battery
battery which stores electricity
field battery
mounted set of guns used in the battlefield
flashlight battery
a small dry battery containing dry cells; used to power flashlights
lead-acid battery
An electricity producing system of lead plates and dilute sulphuric acid; used as a starter battery and as a traction battery in electric vehicles or as a source for lights because they are rechargable, inexpensive, and durable
lead-acid battery
a battery with lead electrodes with dilute sulphuric acid as the electrolyte; each cell generates about 2 volts
lead-acid battery
a cell in an ordinary storage battery, in which electrodes are grids of lead containing an active material consisting of certain lead oxides that change composition during charging and discharging The electrodes are plates that are immersed in an electrolyte of diluted sulfuric acid
lead-acid battery
A rechargeable secondary cell used in central offices
lead-acid battery
A common type of rechargeable battery used with older style transportable phones
nickel-iron battery
2 volts
nickel-iron battery
a storage battery having a nickel oxide cathode and an iron anode with an electrolyte of potassium hydroxide; each cell gives about 1
primary battery
A battery that cannot be charged See secondary battery
primary battery
A battery made up of primary cells See Primary Cell
primary battery
A battery which is not intended to be recharged and is discarded when the battery has delivered all of its electrical energy
quartz battery
a stamp mill for stamping quartz
solar battery
A system consisting of a large number of connected solar cells
solar battery
solar array: electrical device consisting of a large array of connected solar cells
solar battery
{i} arrangement of solar cells; solar cell, unit in a device that stores energy from the light of the sun
storage battery
A group of reversible or rechargeable secondary cells acting as a unit. Also called secondary battery
storage battery
a voltaic battery that stores electric charge
voltaic battery
An electric battery composed of a primary cell or cells
voltaic battery
battery consisting of a number of voltaic cells arranged in series or parallel
water battery
A voltaic battery in which the exciting fluid is water
water battery
A battery nearly on a level with the water
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение battery в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

terörizmle mücadele; common battery terminal
(Askeri) combatting terrorism; common battery terminal

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    /ˈbatərē/ /ˈbætɜriː/


    [ 'ba-t(&-)rE ] (noun.) 1531. From Middle French batterie, from Old French baterie (“action of beating”), from batre (“battre”), from Latin battuō (“beat”).


    ... They had like the energy density of a lead-acid battery, which ...
    ... So it really helps to keep battery and data usage as ...