
listen to the pronunciation of administration
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} idare

Okul idaremiz o okul kuralını ortadan kaldırmaya karar verdi. - Our school administration decided to do away with that school rule.

{i} yönetim

O, hastanenin yönetiminden sorumlu. - He's in charge of administration at the hospital.

Yönetim bütçeyi onayladı. - The administration approved the budget.

hükümet nezaret
{i} ettirme
vekiller heyeti yemin ettirme
{i} hükümet [amer.]
{i} idarecilik
başkan ve yardımcıları idareciler
{i} yerine getirme
(Tıp) Verme (ilaç)
(Askeri) (NATO) İÇ YÖNETİM: Birliklerin iç yönetimi
{i} bakanlar kurulu
{i} uygulama
idare etme
iç yönetim
administration contract office
idare sözleşme ofisi
administration action
(Askeri) İDARİ İŞLEM (HV): Randıman veya ekonomi ile ilgili bir konu üzerinde, idari bir üstün yetkisi dahilinde, genel olarak, bir belgeye istinaden fakat asgari bir resmiyetle yerine getirilen işlem
administration of an oath
yemin ettirme
administration segregation
(Askeri) İDARİ TECRİT: Ayrıca bakınız: "close continement" ve "disciplinary segregation"
administration, operation, and maintenance
(Askeri) idare, harekat ve bakım
business administration
işletme yönetimi
educational administration
eğitim yönetimi
revenue administration
gelir idaresi başkanlığı
revenue administration
gelir idaresi
Doctor of Public Administration
Kamu yonetimi biliminin doktora eğitim kademesi
drug administration
ilaç kurumu
prison administration
(Kanun) cezaevi yönetimi
board of administration
idare heyeti
business administration
iş idaresi
centralized administration
merkezi yönetim
civil administration
sivil idare
colonial administration
sömürge yönetimi
data base administration
veri tabanı yönetimi
despotic administration
baskıcı idare
financial administration
mali idare
fund administration
sermaye idaresi
letters of administration
bakanlar kurulu mektubu
local administration
yerel yönetim
mode of administration
uygulama şekli
municipal administration
yerel yönetim
public administration
kamu idaresi
public participation administration
kamu ortaklığı idaresi
school administration
okul yönetimi
tax administration
vergi dairesi
Housing development administration
Toplu konut idaresi
administration of
bachelor of business administration
işletme lisans
data administration
veri yönetimi
drug enforcement administration
ilaç uygulama yönetim
export administration regulations
ihracat yönetim düzenlemeleri
federal custom administration
federal özel idaresi
food and drug administration (usa)
Gıda ve İlaç İdaresi (usa)
go into administration
(deyim) (Batmış bir şirket) yönetimi devretmek
graduate of business administration
işletme bölümü mezunu
land administration
Toprak yönetimi
local administration
mahalli idare
master of business administration
işletme master
previous administration
önceki yönetim
public administration
kamu yönetimi
kendini idare
site administration
site yönetimi
small business administration
küçük işletme
special provincial directorate of administration
il özel idare müdürlüğü
state administration
Devlet idaresi
system administration
(Bilgisayar) Sistem yönetimi
under administration
Hükümet/devlet gözetimi altında
user administration
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı yönetimi
went into administration
yönetim gitti
Deputy Director for Administration (CIA); designated development activity
(Askeri) İdare Başkanı Yardımcısı (CIA); tahsis edilmiş geliştirme faaliyeti
Director of Administration and Management
(Askeri) İdare ve Yönetim Başkanı
Federal Aviation Administration; Foreign Assistance Act
(Askeri) Federal Havacılık Dairesi; Yabancı Yardım Yasası
Federal Highway Administration
(Askeri) Federal karayolları İdaresi
Federal Railroad Administration (DOT)
(Askeri) Federal Demiryolu İdaresi (DOT)
Field Administration and Logistics Division
(Askeri) Sahra İdare ve Lojistik Tümeni
Food and Drug Administration
(Askeri) Gıda ve İlaç İdaresi
General Services Administration; general support artillery
(Askeri) Genel Servis Yönetimi; genel destek topçusu
Maritime Administration
(Askeri) Deniz İdaresi
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(Askeri) ABD Ulusal Havacılık Ve Uzay Dairesi
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(Askeri) Ulusal Okyanus Ve Atmosfer Teşkilatı
Research and Special Programs Administration
(Askeri) Araştırma ve Özel Programlar İdaresi
Veterans Administration; vulnerability assessment
(Askeri) Eski Muharipler İdari Teşkilatı; hassasiyet değerlendirmesi
action officer; administration officer; air officer; area of operations; aviatio
(Askeri) proje subayı; idare subayı; hava subayı; harekat bölgesi; havacılık ordu donatım personeli
association administration
dernek yönetimi
autonomous administration
(Kanun) muhtar idare
autonomous administration
(Kanun) özerk idare
business administration
civil administration; civil affairs; combat assessment
(Askeri) civil administration; civil affairs; combat assessment
contract administration services functions
courthouse administration
(Kanun) adliye yönetimi
dead on arrival; director of administration
(Askeri) yolda ölmüş, yerinde ölü bulunan; idare başkanı
director of personnel and administration
(Askeri) PERSONEL BAŞKANI: A. B. D. Kara Kuvvetleri Karargah heyetine bağlı ve personel işleriyle görevli subay
european federation of public administration
(Avrupa Birliği) Avrupa Kamu Yönetimi Federasyonu
fiscal administration
maliye idaresi
inhalation administration
(Tıp) inhalasyon ilaç uygulanması
inhalation drug administration
(Eczacılık) inhalasyon ilaç uygulanması
internal administration
(Askeri) İÇ HİZMET: Herhangi bir birlik veya tesisin iç düzenine ait idare ve disiplin işlerinin hepsini ihtiva eden hizmetler
library administration
kütüphane yönetimi
licensing administration
(Havacılık) lisanslandırma yönetmeliği
management console administration
Yönetim Konsolu Yönetimi
military patient administration team
(Askeri) askeri hasta idare timi
municipal administration
idarei belediye
national shipping administration
(Askeri) MİLLİ GEMİCİLİK İDARESİ: Barış zamanında gemilerinin idaresi için her bir ülkede bulunan teşkilat. Ayrıca bakınız: "national shipping authority"
network administration
bilgisayar ağı yönetimi
oral administration
(Tıp) ağızdan ilaç alımı
oral administration
(Tıp) ağız ilaç uygulanması
oral drug administration
(Eczacılık) ağızdan ilaç uygulanması
records administration
(Askeri) dosya işleri
records administration
(Askeri) DOSYA İŞLERİ, KAYIT İŞLERİ: Kayıtların açılması, tutulması, kullanılması ve silinmesi gibi hususları içine alan kayıt kontrol işleri
records administration
(Askeri) kayıt işleri
tactical air request; Training and Administration of the Reserve
(Askeri) taktik hava talebi; İhtiyat Kuvvetin Eğitimi ve Yönetimi
veteran administration
(Askeri) ESKİ MUHARİPLER DAİRESİ: ABD'de eski muhariplerin emeklilik, sigorta, hastane veya mesleki eğitim büroları gibi işleriyle meşgul müesseseleri idare ve kontrol eden müstakil hükümet dairesi
village administration
(Ticaret) köy idaresi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A body who administers; the executive part of government; the persons collectively who are entrusted with the execution of laws and the superintendence of public affairs; the chief magistrate and his cabinet or council; or the council, or ministry, alone, as in Great Britain
The act of administering; government of public affairs; the service rendered, or duties assumed, in conducting affairs; the conducting of any office or employment; direction; management
The act of administering, or tendering something to another; dispensation; as, the administration of a medicine, of an oath, of justice, or of the sacrament
{n} the act of administering, rule
A system whereby public or private enterprises conduct their business Administration is concerned with planning, programming and evaluation Along with administration there must be consideration of management, which as a part of administration, is a rational technique enabling administrators to fully develop their human, technical and financial resources The term administration is often used to denote broad policy and the term "management" to be the execution of such policy and a matter of subordinate concern
Includes such responsibilities as bidding, contract negotiation, reporting, reimbursement, accounting, auditing, monitoring, and quality assurance
Those activities, which have as their purpose the general regulation, direction, and control of the affairs of the local education agency, that are system-wide and not confined to one school, subject, or narrow phase of school activity
a method of tending to (especially business) matters
the persons (or committees or departments etc ) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment"
the act of administering medication
(Expenditure Category): Expenditures for the school board and for the office of the superintendent, principals, and any other line administrators who supervise staff
the process of handling the affairs of a deceased person's estate or a trust
Expenditures for the board of education and administration of Local Education Agencies, expenditures for the office of the principal, full-time department chairpersons, and graduation expenses back to top
The gift of Administration is the special ability God gives to certain members of the body of Christ to understand clearly the immediate & long range goals of a particular unit of the body of Christ and to devise & execute plans to accomplish them (see 1Corinthians 12: 28, Acts 6: 1-7, Acts 27: 11, Luke 14: 28-30)
Officials of the college who direct and supervise the activities of the institution
The ability to understand clearly the immediate and long-range goals of a particular unit of the body of Christ and devise and execute effective plans for the accomplishment of those goals Luke 14: 28-30, Acts 6: 1-7, I Corinthians 12: 28
(n ) See network administration, system administration
the tenure of a president; "things were quiet during the Eisenhower administration"
The court-supervised distribution of an estate during probate Also used to describe the same process for a Trust after the Grantor dies
n That body which is in charge of an organization, overseeing everything from personnel to organization to allocation of resources to wasting subordinates' time in meetings The administration cares for the needs of the organization, placing those needs second only to its own needs, desires, and conveniences
The branch of government vested with day-to-day responsibility for the delivery of a delinquency service is characterized as the administering entity in the State Profiles The essence of administering authority is management, not funding Future versions of the profiles will clarify funding streams for delinquency services For each state, we classify the administration of delinquency services as either an executive or a judicial function; the legislative branch does not administer delinquency services in any state
(Gestion) - refers to the stewardship between a department and the real property that it uses for its program purposes and for which it is accountable
management and settlement of an estate
The branch of a governing body responsible for managing departments and agencies according to the direction of the chief executive officer and through the interpretation of existing laws and regulations
The method for labeling, identification, documentation and usage needed to implement moves, additions and changes of the telecommunications infrastructure
a court action used to settle the estate of a person who died without leaving a will, or a person who left a will that the court disallowed, or where the executor appointed by the deceased refuses to serve in that capacity
The headquarters of a large service provider, or the business office of a smaller one The location to which general program-related inquiries and correspondence can be addressed
when used with respect to an eligible agency or eligible recipient, means activities necessary for the proper and efficient performance of the eligible agency or eligible recipient's duties under this Act, including supervision, but does not include curriculum development activities, personnel development, or research activities
a company goes into administration when it has been declared insolvent by a bankruptcy court so that the mess can be sorted out by some expert accountants, often known as the receiver The idea is to try to salvage the company
The cost incurred by the Bureau of Reclamation overseeing the Bay-Delta Act including participation in CALFED processes concerning use of Bay-Delta funds, preparation and processing of Interagency Agreements and Cooperative Agreements, preparation of reports to Congress, maintenance of financial and project/program status and associated total program oversight
The cost center which includes the overall management and administration of the institution, general patient accounting, communication systems, data processing, patient admissions, public relations, professional liability and non-property-related insurance, licenses and taxes, medical record activities, and procurement of supplies and equipment
Management and settlement of an estate See Also: Letters of Administration
The broad aspect of handling all functions of a group insurance plan once issued, usually including service and claim processing
The executive part of government; the persons collectively who are intrusted with the execution of laws and the superintendence of public affairs; the chief magistrate and his cabinet or council; or the council, or ministry, alone, as in Great Britain
You can refer to a country's government as the administration; used especially in the United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Agricultural Adjustment Administration Food and Drug Administration National Recovery Administration Public Works Administration United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Work Projects Administration Works Progress Administration
The administration of a company or institution is the group of people who organize and supervise it. a member of the college administration
The management of an estate of a deceased person by an executor, the strictly corresponding term execution not being in use
The administration of something is the process of organizing and supervising it. Standards in the administration of justice have degenerated
The management and disposal, under legal authority, of the estate of an intestate, or of a testator having no competent executor
{i} management (of an office, project, etc.); execution of managerial duties; people in charge of directing or managing, supervisors, leadership; act of dispensing or applying (i.e. drugs, medication, etc.)
the act of administering medication a method of tending to (especially business) matters the persons (or committees or departments etc
Administration is the range of activities connected with organizing and supervising the way that an organization or institution functions. Too much time is spent on administration. a master's degree in business administration
who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment
administration officer
officer who deals with administrative duties
administration school
college for studying management and business skills
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a federal government agency dedicated to scientifically studying the oceans and atmosphere. The NOAA is a part of the Department of Commerce
business administration
A course of study in higher education intended to prepare the students for a career in business
self administration
(Tıp, İlaç) Therapy that patients give to themselves, such as interferon injections instead of a healthcare provider doing it for them
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
New Deal program to restore U.S. agricultural prosperity during the Great Depression. Established by an act of Congress in 1933, the AAA sought to curtail farm production of certain staples, in order to raise prices. It also established the Commodity Credit Corp., to make loans to farmers and to purchase and store crops in order to maintain farm prices. The program had limited success before it was declared unconstitutional in 1936
Ancillary administration
- Additional administration used to dispose of and distribute that portion of the decedent's estate located in a state other than the decedent's domicile state
Ancillary administration
A probate proceeding necessary when a deceased person owned real estate in a state other than his home state
Ancillary administration
An additional probate in another state Typically required when you own real estate in another state that is not titled in the name of your Trust
Ancillary administration
is a secondary probate administration to dispose of the decedent’s property, often real estate, located in a state other than the one of the decedent’s domicile
Bachelor of Business Administration
one who holds a bachelor's degree in business administration, B.B.A
Drug Enforcement Administration
DEA a US government organization which makes sure that people and companies obey the laws about dangerous drugs. They try to catch people who bring dangerous drugs into the US and people who sell drugs within the US
Federal Aviation Administration
U.S. government organization which oversees airline safety and regulates the airline industry, FAA
Federal Aviation Administration
a US government organization which is responsible for making sure that aircraft and airports are safe for people to use. There is a similar organization in the UK called the Civil Aviation Authority
Food and Drug Administration
the full name of the FDA. Agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Established in 1927, it inspects, tests, approves, and sets safety standards for foods and food additives, drugs, chemicals, cosmetics, and household and medical devices. It can prevent untested products from being sold and take legal action to halt the sale of undoubtedly harmful products or of products that involve a health or safety risk. Its authority is limited to interstate commerce; it cannot control prices nor directly regulate advertising except of prescription drugs and medical devices
Israel Land Administration
Israeli government body responsible for land administration
Israel Lands Administration
Israeli government body responsible for land administration
Master of Business Administration
graduate who has received a Master's degree in Business Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
U.S. agency in charge of space programs
National Recovery Administration
(1933-35) U.S. government agency established to stimulate business recovery during the Great Depression. As part of the National Industrial Recovery Act (1933), the NRA established codes to eliminate unfair trade practices, reduce unemployment, and set minimum wages and maximum hours. The U.S. Supreme Court invalidated the act in 1935 because it gave quasi-legislative powers to the executive branch. Many of its provisions appeared in subsequent legislation
Public Works Administration
U.S. government agency (1933-39). It was established as part of the New Deal to reduce unemployment through the construction of highways and public buildings. Authorized by the National Industrial Recovery Act (1933) and administered by Harold Ickes, it spent about $4 billion to build schools, courthouses, city halls, public-health facilities, and roads, bridges, dams, and subways. It was gradually dismantled as the country moved to a military-industrial economy during World War II
Road Safety Administration
office responsible for ensuring safe driving
Social Security Administration
{i} independent government agency in charge of the social security system, SSA
US Food and Drug Administration
agency of the United States federal government that approves or rejects new drugs and medical devices
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
organization founded in 1943 to aid areas liberated from the Axis powers
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
Administrative body (1943-47) for an extensive social-welfare program for war-ravaged nations. It distributed relief supplies and services, including shelter, food, and medicine, and helped with agricultural and economic rehabilitation. Its functions were later taken over by the International Refugee Organization, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF
Veterans Administration
American organization which assists military veterans
Work Progress Administration
WPA, government agency that was established in order to create jobs and relieve widespread unemployment during the Great Depression (U.S. History)
plural of administration
ancillary administration
An administration subordinate to, and in aid of, the primary or principal administration of an estate
bush administration
the executive under President Bush
business administration
{i} business management; people or departments who constitute a body to manage something; study of management, program of studies in university that teaches business principles and practices
business administration
A college or university course of studies that offers instruction in general business principles and practices
carter administration
the executive under President Carter
change administration
{f} replace the administration, change management
civil administration
administration set up by a foreign government in friendly territory or hostile territory (in place of the local government)
clinton administration
the executive under President Clinton
contract administration
Managing the relationship with the seller
contract administration
The duties and responsibilities of the architect and owners representative (state) during the construction stage
contract administration
the act of ensuring that all terms and conditions of a contract are complied with by all parties through successful completion of the contract or, if necessary termination
contract administration
The contractual duties and responsibilities of the A/E, contractor or CM during the construction phase of a specific project fo servicing the interactive provisions in the contract for construction
contract administration
Contract administration includes those inherently governmental activities performed by warranted contracting officers (CO), the contracting officer's technical representatives (COTR), and related payment evaluation staff Contract administration is not to be confused with contract quality control, performance evaluation or inspection, which are defined as commercial activities
contract administration
Any administrative activity undertaken by either the government or the contractor during the time from contract award to contract close-out Refers to steps taken by the government representatives responsible for ensuring government and contractor compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract Includes routine tasks such as monitoring contractor program, reviewing invoices, processing payments, inspecting deliverables, and closing out the contract file Also includes problem-solving activities that are necessitated by unforeseeable circumstances (changes, problems, and disagreements) that arise following contract award [FAR]
drug enforcement administration
federal agency responsible for enforcing laws and regulations governing narcotics and controlled substances; goal is to immobilize drug trafficking organizations
electronic data interchange for administration, commerce, transport
(Ticaret) (EDIFACT) United Nations-sponsored syntax rules for EDI message exchange
federal housing administration
the federal agency in the Department of Housing and Urban Development that insures residential mortgages
food and drug administration
a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services established to regulate the release of new foods and health-related products
general services administration
a central management agency thata sets Federal policy for Federal procurement and real property management and information resources management
letters of administration
legal document naming someone to administer an estate when no executor has been named
letters of administration
A legal document entrusting an individual with the administration of the estate of a deceased person
national aeronautics and space administration
an independent agency of the United States government responsible for aviation and spaceflight
national archives and records administration
the independent agency that oversees management of federal government records including presidential libraries and historic collections
national oceanic and atmospheric administration
an agency in the Department of Commerce that maps the oceans and conserves their living resources; predicts changes to the earth's environment; provides weather reports and forecasts floods and hurricanes and other natural disasters related to weather
occupational safety and health administration
a government agency in the Department of Labor to maintain a safe and healthy work environment
officers personnel administration
organization in charge of officers' affairs, administration of the placement and promotion of officers
paymaster general's administration
body that is in charge of payments to soldiers and military pensioners, military body that is in charge of salaries
public administration
management of public institutions
reagan administration
the executive under President Reagan
small business administration
Federal agency that aims to assist small businesses with advice, financing, and other business developmentaid The SBA itself does not make loans, but guarantees repayment of loans made by a bank or finance company
small business administration
A federal agency created in 1953 by the Small Business Act to provide financial and management assistance to small business concerns and entrepreneurs The SBA offers a variety of loans and other types of financial assistance The majority of business loans are in the form of partial guarantees on loans made by private lenders The SBA also offers special loan programs for women, minorities, the handicapped, veterans, and very small businesses
small business administration
A federal agency which provides assistance of all kinds, including loans, to small businesses
small business administration
an independent agency of the United States government that protects the interests of small businesses and ensures that they receive a fair share of government contracts
small business administration
US federal agency formed in 1953 that protects the interests of small businesses and grants low interest loans to qualified small businesses and also makes certain that such businesses receive a fair portion of government contracts, sba
small business administration
The United States Government Agency charged with "providing customer-oriented, full-service programs and accurate, timely information to the entrepreneurial community" See www sba gov
small business administration
Federal Government agency that administers loan guarantee and related small business development programs
small business administration
Provides loans to small business investment companies (SBICs) that supply venture capital and financing to small businesses
small business administration
A federal government agency that makes, guarantees and purchases participations In loan to small wholesale, retail, service and manufacturing businesses
small business administration
Established by Congress, the SBA provides financial, technical and management assistance to help Americans start, run, and grow their businesses
small business administration
A federal agency that provides assistance and protection to small businesses
small business administration
A government agency committed to helping entrepreneurs become successful through programs ranging from counseling to financing
social security administration
an independent government agency responsible for the social security system
social security administration
The federal agency issuing benefits to individuals for retirement or disability; includes benefits to survivors SSA-retirement; SSI & SSDI-disability [Top of Page]
social security administration
- The federal agency that administers all social security related programs including the supplemental security income (SSI) and the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs
social security administration
The largest subdivision of DHHS, established by the Social Security Act, August 14, 1935, originally as Social Security Board and then the Federal and Security Agency with present title and structure dating from Government Reorganization Act of 1953 Administers part of Social Security Law, which provides monthly benefits to old age survivors and disability benefits Also administers Title XVIII (Medicare)
social security administration
Federal agency responsible for determining eligibility for SSI benefits in Texas and most other states See also Supplemental Security Income
social security administration
The Social Security Administration manages two cash benefit programs for people with disabilities Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides federal disability insurance benefits for workers who have contributed to the Social Security trust funds and become disabled or blind before reaching retirement age Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides monthly cash income to low-income persons with limited resources on the basis of age and disability SSA also funds services to assist people with disabilities to find and maintain employment
social security administration
The administrative branch of the Federal government established in 1935 to provide old age and survivor benefits
social security administration
The federal agency which administers the national social security program
state administration
leadership of the country, management of state affairs, political or state matters
technology administration
an agency in the Department of Commerce that works with United States industries to promote competitiveness and maximize the impact of technology on economic growth
transportation safety administration
an agency established in 2001 to safeguard United States transportation systems and insure safe air travel
work projects administration
WPA, manager of projects, group that oversees projects
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение administration в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

civil administration; civil affairs; combat assessment
(Askeri) civil administration; civil affairs; combat assessment