
listen to the pronunciation of affairs
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} işler

Öldüğün zaman, senin işlerine ben bakacağım. - I'll look after your affairs when you are dead.

İşlerine karışmaya niyetim yok. - I have no intention of meddling in your affairs.

(isim) işler
affairs of the heart
gönül iğleri
affairs of the heart
gönül işleri

Onun bu işle ile hiçbir bağlantısı yoktur. - He has no connection with this affair.

Diğer insanların işlerine karışmaya hakkın yoktur. - You have no right to interfere in other people's affairs.


Vali meselesinin kesintisiz görüntüleri internette ortaya çıktı. - Uncut footage of the governor's affair has surfaced on the Internet.

Onun mesele ile ilgisi olmadığını anlıyor musun? - Do you think she has nothing to do with the affair?

aşk ilişkisi
{i} ilişki

Korku değil, umut insan ilişkilerinde yaratıcı ilkedir. - Hope, not fear, is the creative principle in human affairs.

Onun iş ilişkileri iyi durumda. - His business affairs are in good shape.


Konu bana birçok uykusuz gecelere mal oldu. - The affair cost me many sleepless nights.

Bir ankete göre, insanların beşte üçü uluslararası konulara ilgisiz. - According to a survey, three in five people today are indifferent to foreign affairs.

public affairs
(Askeri) KAMU İŞLERİ: Milli Savunma Bakanlığının çeşitli unsurları tarafından genel halk meselelerine yöneltilmiş basın ve halkla ilişkiler faaliyetleri

Çok ihtiraslı bir aşk macerasıydı. - It was a very passionate love affair.


Japon Diş Hekimleri Birliği sorunu Japon Diş Hekimleri Birliğinden LDP ye ait olan Diyet üyelerine yapılan gizli bağışlarla ilgili bir olaydır. - The Japanese Dentists Association affair is an incident concerning secret donations from the Japanese Dentists Association to Diet members belonging to the LDP.

Yeni bir sorun polis yönetimini tahrik ediyor. - A new affair is agitating the police administration.

ince iş
as affairs stand
şimdiki halde
charge d'affairs
(Politika, Siyaset) maslahatgüzar
disaster affairs
afet işleri
domestic affairs
(Politika, Siyaset) iç politika
foreign affairs
(Askeri) dış ilişkiler
internal affairs
internal affairs
(Politika, Siyaset) iç politika
minister of internal affairs
içişleri bakanı
ministry for internal affairs
içişleri bakanlığı
ministry of cultural affairs
kültür bakanlığı
ministry of foreign affairs
t.c. dışişleri bakanlığı
regulatory affairs
(Tıp) ruhsatlandırma işleri
student affairs
(Eğitim) öğrenci işleri
Department of Economic Affairs
Ekonomik işler Dairesi
Department of Religious Affairs
Diyanet işleri Başkanlığı
Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dışişleri Bakanı
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Ministry of Village Affairs
Köy işleri Bakanlığı
domestic affairs
iç meseleler
external affairs
harici işler
internal affairs

Hiçbir ülkenin başka bir ülkenin içişlerine müdahale etmemesi gerekir. - No country should interfere in another country's internal affairs.

O, Japonya'nın içişleri hakkında iyi bir bilgiye sahip. - He has a good knowledge of the internal affairs of Japan.

statement of affairs
iflas bilançosu
Business and Legal Affairs
Ticari ve Hukuki İşler
Civil Affairs Group
(Askeri) Sivil İlişkiler Grubu
Foreign Affairs Minister
Dışişleri bakanı
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Amerikan Temsilciler Meclisi Dış İlişliler Komitesi
Internal Affairs investigation
İç İşleri soruşturması

You know, Captain Raydor, I could probably be much more helpful with your Internal Affairs investigation.

Ministry of Economic Affairs
Ekonomi Bakanlığı
Religious Affairs Directorate
Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı
Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs
Denizcilik müsteşarlığı
administrative affairs
İdârî işler
current affairs programmes
güncel olaylara ilişkin programların
department of veterans' affairs
Gaziler işler bölümü
foreing affairs
Dış işleri
humanitarian affairs
insani meseleler
international affairs
Uluslararası ilişkiler
legal affairs manager
Hukuk işleri müdürü
ministry of agriculture and rural affairs
Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı
personal affairs
özel işler
pry into s.o.´s affairs
birinin işlerine burnunu sokmak
regulatory affairs
düzenleyici işleri
regulatory affairs specialist
kıdemli ruhsatlandırma uzman
religious affairs
Diyanet işleri
secretary of foreign affairs
Dışişleri bakanı
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dışişleri Bakanlığı
the Ministry of Village Affairs
Köy İşleri Bakanlığı
veterans affairs
gazi işleri
(HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanı Yardımcısı (Health Affairs)
(ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs)
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanı Yardımcısı (Uluslararası Güvenlik İşleri)
(LA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs)
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanı Yardımcısı (Yasama İşleri)
(RA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs)
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanı Yardımcısı (İhtiyat İşleri)
(RSA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Regional Security Affairs)
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanı Yardımcısı (Bölgesel Güvenlik İşleri)
Bureau of Indian Affairs
(Askeri) Kızılderili İşleri Bürosu
Central Joint Mortuary Affairs Office; Chief, joint mortuary affairs office
(Askeri) Merkezi Müşterek Morg İşleri Ofisi; müşterek morg işleri ofisi Başkanı
Civil Affairs command
(Askeri) Sivil İşler Komutanlığı
Department of Veterans Affairs
(Askeri) Gazilerle İlişkiler Departmanı
Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs (USG)
(Askeri) İstihbarat Toplum İlişkileri İcra Başkanı (Birleşik Devletler (US) hükümeti (USG))
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (USG)
(Askeri) Uluslar Arası Narkotik ve Yasa Uygulama İşleri (USG)
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
(Askeri) İnsani Yardım Koordinasyon Dairesi
Office of Military Affairs (CIA)
(Askeri) Askeri İşler Dairesi (CIA)
Public Affairs Office; public affairs officer
(Askeri) Halkla İlişkiler Ofisi; halkla ilişkiler subayı
United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs
(Askeri) BM İnsani Yardım Dairesi
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
(Askeri) BM İnsani Yardım İşleri Koordinasyon Ofisi
{i} olay

O, korkunç bir olaydı. - It was a terrible affair.

Olaydan duyduğu üzüntüyü ifade etti. - He expressed regret over the affair.

{i} k.dili. şey (makine/eşya)
{i} gönül macerası
{i} k.dili. olay, skandal
{i} şey

Dış ilişkiler hakkında çok şey bilir. - He knows a lot about foreign affairs.

arrange one's affairs
işlerini yoluna koymak
assistant chief of staff, civil affairs
(Askeri) halkla ilişkilerden sorumlu kurmay başkan yardımcısı
chief administrative officer; civil affairs operations; counterair operation
(Askeri) baş idari (muharebe) subay; sivil işler harekatı; mukabil hava harekatı
civil administration; civil affairs; combat assessment
(Askeri) civil administration; civil affairs; combat assessment
civil affairs
(Askeri) SİVİL İŞLER: Bir komutana ait faaliyetlerden; bir dost veya işgal altındaki bir memleket veya bölgede askeri kuvvetler mevcut bulunduğu zaman, bu kuvvetler ile sivil makamlar ve halk arasındaki münasebetlerle ilgili safhalar sivil işler bu meyanda şu hususları içine alır: l. Bir memleket veya bölgede bulunan askeri kuvvetlerle bu memleket veya bölge sivil makamları ve halkı arasındaki münasebetlerle ilgili ve genellikle, bazı işlerin askeri kuvvetler tarafından görülmesi veya normal olarak mahalli hükümet sorumluluğundaki bazı yetkilerin bu kuvvetler tarafından kullanılmasını içine alan konular. Bu münasebetler; muhasamat zamanı veya diğer acil durumlarda, askeri harekattan önce bu harekat sırasında veya bunu müteakip kurulabilir ve normal olarak anlaşma veya anlaşmalarda açık veya kapalı şekilde yer alır
civil affairs agreement
(Askeri) SİVİL İŞLER ANLAŞMASI: Dost bir memlekette bulunan silahlı kuvvetler ile bu memleketlere giren çıkan veya dolaşmakta olan mesaj, basılı evrak, film nevinden sivil haberleşmeyi sansürden geçirme
civil affairs group; collective address group
(Askeri) sivil işler grubu; müşterek adres grubu
civil affairs officer
(Askeri) SİVİL İŞLER SUBAYI: Sivil işler karargahı veya birliğinin bir mensubu olarak askeri kuvvetlerin mevcut bulunduğu bir bölgede asker ve siviller arasındaki münasebetlerle ilgili faaliyetleri planlamada ve koordinede komutana yardımcı olan subay
civil affairs unit
(Askeri) SİVİL İŞLER BİRLİĞİ: Bir komutanın sivil işlerle ilgili faaliyetlerini yerine getirmek maksadıyla kurulmuş bir askeri birlik
domestic affairs
iç sorunlar
domestic affairs
aile meseleleri
external affairs
dış ilişkiler
external affairs
foreign affairs
dışişleri [brit.]
illegal affairs
(Ticaret) yasadışı işler
joint mortuary affairs office; joint mortuary affairs officer
(Askeri) müşterek cenaze işleri office; müşterek cenaze işleri subayı
justice and home affairs
(Avrupa Birliği) (JHA) Adalet ve İçişleri
manage one's affairs well
gemisini yürütmek
manage someone's affairs
(Ticaret) birinin işlerine bakmak
ministry of interior affairs
içişleri bakanlığı
monetary affairs
(Ticaret) parasal işler
mortuary affairs collection point
(Askeri) cenaze işleri toplama noktası
mortuary affairs decontamination collection point
(Askeri) cenaze işleri bulaşıcı madde temizleme toplama noktası
parent relay; physician assistant; probability of arrival; public affairs
(Askeri) ana röle; fizik asistanı; varış ihtimali; halkla ilişkiler
passengers; public affairs plans
(Askeri) yolcular; halkla ilişkiler planları
private affairs
(Ticaret) özel işler
private affairs
(Ticaret) gizli işler
proposed public affairs guidance
(Askeri) önerilen halkla ilişkiler yönergesi
pry into smb.'s affairs
başkasının işine burnunu sokmak
public affairs
kamu işleri
public affairs guidance
(Askeri) halkla ilişkiler yönergesi
public affairs team
(Askeri) halkla ilişkiler timi
regulatory affairs manager
(Ticaret) ruhsatlandırma müdürü
secretary of state for Home Affairs
içişleri bakanı
secretary of state for foreign affairs
dışişleri bakanı
settle one's affairs
bütün işlerini halletmek
specialist in judicial affairs
state of affairs
state of affairs
state of affairs
state of affairs
state of affairs

Artık bu durumun devam etmesine izin veremeyiz. - We cannot allow this state of affairs to continue any longer.

Bu duruma nasıl göz yumabilirsin? - How can you tolerate this state of affairs?

state of affairs
işlerin durumu
theater mortuary affairs officer
(Askeri) muharebe sahası morg işleri subayı
world affairs
dünya meseleleri
wreck one's affairs
çarkına etmek
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
{i} matters and transactions having professional or public interest; personal business or concern
{n} business in general, state of property
plural of affair
transactions of professional or public interest; "news of current affairs"; "great affairs of state
matters of personal concern; "get his affairs in order"
transactions of professional or public interest; "news of current affairs"; "great affairs of state"
affairs of honor
matters which involve one's reputation
affairs of state
government matters, issues concerning a government
Ugandan affairs
Sexual intercourse, usually an extra-marital affair

Call girls, drugs and Ugandan affairs shook cabinet.

A material object (vaguely designated)

He used a hook-shaped affair with a long handle to unlock the car.

That which is done or is to be done; matter; concern; business of any kind, commercial, professional, or public; — often in the plural

a difficult affair to manage.

An adulterous relationship. (from affaire de cœur.)
current affairs
Recent news, especially indepth analysis of issues and events
foreign affairs
A government office or department charged with handling relations with other countries
foreign affairs
Policy of a government in dealing with other countries or with activities overseas
get one's affairs in order
To prepare for the end of one's life as one has lived it

The judge gave him ten days to get his affairs in order before beginning his sentence.

internal affairs
A division of a law enforcement agency investigating incidents and plausible suspicions of lawbreaking and professional misconduct attributed to officers on the force
love affairs
plural form of love affair
put one's affairs in order
To prepare for the end of one's life as one has lived it

The judge gave him ten days to put his affairs in order before beginning his sentence.

state of affairs
A specific situation; a set of circumstances

His uncooperative attitude creates a difficult state of affairs for all of us.

states of affairs
plural form of state of affairs
You can refer to an important or interesting event or situation as `the affair'. the damage caused to the CIA and FBI in the aftermath of the Watergate affair
{i} amour, lovers' affair; matter; incident; deal, concern
If an event or a series of events has been mentioned and you want to talk about it again, you can refer to it as the affair. The government has mishandled the whole affair The affair began when customs officials inspected a convoy of 60 tankers = business, matter
{n} a business, matter, concern, intrigue
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
The U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs, also known as the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is a standing committee of the United States House of Representatives which is in charge of bills and investigations related to the foreign affairs of the United States. It is currently chaired by Representative Tom Lantos of California. It is less powerful than its Senate counterpart, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, because the House committee is not involved in treaty or ambassador confirmation
regulatory affairs
Regulatory Affairs (RA), also called Government Affairs, is a profession within regulated industries, such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, energy, and banking
a vaguely specified concern; "several matters to attend to"; "it is none of your affair"; "things are going well"
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
American organization which works to strengthen and improve political relations between the United States and Israel, AIPAC
Bureau for Indian Affairs
bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior that deals with education health and social services for Native Americans
Bureau of Indian Affairs
BIA a US government organization which is concerned with the welfare and education of Native Americans and with other legal matters concerning reservations (=areas set aside for Native Americans to live on)
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
{i} Defra, government department of the United Kingdom that is in charge of and responsible for environmental protection and food production and standards (also responsible for environmental, fisheries, agricultural and rural issues)
Food and Rural Affairs Department for Environment
DEFRA a British government department that is responsible for things such as plans for new roads and buildings, the protection of the countryside and old buildings, and the quality of the air and water in the UK. It is now also responsible for government policy on farming and the countryside
Foreign Affairs and Defence
government committee dealing with foreign affairs and defence issues
Foreign Affairs and Defense committee
committee which is in charge of making decisions on international and military operations
Institute of Economic Affairs
a British organization formed in 1957 to promote free market economics. Its ideas were popular with Margaret Thatcher, the Conservative prime minister from 1979 to 90
Joint Emergency Committee For European Jewish Affairs
committee of several major Jewish organizations dealing with refugees and the plight of Jews in Europe
Labor and Social Affairs Ministry
government agency which handles labor issues and social welfare
Minister of Foreign Affairs
government official who is in charge of the government office responsible for creating and implementing foreign policy and cultivating relations with foreign governments and international organizations
Minister of Labor and Social Affairs
head of the government office responsible for developing and implementing employment policy and improving the personal and socioeconomic well-being of the nation's citizens
Religious Affairs Minister
high-ranking appointed government official responsible for matters concerning religion
Religious Affairs Ministry
government agency which handles religious issues and manages holy sites
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
formerly (1972-92) Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator, (1992-98) United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs Agency of the United Nations Secretariat, established in 1972 to coordinate international relief to countries struck by natural or other disaster. Responding to requests from stricken states for disaster assistance, the OCHA directs UN assistance and mobilizes aid from nongovernmental organizations such as the International Red Cross. Since the 1980s it has emphasized disaster preparedness and prevention, and it has assisted in executing projects of the United Nations Development Programme
Veterans Affairs
the VA a US government organization which deals with things relating to former members of the armed forces, such as health care, education, and pensions (=money given to someone when they stop working)
" Junius
That which is done or is to be done; matter; concern; as, a difficult affair to manage; business of any kind, commercial, professional, or public; often in the plural
Action; endeavor
That which is done or is to be done; matter; concern; business of any kind, commercial, professional, or public; - often in the plural
a duel; an affair of love, i
You can describe the main quality of an event by saying that it is a particular kind of affair. Michael said that his planned 10-day visit would be a purely private affair
an intrigue
Any proceeding or action which it is wished to refer to or characterize vaguely; as, an affair of honor, i
An adulterous relationship. (from affaire de coeur.)
An action or engagement not of sufficient magnitude to be called a battle
You can describe an object as a particular kind of affair when you want to draw attention to a particular feature, or indicate that it is unusual. All their beds were distinctive; Mac's was an iron affair with brass knobs
a vaguely specified social event; "the party was quite an affair"; "an occasion arranged to honor the president"; "a seemingly endless round of social functions"
Any proceeding or action which it is wished to refer to or characterize vaguely
If two people who are not married to each other have an affair, they have a sexual relationship. She was having an affair with someone at work. see also love affair
If you say that a decision or situation is someone's affair, you mean that it is their responsibility, and other people should not interfere. If you wish to make a fool of yourself, that is your affair = business. Affair of the Diamond Necklace Brownsville Affair Citizen Genêt Affair Don Pacifico Affair Iran Contra Affair Stavisky affair Trent Affair U 2 Affair XYZ Affair
a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship
You can use affairs to refer to all the important facts or activities that are connected with a particular subject. He does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of another country see also current affairs, state of affairs
"At the head of affairs
Your affairs are all the matters connected with your life which you consider to be private and normally deal with yourself. The unexpectedness of my father's death meant that his affairs were not entirely in order
current affairs
If you refer to current affairs, you are referring to political events and problems in society which are discussed in newspapers, and on television and radio. the BBC's current affairs programme `Panorama'. important political events or other events in society that are happening now
current state of affairs
overview of the existing condition of matters
department of veterans affairs
the United States federal department responsible for the interests of military veterans; created in 1989
foreign affairs
Affairs concerning international relations and national interests in foreign countries. politics, business matters etc that affect or concern the relationship between your country and other countries
foreign affairs
matters having to do with the relations between a country and other countries
foreign affairs and defence committee
group of people chosen to report and act upon foreign policy issues
foreign affairs committee
committee which handles matters relating to a country's relations with other countries
internal affairs
events or activities which occur within a body (or country, organization, etc.)
international affairs
affairs between nations; "you can't really keep up with world affairs by watching television"
man of affairs
businessman, man who is engaged in commerce or trad
man of affairs
a person engaged in commercial or industrial business (especially an owner or executive)
master in public affairs
a master's degree in questions of public concern
mundane affairs
material concerns, everyday matters, commonplace issues
personal affairs
{i} (Military) welfare, well-being of soldiers
personal affairs officer
{i} military officer which handles soldiers' personal problems, welfare officer
private affairs
personal affairs, secret matters, issues that are private
public affairs
JP 1-02
public affairs
issues of concern to the public
public affairs
The process of communicating an organisation's point of view on issues or causes to political audiences such as MPs and lobbying groups
public affairs
events and questions, especially political ones, which have an effect on most people
public affairs
Those public information, command information, and community relations activities directed toward both the external and internal publics with interest in the Department of Defense PA activities expedite the flow of accurate and timely information to the internal audience (the SJFHQ and the JTF) and the external audience (the public) Increasing availability of this information to these audiences may have a significant effect on national will, political direction, and national security objectives and policy PA activities will not be used in support of military deception capability or to provide disinformation to either audience
public affairs manager
head of a department that deals with issues that are of importance to the general public
put one's affairs in order
organize important things in one's life
secretary of state for Home Affairs
Minister of the Interior; government position that deals with internal affairs of a nation
secretary of veterans affairs
Derwinski as the first Secretary of Veterans Affairs
secretary of veterans affairs
the position of the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs; "the post of Secretary of Veterans Affairs was created in 1989"
secretary of veterans affairs
the position of the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs; "the post of Secretary of Veterans Affairs was created in 1989" the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Veterans Affairs; "Bush appointed Edward J
secretary of veterans affairs
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Veterans Affairs; "Bush appointed Edward J
set one's affairs in order
settle matters
settle affairs
arrange matters properly
settle one's affairs
take care of or resolve one's problems, take care of one's matters
state of affairs
{i} way of things, face of matters, description of the happenings, what is going on
state of affairs
the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time; "the present international situation is dangerous"; "wondered how such a state of affairs had come about"; "eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation"- Franklin D Roosevelt
state of affairs
If you refer to a particular state of affairs, you mean the general situation and circumstances connected with someone or something. This state of affairs cannot continue for too long, if parliament is to recover
statement of affairs
review of activity, detail of financial situation
world affairs
affairs between nations; "you can't really keep up with world affairs by watching television"
world affairs
affairs between nations; "you can't really keep up with world affairs by watching television
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