An organization acting as an agent for a producer of goods or services (an advertiser) devoted to developing and placing advertising in order to further the acceptance of a brand product, service, or idea
An advertising agency is a company whose business is to create advertisements for other companies or organizations. Advertising agencies are losing their once-powerful grip on brand marketing. W1S1 a company that designs and makes advertisements for other companies
a firm specialising in the creation, design and media placement of advertisements, and in the planning and execution of promotional campaigns See Full-Service Advertising Agency; Limited-Service Advertising Agency
A company engaged by an advertiser that specializes in the production of creative advertising material and its placement in the most favorable media (i e , newspaper, broadcast, billboards, magazines, etc ) The agency "spends" the ADVERTISER's budget and typically retains 15% as compensation for its efforts
means any commercial concern engaged in providing any service connected with the making, preparation, display or exhibition of advertisement and includes an advertising consultant