
listen to the pronunciation of assault
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{f} saldırmak
{i} saldırı

Tom şu anda ağırlaştırılmış saldırı suçuyla yüz yüze. - Tom currently faces charges of aggravated assault.

Tom Mary'ye bir saldırı tüfeğini nerede alabileceğini bilip bilmediğini sordu. - Tom asked Mary if she knew where he could buy an assault rifle.

{i} fiili tecavüz (hukuk)
üstüne varmak
baskın yapmak
(Kanun) şahsa karşı eylem

Orta yaşlı adam tecavüz ile suçlandı. - The middle aged man was charged with assault.

Tecavüz ve cinsel taciz şiddet suçlarıdır. - Rape and sexual assault are crimes of violence.

aniden ve vahşice saldırmak
ani saldırı
{f} saldır

Tom saldırı için üç kez tutuklandı. - Tom has been arrested three times for assault.

Tom Mary'ye bir saldırı tüfeğini nerede alabileceğini bilip bilmediğini sordu. - Tom asked Mary if she knew where he could buy an assault rifle.

{f} hücum etmek
şiddetli hucum
assault and batterymuessir fiil
{i} tecâvüz

Tecavüz ve cinsel taciz şiddet suçlarıdır. - Rape and sexual assault are crimes of violence.

Sami, tecavüz ve saldırı nedeniyle 18 yıl hapis cezasına çarptırıldı. - Sami was sentenced 18 years for rape and assault.

saldırı,v.saldır: n.saldırı
aniden saldır
(Askeri) (DOD, IADB) HÜCUM (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): 1. HÜCUM: Bir taarruzun son safhası, düşmanla göğüs göğüse muharebe. 2. ÇIKARMA HÜCUMU: Bir amfibi harekatta, amfibi görev kuvvetinin hedef bölgesine ulaşan ana taarruzu ile amfibi görev kuvveti vazifesinin başarılması arasındaki süre. 3. HÜCUM ETMEK: Bir top mevzii, direnek veya makinalı tüfek yuvası gibi yerel bir hedefe karşı kısa, şiddetli fakat iyi tertiplenmiş bir taarruza girişmek. 4. İNDİRME HÜCUMU: Bir hava harekatında; düşmanla yakın muharebe için hazırlanmış bir hava indirme kuvveti ile unsurlarının, hava araçları tarafından bir hedef bölgesine indirilmesiyle başlayan ve tespit edilmiş hedeflere taarruzla sona eren kısmı. Ayrıca bakınız: "assault phase; landing attack"
(Askeri) TAARRUZ: Kıyıdaki sivillerle yapılan ilk temasla başlayıp çıkarma kuvvetinin askeri hükümet kontrol kıyısının tesisine kadar geçen devre
{f} ırza geçmek
{f} tecâvüz etmek
(Kanun) fiili saldırı
assault boat
assault boat
(Askeri) hücum çıkarma botu
assault fire
(Askeri) hücum ateşi
assault gun
(Askeri) hücum topu
assault position
(Askeri) hücum mevzi
assault riffle
(Avcılık) hücum tüfeği
assault schedule
(Askeri) hücum zaman çizelgesi
assault schedule
(Askeri) hücum programı
assault tank
(Askeri) hücum tankı
assault troops
(Askeri) hücum kıtaları
assault wire
(Askeri) hücum kablosu
assault and battery
müessir fiil
assault troops
hücum kıtası
assault position
saldırı pozisyonu
assault riffle
Taarruz tüfeği, saldırı tüfeği
assault rifle
saldırı tüfeği
assault aircraft
(Askeri) HÜCUM NAKLİYE UÇAKLARI: İndirme hücumu yapacak kıtaları veya yüklerini bir hedef bölgesine intikal ettiren ve bütünleme ikmallerini temin eden, helikopterler dahil, motorlu hava araçları
assault aircraft
(Askeri) hücum nakliye hava aracı
assault aircraft
(Havacılık) saldırı uçağı
assault and battery
huk. müessir fiil
assault area diagram
(Askeri) hücum sahası planı
assault area diagram
(Askeri) HÜCUM SAHASI PLANI: Çıkarma harekatı için plaj isimlerini, bot seyir şeritlerini, taarruz çıkış hatlarının şeklini, programlanmış dalgaları, çıkarma gemileri bölgesini, nakliye gemileri demir yerlerini ve bot seyir şeritlerinin hemen yakınındaki ateş destek bölgelerini bir grafik halinde gösterme vasıtası
assault boat
(Askeri) HÜCUM ÇIKARMA BOTU: Bir nehri geçerken veya amfibi harekatta, hücum yapan kıtaları taşıyan bot
assault boat
(Askeri) Çıkartma gemisi
assault course
(Askeri) yakın muharebe eğitim alanı
assault course
(Askeri) YAKIN MUHAREBE EĞİTİM ALANI: Erleri; yakın muharebe şartları altında bir düşmana taarruzda yetiştirmek için faydalanılan arazi sahası. Bu sahada askerler, özellikle, tüfek ve süngü ile göğüs göğüse muharebe icaplarına uygun şekilde yetiştirilirler
assault craft
(Askeri) HÜCUM ÇIKARMA ARACI: Bir amfibi harekatın hücum dalgalarında, kıtaları ve malzemeyi çıkarmak için kullanılan çıkarma araçları veya amfibi araçlar. ASSAULT ECHELON (AIR TRANSPORT) (DOD-NATO, IADB): HÜCUM KADEMESİ (HAVA NAKLİYE) (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, NATO, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Hedef bölgesi üzerindeki başlangıç taarruzu için programlanan bir kuvvetin unsuru. ASSAULT ECHELON (AIR TRANSPORT) (DOD-NATO, IADB): HÜCUM KADEMESİ (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, NATO): Hedef bölgesi üzerindeki başlangıç taarruzu için programlanan bir kuvvetin unsuru
assault craft
(Askeri) hücum çıkarma aracı
assault craft unit
(Askeri) hücum çıkarma aracı birliği
assault echelon
(Askeri) Taarruz kademesi
assault echelon
(Askeri) hücum kademesi
assault echelon
(Askeri) hücum dalgası
assault element
(Askeri) Hücum unsuru
assault fire
(Askeri) HÜCUM ATEŞİ: 1. Taarruz eden birlikler tarafından, düşmana yaklaşırken açılan ateş; 2. Topçulukta, nokta hedeflerine yönelik aşırı derecede doğru, kısa menzilli tahrip ateşi
assault force
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA HÜCUM KUVVETİ: Bir amfibi harekatta; tutunma bölgesinin ele geçirilmesiyle görevlendirilmiş birlik
assault glider
(Askeri) HÜCUM PLANÖRÜ: Hazırlanmamış iniş bölgelerine inebilecek şekilde imal edilmiş planör
assault glider
(Askeri) hücum planörü
assault gun
(Askeri) HÜCUM TOPU: Nokta hedeflerine karşı yakın mesafeden görerek atış için kullanılan, kundağı motorlu veya tanka monte edilmiş değişik tip ve çaptaki toplardan biri
assault landing
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA HÜCUMU: Bak. "landing attack"
assault landing
(Askeri) çıkarma hücumu
assault lift
(Askeri) yük kaldırma kapasitesi
assault lift
assault movement
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA HÜCUMU İNTİKALİ: Bak. "amphibious operation"
assault movement
(Askeri) çıkarma hücumu intikali
assault on chastity
(Kanun) iffete taarruz
assault phase
(Askeri) hücum safhası
assault phase
(Askeri) HÜCUM SAFHASI: l. Bir amfibi harekatta, amfibi görev kuvvetinin hedef bölgesine ulaşan ana taarruzu ile amfibi görev kuvveti vazifesinin başarılması arasındaki süre. 2. Bir hava indirme harekatında hücum yapan kuvvetlerin, indirme hedef bölgelerine indirilmesiyle başlayıp bütün hücum hedeflerinin ele geçirilmeleriyle sona eren devre. Ayrıca bakınız: "assault"
assault position
(Askeri) Hücum mevzii
assault position
(Askeri) HÜCUM MEVZİ: Bir taarruzda; taarruz çıkış hattı ile hedef arasında, hücum kademesinin son tertibini tamamladığı ve düşmana yaklaşmak üzere, hedefe harekete geçtiği mevzi
assault schedule
(Askeri) HÜCUM ZAMAN ÇİZELGESİ, HÜCUM PROGRAMI (DZ. ): Bak. "landing schedule"
assault shipping
(Askeri) HÜCUM ÇIKARMA GEMİLERİ: Amfibi özel görev kuvvetine tahsis edilen ve kıtaları, araçları, malzeme ve ikmal maddelerini hedef bölgesine taşımak ve direkt veya -açıkta bulunan çıkarma araçlarına, çıkarma gemilerine yada helikopterlere aktarmak suretiyle- indirekt olarak plajlara boşaltmak maksadıyla kullanılan gemiler
assault supplies
(Askeri) HÜCUM İKMAL MADDELERİ: Bir birlik hücum unsurlarının hedef bölgesine beraberlerinde götürdükleri her sınıftan ikmal maddeleri
assault supplies
(Askeri) hücum ikmal maddeleri
assault tank
(Askeri) HÜCUM TANKI: Zırhlı Tümenler tarafından hücum maksadıyla kullanılan, yüksek ateş kudretli ağır tank
assault team
(Askeri) Hücum timi
assault transport aircraft
(Askeri) HÜCUM NAKLİYE HAVA ARAÇLARI: Bak: "assault aircraft"
assault transport aircraft
(Askeri) hücum nakliye hava aracı
assault troops
(Askeri) HÜCUM KITALARI: Bir taarruzdan sonra hücumu yapan veya yapacak olan kıtalar. Bu terim; özellikle bu maksat için yetiştirilmiş ve teçhiz edilmiş olan "shock troops-hücum kıtaları" terimi ile karıştırılmamalıdır
assault unit
assault verbally
sözle saldırıda bulunmak
assault verbally
sözlü saldırı yapmak
assault wave
(Askeri) Hücum dalgası
assault waves
(Askeri) HÜCUM DALGALARI: Amfibi harekatta; bir kıyıya yaklaşmada en önde giden bot dalgaları
assault wire
(Askeri) HÜCUM KABLOSU: Cephe hattı şartları altında, sarp arazide, bir kişinin taşıyabileceği kadar küçük makaralara sarılmış, çok ince sahra telefon teli
armed assault
silahlı saldırı
mobile assault bridge
(Askeri) çabuk köprü
mount a land assault
(Askeri) kara harekatı düzenlemek
mount a land assault
(Askeri) kara harekatı yapmak
mount an assault
operasyon gerçekleştirmek
amphibious assault
amfibi saldırısı
{f} saldır

Bir kız metroda saldırıya uğradı. - A girl was assaulted on the métro.

Linda, Dan tarafından cinsel saldırıya uğradı. - Linda was sexually assaulted by Dan.

criminal assault
ırza tecavüz
felonious assault
kasıtlı saldırı
indecent assault
zorla ırza geçme
act of assault
saldırı eylemi

Sami oradaydı ve Leyla'ya saldırdı. - Sami was there and he assaulted Layla.

Fadıl, Leyla'ya saldırdı. - Fadil assaulted Layla.

attack, fall on, assault
saldırı, sonbahar, saldırı
attempt, outrage, attack, assault
girişimi, öfke, saldırı, taciz
defense in assault
(Kanun) Nefsi müdafaa
extensive assault
kapsamlı saldırı
frontal assault
cephe saldırısı
increase the force of an assault
bir saldırı gücü artırmak
millitary assault
askeri saldırı
no problem can withstand the assault of sustain thinking
düzenli düşünmeyle çözülmeyecek sorun yoktur
sexual assault
cinsel taciz

Tecavüz ve cinsel taciz şiddet suçlarıdır. - Rape and sexual assault are crimes of violence.

verbal assault
Sözlü saldırı
Canadian Air Force; Combat Air Forces; commander, airborne/air assault force
(Askeri) Kanada Hava Kuvvetleri; Muharebe Hava Kuvvetleri; Hava İndirme/ Hava Taarruz Kuvveti Komutanı
aeromedical evacuation; assault echelon; attenuation equalizer
(Askeri) havadan sıhhi tahliye; taarruz kademesi; etki zayıflaması dengeleyicisi
airborne assault
(Askeri) hava indirme taarruzu
airborne assault
(Askeri) bkz: "assault"
airborne assault weapon
(Askeri) HAVADAN TAŞINAN TAARRUZ SİLAHI: Hava indirme kıtalarına oynak bir tanksavar kabiliyeti sağlayan zırhsız, hareket kabiliyeti çok, tam tırtıllı top. Havadan bırakılabilir. AIRBORNE BATTLEFIELD COMMAND AND CONTROL CENTER: HAVA MUHAREBE KOMUTA VE KONTROL MERKEZİ: Muharebe ve istihbarat değerlendirme yeri olarak kullanılabilir
amphibious assault
(Askeri) AMFİBİ HÜCUM: Bir düşman sahili üzerinde bir kuvvet oluşturmayı kapsayan bir amfibi harekatın ana tipi
amphibious assault area
(Askeri) AMFİBİ HÜCUM BÖLGESİ: bkz: "landing area"
amphibious assault bulk fuel system
(Askeri) amfibi taarruz dökme yakıt sistemi
amphibious assault bulk water system
(Askeri) amfibi taarruz dökme su sistemi
amphibious assault fuel supply facility
(Askeri) amfibi taarruz yakıt tedarik tesisi
amphibious assault fuel system
(Askeri) amfibi taarruz yakıt sistemi
amphibious assault landing
(Askeri) AMFİBİ HÜCUM ÇIKARMASI: bkz: "amphibious operation, part e"
amphibious assault ship
(Askeri) (GENERAL PURPOSE) AMFİBİ HÜCUM GEMİSİ (GENEL AMAÇLI): Helikopterler, çıkartma gemileri, amfibi araçları ve bu metodların bir karışımıyla bir hücumda bir çıkarma kuvvetinin unsurlarını yüklemek, intikal ettirmek ve çıkarmak üzere tasarlanan bir gemi. LHA olarak bilinmektedir
amphibious assault ship; landing platform helicopter
(Askeri) amfibi taarruz gemisi; helikopter iniş platformu
amphibious assault vehicle
(Askeri) amfibi taarruz aracı
amphibious aviation assault ship
(Askeri) amfibi hava taarruz gemisi
armored reconnaissance airborne assault vehicle
(Askeri) HAVADAN TAŞINAN/ATILAN ZIRHLI KEŞİF HÜCUM ARACI: Piyade ve hava indirme harekatlarında ana keşif aracı ve hava indirme kıt'alarının ana taarruz silahı olarak hizmet gören hafif zırhlı, çevik, tam paletli bir araç
heavy assault weapon
(Askeri) AĞIR HÜCUM SİLAHI: Zırhlı araçları ve diğer cansız hedefleri ortadan kaldırmada kullanılan, yerde ve araç üzerinde faaliyet gösterebilir silah
helicopter assault force
(Askeri) HELİKOPTER TAARRUZ KUVVETİ: Helikopter indirme harekatında kullanılmak üzere; helikopterli destek birliklerini veya diğer kullanma yerlerine sevkedildikleri bir kontrol noktası
incident assault
ırza tecavüz
indecent assault
(Kanun) ırza tasaddi
make an assault
hücum etmek
mobile assault bridge
(Askeri) SEYYAR HÜCUM KÖPRÜSÜ, ÇABUK KÖPRÜ: Hücumlarda tank veya personel geçirmek üzere kurulan köprü. Bu köprüler katlanabilir ve 20 metreyi geçmeyen kısa açıklıklar üzerinde kurulur
physical assault
fiziksel saldırı
seaborne assault landing hour; specific time an operation or exercise begins
(Askeri) muhasamatın başlama saati
tank assault
(Askeri) TANK TAARRUZU: Zırhlı araçlarla yapılan taarruz. Ayrıca bak "charge"
unjust assault
(Kanun) haksız taarruz
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
An attempt to commit battery: a violent attempt, or willful effort with force or violence, to do hurt to another, but without necessarily touching his person, as by lifting a fist in a threatening manner, or by striking at him and missing him
A violent onset or attack with physical means, as blows, weapons, etc.; an onslaught; the rush or charge of an attacking force; onset; as, to make assault upon a man, a house, or a town
A non-competitive combat between two fencers
An act that causes someone to apprehend imminent bodily harm
The tort whose action is such an act
The crime whose action is such an attempt
To attack, threaten or harass
A violent onset or attack with moral weapons, as words, arguments, appeals, and the like; as, to make an assault on the prerogatives of a prince, or on the constitution of a government
{v} to attack, set or fall upon, storm
{n} violent attack, storm of a fort, a blow or attempt to strike
A "sparring" session in which no score is kept
An assault on someone's beliefs is a strong criticism of them. He leveled a verbal assault against his Democratic opponents. assault and battery assault rifle Sturmabteilung German: Assault Division
The intentional or threatened use of force against another person
The crime of attempting to kill or cause serious physical injury to another person
A threat or attempt to do bodily harm which falls short of actual Battery, may or may not include physical violence
If the blow aimed takes effect, it is a battery
a threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped close fighting during the culmination of a military attack thoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1946
A threat to inflict injury on someone with an apparent ability to do so Also, any intentional display of force that would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm
To assault someone means to physically attack them. The gang assaulted him with iron bars She may have been sexually assaulted by her killer. = attack
An assault by an army is a strong attack made on an area held by the enemy. The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons = attack
The touching of another person with an intent to harm, without that person's consent
Friendly fencing between two people where score is not kept/used
To make an assault upon, as by a sudden rush of armed men; to attack with unlawful or insulting physical violence or menaces
Threat to inflict injury with an apparent ability to do so Also, any intentional display of force that would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm
An attempt or threat to harm someone else, which causes the victim to fear harm It technically does not mean use of illegal force, which would be a battery Rule of thumb: "Made you flinch" is assault, not battery
close fighting during the culmination of a military attack
attack someone physically or emotionally; "The mugger assaulted the woman"; "Nightmares assailed him regularly"
{i} attack, onslaught
An intentional threat, show of force or movement that causes a reasonable fear, or an actual physical contact
Friendly combat between two fencers Attack: the initial offensive action made by extending the sword arm and continuously threatening the valid target of the opponent
A violent onset or attack with physical means, as blows, weapons, etc
force (someone) to have sex against their will; "The woman was raped on her way home at night"
attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
friendly combat between two fencers
an onslaught; the rush or charge of an attacking force; onset; as, to make assault upon a man, a house, or a town
The willful attempt to harm someone
thoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1946
The culmination of an attack which closes with the enemy A phase of an airborne or air assault operation beginning with delivery of the assault force into the objective area and extending through the attack of objectives and consolidation of the initial airhead To make a short, violent attack against a local objective, such as a gun emplacement or fortified area
the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will
An apparently violent attempt, or willful offer with force or violence, to do hurt to another; an attempt or offer to beat another, accompanied by a degree of violence, but without touching his person, as by lifting the fist, or a cane, in a threatening manner, or by striking at him, and missing him
To attack with moral means, or with a view of producing moral effects; to attack by words, arguments, or unfriendly measures; to assail; as, to assault a reputation or an administration
Force unlawfully directed or applied to another under circumstances of personal violence
When someone tries or threatens to hurt you Can include violence, but is not battery (See battery )
An unlawful physical attack or threat of attack Assaults may be classified as aggravated or simple Rape, attempted rape, and sexual assaults are excluded from this category, as well as robbery and attempted robbery The severity of assaults ranges from minor threat to incidents which are nearly fatal
A commonly used tort law action against sexual harassment To prove assault, the victim must demonstrate that the defendant intended to cause physical contact which caused fear or apprehension in the victim Topic areas: Accountability and Evaluation, Operations Management and Leadership
Cases where the primary charge involves assault or intent to cause another person physical harm, including malicious harassment and coercion
a threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped
The application of force, or threatened application of force, to a person without their consent •Commonwealth Offences
assault attacker 攻擊
to intentionally threaten or injure someone
{f} attack, storm, fall upon; rape
An assault on a person is a physical attack on them. The attack is one of a series of savage sexual assaults on women in the university area At the police station, I was charged with assault
Assault weapons such as rifles are intended for soldiers to use in battle rather than for purposes such as hunting
A willful attempt to illegally inflict injury on or threaten a person
assault and battery
The combination of two violent crimes: assault (the threat of violence) and battery (physical violence). This legal distinction exists only in jurisdictions that distinguish assault as threatened violence rather than actual violence
assault rifle
Any assault weapon
assault rifle
A military style rifle or carbine that fires a shortened rifle caliber round from a high capacity magazine
assault rifles
plural form of assault rifle
assault weapon
Any select fire firearm that allows semi-automatic and fully automatic operation, and is used or was once used by a military organization
assault weapon
A semi-automatic firearm that resembles a military weapon
assault and battery
Assault and battery is the crime of attacking someone and causing them physical harm. An assault upon a victim that is carried out by striking the victim, knocking the victim down, or otherwise doing violence to the victim. the crime of threatening to attack someone physically and then attacking them. Related but distinct crimes. Battery is the unlawful application of physical force to another; assault is an attempt to commit battery or an act that may reasonably cause fear of imminent battery. With manslaughter and murder (see homicide), these concepts are articulated to protect against rude and undesired physical contact or the threat of it. Battery requires no minimum degree of force, nor does it need to be applied directly; administering poison and transmitting a disease may both be battery. Accidents and ordinary negligence are not, nor is reasonable force used in the performance of duty (e.g., by a police officer). See also rape
assault course
An assault course is an area of land covered with obstacles such as walls which people, especially soldiers, use to improve their skills and strength. an area of land with special equipment to climb, jump over, run through etc that is used for developing physical strength, especially by soldiers American Equivalent: obstacle course
assault engineer
{i} soldier in the engineer corps, one who clears a path for an offensive, one who clears land mines and other explosives
assault gun
an armored vehicle with the chassis of a tank (but no turret) and a large gun; used as an antitank weapon and to support infantry
assault helicopter
combat helicopter, helicopter used in air attacks
assault position
point from which an offensive is launched
assault rifle
Any of various automatic or semiautomatic rifles designed for individual use in combat. Military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire. Light and portable, yet able to deliver a high volume of fire with reasonable accuracy at modern combat ranges of 1,000-1,600 ft (300-500 m), assault rifles have become the standard infantry weapon of modern armies. Their ease of handling makes them ideal for mobile assault troops crowded into personnel carriers or helicopters, as well as for guerrilla fighters engaged in jungle or urban warfare. Widely used assault rifles are the U.S. M16, the Soviet Kalashnikov (the AK-47 and modernized versions), the Belgian FAL and FNC, and the German G3
assault rifle
This term was coined during World War II It is a translation of the German Sturmgewehr Two key characteristics that identify "assault rifles" are full automatic fire and detachable magazines with a capacity of 20 or more cartridges These weapons were designed to produce roughly aimed bursts of full automatic fire While some assault rifles offer an option of semi-automatic fire (i e , single-shot), all true assault rifles fire at least fully automatic
assault rifle
any of the automatic rifles or semiautomatic rifles with large magazines designed for military use
assault rifle
By U S Army definition, a selective-fire rifle chambered for a cartridge of intermediate power If applied to any semi-automatic firearm regardless of its cosmetic similarity to a true assault rifle, the term is incorrect
assault rifle
semi-automatic rifle, rifle used by infantry
assault weapon
An infantry weapon, such as an assault rifle, designed for individual use
aggravated assault
Assault with disregard for the value of life, or with a deadly weapon
Confrontational; tending or seeming to assault
tubular assault
an assault operation, performed in a confined tube-like space (mostly inside vehicles, like trains, airliners, buses, coaches etc.), usually for rescuing of hostages
verbal assault
Oral or written speech that creates, or is intended to create, a fear of physical harm

Any student in grades six or above who commits a verbal assault against any school employee, volunteer, or contractor will be suspended or expelled.

Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon
The Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon (SMAW) is a shoulder-launched rocket weapon with the primary function of being a portable assault weapon (e.g. bunker buster) and a secondary anti-armor rocket launcher
{n} one who assaults or storms
aggravated assault
(Kanun) An assault that is more serious than a common assault: as a.) an assault combined with an intent to commit a crime b.) any of various assaults so defined by statute
An assault
An assault
Urban Assault
three-dimensional strategic computer game from Microsoft
act of assault
aggravated assault
An unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury This type of assault usually is accompanied by the use of a weapon or by means likely to produce death or great bodily harm (It is not necessary that injury result from an aggravated assault when a gun, knife, or other weapon is used which could and probably would result in serious personal injury if the crime were successfully completed )
aggravated assault
a reckless attack with intent to injure seriously (as with a deadly weapon)
aggravated assault
Attack or attempted attack with a weapon, regardless of whether or not an injury occurred and attack without a weapon when serious injury results With injury - An attack without a weapon when serious injury results or an attack with a weapon involving any injury Serious injury includes broken bones, lost teeth, internal injuries, loss of consciousness, and any unspecified injury requiring two or more days of hospitalization Threatened with a weapon - Threat or attempted attack by an offender armed with a gun, knife, or other object used as a weapon, not resulting in victim injury
aggravated assault
An attempt to cause serious bodily injury to another or purposely, knowingly or recklessly causing such injury, or an attempt to cause or purposely or knowingly cause bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon
aggravated assault
severe attack, assault with evil intent, serious attack
air assault
attack by aircraft
amphibious assault
an amphibious operation attacking a land base that is carried out by troops that are landed by naval ships
sexually abused
past of assault
someone who attacks
{i} attacker, aggressor, assailant
One who assaults, or violently attacks; an assailant
{i} attacking
present participle of assault
disposed to attack
plural of assault
third-person singular of assault
indecent assault
Indecent assault is the crime of attacking someone in a way which involves touching or threatening them sexually, but not forcing them to have sexual intercourse. Sexual assualt. the crime of making a sexual attack on someone, touching or threatening to touch them, but not raping them (=forcing them to have sex)
physical assault
attack on the body
sexual assault
a statutory offense that provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat; "most states have replaced the common law definition of rape with statutes defining sexual assault
sexual assault
Conduct of a sexual or indecent nature toward another person that is accompanied by actual or threatened physical force or that induces fear, shame, or mental suffering
sexual assault
performing a sexual act with a person without their prior consent (sexual offense), assaulting someone sexually