
listen to the pronunciation of basic
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{s} esas

Matematik bütün bilimler için esas niteliği taşır. - Mathematics is basic to all sciences.

Fizik esas doğa bilimidir. - Physics is the basic physical science.


Temel etiketleri sırayla öğrenelim. - Let's learn the basic tags in order.

Bu kurs İlkyardımda temel becerileri öğretir. - This course teaches basic skills in First Aid.


Dan temel anatomi derslerine bile girmedi. - Dan didn't even take basic anatomy classes.

{s} basit

Bu aslında oldukça basit. - It's basically quite simple.

Image Viewer bir resim görüntüleme yazılımıdır. Bu yazılım çok küçük bir programdır. Bu yazılımda sadece basit fonksiyonlar var. Bu, Tatoeba Project kullanıcıları tarafından çevrilebilir. - Image Viewer is an image viewing software. This software is a very small program. This software has basic functions only. This is translatable by Tatoeba Project users.

{k} Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (Bilgisayar) BASIC (bir programlama dili)
acemi basic English ingilizce oğretiminde kullamlan kelime bilgisi sınırlı basit ingilizce basic slag çelik imalatında elde edilen fosfatlı bir cins gübre
{s} kim. bazal
{s} bazal
(Askeri) ACEMİ ER: Ayrıca bakınız: "recruit" ve "filler personel"
esas teşkil eden
(Tekstil) bazik, bazlı
{s} silisli
(Tıp) 1. Esas veya baza ait
belli başlı
(Askeri) acemi er
basic equipment
temel donanım
basic solution
(Kimya) bazik çözelti
basic assumption
temel tahmin
basic component
temel bileşen
basic disk operating system
temel disk işletim sistemi
basic dye
bazik boya
basic education
temel eğitim
basic formula
esas formül
basic formula
temel formül
basic frequency
temel frekans
basic industry
ana sanayi
basic industry
temel sanayi
basic input/output system
temel giriş / çıkış sistemi
basic instruction
temel komut
basic language
temel dil
basic lead chromate
bazik kurşun kromat
basic linkage
temel bağlantı
basic load
ana yük
basic materials
basic materials
çıkış maddeleri
basic needs
temel gereksinimler
basic operating system
temel işletim sistemi
basic oxide
bazik oksit
basic pitch
ana hatve
basic price
temel fiyat
basic principle
temel prensip
basic salt
bazik tuz
basic sciences
temel bilimler
basic size
esas boy
basic slag
bazik cüruf
basic solvent
bazik solvent
basic steel
baz çeliği
basic telecommunication access method
temel uzaktan iletişim erişim yöntemi
basic category
temel kategori
basic chemicals
temel kimyasallar
basic class
temel sınıf
basic dyes
temel boyalar
basic electric circuit
basit elektirik devresi
basic fittings
(Emlak) Temel eşyalar, temel kullanım eşyaları

The living room has got basic fittings.

basic freedoms
Temel özgürlükler
basic hardware
temel donanım
basic header
ana başlık
basic info
temel bilgi
basic instinct
(Film) Temel İçgüdü filmi
basic knowledge
temel bilgi
basic laws
temel yasalar
basic laws
temel kanunlar
basic level of energy
enerjinin temel seviyede
basic listing
ücretsiz olarak web sayfanızda yayınlayacağınız bilgiler
basic moral
esas ahlak
basic objectives of national education
milli eğitimin temel amaçları
basic rate
temel oran
basic right
Temel hak
basic rule
Temel kural
basic to
basic training
acemilik, temel eğitim
basic version
basit sürüm
basic allowance for housing
(Askeri) temel konut tahsisatı
basic allowance for quarters
(Askeri) MESKEN BEDELİ: Aynı mesken (quarters in kind) verilmeyen bütün hizmet personeline ödenen para. Buna "quarters allowance" da denir. Eskiden "rental allowance" ve "commutation of allowance" denirdi
basic allowance for subsistence
(Askeri) İAŞE BEDELİ, TAYİN BEDELİ: Yiyecekleri kendileri tarafından temin edilen bütün hizmet personeline ödenen para. Buna kısaca "ration allowance" ve "subsistence allowance" da denir. Eskiden "commutation of ration" denirdi
basic allowance for subsistence; battalion aid station
(Askeri) iaşe bedeli, tayin bedeli; tabur yardım istasyonu
basic and advanced vocational training
(Avrupa Birliği) temel ve ileri düzeyde mesleki eğitim
basic branch
(Askeri) ASIL SINIF, ESAS SINIF: Bir subayın memuriyet görevi veya geçici görevle, bulunduğu yerden farklı olarak, piyade, personel sınıfı gibi nasıp ve tayin edildiği sınıf
basic characters
temel karakterler
basic combat training
(Askeri) TEMEL MUHAREBE EĞİTİMİ: Askere yeni alınan ve daha önce askerlik hizmeti görmeden, gönüllü olarak, yeni kaydolunan faal ordu ve ihtiyat askeri teşkilleri erkek personelinin temel askeri konularda ve temel piyade muharebesi esasları üzerinde eğitimi
basic communication
(Askeri) ESAS YAZI, ESAS DÖKÜMAN: Mütalaa notu (endorsment) ve ek (inclosure) gibi ilave yazılar esas doküman arasında kabul edilmez
basic conflict
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) temel çatışma
basic cover
(Askeri) ESAS HAVA FOTOĞRAFI: Esas olarak elde tutulan bir hava fotoğrafı. Bölge veya tesiste meydana gelebilecek değişiklikleri ortaya çıkarmak için daha sonra çekilen fotoğraflar bununla kıyaslanabilir
basic data
(Askeri) ATIŞ ESASLARI: Atışın hedef üzerine oturtulabilmesi için lüzumlu esaslar. Hedefin bataryaya nazaran mevkiinin; istikamet veya sapma, mesafe veya menzil, yükseklik farkı veya toprak açısı olarak bilinmesine lüzum vardır; bütün bu hususlar atış esaslarını teşkil eder
basic date
(Askeri) NASIP TARİHİ: Kara ordusunda (Nizami ordu: Regular Army) subay terfi teklifleri için hizmetin başladığı tarih
basic designation
(Askeri) KISA AD, KISA İSİM: Bir roket veya güdümlü füzeyi uygun şekilde tanıtmak için gerekli askeri harf ve rakam grubu
basic dyes
(Tekstil) bazik boyarmaddeler
basic education
(Askeri) TEMEL ÖĞRETİM: Ordu genel kültür programının; ilkokul temel eğitimini bitirmemiş veya İngilizce'yi, bu tahsil süresini tamamlamış ergin bir kimse gibi kolaylıkla yazıp konuşmayı öğrenmemiş askeri personelin öğretimine tahsis edilen sahası
basic encyclopedia
(Askeri) temel ansiklopedi
basic end item
(Askeri) TEMEL NİHAİ MADDE: Bir dağıtım hizmetine tahsis edilen ve destekleyen bir sınıfa tahsis edilmiş bir nihai maddeyi ihtiva eden, ordudonatım aracı, tamir aracı nevinden, bir nihai madde
basic english
temel İngilizce
basic feasible solution
temel olurlu cozum
basic figure
(Tekstil) temel model
basic flying school
(Askeri) TEMEL UÇUŞ OKULU: Bak. "flying school"
basic function
temel işlev
basic identity data element
(Askeri) temel teşhis verisi unsuru
basic inspection
temel kontrol
basic intelligence
(Askeri) (NATO) TEMEL İSTİHBARAT: Harekatların planlanmasında ve müteakip bilginin değerlendirilmesinde temel kaynak malzeme olarak kullanılabilecek her konudaki istihbarat. Ayrıca bakınız: "current intelligence; information; intelligence"
basic introduction
(Askeri) temel öğretim
basic iron
thomas fontu
basic iron
bazik font
basic issue list items
(Askeri) DAĞITIM LİSTESİ ANA KALEMLERİ: Teçhizat ana nihai maddesini meydana getiren, çeşitli miktarlardaki müteferrik aksam, ana parça ve teçhizat ile birlikte verilen bütün birinci kademe bakım avadanlıkları, aletler, ikmal maddeleri yedek komple malzeme ve onarım parçalarıdır. Bütün bu kalemler; kullanan birliklere dağıtılan tam ana nihai maddeleri meydana getirir. Genellikle araç teçhizatı (on vehicle material), sarf yedek parçaları (running spares) ve gemi üzerindeki yedek parçalar (on board spares) şeklinde bulunan kalemler bunlar arasındadır
basic load
(Askeri) Kıt'a cephane yükü
basic load
(Askeri) KITA İKMAL MADDELERİ YÜKÜ: Bir birlik veya teşkilde elde bulundurulması gereken ve birlik veya teşkil tarafından taşınabilen ikmal maddeleri miktarı. Birlik veya teşkilin savaş teşkilatına göre belirlenir ve daha evvelden belirlenen seviyelerde idame edilir
basic load of ammunition
(Askeri) KITA CEPHANE YÜKÜ: Bak. "Basic load"
basic military route network
(Askeri) TEMEL ASKERİ ROTA AĞI: Ev Sahibi Ülke tarafından önceden tahmin edilen ulusal ve ittifaka ait askeri hareket ve ulaştırma gereksinimlerini karşılamak üzere barışta planlanmış mihveri, yana birleştiren rotalar. Ayrıca bakınız: "transport network"
basic military training
(Askeri) TEMEL ASKERLİK EĞİTİMİ: Temel eğitimin ilk safhasında bir askere, askeri konular üzerinde gösterilen eğitim. Buna eskiden "basic training" denirdi
basic ordering agreement
(Askeri) temel sipariş sözleşmesi
basic pay
(Askeri) ASIL MAAŞ: Kara Ordusu mensuplarına rütbe ve hizmet süresi esasına göre (ek tahsisler ve bedel dışında) ödenen maaş veya ücret
basic performance issues
(Ticaret) temel performans konuları
basic planning guide
(Askeri) ESAS PLANLAMA KILAVUZU: Bir kara birliği tarafından hazırlanan ve hava indirme harekatı için lüzumlu hava aracı miktarını tespit etmek üzere, bir birliğin kesin insan, malzeme ve teçhizat miktarını gösteren kuvvet
basic predicate
(SQL) tekli karşılaştırma belirtimi
basic principle
(Tekstil) ana prensip
basic private
(Askeri) ACEMİ ER: Bak. "recruit"
basic psychological operations study
(Askeri) TEMEL PSİKOLOJİK HAREKAT ETÜDÜ: Psikolojik harekata en uygun ülke, coğrafi saha veya bölgenin özelliklerini kısaca açıklayan ve psikolojik harekatların yapılmasında ve planlanmasında ilk kaynak malzeme olarak kullanılabilecek bir doküman
basic psychological operations study; bits per second
(Askeri) temel psikolojik harekat çalışması; bit/saniye
basic qualification badge
(Askeri) NİŞANCI EHLİYET BRÖVESİ: Belirli bir silahla, belirli bir nişancılık derecesinin sağlanmış olduğunu gösteren madeni bröve. Bu brövenin üç derecesi vardır: Uzman nişancılık (expert), keskin nişancılık (Sharpshooter) ve nişancılık (marksman)
basic ration
(Askeri) TEMEL RASYON; ASGARİ RASYON: Sivil halka yapılan ikmal yardımında kullanılan ve asgari sağlık standardını temin için gerekli bir Kalori ve beslenme dağıtımı olarak ifade edilen rasyon
basic records
(Askeri) ESAS KAYITLAR: Bir askeri birliğin esas veya temel kayıtları. Bölük günlük yoklaması (morning report), hizmet sıra çizelgesi (duty roster) vesaire kayıtlar bunlar arasındadır
basic relay post
(Askeri) ANA YEDEK AMBULANS DURAĞI: Bak. "ambulance basic relay post"
basic report
(Askeri) ESAS RAPOR: İdari bir rapora ait bilgiyi ihtiva eden özet. Numune olarak gelmiş malzeme veya ek olarak iliştirilmiş yazılar bir özet rapora konu teşkil etmez
basic requisition number
(Askeri) ESAS İSTEK NUMARASI: Bak. "ISS requisition number"
basic research
(Askeri) TEMEL ARAŞTIRMA: Bilginin arttırılması yolunda sarfedilen gayret. Temel gaye, incelenmekte olan konu üzerinde daha geniş bir bilgiye ve anlayışa sahip olmaktır. Ayrıca bakınız: "applied research"
basic rock
bazik kayaç
basic salary
temel ücret
basic salary
çıplak maaş
basic schist
bazik şist
basic skill area
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) temel beceri alanı
basic skills
Temel Yetiler
basic slag
thomas fosfatı
basic soil
bazik toprak
basic solution
temel cozum
basic steel
thomas çeliği
basic stopping power
(Askeri) TEMEL DURDURMA GÜCÜ VEYA TEHDİT YÜZDESİ: Yüzde olarak ifade edilen ve bir aracın bir mayın tarlasını geçme teşebbüsü esnasında bir mayın tarafından durdurulması ihtimali
basic tactical organization
(Askeri) TEMEL TAKTİK KURULUŞ; TEŞKİLAT: Kıyıdaki görevlerin yerine getirilmesi için çıkarma birliklerinin piyade, destek kara silahları ve hava kuvveti olarak müşterek tertiplenmelerini icap ettiren klasik muharebe kuruluşu. Bu kuruluş şeklinin uygulanmasına, çıkarma kuvvetine mensup çeşitli hücum unsurları karaya çıkınca mümkün olduğu kadar erken geçilir
basic tactical unit
(Askeri) TEMEL TAKTİK BİRLİK; ESAS TAKTİK BİRLİK: Kara ordusunun herhangi bir sınıfında, bağımsız bir taktik görevi yerine getirmeye muktedir temel birlik; piyade bölüğü gibi
basic target graphic
(Askeri) temel hedef grafiği
basic team training
(Askeri) TEMEL TİM EĞİTİMİ: Temel eğitimin son safhası. Bu safhada, değiştirme personeli olarak birliklere atanacak erler, genel olarak, muharebe şartları içinde, grup ve tim harekatı üzerinde eğitim görmek üzere, geçici grup veya timler halinde tertiplenirler. Bazı birliklerde, temel birlik eğitimi (basic unit training) yerine bu eğitim gösterilir
basic training
(Askeri) TEMEL EĞİTİM: Bak. "basic military training"
basic training
temel eğitim
basic undertakings
(Askeri) TEMEL TEŞEBBÜSLER; TAAHHÜTLER: Komutanın konseptini başarıyla uygulamak için yapılması gereken geniş anlamda temel işler. Temel teşebbüsler; askeri, diplomatik, ekonomik, psikolojik ve diğer sahalardaki tedbirleri içine alabilir. Ayrıca bakınız: " Strategic concept"
basic unit training
(Askeri) TEMEL BİRLİK EĞİTİMİ: Birliklere tahsis edilen erlere, temel eğitimin son safhasında resmi kuruluşlu bir askeri birlik halinde ilk toplandıkları ve eğitildikleri zaman gösterilen tatbiki eğitim. Bazı tip birliklerde; temel birlik eğitimi yerine temel tim eğitimi gösterilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "basic team training"
basic wage
temel ücret
basic wage
parça başı ücret
basic war plan
(Askeri) ESAS HARP PLANI: Zamanca safhalanmak ve yer dahil, ihtiyaçları meydana çıkarmak için yapılan plan. Bu ihtiyaçlarla ilgili aşağıdaki problemlerin çözülmesinde esas teşkil eder: Kuvvetlerin emir ve komutası; kuvvetlerin stratejik konusu; kuvvetlerin stratejik kullanılışı; kuvvetlerin terkibi ve çapı; araştırma ve geliştirme dahil, lojistik. Bir esas harp planı, tek bir kuvveti (service) veya birden çok kuvvet için müşterek (joint) ya da, birden çok milletin kuvvetlerini ihtiva eder şekilde kombine (combined) olabilir
basic weight
(Havacılık) esas ağırlık
basic weight
(Havacılık) anma ağırlığı

Bu aslında oldukça basit. - It's basically quite simple.

Aslında kendi başıma olmayı tercih ederim. - I basically prefer being by myself.


Temelde, kesinlikle haklısın. - Basically, you're absolutely right.

Temelde ben dürüst bir insanım. - Basically, I am a honest person.


Temel ögelerle başlayalım. - Let's start with the basics.

Bunlar temel öğelerdir. - These are the basics.

öncelikli olarak
esas olarak
birincil olarak
extended basic solution
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) genişletilmiş temel çözüm
temel olarak

Temel olarak, fikrine katılıyorum. - Basically, I agree with your opinion.

Onların söylediği şey temel olarak budur. - That's basically what they're saying.

bir şeyin en basit ama en önemli kısımları
turn basic
aslına dön
the basic premise
temel dayanak noktası
World Area Code Basic Encyclopedia
(Askeri) Dünya Alan Kodu Temel Ansiklopedisi
airman basic technical training
(Askeri) HAVA ERİ TEMEL TEKNİK EĞİTİMİ: Bir şahsı, bir meslek sahası kademesinde, bir hava kuvvetleri uzmanlığı ustalık derecesinde yetiştirmek için gösterilen resmi eğitim. Bu eğitimi başarıyla tamamlayanlara depanör seviyesinde hava kuvvetleri uzmanlığı verilir
ambulance basic relay post
(Askeri) ANA YEDEK AMBULANS DURAĞI: Bir ambulans mekiğinin en gerisindeki durak. Kullanılma sırası bekleyen ambulanslar burada, dağınık vaziyette bulunur. Buna "basic relay post" da denir
{i} temel öğeler

Biz temel öğelere geri gideceğiz. - We're going to go back to basics.

Önce temel öğeleri öğrenmelisin. - You have to learn the basics first.

{i} temeller

Ben sadece temellere geri dönüyorum. - I'm just getting back to basics.

Şimdi temellere dönme zamanı geldi. - It's now time to get back to basics.

(Help) Temel bilgiler (yardım)
charter of basic social rights
(Politika, Siyaset) sosyal haklar bildirgesi
concurrent basic military training
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK TEMEL TEKNİK EĞİTİM: Teknik eğitim sırasında tekrarlanan temel askerlik eğitimi
initialize to basic
temel değerleri başlat
microsoft visual basic
microsoft visual basic
nato basic military requirement
(Askeri) NATO TEMEL ASKERİ İHTİYACI: Kabul edilmiş askeri hedef, vazife ve görevleri yerine getirecek bir imkan ve kabiliyeti gerçekleştirmek için gerekli malzeme cins ve tipinin bu malzemenin hizmette bulundurulması icap eden zamanın ve mümkünse, ihtiyaç miktarının genel anlamda bir ifadesi. Bak. "Operational characteristics", "technical specifications"
network basic input/output system
(Netbios) Ağ Temel Giriş/Çıkış Sistemi
officer basic technical training
(Askeri) SUBAY TEMEL TEKNİK EĞİTİMİ: Giriş seviyesinde tek bir işletme veya teknik Hava Kuvvetleri uzmanlık kodu verilmesini sağlayan resmi eğitim
table of basic allowances
(Askeri) ESAS İSTİHKAK ÇİZELGELERİ: Eskiden A. B. D. ordusunda, istihkak çizelgelerinin bir kısmı için kullanılan yayın. Bu yayınlar halen kullanılmaktadır
these are basic issues
bunlar temel sorunlardır
visual basic module
(Bilgisayar) visual basic modülü
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A family of third-generation computer programming languages (c.1964 on)

Many programs were written for the Sinclair Spectrum computer in BASIC.

An elementary building block, e.g. a fundamental piece of knowledge

Arithmetic is a basic for the study of mathematics.

A necessary commodity, a staple requirement

Rice is a basic for many Asian villagers.

basic training
elementary, simple, fundamental, merely functional

The Hotel Sparta’s accommodation is purely basic.

necessary, essential for life or some process

Flour is a basic ingredient of bread.

Of or pertaining to a base; antonym of acidic
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BASIC is a programming language invented in the 1960s for teaching purposes Since then, BASIC has evolved into a powerful language often used by professionals Microsoft's Visual Basic is currently the most popular version
Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code The high-level language that helped start the microcomputer revolution BASIC interpreters were delivered with most copies of DOS The language is fairly easy to use and very powerful Compiled BASIC is very fast "Visual Basic" is used in the Windows environment Visual Basic for Applications (a superset of Visual Basic) is the macro programming language used in Word, Excel and Access
Basic is used to describe a price or someone's income when this does not include any additional amounts. an increase of more than twenty per cent on the basic pay of a typical coalface worker The basic price for a 10-minute call is only £2.49
Said of crystalline rocks which contain a relatively low percentage of silica, as basalt
You use basic to describe things, activities, and principles that are very important or necessary, and on which others depend. One of the most basic requirements for any form of angling is a sharp hook. the basic skills of reading, writing and communicating. the basic laws of physics Access to justice is a basic right. = fundamental
BASIC runs at the University as an compiled language BASIC stands for Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code - a high-level interpreted programming language which is very easy to learn
Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Basic is the computer language created by John Kemeny at Dartmouth College in the late 1960s It's popular because it is easy to learn and use
A programming language developed in the mid-1960s and popularized since then by Microsoft BASIC's English-like syntax made it easier to learn than most other languages, and many people got their first taste of programming through BASIC in the 1970s and 1980s
Having the base in excess, or the amount of the base atomically greater than that of the acid, or exceeding in proportion that of the related neutral salt
reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality; "a basic story line"; "a canonical syllable pattern
Acronym for Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, a very simple programming language originally designed only for instructing students in rudimentary programming, but occassionally used to build actual applications
The Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC) is a computer language developed by Kemeny & Kurtz in 1964 Products like Oracle Power Objects and Microsoft Visual Basic uses Basic as its programming language
The acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BASIC is an easy to use programming language, originally intended for educational purposes; it is available for personal computers in varying degrees of complexity
An easy-to-use high-level programming language developed in 1964 for instructional purposes
Beginner's All Symbolic Instruction Code Written in 1964 for college students to use to learn programming concepts
{s} fundamental; of or pertaining to a base, containing a base (Chemistry)
Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code An easy to learn and hence once popular programming language BASIC is not as commonly used today
A high-level programming language designed at Dartmouth College as a learning tool Acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
of or denoting or of the nature of or containing a base
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code: A common programming language often used with remote or time-sharing computer centers
(usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant a popular programming language that is relatively easy to learn; an acronym for beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code; no longer in general use of or denoting or of the nature of or containing a base serving as a base or starting point; "a basic course in Russian"; "basic training for raw recruits"; "a set of basic tools"; "an introductory art course"
Relating to a base; performing the office of a base in a salt
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code: A simple to learn and easy to use programming language
(usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant
A computer language used for generating errors
serving as a base or starting point; "a basic course in Russian"; "basic training for raw recruits"; "a set of basic tools"; "an introductory art course"
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Family of programming languages Available variations include Visual Basic, Turbo, and Quick Seldom used for large applications because its resulting programs tend to be slow
The basic rate of income tax is the lowest or most common rate, which applies to people who earn average incomes. All this is to be done without big rises in the basic level of taxation. a basic-rate taxpayer. adj. in full Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Computer programming language developed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz (b. 1928) at Dartmouth College in the mid 1960s. One of the simplest high-level languages, with commands similar to English, it can be learned with relative ease even by schoolchildren and novice programmers. Since 1980, BASIC has been popular for use on personal computers. adj. acid and basic rocks basic Bessemer process basic oxygen process
reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality; "a basic story line"; "a canonical syllable pattern"
emphasis You can use basic to emphasize that you are referring to what you consider to be the most important aspect of a situation, and that you are not concerned with less important details. There are three basic types of tea The basic design changed little from that patented by Edison more than 100 years ago The basic point is that sanctions cannot be counted on to produce a sure result. = fundamental
(acronym -- Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) A computer programming language which uses easily understood English statements
Basic goods and services are very simple ones which every human being needs. You can also refer to people's basic needs for such goods and services. shortages of even the most basic foodstuffs Hospitals lack even basic drugs for surgical operations. the basic needs of food and water
Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code - A programming language that is very popular for begining programmers
Acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
If one thing is basic to another, it is absolutely necessary to it, and the second thing cannot exist, succeed, or be imagined without it. an oily liquid, basic to the manufacture of a host of other chemical substances There are certain ethical principles that are basic to all the great religions. = central
A high-level programming language that is easy to learn, yet possesses great power in writing formulas expressing input/output instructions BASIC stands for Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
An acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code -- a widely used, high-level programming language
Apparently alkaline, as certain normal salts which exhibit alkaline reactions with test paper
Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code It is a programming language It is called symbolic because it allows programmers to use symbols to represent numbers and information In algebra, these symbols are called variables
a popular programming language that is relatively easy to learn; an acronym for beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code; no longer in general use
You can use basic to describe something that is very simple in style and has only the most necessary features, without any luxuries. We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment. the extremely basic hotel room
pertaining to or constituting a base or basis; "a basic fact"; "the basic ingredients"; "basic changes in public opinion occur because of changes in priorities"
The Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code is a computer language developed by Kemeny & Kurtz in 1964 Although it is traditionally interpreted, compilers exist for many platforms While the interpreted form is typically fairly slow, the comiled form is often quite fast, usually faster than Pascal The biggest problem with BASIC is portability; versions for different machines are often completely unlike each other; Amiga BASIC at first glance looks more like Pascal, for example Portability problems actually go beyond even the cross platform level; in fact, most machines have multiple versions of incompatible BASICs available for use The most popular version of BASIC today is called Visual BASIC Like all BASICs it has portability issues, but it has some of the advantages of an authoring system so it is relatively easy to use
of primary importance; "basic truths"
Basic Pokémon
A Pokémon card (of Pokémon Trading Card Game) that does not evolve from any other Pokémon card, or evolves from a Baby Pokémon card
Basic Pokémon
plural form of Basic Pokémon
basic balance
The net balance of the combination of the current account and the capital account in a balance of payments
basic block
A sequence of contiguous instructions that contain no jumps or labels

Dividing the code into basic blocks makes analysis of control flow much easier.

basic blocks
plural form of basic block
basic research
Research performed without regard to practical applications
basic training
The standard training regime for introducing new recruits to the organization's discipline and basic operational skills
basic instinct
(Film) Basic Instinct is a 1992 thriller film, directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Joe Eszterhas. It features Sharon Stone, Michael Douglas, Jeanne Tripplehorn and George Dzundza. The original draft titles included Ice Cold and Love Hurts. The film centers on detective Nick Curran (played by Douglas) investigating the extremely wealthy, manipulative novelist Catherine Tramell (played by Stone) on suspicion of murder after her boyfriend is brutally killed while having sex with a blonde wielding an icepick. A torrid affair ensues between Nick and Catherine
basic outcome
(İstatistik) The possible outcomes of rondom experiment
Basic Input Output System
program which is permanently in a computer's memory and is activated at startup
Basic Instinct
erotic suspense film starring Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas
Basic Operating System
obsolete IBM operating system used on early computers with no disk drives, BOS (Computers)
basic Bessemer process
Modification of the Bessemer process for converting pig iron into steel. The original Bessemer converter was not effective in removing the phosphorus from iron made from the high-phosphorus ores common in Britain and Europe. The invention of the basic process in England by Sidney G. Thomas (1850-1885) and Percy Gilchrist overcame this problem; the Thomas-Gilchrist converter was lined with a basic material such as burned limestone rather than an acid siliceous material. The introduction of the basic Bessemer process in 1879 made it possible for the first time for such high-phosphorus ore to be used for making steel
basic French
fundamentals of the French language
basic accounting assumptions
basic principles of accounting upon which accounting is based
basic anxiety
feeling of profound helplessness experienced by an infant (Psychology)
basic army law
basic law that determines the framework of activity for the military
basic assumption
an assumption that is basic to an argument
basic assumption
fundamental theory, basic supposition, something fundamental which is supposed as true
basic cognitive process
cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge
basic commodities
staple items, basic products
basic concepts
fundamental ideas, basic notions
basic course
introductory course, course which is designed to teach the fundamentals
basic documents
documents required to establish a corporation
basic dye
dye in which the chromophore are part of a positive ion
basic english
Ogden and I
basic english
a simplified form of English proposed for use as an auxiliary language for international communication; devised by C
basic english
basic guidelines
fundamental rules, basic rules
basic index
index used as a base for comparison, standard index
basic interest loan
loan given at a slightly higher interest rate than the rate of the daily account
basic iron
pig iron containing a high percentage of phosphorus; used in making steel by a process that removes the phosphorus
basic law
fundamental law, law which is the basis for others
basic laws
fundamental laws, laws which are the basis for others; fundamental rules, basic guidelines
basic life support
series of basic emergency medical procedures which includes CPR and the removal of foreign objects from windpipe, BLS (Medicine)
basic obligations
basic things that one must do
basic oxygen process
Steelmaking method in which pure oxygen is blown through a long, movable lance into a bath of molten blast-furnace iron and scrap, in a steel furnace with a refractory lining called a converter. The oxygen initiates a series of heat-releasing reactions, including the oxidation of such impurities as silicon, carbon, phosphorus, and manganese; carbon dioxide is released, and the oxidation products of the other impurities form molten slag that floats on the molten steel. The advantages of using pure oxygen instead of air in refining iron into steel were recognized as early as the 1850s (see Bessemer process), but the process could not be commercialized until the late 1940s, when cheap, high-purity oxygen became available. Within 40 years it had replaced the open-hearth process and was producing more than half of all steel worldwide. Commercial advantages include high production rates, less labour, and steel with a low nitrogen content
basic point defense missile system
a shipboard missile system
basic price
standard accepted price
basic principle
basic principle, foundational rule; basic tenet
basic principles
basic tenet, basic law
basic process
A method of steel production that uses a furnace lined with a basic refractory material
basic process
Called also Thomas process
basic process
A Bessemer or open-hearth steel-making process in which a lining that is basic, or not siliceous, is used, and additions of basic material are made to the molten charge during treatment
basic process
Opposed to acid process, above
basic quantity
basic amount from which calculate are made
basic rate
= The manual rate from which discounts are taken or to which charges are added to reflect the individual circumstances of a risk
basic rate
- The standard charge for a given type of risk
basic rate
Prior to 2001's change in the audit bureaus' rules, basic rate — a magazine's standard, published subscription price — was used as the benchmark for defining paid circulation (Subs paid at at least 50 percent of basic were defined as paid ) Now that both ABC and BPA define paid circulation as any sub or single copy paid at at least one cent, basic rate is used primarily for postal purposes The Postal Service continues to base periodicals-rate eligibility on a magazine's having at least 50 percent of its circulation paid at 50 percent of basic rate and/or requested Therefore, magazines continue to need to monitor these levels and publish a basic rate on their mastheads
basic rate
– In ISDN, two 64 Kbps information carrying B channels and one 16 Kbps signaling D channel
basic rate
Prior to 2001's change in the audit bureaus' rules, basic rate a magazine's standard, published subscription price was used as the benchmark for defining paid circulation (Subs paid at at least 50 percent of basic were defined as paid ) Now that both ABC and BPA define paid circulation as any sub or single copy paid at at least one cent, basic rate is used primarily for postal purposes The Postal Service continues to base periodicals-rate eligibility on a magazine's having at least 50 percent of its circulation paid at 50 percent of basic rate and/or requested Therefore, magazines continue to need to monitor these levels and publish a basic rate on their mastheads
basic rate
Basic Rate Interface within ISDN, abbreviated BRI A digital connection to the PSTN over standard telephone wiring (twisted pair) Delivering SS7 interfaces to an end user at the Basic Rate - two 64k bits per second B channels carrying user data, with signalling on a 16k bits per second D channel
basic rate
The manual rate, from which are taken discounts or to which are added charges to compensate for the individual circumstances of the risk
basic rate
Abbreviated to BRI (basic rate interface) or ISDN2 An ISDN circuit providing 2 x 64 kbit/sec bearer channels for use by data or speech and one 16 kbit/sec control channel Two independent calls can be carried at the same time on one BRI circuit
basic rate
The premium rate for a given risk as printed in an insurance company's rate manual Credits or discounts that apply to an individual policyholder are subtracted from this rate For example: a discount on auto insurance for drivers 50 and older The basic rate can be increased because of individual circumstances, such as an added charge on auto insurance when the policyholder drives a long distance to work each day
basic rate
The sum of the weighted average cost of capital and the equity buildup factor used in order to determine the appropriate overall capitalization rate
basic rate
The manual rate from which discounts are taken or to which charges are added to reflect the individual circumstances of a risk (G)
basic rate
The manual or experience rate from which are taken discounts or to which are added charges to compensate for the individual circumstances of risk
basic rate
The manual rate from which discounts are taken or to which charges are added to reflect the individual circumstances of a risk
basic rights
fundamental rights and privileges which are given to every individual
basic rule
essential law, first rule
basic rules
fundamental guidelines, basic laws
basic slag
A by-product from the manufacture of steel by the basic process, used as a fertilizer
basic slag
slag produced in making steel; low in silica but having large amounts of calcium phosphate; useful as fertilizer
basic slag
It is rich in lime and contains 14 to 20 per cent of phosphoric acid
basic slag
Called also Thomas slag, phosphatic slag, and odorless phosphate
basic steel
Steel produced by the basic process
basic training
Basic training is the training that someone receives when they first join the armed forces. The initial period of training of a recruit in the armed forces. the period when a new soldier learns military rules and does a lot of exercise
basic training
the initial period of training for new military personnel; involves intense physical activity and behavioral discipline
basic training
first training of new soldiers in which they learn fundamental knowledge
basic training depot
base for initial training of new military recruits
basic vocabulary
minimal amount of words known, vocabulary which includes only a limited number of basic words
basic yield
rate of interest or dividends that an investment yields
Visual Basic
A programming language developed by Microsoft, broadly descended from BASIC and Pascal and later superseded by VB.NET, in which all programs have a graphical user interface
in a fundamental, essential or basic manner

They've added some fancy features, but it's basically still a car.

The condition of being basic
The degree to which a substance is basic
extended basic block
A sequence of contiguous instructions that contain no labels; unlike basic blocks they may contain jumps

An extended basic block can show more easily when expressions have already been calculated.

extended basic blocks
plural form of extended basic block
{i} fundamentals
Visual Basic Scripting Edition
programming language developed by Microsoft that is based on Visual Basic and supported by the Internet Explorer browser enables features similar to Java, such as interactive buttons, scrolls, etc
acid and basic rocks
Division of igneous rocks on the basis of their silicate mineral content, these minerals usually being the most abundant in such rocks. Rocks are described as acid, intermediate, basic, and ultrabasic, in order of decreasing silica content, because it was earlier thought that silica is present in rock magmas in the form of silicic acid. In modern usage the terms do not refer to acidity in the chemical sense. In general, the gradation from acid to basic corresponds to an increase in colour (i.e., light to dark)
You use basically to show that you are describing a situation in a simple, general way, and that you are not concerned with less important details. Basically you've got two choices It's basically a vegan diet
essentially; fundamentally
at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature; "He is basically dishonest"; "the argument was essentially a technical one"; "for all his bluster he is in essence a shy person
emphasis You use basically for emphasis when you are stating an opinion, or when you are making an important statement about something. This gun is designed for one purpose -- it's basically to kill people Basically I think he would be someone who complemented me in terms of character
The number of replaceable hydrogen atoms in a molecule of an acid
The power of an acid to unite with one or more atoms or equivalents of a base, as indicated by the number of replaceable hydrogen atoms contained in the acid
An equilibrium property measured by the position of equilibrium in an acid-base reaction, as, for example, the acid-base reaction between ammonia and water
The state of being basic (alkaline) as opposed to being acidic; measuring above 7 0 on the pH scale
{i} base quality (Chemistry)
The quality or state of being a base
The state of being (alkaline) as opposed to being acidic; measuring above 7 0 on the pH scale
principles from which other truths can be derived; "first you must learn the fundamentals"; "let's get down to basics"
If you talk about getting back to basics, you are suggesting that people have become too concerned with complicated details or new theories, and that they should concentrate on simple, important ideas or activities. a new `back-to-basics' drive to raise standards of literacy in Britain's schools
Basics are things such as simple food, clothes, or equipment that people need in order to live or to deal with a particular situation. supplies of basics such as bread and milk. items that are the basics of a stylish wardrobe
plural of basic
British Association of Immediate Care
Basic marching techniques learned and reviewed at the beginning of the season Includes proper placement of feet when marching, how to be in step, and marching a block
The basics of something are its simplest, most important elements, ideas, or principles, in contrast to more complicated or detailed ones. They will concentrate on teaching the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic A strong community cannot be built until the basics are in place Let's get down to basics and stop horsing around. = fundamentals
a statement of fundamental facts or principles
freedom of occupation basic law
basic law which determines that the residents of a country are entitled to work in any form of business which they so desire
military basic training
boot camp, training period at the beginning of a soldier's career in which he learns the basic rules and behavior for soldiers
state comptroller basic law
basic law which deals with the public position of the comptroller and his duties
state economy basic law
basic law which deals with state property as well as with the state budget and taxation
state president basic law
basic law which deals with the public position of the president and his duties
the Knesset basic law
fundamental laws used to choose the members of the Knesset and in its operation
the basic law of man`s dignity and freedom
basic law which defines the basic rights and privileges of the individual
the four basic freedoms
four liberties accepted by the USA Soviet Union England and France during World War II
the government basic law
fundamental law that regulates government leadership and its activities
the judgement and courts basic law
basic law which concerns the courts and their judges
visual basic
a programming language
visual basic
Visual Basic is much like QBasic, only for windows Visual Basic is kind of Object oriented, the programs use a "window" format
visual basic
A Microsoft® programming language descended from earlier versions of BASIC Visual BASIC® is a Windows-specific version of BASIC with many added "bells and whistles" to allow developers to create GUI Windows™ applications BASIC and Visual BASIC are good languages for novices and occasional developers to learn as it is relatively straightforward to learn and has numerous built-in tools to assist in debugging applications Visual BASIC can be used to develop CGI applications for Web servers although Perl, C/C++, Python, and other such non-GUI programming languages are frequently better suited for developing CGI and Web server applications
visual basic
A high-level, visual-programming version of Basic Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft for building Windows-based applications
visual basic
A computer application for designing buttons, dialog boxes, program windows, macros, and other elements of a graphical program in Microsoft Windows
visual basic
An object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft based upon the BASIC language (BASIC – Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
visual basic
A visual programming environment from Microsoft, used for developing Windows applications Visual BASIC makes it possible to develop practical programs very quickly The programmer designs windows graphically, then drags program elements, represented by icons, from the Visual BASIC Toolbox, and writes BASIC code for each element Visual BASIC is event-driven; procedures are called automatically when the end user chooses menu items, clicks the mouse, moves objects on the screen, etc
visual basic
Visual Basic was the development system which first started the excitement over Rapid Application Development Created by Microsoft, it probably has the largest user base because of its immense popularity and the easy-to-learn nature of the language (And yes people, I started Windows programming this way!)
visual basic
A Windows programming language often used to develop applications which run on PCs and LANs / WANs because it offers a good balance of ease of use, wide range of features and extendability
visual basic
A programming language developed by Microsoft
visual basic
A widely used programming language created by Microsoft
visual basic
A programming environment based on BASIC that allows you to create Win32 applications
visual basic
A high-level, programming language Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft for building stand alone Windows based applications
visual basic
1/98Advanced dialect of Basic for app development on PCs
visual basic
A popular event-driven visual programming system from Microsoft Corporation VB can be used to develop Windows interfaces It is widely used for application program development and for prototyping def goes here
visual basic
A programming language and environment that allows rapid creation of user interfaces by dragging and dropping elements such as buttons and controls
visual basic
A programming language created by Microsoft as a version of BASIC
visual basic
A graphical programming language and development environment created by Microsoft in 1990
visual basic
Microsoft's interpreted programming language, often used to create active content in web pages
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
visual basic
(Bilgisayar) visual basic
microsoft visual basic
microsoft visual basic
visual basic modülü
(Bilgisayar) visual basic module