
listen to the pronunciation of barrier
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} bariyer

Bariyerde biletini göster. - Show your ticket at the barrier.

{i} set

Belize set resifi, kuzey yarımküredeki en büyük set resifidir ve aynı zamanda popüler bir dalış noktası olan Büyük Mavi Delikle de ünlüdür. - The Belize barrier reef is the largest barrier reef in the northern hemisphere and is also famous for the Great Blue Hole, a popular diving spot.

Bilim adamları, Avustralya'daki Büyük Set Resifi'nin yarısından fazlasının son 30 yıl içinde yok edildiğini söylüyorlar. - Scientists say more than half of Australia's Great Barrier Reef has been destroyed in the past 30 years.

(Politika, Siyaset) mani

Dünya vatandaşı olarak, kültürel engellerin üstesinden gelmenin yollarını biliyorum. - As a citizen of the world, I know ways of overcoming cultural barriers.

Yüksek tarifeler uluslararası ticaret için bir engel haline gelmiştir. - High tariffs have become a barrier to international trade.

herhangi bir yolu kapamak için yapılan mania
{i} antartika'daki buz engeli
doğal mânia çit
{i} (tren yolunda) geçit
{i} (çit, duvar, korkuluk gibi) engel; bariyer
barrier reef sahile yakın sığ mercan kayalığı
{i} start sınırı
(Askeri) BARİYER; MANİA; ENGELLEME: Bir düşman kuvvetin hareketini istenilen istikamete yöneltmek, çevirmek, sınırlamak, geciktirmek veya durdurmak; düşman kuvveti ek personel zaman ve malzeme kaybına uğratmak maksadıyla planlanan veya kullanılan birbiriyle irtibatlı seri halinde mania. Bknz. "aircraft arresting system"
(Askeri) engelleme
(Gıda) engelleyici
barrier reef
(Denizbilim) bariyer resifi
barrier collision test
bariyer testi
barrier layer
engel tabakası
barrier reef
sığ kayalık
barrier bank
(Denizbilim) bariyer bankı
barrier beach
(Askeri) kumsallı engel
barrier collision test
(Otomotiv) engel deneyi
barrier combat air patrol
(Askeri) BARİYER HAVA MUHAREBE KARAKOLU: Düşman taarruzunun muhtemel yönü karşısında bir engel olarak bir kuvvetle hedef bölge arasında istihdam edilen bir veya daha fazla avcı uçağı unsuru veya bölümü. Endirek yaklaşma yollarını kullanan baskınlara karşı ilave koruma sağlamak üzere, kuvvetten kontrol şartlarının müsaadesi nispetinde uzakta kullanılır. Bakınız. "combat air control"
barrier cream
koruyucu krem
barrier element
bariyer elemanı
barrier forces
(Askeri) BARİYER KUVVETLERİ: Beklenen düşman intikalinin muhtemel rotaları üzerinde düşmanı erken tespit etmek, süratli ihbar sağlamak, geçişini önlemek, ve imha etmek üzere mevzilenmiş hava, su üstü veya su altı birlikleri ve bu birlikleri desteklemek üzere kurulmuş sistem
barrier forces
(Askeri) bariyer kuvvetleri
barrier island
(Askeri) adali engel
barrier lagoon
(Askeri) lagünlü engel
barrier lake
engelleme gölü
barrier layer capacitance
engel katmani sigasi
barrier layer capacitance
(Bilgisayar) engel katmanı sığası
barrier layer capacitance
engel katmanı kapasitesi
barrier line
(Askeri) TRAFİK GEÇİŞ KONTROL HATTI: Önceliğe sahip diğer trafik geçinceye kadar trafiğin aşmamaları gereken trafik kontrol hududu
barrier line
bariyer hattı
barrier line
(Askeri) trafik geçiş kontrol hattı
barrier material
(Gıda) engelleyici malzeme
barrier material
(Askeri) TECRİTLİ MALZEME: Su, yağ veya rutubetin belirli bir dereceye kadar geçmesine engel olacak şekilde imal edilmiş malzeme. Bu malzemeden, bu gibi unsurların sızmasını durdurmak veya sızmamasını temin için faydalanılır
barrier material
(Gıda) bariyer malzeme
barrier material
(Askeri) tecritli malzeme
barrier minefield
(Askeri) engel mayın tarlası
barrier minefield
(Askeri) kapama mayın tarlası
barrier minefield {land mine warfare)
(Askeri) KAPAMA MAYIN TARLASI, ENGEL MAYIN TARLASI (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Seçilmiş bölgelere, özellikle yanlara karşı düşman taarruzunu tıkamak ve düşmanın kritik muharebe sahalarına yaklaşmasını başka yönlere saptırmak üzere serilmiş mayın tarlası. Ayrıca bakınız: "minefield"
barrier net
(Askeri) bariyer ağı
barrier nursing
(Tıp) Koğuşta enfeksiyonun bir hastadan diğerlerine bulaşmasını önlemek için alınan bir önlem
barrier nursing
(Tıp) bariyer hemşirelik
barrier options
(Ticaret) sınır opsiyonları
barrier plan
(Askeri) ENGELLEME PLANI: Bir harekat planı {veya emrinin ; bir düşman kuvvetin hareketini istenilen istikametlere yöneltmek, çevirmek, geciktirmek veya durdurmak ve bu kuvveti fazla personel ve malzeme kaybına uğratmak için engellerin kullanılmasıyla ilgili kısmı
barrier plan
(Askeri) engelleme planı
barrier reef
avustralya'nın doğusundaki mercan kayalıkları
barrier reef
set resifi,sığ kayalık
barrier restricted area
(Askeri) engel tahditli bölge
barrier single unit
(Askeri) tek bariyerli birlik Y
barrier spacing
(Askeri) yalıtkan mesafesi
barrier spacing
(Askeri) YALITKAN MESAFESİ: Bir buat veya bağlantı levhasının saplama sınırları arasındaki mesafe
barrier spring
(Tarım) bariyer kaynağı
barrier stanchion system
(Askeri) bariyer kaldırma sistemi
barrier system
(Askeri) ENGELLEME SİSTEMİ: Düşman kuvvetlerini istenilen istikamete yöneltmek veya tertibini bozmak, hareketini geciktirmek veya durdurmak; birlik vazifesinin başarıya ulaşmasında yardımcı olmak üzere birbiriyle koordineli ve ilgili olarak, derinliğine yerleştirilmiş engeller serisi
barrier system
(Askeri) engelleme sistemi
barrier tactics
(Askeri) ENGELLEME TAKTİĞİ: Tabii ve suni vasıtalarla tahkim edilmiş ve ateşle desteklenmiş hatlardan faydalanmaya dayanan taktik
barrier tactics
(Askeri) engelleme taktiği
barrier tape
bariyer şeridi
barrier tape
olay yeri şeridi
barrier winds
(Meteoroloji) bariyer rüzgarları
baymouth barrier
koyağzı set
diffusion barrier
(Fizik,Teknik) yayınım engeli
entry barrier
(Ticaret) giriş engeli
permeability barrier
(Biyokimya) geçişim engeli
blood brain barrier
kan beyin bariyeri
coulomb barrier
coulomb engeli
diffusion barrier
difüzyon engeli
junction barrier
kavşak bariyeri
language barrier
dil barajı
movable barrier
hareket edebilir bariyer
sonic barrier
ses duvarı
sound barrier
ses engeli
sound barrier
ses duvarı
trade barrier
ticaret engeli
vapour barrier
buhar engeli

Bizim sosyal engelleri yıkmak için çok çalışmamız gerekmektedir. - We must work hard to break down social barriers.

Dünya vatandaşı olarak, kültürel engellerin üstesinden gelmenin yollarını biliyorum. - As a citizen of the world, I know ways of overcoming cultural barriers.

break a barrier
Bir engeli, sorunu ya da maniayı bertaraf etmek
break a barrier
Bir engeli aşmak, bir engeli ortadan kaldırmak
erected a barrier
bir bariyer inşa
great barrier reef
(Coğrafya) Avustralya'nin kuzeydoğu sahili boyunca uzanan Büyük Mercan Resifi
information barrier
bilgi bariyer
light barrier
ışık bariyeri
resistance barrier
rezistans sınırı
sound barrier
ses bariyeri
trade barrier
Ticarî ambargo
water barrier
su bariyeri
absorption barrier
(Tıp) absorpsiyon bariyeri
aircraft arresting barrier
(Askeri) UÇAK DURDURMA ENGELİ: Zorunlu inişlerde ve başarısız kalkış denemelerinde ileri momentumu karşılamak ve durdurmak için kullanılan ve uçağın kancasından bağımsız olarak çalışan bir tertibat. Ayrıca bakınız, "aircraft arresting system"
antisubmarine barrier
(Askeri) DENİZALTI BARİYERİ: Düşman denizaltılarını keşfetmek, geçişlerine engel olmak veya imha etmek amacıyla tertiplenmiş bir seri statik cihaz veya çevik birliklerin teşkil ettiği hat. Ayrıca bakınız: "Antisubmarine patrol"
arresting barrier
(Askeri) UÇAK DURDURMA ENGELİ: bkz: "aircraft arresting barrier"
blood brain barrier
kan-beyin bariyeri
build a barrier
set çekmek
coating barrier
kaplama engeli
contact potential barrier
temas potansiyeli engeli
covering barrier
(Askeri) ÖRTME ENGELİ: Bir tümen veya daha büyük birliğin cephesi boyunca yerleştirilmiş bir engel. Ayrıca bakınız: "barrier"
crush barrier
crush barrier
kalabalığı durdurmak için kurulan barikat
customs barrier
(Avrupa Birliği) gümrük engelleri
emergency barrier
(Havacılık) acil durum bariyer
erect barrier
(Askeri) Dik engel
floating barrier
(Askeri) yüzer bariyer
gas barrier
(Askeri) GAZ ENGELİ: Kalıcı gazlarla kirletilmiş olan ve kara kıtalarının geçmesine engel teşkil eden bölge
geological barrier
(Nükleer Bilimler) jeolojik engel
heat barrier
(Askeri) ISI DUVARI: Bak. "thermal barrier"
heat barrier
ısı limiti (uçak)
incest barrier
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ensest engeli
language barrier
dil engeli
moisture barrier
nem kesici
multi barrier
(Nükleer Bilimler) çoklu engel
police barrier
güvenlik engeli
potential barrier
(Nükleer Bilimler) potansiyel engeli
process barrier
(Nükleer Bilimler) işlem engeli
protective barrier
(Nükleer Bilimler) koruyucu engel
protective barrier
(Çevre) koruyucu bariyer
radioactive waste barrier
(Nükleer Bilimler) radyoaktif atık engeli
rear barrier
(Askeri) GERİ ENGEL: Gerisinde müteakip savunma mevziine geçmek veya kritik araziyi korumak üzere ordu, kolordu veya tümen tarafından seçilmiş bir engel
rear barrier
(Askeri) geri engel
surface barrier detector
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzey engelli algılayıcı,yüzey engelli dedektör
tank barrier
(Askeri) TANK ENGEL: Düşman tanklarını durdurmak maksadıyla yapılan engel
thermal barrier
(Askeri) TERMİK ENGEL: Bir cismin atmosferden süratle geçişinin meydana getirdiği sürtünme ısısının, cismin göreviyle uzlaşabilecek takati aştığı saha
tide barrier
(Askeri) gel-git bariyeri
vapour barrier
buhar bariyeri
vapour barrier
buhar kesici
vapour barrier boot
(Askeri) soğuğa karşı tecritli bot
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
An obstacle or impediment
A structure that bars passage
A boundary or limit
A barrier is something such as a rule, law, or policy that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or be achieved. Duties and taxes are the most obvious barrier to free trade. = obstacle
{n} a boundary, limit, stoppage, defense
A fortress or fortified town, on the frontier of a country, commanding an avenue of approach
A fence or railing to mark the limits of a place, or to keep back a crowd
Radiation-absorbing material, such as lead or concrete, used to reduce radiation exposure A primary barrier attenuates useful beam to the required degree A secondary barrier attenuates stray radiation to the required degree
A carpentry obstruction, stockade, or other obstacle made in a passage in order to stop an enemy
a structure or object that impedes free movement
A partition for the insulation or isolation of electric circuits or electric arcs
The function of a barrier is to control the water level It consists of a combination of concrete or a steel structure with or without adjacent rockfill
Point of synchronization for multiple simultaneous processes Each process reaches the barrier, and then waits until all of the other processes have reached that same barrier before proceeding
physical separator between elements erected for specific purposes such as blocking noise or channeling traffic (see also: noise barrier; sound barrier; traffic barrier)
{i} border, limit; obstacle, barricade
A material that when placed around a source of noise inhibits the transmission of that noise beyond the barrier Also, anything physical or an environment that interferes with communication or listening e g , a poor acoustical environment con be a barrier to good listening and especially so for persons with a hearing impairment
Something that bars or keeps out Barrier pillars are solid blocks of coal left between two mines or sections of a mine to prevent accidents due to inrushes of water, gas, or from explosions or a mine fire
anything serving to maintain separation by obstructing vision or access
Collective operation used to synchronize the execution of processes MPI_Barrier blocks the calling process until all receiving processes have called it This is a useful approach for separating two stages of a computation so messages from each stage are not overlapped
A physical block or impediment to the movement or migration of fish, such as a waterfall (natural barrier) or a dam (man-made barrier)
Any limit or boundary; a line of separation
Prevents a thread from progressing beyond a certain point until all threads have reached that point
A synchronization mechanism applied to groups of processes, with the property that no process in the group may pass the barrier until all processes in the group have reached the barrier In other words, processes arriving at the barrier suspend or block until all processes have arrived; they may then all proceed
You can refer to a particular number or amount as a barrier when you think it is significant, because it is difficult or unusual to go above it. They are fearful that unemployment will soon break the barrier of three million see also crash barrier, sound barrier. barrier penetration Great Barrier Reef sound barrier
A memory barrier is an instruction on certain processor architectures that will ensure certain guarantees about the order of accesses to memory Some processor architectures, such as the Alpha AXP, make very few guarantees about the relative orders of load and store(1) operations in the instruction stream and the actual order of accesses to main memory These architectures will often have special instructions that make stronger guarantees For example Alpha AXP has the MB instruction which will: Guarantee that all subsequent loads or stores will not access memory until after all previous loads and stores have accessed memory, as observed by other processors These instructions are vital for certain synchronization operations
any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective; "intolerance is a barrier to understanding"
a structure or object that impedes free movement any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective; "intolerance is a barrier to understanding"
Any obstruction; anything which hinders approach or attack
Barriers are natural or man-made diversion structures that prevent a plant or animal from moving across an otherwise permeable area Barriers can be physical obstructions that physically prevent movement (such as walls or fences), or they can be behavioral obstructions that prevent movement due to a perception of danger or risk (for example, areas with substantial human activity or habitat transitions such as a forest edge) (1)
is a point in a scale of rates beyond which progression is contingent upon meeting specified standards of proficiency and performance (barrière)
A point in a parallel program where all processors participating in the barrier synchronise, ie block until all have reached the barrier before continuing
A fence, wall or railing to prevent passage or approach (2)
Any obstruction to the spread of fire; typically an area or strip devoid of flammable fuel such as a creek, field or rock outcrop
A barrier is a problem that prevents two people or groups from agreeing, communicating, or working with each other. There is no reason why love shouldn't cross the age barrier When you get involved in sports and athletes, a lot of the racial barriers are broken down
A barrier is something such as a fence or wall that is put in place to prevent people from moving easily from one area to another. The demonstrators broke through heavy police barriers As each woman reached the barrier one of the men glanced at her papers
A barrier is an object or layer that physically prevents something from moving from one place to another. a severe storm, which destroyed a natural barrier between the house and the lake The packaging must provide an effective barrier to prevent contamination of the product
Any material, structure, or condition (as a thermal barrier) that prevents or substantially delays the movement of water or radionuclides See natural barrier
Natural or artificial shield to protect against the dispersion of radioactive materials and against ionizing radiation See also multiple barrier principle
Impermeable to the liquid or gas phases of most chemicals and reagents
  Any obstruction to the spread of fire   Typically an area of strip or combustible fuel
(n ) A point in a program at which barrier synchronization occurs See also fuzzy barrier
A permanent partition installed in a cable raceway or housing that provides complete separation of the adjacent compartment
Any trait a consumer has which limits gaining or maintaining employment Common barriers include: no high school diploma, financial disincentive, sensory impairment, paralysis/lack of motor control, etc
A location in a program at which all PEs (or tasks) must stop until the final PE arrives A barrier synchronizes the PEs and prevents situations such as having one PE reading a memory location that does not have the correct data yet
barrier board
noncombustible board stock material of low thermal conductivity placed between two elements of a roof assembly
barrier boards
plural form of barrier board
barrier method
A means of contraception by forming an impenetrable barrier between sexual partners
barrier methods
plural form of barrier method
barrier reef
A name given to reefs separated from the adjacent coast by a channel or lagoon
Barrier Combat Air Patrol
BARCAP, patrol of combat aircraft to prevent penetration of enemy aircraft into a particular airspace
barrier cream
A cream used to protect the skin from contact with resins
barrier cream
a waterproof cream used to protect the skin from chemicals
barrier cream
Protectant skin ointment for spray operators
barrier island
A long, relatively narrow island running parallel to the mainland, built up by the action of waves and currents and serving to protect the coast from erosion by surf and tidal surges
barrier island
A detached portion of a BARRIER BEACH between two INLETS See Figure 6
barrier island
Narrow islands of sand that run parallel to the shoreline They are separated from the mainland by a river, marsh, or lagoon, and inlets separate adjacent barrier islands Barrier islands buffer the mainland from storms and heavy surf In geologic terms, barrier islands are constantly on the move, with the contours of the islands always changing as wind and wave action cause erosion and accretion
barrier island
Long, narrow islands of sand and/or gravel that are usually aligned parallel to the shore of some coasts
barrier island
A detached portion of a barrier beach between two inlets
barrier island
a long narrow sandy island (wider than a reef) running parallel to the shore
barrier island
A ridge of sand that runs parallel to the main coast but is separated from it by a bay or lagoon Barrier islands range from 10 to 100 kilometers in length and from 2 to 5 kilometers in width A barrier island may be as high as 6 meters above sea level barrier reef A long, narrow reef that runs parallel to the main coast but is separated from it by a wide lagoon
barrier island
A narrow, sandy coastal island built through wave action and separated from the mainland Such islands form a barrier that protects the shore from the open sea They are easily flooded during storms or high water, and are constantly in the process of being created, shifted, or destroyed by wind and waves
barrier island
A long narrow island parallel to and relatively close to a coastline, seperated from the mainland by a lagoon
barrier island
n a long, narrow island parallel to the mainland, built up by the action of waves and currents and serving to protect the coast from erosion by surf and tidal surges; see erosional landform
barrier method
Barrier methods of contraception involve the use of condoms, diaphragms, or other devices that physically prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. barrier methods of contraception involve the use of condoms etc, which physically prevent the sperm from reaching the egg
barrier reef
A long ridge of coral near and parallel to the coast line, separated from it by a lagoon
barrier reef
a long coral reef near and parallel to the shore
barrier reef
coral reef roughly parallel to the shore and separated from it by a lagoon of considerable depth and width, or in some cases by several kilometres of open sea
barrier reef
name given to reefs separated from the adjacent coast by a channel or lagoon
barrier reef
a long, narrow coral reef, roughly parallel to the shore and separated from it by a lagoon of considerable depth and width It may lie a great distance from a continental coast It is often interrupted by passes or channels
barrier reef
A long, narrow ridge of coral or rock parallel to and relatively near a coastline, separated from the coastline by a lagoon too deep for coral growth. a line of coral (=pink stone-like substance) separated from the shore by water
barrier reef
a coral reef that is parallel to the shore line, usually acting as a breakwater
barrier reef
One of three geomorophologically distinct types of A HREF="bas01r-6 html#coralreef">coral reefs, the other two being fringing reefs and atolls Barrier reefs are separated from land by a lagoon usually formed by coastal subsidence See Barnes and Hughes (1988)
Coulomb barrier
the barrier between two atomic nuclei, due to Coulomb repulsion, that has to be overcome for nuclear fusion to proceed
Einstein barrier
Also known as the light barrier, the speed of light viewed as an uncrossable barrier to acceleration from subluminal and superluminal speeds in special relativity

Tachyons exist on the other side of the Einstein barrier.

Great Barrier Reef
A massive system of coral reefs, found in the Coral Sea off the coast of Australia
Schottky barrier
A metal-semiconductor junction which functions as a rectifier
blood-brain barrier
A structure in the central nervous system (CNS) that keeps various substances found in the bloodstream out of the brain while allowing in the substances essential to metabolic function, e.g. oxygen
crash barrier
A barrier on the side of a road, to keep vehicles on the road
A thin layer (usually micrometres thick) of metal usually placed between two other metals. It is done to act as a barrier to protect either one of the metals from corrupting the other
hematoencephalic barrier
The blood-brain barrier
ice barrier
a part of the Antarctic ice shelf that extends into the sea
language barrier
A figurative phrase for the difficulties faced when people who have no language in common attempt to communicate with each other
sound barrier
A structure beside a highway designed to reduce the noise of traffic
sound barrier
The apparent physical boundary (caused by a sudden increase in drag) preventing objects from becoming supersonic
tilt barrier
a barrier such as a fence or pole used to separate the participants in a joust
Attributive form of tilt barrier

tilt-barrier construction.

tire barrier
A safety feature of auto racing venues, consisting of stacked tires secured together, that provides a cushion in the event of an impact

The driver lost control and the car struck the tire barrier.

Great Barrier Reef
The largest coral reef in the world, about 2,011 km (1,250 mi) long, off the northeast coast of Australia. Its vividly colored banks are known for their exotic fish and crustaceans. the largest coral reef in the world, off the northeast coast of Australia. It is around 2000 km (1250 miles) long. Long stretch of coral reef, shoals, and islets in the Pacific Ocean, off the northeastern coast of Queensland, Australia. The largest deposit of coral in the world, it extends for more than 1,250 mi (2,000 km) along the Australian coast and has an area of some 135,000 sq mi (350,000 sq km). The reef has been formed over millions of years from the skeletons of a mass of living marine organisms. In addition to at least 300 species of hard coral, marine life includes anemones, worms, gastropods, lobsters, crayfishes, prawns, crabs, and a variety of fishes. Encrusting red algae form the purplish red algal rim that is one of the reef's characteristic features
Jersey barrier
A protective concrete barrier used as a highway divider and a means of preventing access to a prohibited area
An obstacle, such as a wall, that blocks the line-of-sight between a sound source and a receiver, thereby providing a barrier attenuation, i e , a reduction of sound level at the receptor Sound attenuation provided by barriers is principally related to the diffraction of sound over and around the barrier, and the sound transmission loss through the barrier material
plural of barrier
Those areas that would cause a person to take extra steps, change stride, or travel pattern and leave signs more obvious or observable that the normal travel route to trackers Most often referred to as Natural Barriers and Man Made Barriers See Also: Natural Barriers, Man Made Barriers
Items that prevent infectious material from contacting surface
Obstacles in the way of progress, mutual understanding, negotiated settlements, etc
individual and organizational factors that influence the success of people and organizations; anything that is getting in the way of performance Also known as root causes and performance drivers
In the Bradley model, anything that reduces the effectiveness of the communication process 11 5
Obstacles that prevent people with disabilities from fully participating in society
blood-brain barrier
a mechanism that creates a barrier between brain tissues and circulating blood; serves to protect the central nervous system; "the brain was protected from the large molecules of the virus by the blood-brain barrier
crash barrier
a strong protective barrier that is erected around a racetrack or in the middle of a dual-lane highway in order to reduce the likelihood of severe accidents
crash barrier
A crash barrier is a strong low fence built along the side of a road or between the two halves of a motorway in order to prevent accidents. a strong fence or wall built to keep cars apart or to keep them away from people, in order to prevent an accident
crash barrier
guard rail, rail along a road which protects a car in an accident
erected a barrier
put up a barrier
great barrier reef
the largest coral reef in the world; in the Coral Sea off the northeastern coast of Australia
ice barrier
A section of the Antarctic ice shelf that extends beyond the coastline, resting partly on the ocean floor
ideological barrier
a barrier to cooperation or interaction resulting from conflicting ideologies
junction barrier
a junction unit for connecting 2 cables without the need for plugs
language barrier
barrier to communication resulting from speaking different languages
movable barrier
a barrier that can be moved to allow passage
pain barrier
If you say that a sports player has gone through the pain barrier, you mean that he or she is continuing to make a great effort in spite of being injured or exhausted. England's World Cup hero is determined to play through the pain barrier. the pain barrier in sport, the point that you reach when you continue trying to do something, even though you are in pain, very tired, or injured
protective barrier
obstacle that is designed to provide protection; protective fence
sonic barrier
the increase in aerodynamic drag as an airplane approaches the speed of sound
sonic barrier
sound barrier, supposed barrier to air travel at a speed faster than the speed of sound
sonic barrier
The sudden sharp increase in aerodynamic drag experienced by aircraft approaching the speed of sound. Also called sound barrier
sound barrier
the increase in aerodynamic drag as an airplane approaches the speed of sound
sound barrier
If an aircraft breaks the sound barrier, it reaches a speed that is faster than the speed of sound. the sudden increase in air pressure against a vehicle, especially an aircraft, when it is travelling near the speed of sound break the sound barrier (=travel faster than the speed of sound). Sharp rise in aerodynamic drag that occurs as an aircraft approaches the speed of sound. At sea level the speed of sound is about 750 miles (1,200 km) per hour, and at 36,000 feet (11,000 metres) it is about 650 miles (1,050 km) per hour. The sound barrier was formerly an obstacle to supersonic flight. If an aircraft flies at somewhat less than sonic speed, the pressure waves (sound waves) it creates outspeed their sources and spread out ahead of it. Once the aircraft reaches sonic speed the waves are unable to get out of its way. Strong local shock waves form on the wings and body; airflow around the craft becomes unsteady, and severe buffeting may result, with serious stability difficulties and loss of control over flight characteristics. Generally, aircraft properly designed for supersonic flight have little difficulty in passing through the sound barrier, but the effect on those designed for efficient operation at subsonic speeds may become extremely dangerous. The first pilot to break the sound barrier was Chuck Yeager (1947), in the experimental X-1 aircraft
sound barrier
group of factors and negative forces by which a plane reaches a speed faster than that of sound
thermal barrier
a limit to high speed flight imposed by aerodynamic heating
thermal barrier
Material used in conjunction with polyurethane foam that is designed to inhibit the rise in temperature of the foam during a fire in order to delay the foam’s involvement in the fire Time ratings for thermal barriers should exceed 15 minutes
thermal barrier
a material applied over polyurethane foam designed to slow the temperature rise of the foam during a fire and delay its involvement in the fire Thermal barriers for use with SPF must have a time rating of not less than 15 minutes
trade barrier
any regulation or policy that restricts international trade
vapor barrier
A building product installed on exterior walls and ceilings under the drywall and on the warm side of the insulation It is used to retard the movement of water vapor into walls and prevent condensation within them Normally, polyethylene plastic sheeting is used
vapor barrier
A material such as plastic, rubber, or tinfoil which retards or prevents the transfer of moister from the earth or air into a structure
vapor barrier
Waterproof membrane placed under concrete floor slabs that are placed on a grade
vapor barrier
Vapor barrier is a material that has a permeance of one perm or less and that provides resistance to the transmission of water vapor
vapor barrier
The material used to prevent moisture from penetrating walls or floors
vapor barrier
a component of construction which is impervious to the flow of moisture and air and is used to prevent condensation in walls and other locations of insulation
vapor barrier
In kiln drying, a material with a high resistance to vapor movement that is applied to the inside wall and ceiling surfaces of a dry kiln to prevent moisture migration
vapor barrier
Material placed to prevent vapor or moisture from passing through a wall, floor or partition Materials include paper, metal, plastic and paint
vapor barrier
The element in a wall, floor or ceiling that does not allow moisture or air to penetrate and is used to prevent condensation in insulation
vapor barrier
Plastic film, building paper, paint, or other material used to retard flow of moisture Often applied after installation of insulating material to prevent moisture from entering the insulation and thus diminishing its effectiveness Some insulation incorporates its own vapor barrier
vapor barrier
a ) A material, such as foil, plastic film or specially coated paper, with a high resistance to vapor movement, used to control condensation or prevent migration of moisture b ) Any material used to stop the migration of vapor through walls, floors or ceilings
vapor barrier
A material or paint applied to a wall, floor or ceiling to prevent the passage of moisture Plastic vapor barriers are sometimes applied over the subarea soil This helps create a dry air space between damp soil and wood framing and limits the amount of moisture able to rise into the framing, thereby reducing moisture damage A plastic vapor barrier also provides a reasonable surface upon which to crawl in the event of needed access to a moist subarea Finally, a plastic vapor barrier tends to keep moist soil from drying out completely and reduces the subsequent shrinkage and cracking that often occurs This reduces the settlement often associated with expansive soil subject to fluctuating moisture content
vapor barrier
A watertight material used to prevent the passage of moisture or water vapor
vapor barrier
Also called a vapor retarder, this is a material that retards the movement of water vapor through a building element (such as walls, floors, and ceilings) and prevents metals from corroding and insulation and structural wood from becoming damp
vapor barrier
a material that severely limits the movement of water vapor (water in a gaseous state) from one side of the material to the other The relationship of this term to the term vapor retarder is complex and often indeterminate For a complete discussion and delineation of water and air, barriers and retarders, see Understanding the Terms Barrier and Retarder for Vapor and Air or Air barriers vs Vapor Barriers
vapor barrier
Material used to retard the movement of water vapor into walls and prevent condensation in them Usually considered as having a perm value of less than 1 0 Applied separately over the warm side of exposed walls or as a part of batt or blanket insulation
vapor barrier
-A waterproof material or film placed between a heated area of the home and an area that is not heated to prevent moisture from seeping between the two areas
vapor barrier
Moisture resistant materials used to stop or slow the movement of moisture through a surface Often applied on the inside face of exterior walls to prevent condensation forming in interior living areas Examples are Tyvek and tar paper
vapor barrier
A moisture-impervious layer which prevents the passage of water into a material or structure
vapor barrier
The material used to prevent moisture from penetrating walls or floors (Also called viscuine )