
listen to the pronunciation of bastırılamaz,söndürülemez
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
Not containable or controllable the two friends burst into a variety of giggles, and glanced from time to time, over the tops of their pocket-handkerchiefs, at Nicholas, who from a state of unmixed astonishment, gradually fell into one of irrepressible laughter.

that can not be restrained or kept down
{s} unrestrainable, uncontrollable, cannot be suppressed, cannot be held back or put down
Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled; as, irrepressible joy; an irrepressible conflict
impossible to repress or control; "an irrepressible chatterbox"; "uncontrollable laughter"
impossible to repress or control; "an irrepressible chatterbox"; "uncontrollable laughter
An irrepressible person is lively and energetic and never seems to be depressed. Jon's exuberance was irrepressible. + irrepressibly ir·re·press·ibly Gavin was irrepressibly rebellious. full of energy, confidence, and happiness so that you never seem unhappy