agility çeviklik

listen to the pronunciation of agility çeviklik
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
Having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs; apt or ready to move; nimble; active; as, an agile boy; an agile tongue

The man drew out paper and tobacco and twirled the one up in the other with surprising dexterity. He had long, quivering fingers as agile and restless as the antennae of an insect.

{a} active, nimble, light, quick, ready, brisk
able to move or act quickly, physically, or mentally
If you have an agile mind, you think quickly and intelligently. She was quick-witted and had an extraordinarily agile mind. + agility agil·ity His intellect and mental agility have never been in doubt
mentally quick; "an agile mind"; "nimble wits
Someone who is agile can move quickly and easily. At 20 years old he was not as agile as he is now. = nimble + agility agil·ity She blinked in surprise at his agility
moving quickly and lightly; "sleek and agile as a gymnast"; "as nimble as a deer"; "nimble fingers"; "quick of foot"; "the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it"
{s} nimble, graceful; quick, fast; lively
agility çeviklik