Определение asset class в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь
Types of investments that include: cash equivalents (such as certificate of deposits, money market funds, guaranteed investment contracts); fixed income/bonds (such as government or corporate bond mutual funds of short-term, intermediate term or long term durations); growth investments or equities (such as large cap, mid cap, small cap growth funds, balanced funds, value funds, blend funds, aggressive growth funds, international or global equity funds, etc )
A collective term for investments of a similar type The main asset classes are equities (shares), bonds, cash and property
Asset class' typically refer to securities that have similar features For example, bonds and stocks are the two main classes They are then subdivided into more defined classes such as mortgages, common stock and preferred stock Asset classes are used in the process of asset allocation to control the risk and return characteristics of a portfolio
Category of investment assets with shared characteristics It is possible to create descriptions for any number and variety of asset classes but an accepted method recognizes three fundamental classes: stocks, fixed income investments and cash or cash instruments
There are three asset classes: cash and fixed interest investments, property and shares The essential characteristic of investments in all asset classes is that you can earn income: as interest, rent and dividends Any capital growth in these investments is because there has been, or potentially may be, an increase in the level of income received from the investment Back to top
Securities with similar features The three main asset classes are stocks, bonds, and cash reserves
A broad categorization of an investment The main asset classes are Stocks, Bonds and Cash Equivalents
The three primary asset classes are stocks (equities), bonds (fixed income investments) and money market securities (cash equivalents)
A group of investments that are considered similar in potential risk and return Basic asset classes include stocks, bonds, short-term securities or cash equivalents and annuities
A way of describing a group of investments with similar performance characteristics Commonly used categories of assets include long-term equity, international equity, government bonds, corporate bonds, precious metals, and cash
A method of categorizing investments based on the underlying investments and the potential risk/reward
A group of similar assets The main asset classes are shares, fixed interest, property and cash Each asset class has a different level of expected risk and return This may be modified by how it is managed - passively or actively
The category each asset or security belongs to (e g Large Cap Stocks, Small Cap Stocks, International Stocks, Bonds, or Cash)
Asset classes are simply different broad types of investments The three primary asset classes are stocks, bonds, and money market instruments
The category each asset or security belongs to (e g Large Cap Stock, Small Cap Stock, International Stock, Bond, or Cash) You can learn about what asset classes should be part of your portfolio by using FinPortfolio's Asset Allocation module