
listen to the pronunciation of approach
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{f} yanaşmak

Başkana yaklaşmak zordur. - The president is difficult to approach.

At, römorka bile yaklaşmak istemedi. - The horse did not want to even approach the trailer.

{i} yaklaşım

Tom hangi yaklaşımı alacağına karar veremiyor. - Tom can't decide which approach to take.

Sana, yabancı dil öğrenmede yeni bir yaklaşım göstereceğim. - I will show you a new approach to foreign language learning.

{i} yaklaşma

Hava tahmini göre tayfunun sahile yaklaşması muhtemeldir. - According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is likely to approach the coast.

Bu soruna farklı açılardan yaklaşmalıyız. - We should approach this problem from different angles.

{i} yaklaşım tarzı: We need to change our approach to this problem. Bu soruna yaklaşım
{i} teşebbüs
{i} başlangıç
{i} yanaşma
{i} girişim
{i} benzerlik
{f} varmak
{i} ilk adım
{i} yol

Bir adama yaklaşmanın en iyi yolu nedir? - What's the best way to approach a guy?

Uçağımız tehlikeli bir biçimde Türk Hava Yolları uçağına yaklaşıyordu. - Our plane was dangerously approaching the Turkish Airlines airliner.

{f} benzemek
{f} ulaşmak
{f} andırmak
çok benzemek
yaklaşım tarzı
yakına gelmek
yaklaşım sergilemek
yaklaşım göstermek
yakınlık kurma için konu açma
giriş yolu
{f} yaklaş

O yaklaştı ve dizlerinin üzerine düştü. - He approached and fell on his knees.

Başkana yaklaşmak zordur. - The president is difficult to approach.

konu açma
ele alış biçimi
ilerleme kaydetmek
düşünmeye/üzerinde durmaya/ilgilenmeye/uğraşmaya başlamak
konuyu açmak
{f} başvurmak
yakına getirmek
{f} girişmek
{f} koyulmak
approachable müra
{f} görüşmek
müracaat etmek
yakına gelmek baş vurmak
{f} ele almak
{f} temasta bulunmak
işe koyulmak
spor golf topunu yeşil meydana sokan vuruş
approach clearance
(Askeri) yaklaşma izni
approach control
(Havacılık) yaklaşma kontrol
approach schedule
(Askeri) yaklaşma çizelgesi
approach time
(Askeri,Havacılık) yaklaşma zamanı
approach about
söz et
approach angle
yaklaşma açısı
approach fix
yaklaşma noktası
approach lighting
yaklaşma ışıkları
approach road
yaklaşım yolu
approach (a time or a place)
yaklaşım (bir zaman ya da bir yer)
approach beacon
yaklaşma bikini
approach a task
işe girişmek
approach a task
işe koyulmak
approach adit
yaklaşım tüneli
approach and moor
(Askeri) yaklaş ve demirle
approach area
(Havacılık) yaklaşma alanı
approach channel
yaklaşım kanalı
approach chart
(Askeri) yaklaşma planı
approach chart
(Askeri) hedef kestirme haritası
approach chart
(Askeri) hedef yaklaşma haritası
approach chart
(Askeri) HEDEF KESTİRME HARİTASI: Tıkanık bölgelerde irtibatlı uçuş control flying için, kara-hava desteğinin hava safhasında kullanılan harita. Arzu edilen yaklaşma istikameti ile ilgili kritik engeller ve diğer teferruat hakkında esasları verir. Ayrıca; yaklaşma yolunun panoramik görünüşleriyle eğik perspektifini de ihtiva edebilir. 1/250.000: 1/50.000 ve daha büyük ölçeklerde yayımlanır
approach clearance
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA İZNİ: Cihazlı uçuş kurallarına uygun olarak uçuşu sürdüren bir pilotun bir hava alanına yaklaşmayı başlatması için verilen müsaade
approach control radar
yaklasma kontrol radari
approach end
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA BAŞI, UCU: Pistin, son yaklaşmanın yapıldığı yöndeki en yakın ucu
approach fill
yaklaşım dolgusu
approach fill
yaklaşım imlası
approach formation
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA DÜZENİ: Bir muhabere bölgesine yaklaşan ve düşmanla temas halinde bulunan bir birliğin almış olduğu düzen. Bak. "approach march formation"
approach formation
(Askeri) yaklaşma düzeni
approach funnel
(Havacılık) yaklaşma konisi
approach gradient
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yaklaşma eğimi
approach lane
(Askeri) yaklaşma şeridi
approach lanes
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA ŞERİTLERİ: çıkış hattından taşıma bölgesine yönelik uzanan bot seyir yolları. Bu yollar, işaret gemileri, botlar veya şamandıralarla sınırlandırılabilir
approach lighting
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA IŞIKLARI: Uçuş meydanlarında, pist boyunca yerleştirilmiş ışıklar. Aletleri bıraktıkları andan pist ışıkları görününceye kadar geçen süre içinde, pilotlara bu ışıklar yol gösterir
approach lights
(Havacılık) yaklaşma ışıkları
approach march
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA YÜRÜYÜŞÜ: Bir muharebe birliğinin, düşmanla temas yakın olduğu zamanki ilerlemesi. Kıtalar; tamamen veya kısmen, derinliğine veya genişliğine yayılırlar. Düşmanla kara temasına geçildiği veya taarruz mevzii işgal edildiği anda, yaklaşma yürüyüşü sona erer
approach march formation
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA YÜRÜYÜŞ DÜZEN: Bak. "approach march"
approach march formation
(Askeri) Yaklaşma yürüyüş düzeni
approach nose
yaklaşım burnu
approach nose
yaklaşım ucu
approach parachute
(Havacılık) yaklaşma paraşütü
approach parapet
yaklaşım korkuluğu
approach response
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yaklaşma tepkisi
approach road
(Askeri) yaklaşma istikameti
approach schedule
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA ÇİZELGESİ: Her bir programlanan dalganın randevu bölgesinden, çıkış hattından ve diğer kontrol noktalarından çıkış zamanını ve sahile varış zamanını gösteren çizelgesi
approach sequence
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA SIRASI: Bir yaklaşma için, iki veya daha fazla uçağa müsaade edilen düzen. APPROACH TIME (AMERİKAN SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): YAKLAŞMA ZAMANI: Bir uçağın yaklaşma hareketine geçtiği zaman
approach slab
yaklaşım döşemesi
approach stage
(Ticaret) yaklaşma aşaması
approach surface
(Havacılık) yaklaşma yüzeyi
approach the city
şehre yaklaşmak
approach the dock
(Askeri) limana yanaşmak
approach the end
sona yaklaşmak
approach the port
limana yanaşmak
approach time
(Askeri) (NATO) YAKLAŞMA ZAMANI: Bir uçağın inişe hazırlık mahiyetinde son yaklaşma hareketine geçtiği zaman
approach to criticality
(Nükleer Bilimler) kritikliğe yaklaşım
approach trench
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA HENDEĞİ: Bir savunma mevziinin cephesi ile gerisi arasında, örtülü gidiş gelişe elverişli hendek
approach trench
(Askeri) Yaklaşma hendeği
approach tunnel
(Jeoloji) yaklaşım tüneli
approach velocity
yaklaşım sürati
approach velocity
yaklaşım hızı
approach wall
yaklaşım duvarı

Ben zaten üç farklı yaklaşım denedim. - I've already tried three different approaches.

Esperantistlerin ve Yehova Şahitlerinin yaklaşımları arasındaki herhangi bir farklılık görmüyorum. - I don't see any differences between the approaches of Esperantists and of Jehovah's Witnesses.

bottom-up approach
Aşağıdan yukarıya yaklaşım tarzı

Esperantistlerin ve Yehova Şahitlerinin yaklaşımları arasındaki herhangi bir farklılık görmüyorum. - I don't see any differences between the approaches of Esperantists and of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Yeni yaklaşımlar önerecek. - He will suggest new approaches.

{s} yaklaşan

Yaklaşan sirenleri duyabiliyorduk. - We could hear sirens approaching.

Sana faydalı olmak amacıyla sana yaklaşan bir adam görürsen, hayatın için koşmalısın. - If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intention of doing you good, you should run for your life.

approach to
yönelik yaklaşım
(Spor) girişler
(Spor) adımlama
avenue of approach
(Askeri) yaklaşma yolu
cluster approach
(Turizm) küme yaklaşımı
cognitive approach
(Dilbilim,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bilişsel yaklaşım
cognitive approach
kavramsal yaklaşım
comprehensive approach
kapsamlı yaklaşım
controlled approach
(Askeri) kontrollü yaklaşma
discrete point approach
(Dilbilim) parça birimli yaklaşım
discrete point approach
(Dilbilim) bağımsız yaklaşım
execute missed approach
(Havacılık) pas geçme
expenditure approach
(Ticaret) harcama yaklaşımı
final approach
(Askeri,Havacılık) son yaklaşma
final approach fix
(Havacılık) son yaklaşma noktası
holistic approach
(Dilbilim) bütüncü yaklaşım
holistic approach
(Politika, Siyaset) bütünsel yaklaşım
income approach
(Ticaret) kar yaklaşımı
initial approach fix
(Havacılık) ilk yaklaşma fiksi
instrument approach
(Havacılık) aletli yaklaşma
integrated approach
(Politika, Siyaset) bütünsel yaklaşım
integrated approach
(Dilbilim) bütüncül yaklaşım
matrix approach
(Ticaret) matris yaklaşım
missed approach
(Askeri,Havacılık) pas geçme
monetary approach
(Ticaret) parasal yaklaşım
precision approach radar
(Askeri,Havacılık) hassas yaklaşma radarı
precision approach runway
(Havacılık) hassas yaklaşma pisti
precision radar approach
(Askeri) hassas radar yaklaşma
take a different approach
farklı bir yaklaşımda bulunmak
automatic ground controlled approach
otomatik yerden kontrollu yaklaşma
course of approach
yaklaşma rotası
heuristic approach
keşifsel yaklaşım
initial approach
ilk yaklaşma
instrument approach
aletle yaklaşma
instrument approach and landing
aletle yaklaşma ve iniş
instrument approach procedure
aletle yaklaşma işlemi
instrument landing approach
iniş için aletle yaklaşma
intermediate approach
ara yaklaşma
Effect Based Approach to Operations
(Askeri) Harekata Etki Odaklı Yaklaşım
angle of approach lights
yaklaşma acısı ışıkları
biopsychosocial approach
biyopsikososyal yaklaşım
broad exposure approach
yaygın maruz kalma yaklaşımı
civil society approach
sivil toplumculuk
constructivist approach
Yapısalcı yaklaşım
disciplined approach
şartları belirlenmiş yaklaşım
gliding approach
süzülerek yaklaşma
hands on approach
kolları sıvayıp işe girişmek
heuristic approach
kesifsel yaklaşım
income approach
Gelir yaklaşımı
informed approach
Bilgiye dayanan yaklaşım
lane of approach
yaklaşım şerit
lexical approach
sözcüksel yaklaşım
methodical approach
sistemli yaklaşım
positive approach
pozitif yaklaşım
positive approach
olumlu yaklaşım
precision approach
hassas yaklaşma
rough set approach
kaba küme yaklaşımı
standard beam approach system
standart hüzmeli yaklaşma sistemi
stochastic frontier approach
(Ekonomi) Ekonometrik yaklaşım
stochastic frontier approach
(Ekonomi) SFA (Stochastic Frontier Approach) : Ekonometrik yaklaşım olarak da bilinen SFA, maliyet, kar ve üretim gibi açıklanan değişkenlerle; girdi, çıktı ve çevresel faktörler gibi açıklayıcı değişkenler arasında işlevsel bir ilişki kurar ve bir de hata payı için modelde yer ayırır. Bu teknikte, yukarıda sözü edilen rassal hata ve etkinsiz gözlemin birbirlerinden ayrılması gerekmektedir. Herhangi bir gözlemin en iyi durumdan sapmasının ne kadarının rassal hata, ne kadarının da etkinsiz gözlem olduğu anlaşılmadan modelin sonuçlarının güvenilir olmayacağı açıktır. Bu iki unsur, genellikle farklı dağılımlara sahip oldukları varsayılarak ayrılırlar. Rassal hatanın standart normal, etkinsiz gözlemlerin ise asimetrik dağıldığı varsayılır. (Berger, Humphrey 1997)
such an approach
bu tür bir yaklaşım
system approach
sistem yaklaşımı
to approach a girl
bir kız yaklaşım
top down approach
yukarıdan aşağı yaklaşım tarzı
visual approach
görerek yaklaşma
Chairman's program assessment; closest point of approach
(Askeri) başkanın program değerlendirmesi; en yakın yaklaşma noktası
Marine remote area approach and landing system
(Askeri) Deniz piyade uzak bölge erişim ve çıkartma sistemi
Military Assistance Program; missed approach point; missed approach procedure
(Askeri) Askeri Yardım Programı; tamamlanmamış iniş noktası; tamamlanmamış iniş usülleri
absorption approach
(Ticaret) emme yaklaşımı
absorption approach
(Ticaret) toplam harcama yaklaşımı
adaptive approach
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uyumlayıcı yaklaşım
adaptive approach
(Tıp) adaptif yaklaşım
angle of approach
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA AÇISI: Bir aracın ön tarafındaki en alçak noktadan geçen düzlemin yatay düzlem ile teşkil ettiği açı
{s} yakında olacak olan
assessment agent; avenue of approach
(Askeri) değerlendirme temsilcisi; yaklaşma yolu
asset approach
(Ticaret) mali aktifler yaklaşımı
audit approach
(Kanun) denetim yöntemi
audit approach
denetim stratejisi
automatic approach and landing
(Askeri) OTOMATİK YAKLAŞMA VE İNİŞ: Yaklaşma, iniş işaretinin verilmesi ve inişte uçağın hızının ve uçuş yolunun otomatik olarak kontrol edildiği bir kontrol şekli
avenue of approach
avenue of approach
(Askeri) Yaklaşma istikametleri
balanced approach
(Politika, Siyaset) dengeli yaklaşım
category precision approach
(Havacılık) hassas yaklaşma kategorisi
circling approach
(Havacılık) turlayarak yaklaşma
comprehension approach
(Dilbilim) anlama yaklaşımı
contribution approach
(Ticaret) katkı yaklaşımı
cover approach
(Askeri) Gizli yaklaşma
covered approach
(Askeri) Korunmalı yol
covered approach
(Askeri) ÖRTÜLÜ YAKLAŞMA YOLU, ÖRTÜLÜ YAKLAŞMA İSTİKAMETİ: Düşman gözetlemesine veya ateşine karşı himaye sağlayan bir istikamet
covered approach march
(Askeri) ÖRTÜLÜ YAKLAŞMA YÜRÜYÜŞÜ: Düşman kara taarruzuna karşı koyacak birliklerin himayesinde yapılan yaklaşma yürüyüşü
emergency low visibility approach
(Askeri) acil durum düşük görüş yaklaşımı
final approach
(Askeri) SON YAKLAŞMA: a. Belirli bir uçağın dönüş veya üsse dönüş için son usulü tamamlamasını müteakiben; b. Belirli bir tespit noktasını geçince; c. Usul için belirlenen son izi önleyinceye ve hava koridorunda bir noktayı geçtikten sonra, (1) iniş yapabilir veya (2) kaçırılmış yaklaşma usulü yapılır
funnel approach
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) huni yaklaşımı
global approach
(Ticaret) evrensel yaklaşım
global approach
(Ticaret) global yaklaşım
global approach
(Ticaret) küresel yaklaşım
ground controlled approach
(Askeri) yer kontrollü yaklaşma
ground controlled approach
(Askeri) YERDEN KONTROLLÜ YAKLAŞMA: Meydana yaklaşmakta olan bir uçağı, hem gözetleme radarı hem hassas yaklaşma radarlarından faydalanmak suretiyle, iniş durumuna getirmek için uygulana teknik ve usuller. Ayrıca bakınız: "optical landing system"
ground controlled approach procedures
(Askeri) YERDEN KONTROLLÜ YAKLAŞMA USULLERİ: Bir uçağın yaklaşım sırasında, karaya indirme durumuna getirmek için, gözlem ve hassas yaklaşım radarı kullanarak yer kontrol ile konuşma tekniği. Ayrıca bakınız: "automatic approach and landing"
gyro out par approach
(Askeri) cayrosuz hassas yaklaşma
helicopter approach
(Askeri) HELİKOPTER HÜCUM YOLU: Helikopterlerin belirli bir iniş yerine veya bölgesine hareket ettikleri yol veya yollar. Ayrıca bakınız: "helicopter lane; helicopter retirement route"
heuristic approach
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) buluşsal yaklaşım
heuristic approach
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) deneme yanılma yaklaşımı
initial approach
(Askeri) İLK YAKLAŞMA: 1. Cihazla yaklaşma usulünde, bir uçağın ilk yaklaşma sabitini veya noktasını geçtiği ve orta veya nihai yaklaşmaya girmek üzere manevra yaptığı bölüm. Orta sabit veya noktada veya orta bölüm tespit edilmemişse nihai yaklaşma sabiti veya noktasında sona erer. 2. Bir uçağın görerek yaklaşmasının, gidilecek havaalanının üstüne gelmeden hemen evvelki veya havaalanına nihai yaklaşmanın başlatıldığı rapor verme noktasının üstündeki bölümü
initial approach area
(Havacılık) ilk yaklaşma alanı
initial approach area
(Askeri) İLK YAKLAŞMA BÖLGESİ: Daha önceki son seyrüsefer tespiti yada parekete ile mevki tayini ile gerek bir aletli yaklaşmanın yapılması için kullanılacak tesis gerekse ilk yaklaşmanın sona ermesini ayırma maksadıyla kullanılan bu gibi bir tesisle ilgili bir nokta arasında kalan belirlenmiş genişlikteki bir bölge
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To come near to in place, time, character, or value; to draw nearer to

As x approaches infinity, 1/x approaches 0.

A stroke whose object is to land the ball on the putting green. It is made with an iron club
The advanced works, trenches, or covered roads made by besiegers in their advances toward a fortress or military post
The act of drawing near; a coming or advancing near

A nearer approach to the human type. — Richard Owen.

To come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer

But exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. —Heb. x. 25.

To draw near, in a figurative sense; to make advances; to approximate

as he approaches to the character of the ablest statesman.

A way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access. — Thomas Babington Macaulay
Movements to gain favor; advances
The area before the lane, in which a player may stand or run up before bowling the ball
A manner in which a problem is solved or policy is made

an approach to gardening.

The way a plane lands at an airport
An access, or opportunity of drawing near

The approach to kings and principal persons. — Francis Bacon.

To take approaches to
v A methodical set of actions, preferably a process, to be taken to achieve a prescribed result
When you approach something, you get closer to it. He didn't approach the front door at once When I approached, they grew silent We turned to see the approaching car slow down. Approach is also a noun. At their approach the little boy ran away and hid. the approach of a low-flying helicopter
{n} the act of drawing near, an advance
Hitting the ball at the green
{i} access; incoming, drawing near; approximation; path or course leading to a specific location
1) The movement of the bowler from address to delivery 2) The area of the lane behind the foul line, which must be at least 15 feet long
the event of one object coming closer to another make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion; "I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters"
A shot from off the green toward the hole; also the closely-mown grassy area leading up to a green
It is made with an iron club
ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation; "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons"; "an attack on inflation"; "his plan of attack was misguided"
The step in the selling process in which the salesperson meets the cusomter for the first time
The method used or steps taken in setting about a task, problem, etc [SC27]
To come near to in place, time, or character; to draw nearer to; as, to approach the city; to approach my cabin; he approached the age of manhood
Overall method by which project objectives will be realized, including methodologies, life cycles, responsibilities, and other associated strategies, tactics, practices, and procedures
the event of one object coming closer to another
A way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access
methods an organization uses to achieve the requirements specified in the Baldrige criteria [3] Assurance (service definition) - the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence [5] Attribute - a performance characteristic that is either present or absent in a product or service [11] Attributional theory - a leadership theory that states that leaders' judgment on how to deal with subordinates in a specific situation is based on their attributions of the internal or external causes of the behaviors of their followers [5] Autonomy -- the degree to which the task permits freedom, independence, and personal control to be exercised over the work [6] Availability - probability that equipment is not down due to failure [13] Back to Top
the temporal property of becoming nearer in time; "the approach of winter"
When you approach a task, problem, or situation in a particular way, you deal with it or think about it in that way. The Bank has approached the issue in a practical way Employers are interested in how you approach problems. = tackle, address
move towards; "We were approaching our destination"; "They are drawing near"; "The enemy army came nearer and nearer"
If you approach someone about something, you speak to them about it for the first time, often making an offer or request. When Chappel approached me about the job, my first reaction was of disbelief He approached me to create and design the restaurant Anna approached several builders and was fortunate to come across Eddie. Approach is also a noun. There had already been approaches from buyers interested in the whole of the group
the act of drawing spatially closer to something; "the hunter's approach scattered the geese" a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green; "he lost the hole when his approach rolled over the green" ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation; "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons"; "an attack on inflation"; "his plan of attack was misguided" a close approximation; "the nearest approach to genius" the temporal property of becoming nearer in time; "the approach of winter" the event of one object coming closer to another make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion; "I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters" come near in time; "Winter is approaching"; "approaching old age" move towards; "We were approaching our destination"; "They are drawing near"; "The enemy army came nearer and nearer
1) Part of the lane from the very back of the ball return area to the foul line Most approaches are 16' long; they are required by the ABC to be at least 15' (platform, runway) 2) Start of the bowler¹s motion, ending with the start of the delivery, which is when the ball begins its final swing forward to the release
A stroke whose object is to land the ball on the putting green
Approaches are linked to certain values They describe how certain issues are dealt with and what 'perspectives' and 'values' are taken into account An approach describes the political requirements based on the vision Its application is not sector-specific but of a general nature
v The journey to the base of a crag or route
air traffic controllers working the air space around a large metropolitan area Generally designated by the name of the city, such as Minneapolis Approach or Sioux Falls Approach
The portion of an intersection leg that is used by traffic approaching the intersection
A way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access. -Macaulay
make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion; "I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters"
Combination of natural and/or man-made features that comprise the entryway to an overpass, underpass, bridge or similar structure
To bring near; to cause to draw near; to advance
a close approximation; "the nearest approach to genius"
If something approaches a particular level or state, it almost reaches that level or state. Oil prices have approached their highest level for almost ten years
Your approach to a task, problem, or situation is the way you deal with it or think about it. We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information
The area between the sidewalk and the street that leads to a driveway or the transition from the street as you approach a driveway
come near in time; "Winter is approaching"; "approaching old age"
{f} appeal to -, turn to -; come near to; access
1) The movement of the bowler from address to delivery 2) The part of the lane behind the foul line where the player takes their steps before releasing the ball behind the foul line, which must be at least 15 feet long
the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others; "she rejected his advances"
As you approach a future time or event, time passes so that you get gradually nearer to it. We approach the end of the year with the economy slowing and little sign of cheer
The initial contact between the salesperson and the prospective customer
move towards; "We were approaching our destination"; "They are drawing near"; "The enemy army came nearer and nearer
To draw near, in a figurative sense; to make advances; to approximate; as, he approaches to the character of the ablest statesman
A specific and chosen way of advancing or proceeding
the way a writer presents his or her subject-matter, for example, in a serious or lighthearted way; see also attitude and tone
The manner in which a salesperson contacts a potential customer p 525
the act of drawing spatially closer to something; "the hunter's approach scattered the geese"
(Generally, "approach temperature") The difference in temperature between the discharge from a cooler (intercooler or aftercooler) and the inlet temperature of the cooling medium; usually air or water
The area at least 15' long, on which the player walks to the foul line Usually adjacent to the ball returns and has spots embedded in the approach to aid in lining up
begin to deal with; "approach a task"; "go about a difficult problem"; "approach a new project"
Salesperson's initial contact with a prospective customer (pg 661)
a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green; "he lost the hole when his approach rolled over the green"
An approach to a place is a road, path, or other route that leads to it. The path serves as an approach to the boat house
come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character; "This borders on discrimination!"; "His playing approaches that of Horowitz"
A access, or opportunity of drawing near
approach shot
Any shot, normally not when teeing off, aimed to land on the green, hit for accuracy more than power
approach shots
plural form of approach shot
approach path
the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
approach the city
{f} come close to the city
approach trench
a trench that provides protected passage between the rear and front lines of a defensive position
Atkins Nutritional Approach
(with the) The proper name for a lifestyle created and popularized by Robert Atkins, in which a person maintains a diet low in carbohydrates, consumes vitamin supplements, and exercises regularly, with the goal of reducing their body weight

I've just finished reading about the Atkins Nutritional Approach.

Present participle of approach

The army was approaching from the north.

That approaches or approach

the approaching armies.

closest point of approach
An estimated point in which the distance between two objects, of which at least one is in motion, will reach its minimum value; abbreviated CPA. The estimate is used to evaluate the risk of a collision of e.g. two ships
closest points of approach
plural form of closest point of approach
missed approach
A failure of a pilot to properly land an aircraft due to various factors, requiring a go-around for the next attempt
purposive approach
The method of interpreting a statute whereby it takes the effect that its originating legislative body intended for it; essentially, enacting the spirit, rather than the letter, of the law
seagull approach
The occurrence of casual, ill-informed and hasty decisions or comments made by outside authorities who lack an understanding of the local issues or a real understanding of the facts of a particular situ
shotgun approach
An approach in which the subject is indiscriminate and haphazard, using breadth, spread, or quantity in lieu of accuracy, planning, etc

She seems to take the shotgun approach to holiday shopping, buying many smaller, generic gifts for everybody.

income approach
The Income Approach is one of three major groups of methodologies, called valuation approaches, used by appraisers. It is particularly common in commercial real estate appraisal and in business appraisal. The fundamental math is similar to the methods used for financial valuation, securities analysis, or bond pricing. However, there are some significant and important modifications when used in real estate or business valuation
rational choice approach
See: Rational choice theory
top down approach
breaking down a system to gain insight into its compositional sub-systems
An approach
the temporal property of becoming nearer in time; "the approach of winter"
of the relatively near future; "the approaching election"; "this coming Thursday"; "the forthcoming holidays"; "the upcoming spring fashions"
the event of one object coming closer to another
the act of drawing spatially closer to something; "the hunter's approach scattered the geese"
Ground-Controlled Approach
{i} aircraft landing in stormy weather in which the pilot is provided with precise guidance for the final approach in landing using surveillance precision approach radar, gca
an approach
anti-Jewish approach
anti-Semitic approach, anti-Jewish attitude
past of approach
third-person singular of approach
plural of approach
The act of ingrafting a sprig or shoot of one tree into another, without cutting it from the parent stock; called, also, inarching and grafting by approach
{s} coming closer, drawing nearer; making an approach
of the relatively near future; "the approaching election"; "this coming Thursday"; "the forthcoming holidays"; "the upcoming spring fashions
avenue of approach
(Military) ground or air route of an attacking force which leads to its aim or to key terrain in its path
behavioristic approach
approach to psychology focusing on observable behavior and the role of learning in human behavior
careful approach
cautious manner; cautious advance
conceptualistic approach
approach dominated by theory
correct approach
proper attitude, appropriate manner, right method
direct approach
straight approach, immediate entrance, direct access
empiric approach
approach based on observation and scientific verification of what is observed, experimental approach
fatherly approach
fatherly manner, approaches matters like a father would
ground-controlled approach
aircraft landing in bad weather in which the pilot is talked down by ground control using precision approach radar
humane approach
kind attitude, compassionate manner, humanitarian approach
implementation approach
(Ticaret) The variety of methods used to install a new system, which may include a full cutover (simultaneous implementation of all system functions), phased cutover (implementing a series of modules or subsystems over different periods of time), parallel (simultaneously running both the old and new systems to compare performance and output), and many other variations. The approach depends on the project goals, scope, resources and timeframe available, similarity between old and new systems, number of sites to be implemented, degree of functional integration and many other factors
indirect approach
roundabout method, circuitous way
landing approach
the approach to a landing field by an airplane
mature approach
mature attitude, adult way of dealing with
mistaken approach
wrong approach
naive approach
immature attitude, approach that is overly simplified and lacks sophistication
negative approach
negative treatment, approach which is not positive
original approach
creative approach, innovative and unconventional approach
positive approach
confident attitude, looking at the good side
speed of approach
rate of speed at which something is drawing near
system approach
system access, approach or access to an entire system
therapeutic approach
approach that includes extensive treatment of a problem until it is solved
tough approach
hard approach, difficult way
toughening approach
approach that becomes more and more difficult