
listen to the pronunciation of allotment
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} hisse

Kız kardeşim onun küçük hissesine çok zaman harcıyor. - My sister spends a lot of time on her little allotment.

Senin hissen 20 dolar. - Your allotment is $20.

taksim etme
arsa payı
İngilterede kişilerin ticari amaçlı olmayacak şekilde, küçük oranda meyve, sebze üretmek üzere kiraladıkları bahçe
{i} ayırma, tahsis
(Askeri) ÖDENEK PAYI: Bir ita amirliğinin kendisine tahsis edilen veya tali ödenek tertibi olarak verilen meblağı bir sözleşmeye girebilmesi için, genellikle kendisine bağlı bir ast makama vermesi
{i} bölüştürme
(Mimarlık) parselleme ifraz
{i} tahsis
{i} ayrılmış/tahsis edilmiş şey, pay
{i} kiraya verilen küçük arazi
giderlere ayrılan para,paylaştırma
{i} pay etme
tahsis edilmiş şey
ekim için kiralanan arazi
allotment number
(Askeri) ödenek payı numarası
allotment letter
tahsis mektubu
allotment advice
(Askeri) ÖDENEK PAYI BİLDİRİSİ; ÖDEME EMRİ: Bir ita amirliğince, paranın bir başka makam tarafından sarfına yetki verildiğini belirten döküman
allotment ledger
(Ticaret) tahsisat yardımcı defteri
allotment note
(Ticaret) tayfa senedi
allotment number
(Askeri) ÖDENEK PAYI NUMARASI: Bütçe muhasebesi ve kontrolunda kullanılmak üzere bir ödenek payına verilen ve ita amirliği tanıtma numarası ile ödenek payı seri numarasından ibaret olan sembolik bir numara serisi
allotment of budget
(Politika, Siyaset) bütçe ayarlaması yapmak
allotment of budget
(Politika, Siyaset) bütçe yapmak
allotment serial number
(Askeri) ödenek payı seri numarası
allotment serial number
(Askeri) ÖDENEK PAYI SERİ NUMARASI: Belirli bir fonla ilgili muhasebe işlemini tanıtmak maksadıyla, bir ödenek payı bildirisine, bir ita amirliği tarafından verilen seri numarası
{i} bölüm

Bu bölüm için teknik bir şemanız var mı? - Do you have a technical diagram for this portion?

Ülke dünya yüzeyinin küçük bir bölümünü kaplar. - Land occupies the minor portion of the earth's surface.

{i} kısım

Sadece küçük bir kısım. - Just a small portion.

(out ile) hisselere ayırmak

O, kira payını ödemedi. - He has not paid his portion of the rent.


Lütfen, büyük bir parça istiyorum. - I'd like a large portion, please.

fazla pay
provisional allotment letter
geçici tahsis mektubu
advance discontinuance of allotment
(Askeri) Tertibin vaktinden önce iptali, tahsisatın vaktinden önce tenkisi
class b 1 allotment
(Askeri) B-1 SINIFI TAHVİL KESENEĞİ: Askeri personelin, takvim yılı her üç ayında bir, bir adet ABD Tasarruf Tahvilinin taksitle satın alınması için, maaşlarından yapılmasına muvafakat ettikleri kesinti
class b allotment
(Askeri) B SINIFI TAHVİL KESENEĞİ: Askeri personelin; her ay bir veya daha çok ABD Tasarruf Tahvillerinden taksitle satın alınması için, maaşlarından yapılmasına muvafakat ettikleri kesinti
class d allotment
(Askeri) I NCI DÜNYA HARBİ HAYAT SİGORTASI KESENEĞİ: I nci Dünya Harbinde çıkarılan ABD Hükümeti Hayat Sigortası ücretleri karşılığı bir askeri şahsın maaşından yapılmasına muvafakat ettiği kesinti
class e allotment
(Askeri) ÖZEL KESİNTİ: Banka, sigorta şirketleri gibi müesseselere ve şahıslara ödenmek üzere, bir askeri şahsın maaşından yapılmasına muvafakat ettiği kesinti
class f allotment
(Askeri) AİLE YARDIM KESENEĞİ: Bak. "class F deduction" ve "class Q allotment"
class n allotment
(Askeri) ASKERİ HAYAT SİGORTASI KESENEĞİ: Milli Hizmet Hayat Sigortası ücreti karşılığı olarak, bir askeri şahsın, maaşından yapılmasına muvafakat ettiği kesinti
class q allotment
(Askeri) AİLE, YARDIM KESENEĞİ: Aile fertlerine verilmek üzere, bir erin, maaşından kesilmesine muvafakat ettiği para; aylık mesken bedeline müstehak evlere, kanunen verilmesi gereken para
open allotment
(Askeri) SERBEST TAHSİSAT: Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Karargahının bir ita amirliği tarafından yapılan bir tahsis. Bu tahsise ait borçlandırma hesap numarası; miktarlar üzerinde belirli tahditler yapmaksızın, böyle bir hesabı açmaya yetkili bir subay tarafından yayınlanır
personnel allotment voucher
{f} bölüştürmek
{i} çeyiz
{i} porsiyon, bir tabak yemek
bir tabak yemek
{f} çeyiz vermek
{i} miras hissesi
{f} bölmek
(isim) porsiyon, pay, hisse, parça, bölüm, kısım, kısmet, miktar, çeyiz, miras hissesi
miras bırakmak
sortie allotment message
(Askeri) sorti dağıtım mesajı
specific allotment
(Askeri) ÖZEL ÖDENEK PAYI: Her tahsisat veya kanuni karşılık gereğince borçlanmak üzere, ita amiri tarafından, belirli bir miktar dahilinde verilen bir yetki
working fund allotment
(Askeri) İŞLETME FONU TAHSİSATI; DÖNER FON TAHSİSATI: ABD ekonomi kanununun 601. maddesinin hükümleri gereğince, ikmal maddeleri, malzeme ve hizmetlerin sağlanması için bir tahsisattan bir daire veya dairenin bir şubesine avans olarak verilen para
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
That which is allotted; a share, part, or portion granted or distributed; that which is assigned by lot, or by the act of God; anything set apart for a special use or to a distinct party
A plot of land rented from the council for growing fruit and vegetables
The act of allotting; assignment
The allowance of a specific amount of scrip or of a particular thing to a particular person
{n} a part or share allotted, a division
Distribution of a biennial appropriation to a specific month and fiscal year The allotment provides agencies with the authority to spend within an appropriation
a block of land created out of a larger area
Allotment is used to monitor quarterly spending of an agency Agencies must submit spending plans to the Department of Administrative Services each quarter for approval Upon approval, the requested funds are made available for expenditure through an allotment
The area designated for use by a prescribed period of time, Though an entire Ranger District may be divided into allotments, all land will not be grazed, because other uses, such as recreation of tree plantings, may be more important at a given time
A share of the capacity of a means of transport assigned to a certain party, e g a carrier or an agent, for the purpose of the booking of cargo for a specific voyage
Distribution of bonds to syndicate members by the book running manager
A small plot of land given or sold to farmers for cultivation as an additional source of income prior to World War II
The amount of securities assigned to each of the members of an investment banking syndicate
An area allocated for livestock use by one or more qualified grazing permittees including prescribed numbers and kinds of livestock under one plan of management
An authorization by an agency head to a subordinate unit to incur obligations within a specified amount For the FCS, it is a distribution of funds authorizing posts to incur obligations for the seven general categories of their annual budget line items
Apportionment Allocation of real estate made on an equitable basis to prospective buyers
The area designated for use by a prescribed number of livestock for a prescribed period of time An entire Ranger District may be divided into allotments for grazing
A term used to describe blocked space by airlines on behalf of forwarders/shippers » Back to top of screen
When a larger area of land is subdivided into smaller pieces, these smaller parcels of land are known as allotments Also referred to as a "lot", "building block" or "block of land"
  Entry of a desig­nated frequency channel in an agreed plan, adopted by a component Conference, for use by one or more administrations for a (terrestrial or space) radio­communication service in one or more identified countries or geographical areas and under speci­fied conditions   [NTIA]
Allocation of state and federal funds to Local Education Agencies
The area designated for use by a prescribed number of livestock for a prescribed period of time Though an entire Ranger District may be divided into allotments, all land will not be grazed, because other uses, such as recreation or tree plantings, may be more important at a given time
Exclusive right to use Metis Settlement land for a period of no more than 10 years to operate a farm, ranch, or business
In conjunction with commodity support programs, acreage allotments and marketing quotas serve to limit a farm's output or volume marketed For federal lands grazing, an allotment is an area designated and managed for grazing of livestock The Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service stipulate the number of livestock and time period (season) of use for each allotment under their respective jurisdictions
- In relation to MOORLAND habitats, this term means land that has been taken from the moorland and enclosed for grazing or holding LIVESTOCK (e g Yealand Hall Allotment)
  Entry of a desig­nated frequency channel in an agreed plan, adopted by a component Conference, for use by one or more administrations for a (terrestrial or space) radio­communication service in one or more identified countries or geographical areas and under speci­fied conditions   [NTIA]
A term used to describe blocked space by airlines on behalf of forwarders/shippers » Back to top of screen
A part of an appropriation that may be encumbered (obligated) or expended during a given period of time
An authorization by the head (or other authorized employee) of an agency to subordinates/grantees to incur obligations within a specified amount The amount allotted by an agency cannot exceed the amount apportioned by the Office of Management and Budget
Either synonymous with apportionment or a particular stage in the procedure for distributing budget funds among spending units See also Apportionment
A part of an appropriation (or, in Federal usage, parts of an apportionment) which may be encumbered (obligated) or expended during an allotment period
In Britain, an allotment is a small area of land in a town which a person rents to grow plants and vegetables on
An allotment of something is a share or amount of it that is given to someone. His meager allotment of gas had to be saved for emergencies. = allocation
the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; distribution according to a plan; "the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state"
{i} share, portion; lot in life;(British) small piece of land; garden
a share set aside for a specific purpose
Dawes General Allotment Act
or Dawes Severalty Act (1887) U.S. land-distribution law proposed by Sen. Henry L. Dawes (1816-1903) of Massachusetts as a way to "civilize" and make farmers of the American Indians. Grants of 80 to 160 acres were offered to each Indian head of household, though actual ownership was withheld for 25 years to guard against sales to speculators. The unintended result was a weakened tribal structure, the inability of many nomadic Indians to adjust to an agrarian existence, and a reservation life of poverty, disease, and despondency. Under the provision that made available for public sale any "surplus" reservation land, whites had acquired two-thirds of the Indian land by 1932
plural of allotment
building allotment
plot of land designated for construction