an agent that restores the body to health gradually These agents are also called "blood purifiers" and are often used in cases of blood toxicity, infections, and skin problems The action of these agents is not generally understood, but often herbs used as alteratives are high in nutrients or have laxative, bitter, cleansing, or other effects specific to a condition for which the agent is used
tending to cure or restore to health; "curative powers of herbal remedies"; "her gentle healing hand"; "remedial surgery"; "a sanative environment of mountains and fresh air"; "a therapeutic agent"; "therapeutic diets"
A substance used to favorably alter the course of an ailment Cleansing, stimulating efficient removal of waste products from the circulatory system
A vague term to indicate a substance which alters a condition by producing a gradual change toward the restoration to health
Affects all systems due to its ability to gradually alter or change a condition and restore normal function, tone and capacity An alterative may be for a specific system such as "digestive alterative" or a specific tissue such as "cardiac alterative "