(Askeri) TABUR: Bir karargah bölüğüyle iki veya daha çok bölük veya bataryadan müteşekkil birlik. Tabur; alayın, üzerine yalnız taktik görevler alan bir parçası olabileceği gibi, hem idari hem taktik görevleri müstakil bir birlik de olabilir
(Askeri) TABUR (SIHHİ) YARDIM İSTASYONU: Tabur sağlık personeli tarafından cepheye yakın bir yerde tesis edilen sıhhi yardım istasyonu. Burada acil tedavi yapıldıktan sonra yaralılar, ya tekrar vazifelerine iade edilir ya da cephe gerisine gönderilirler
(Askeri) TABUR ÇIKARMA TİMİ: Çıkarma harekatında; gerekli muharebe ve hizmet unsurlarıyla takviye edilmiş bir piyade taburu; bir çıkarma hücumunun planlanmasında esas birlik
(Askeri) TOPÇU TABUR GRUBU: İki veya daha çok topçu taburunun, belirli bir vazife için, tabur komutanlarından birinin komutası altında, taktik gruplanması
(Askeri) HASTA VE YARALI TESELLÜM VE SEVK TABURU: Hava araçları, hastane trenleri ve deniz araçları vasıtasıyla tahliyelerini beklemekte olan hastaları kabul etmek ve yatırmak üzere, hava başları (airheads), demiryolu indirme istasyonları (railheads) ve kıyılar yakınında faaliyette bulunmakla görevlendirilmiş sıhhiye taburu
(Askeri) ÖLÇME TABURU: Ses, ışık ve radar gözetlemesi yapmak, topoğrafik hizmet ve metro esasları sağlamak üzere kurulmuş topçu teşkili. Bu tabur, kolordu topçusunun kuruluşundadır
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU İŞLETME TABURU: Demiryollarının işletilmesi için lüzumlu olan makinistlik, ateşçilik, kondüktörlük vesaire görevlerde yetiştirilmiş askeri personelden oluşan ve ulaştırma sınıfına mensup bir teşkil
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU TAMİRHANE TABURU: Demiryolu tamirhanelerini işletmekle görevli personeli bulunan bir ulaştırma teşkili. Bu teşkilat; Demiryolu malzemesinin herçeşit tamirlerini yapar. Bir demiryolu tamirhane taburu normal olarak iki demiryolu işletme taburuna hizmette bulunur
(Askeri) BAĞIMSIZ TABUR: Alayın bir kısmını teşkil etmeyen ve sahrada müstakil bir birlik olarak faaliyette bulunan tabur. Bu tabur; hem idari hem taktik bir birliktir
An infantry command of two or more companies, which is the tactical unit of the infantry, or the smallest command which is self- supporting upon the battlefield, and also the unit in which the strength of the infantry of an army is expressed
an army unit usually consisting of a headquarters and three or more companies a large indefinite number; "a battalion of ants"; "a multitude of TV antennas"; "a plurality of religions
Unit designation of the military In Civil War terms a battalion was made up of more than one company but less then ten
The battalion, normally consisting of two or more companies or batteries under the command of a lieutenant colonel, is a basic military organizational element The three infantry battalions in the standard Army and Marine Corps regiments of the day all followed the same system for letter designating their companies Companies A, B, and C in First Battalion were rifle companies; D was a weapons company In Second Battalion, E, F, and G were rifle companies; H was a weapons company Likewise in Third Battalion, I, K, and L were rifle companies (there was no J Company) and M was a weapons Company
A fire department subdivision consisting of all fire service equipment and personnel in a designated geographic area The battalion chief is the senior officer
The principal unit of infantry 600-1000 strong, normally consists of four companies and is commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel, often loosely called a regiment
the basic military tactical and administrative unit consisting of three or more rifle companies and certain special units Commanded by a major or lieutenant colonel
A battalion of people is a large group of them, especially a well-organized, efficient group that has a particular task to do. There were battalions of highly paid publicists to see that such news didn't make the press. = horde. Tactical military organization composed of a headquarters and two or more companies, batteries, or similar units and usually commanded by a field-grade officer such as a lieutenant colonel. The term has been used in nearly every Western army for centuries and has had many meanings. In the 16th-17th century, it denoted a unit of infantry used in a line of battle and was loosely applied to any large body of men. During the Napoleonic Wars, battalions were fighting units of the French army under the administrative unit of the regiment. In the armies of the British Commonwealth nations, infantry battalions are tactical units within regiments. The typical U.S. Army battalion is a unit of 800-900 soldiers, divided into a headquarters company and three rifle companies; two to five battalions form the combat elements of a tactical brigade. See also military unit
A battalion is a large group of soldiers that consists of three or more companies. Anthony was ordered to return to his battalion He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards
a military unit, composed of one headquarters company and four companies of foot soldiers, called infantry, each under the command of a captain regiment a military unit of two or more battalions