
listen to the pronunciation of ad
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{k} Anno Domini M.S. (milattan sonra), İ.S. (İsa'dan sonra)
bk. Administrative Domain
Milattan sonra
(Askeri) faal görev; ileri konuşlanabilirlik; hava savunma; otomatik dağıtım; öncelikli ilave (active duty; advanced deployability; air defense; automatic distribution; priority add-on)
(Anatomi) (öntakı) -a, -e, -de, -da

Bir tutam biber eklemeye ne dersin? - How about adding a touch of pepper?

Yorum ekleme kod okumayı kolaylaştırır. - Adding comments makes the code easier to read.

ad hoc
özel bir amaçlı
ad hoc
(Kanun) mahsus
ad hoc
(Kanun) bu maksatla
ad hoc
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) plansız
ad hoc
(Politika, Siyaset) planlanmadan
ad hoc
önceden tasarlanmış
ad hoc
bilhassa bunun için
ad hoc
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tasarsız
ad hoc
bunun için
ad hoc
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ad hoc
ad hominem
(Latin) özel
ad infinitum
sonsuz olarak
ad infinitum
(Latin) sonsuz
ad valorem
kıymet esaslı tarife

Tom adını dansa katılmak isteyenlerin listesine ekledi. - Tom added his name to the list of people who wanted to attend the dance.

ad infinitum
sonsuz bir biçimde
ad libitum
istenildiği gibi
ad libitum
istenildiği kadar
{f} ekle

Onu adliye binasında alabilirsin, katip ekledi. - You can get it at the courthouse, the clerk added.

Bu ID ile geçen cümleler Tatoeba Projesine katkıda bulunanlar tarafından eklenen cümlelerdir. - Sentences past this ID are sentences added by contributors of Tatoeba Project.

{f} ekle

Yorum ekleme kod okumayı kolaylaştırır. - Adding comments makes the code easier to read.

Beni Facebook'ta eklediğin için teşekkür ederim. - Thanks for adding me on Facebook.

(Bilgisayar) eklendi
ad agent
reklam acentası
ad hoc
özellikle bu (bir) amaca yönelik; özel bir amaca matuf
ad hoc
Özel ve geçici olarak kurulmuş
ad hoc
Ad hoc, "Amaca özel - niyete mahsus" anlamına gelen latince ibaredir. Genelde bir soruna yönelik, geçici bir çözümü anlatmak için kullanılır. Bazen de bir yetersizliği ya da üstünkörü üretilen çözümleri vurgulamak için kullanılır
ad hoc
ad libitum
İstenildiği kadar, istenildiği gibi
ilave etmek toplamak

Örnek bir cümle ekliyorum. - I am adding an example sentence.

Yemeğime tuz ekliyorum. - I am adding salt to my food.

(Reklam) (advertisement) Reklâm, ilân
an ad
Bir reklam
the ad
(Askeri) hava savunma kısmı; amfibi yük boşaltım bölgesi (air defense section; amphibian discharge site)
ad hoc
özellikle bunun için
ad hoc
buna özgü
ad hoc
ad infinitum
sonu olmayarak
ad infinitum
sonsuz biçimde
ad infinitum
ad libitum
(Tıp) arzu edildiği zaman
ad valorem
değere göre
ad valorem
ederine göre
ad valorem
değeri üzerinden
ad valorem
ad valorem
{s} katılmış
{s} katma
(İnşaat) ilave edilmiş
{s} ekli
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İsim, nam, şöhret, şan, itibar, haysiyet
Analog ses işaretlerini sayısal işaretlere ya da tersi işlemi aynı şekilde hazırlayan devreler
Dilbilgisindeki sözcük kalıplarından biri
Anılacak değer, önem
Yönetsel Alan
Herkesçe tanınmış veya işitilmiş olma durumu, ün, nam, şöhret
şöhret, ün
Bir kimseyi, bir şeyi anlatmaya, tanımlamaya, açıklamaya, bildirmeye yarayan söz, isim: Çocuk, kedi, ağaç, düşünce, iyilik, Ahmet, Ertuğrul birer addır
Anılacak değer, önem. İsim
Sayma, sayılma
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (Âdet. C) Âdetler
ad hoc
Özel ve geçici olarak kurulmuş
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Latin anno Domini, in the year of our Lord, used to specify numbered years counting from the once estimated birth of Christ in year 1. Usually placed before years (but see notes), and always placed after centuries. Often written in small caps. This year is AD 2011

From the 2nd century BC to the 3th century AD.

air defence
assistant director
Short form of advertisement

I have placed both of the ads in the newspaper as instructed.

This word needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}
Active Duty
You use AD in dates to indicate the number of years or centuries that have passed since the year in which Jesus Christ is believed to have been born. Compare BC. The cathedral was destroyed by the Great Fire of 1136 AD The Roman Empire was divided in the fourth century AD. An ad is an advertisement. She replied to a lonely hearts ad. Andorra (in Internet addresses). An advertisement. An advantage in tennis. Anno Domini used to show that a date is a particular number of years after the birth of Christ = CE BC. an advertisement classified ad
Anno Domini
1 CRS Agent's discount When followed by a number, indicates the percentage amount of the discount For example: AD75 indicates a discount to travel agents of 75% off unrestricted coach fares 2 Abr Lat Anno Domini, "year of our Lord "
Active Directory
Airworthiness Directive (issued by CASA)
Athletic Director- responsible for organizing, scheduling and supervising interscholastic sports for the high school
Symbol for a dichromatic absorbance It is equal to the absorbance at the secondary wavelength subtracted from the absorbance at the primary wavelength
Entering a two-digit or four-digit number into a terminal which has been pre-programmed to recognize the number as an abbreviation for a frequently dialed number which can be automatically dialed by the switching center (local exchange)
Administrative Domain Group of hosts, routers, and networks operated and managed by a single organization
A graphic or a banner on a web page that when clicked on, takes the visitor to another site
Administrative Director
This abbreviation stands for the Latin phrase "anno domini" (in the year of our Lord) It designates a year since the hypothetical birth year (year zero) of Christ (i e , AD 1997 means "1997 years after the birth of Christ") This is a common western method of citing historical dates Dates prior to the birth of Christ are designated with the abbreviation BC
The final and conclusive level of appeal of your claim unless you take your case to the Supreme Court of B C on judicial review An appeal to the Appeal Division can only be made on facts, law or policy
a public promotion of some product or service
Administrative Domain [RFC 1983]
in the Christian era; used before dates after the supposed year Christ was born; "in AD 200"
Active Duty Full-time duty in the active military service of the United States It includes federal duty of the active list (for National Guard personnel), full-time training duty, annual training, and attendance while in the active military service at a school designated as a service school by law or the Secretary of the Military Department concerned As it relates to medical care, the term Active Duty (AD) does not include Active Duty for Training (ADT)
advertisement GO - to move along ON - batsman's side of wicket
See: Administrative Domain
The two-character ISO 3166 country code for ANDORRA
Applicable Document abbreviation for the documentation
- Active Directory
Administrative Domain (network) A collection of hosts and routers, and the interconnecting network(s), managed by a single administrative authority
short for advertisement, as in: I placed an ad in the paper
Automatic double, sometimes called a Ground Rule Double
Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative disorder that strikes brain neurons, causing memory loss and impairing the patient's ability to communicate, pay attention and make judgments As it progresses, the disease also affects the ability to perform simple everyday tasks on one's own, such as bathing, dressing and eating The disease was named for German neurologist Alois Alzheimer, who, in 1907, first described the brain lesions that mark the condition Some 4 million Americans are estimated to suffer from Alzheimer's disease, most of them over age 65
Administrative leaders within OSU Extension who provide program direction The four program areas in OSU Extension are: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-H Youth Development, and Community Development
ACE Directive/Assistant Director (IMS)
It remains unchanged before vowels, and before d, h, j, m, v
It becomes ac- before qu, as in acquiesce
a public promotion of some product or service in the Christian era; used before dates after the supposed year Christ was born; "in AD 200
As a prefix ad- assumes the forms ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, assimilating the d with the first letter of the word to which ad- is prefixed
pref. toward, at
{i} advertisement
Examples: adduce, adhere, adjacent, admit, advent, accord, affect, aggregate, allude, annex, appear, etc
To; on
Automated decision support|Automated decision support]]
ad hoc
For a particular purpose
ad hoc
for this particular purpose
ad hoc
ad hoc
created on the spur of the moment, impromptu
ad hoc
At the spur of the moment
ad hominem
In an ad hominem manner

He tried to make his case by arguing ad hominem.

ad hominem
Of or related to ad hominem

Well that's an ad hominem argument.

ad hominem
A fallacious objection to an argument or factual claim by appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim; an attempt to argue against an opponent's idea by discrediting the opponent himself
ad hominem
A personal attack
ad infinitum
Endlessly; for ever; neverendingly
ad valorem
Measured by or in proportion to value
Abbreviation of adaptation
Abbreviation of adapter
Abbreviation of advertisement
Abbreviation of adde
Abbreviation of adapted
Abbreviation of adverb
Abbreviation of adapt
Abbreviation of addantur
ad hoc
for or concerned with one specific purpose; "a coordinated policy instead of ad hoc decisions"
ad hoc
{s} impromptu, devised for the purpose at hand (e.g. ad hoc committee - committee established for a specific reason)
ad hoc
often improvised or impromptu; "an ad hoc committee meeting"
ad hoc
for one specific case; "they were appointed ad hoc
ad hoc
An ad hoc activity or organization is done or formed only because a situation has made it necessary and is not planned in advance. The Council meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss problems. not planned, but arranged or done only when necessary ad hoc committee/group etc
ad hoc
for a specific purpose
{a} eking
ad agent
advertisement agent
ad hominem
Appealing to personal considerations rather than to logic or reason: "Debaters should avoid ad hominem arguments that question their opponents' motives."
ad hominem
(of an argument) personal rather than objective
ad hominem
(adverb & adjective) Associated with a particular person
ad valorem
(adverb & adjective) (with reference to tax or duty) in proportion to the value of the goods or transaction concerned
Ad hominem
appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason); "ad hominem arguments"
Ad hominem
The claim that something must be false because the person who said it is not credible, regardless of the argument itself
Ad hominem
attacking your opponent personally rather than her/his argument Ad hominem is fallacious argumentation
Ad hominem
appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
Ad hominem
Ad hominem is from the Latin meaning "to the man " In a theological debate or discussion, it is the act of attacking the person or oppenent rather than debating the issues [back]
Ad hominem
Rejection of a claim or argument on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument See Dr Michael C Labossiere's excellent description for further information
Ad hominem
This sort of pseudoreasoning rejects a claim on the basis of its source The varieties of this fallacy share a confusion between the truth of a claim under discussion and the person or group who put it forward
Ad hominem
Latin for "against the man" When a writer personally attacks his or her opponents instead of their arguments It is an argument that appeals to emotion rather than reason, feeling rather than intellect
Ad infinitum
Without end or limit To an infinite extent; indefinitely
Ad infinitum
Latin: forever; without limit; indefinitely
Ad infinitum
endlessly, without limit
Ad infinitum
to infinity
Ad infinitum
to infinity; without or seemingly without limit; "talked on and on ad infinitum"
Ad libitum
without advance preparation; "he spoke ad lib"
Ad libitum
Without restraint
Ad libitum
At pleasure, meaning unrestricted access to food or water [HWS]
Ad libitum
At the discretion of of the performer as to tempo, expression, and so forth; an instrumental part that may be omitted
Ad libitum
ad lib: A term which permits the performer to vary the tempo and/or to include or omit a vocal or instrumental part Synonymous with a piacere
Ad libitum
ad lib - A term which permits the performer to vary the tempo and/or to include or omit a vocal or instrumental part Synonymous with a piacere
Ad libitum
"At pleasure " Generally abbreviated ad lib According to the context the performer has the freedom to 1) interpret a passage as he wishes, without regard for strict time, 2) to make use of an alternate notes or notes provided by the composer, or 3) to improvise
Ad libitum
(Latin) Freely; at one's pleasure; as one wishes
Ad libitum
To the limit In respect of feeding this term is used to describe when the fish are fed freely until they reach satiation point
Ad valorem
- "According to value" Refers to the property tax system
Ad valorem
Latin for "according to valuation," usually referring to a type of tax or assessment
Ad valorem
The Latin word for "according to value "
Ad valorem
in proportion to the estimated value of the goods taxed; "the goods were taxed ad valorem"
Ad valorem
Latin term that means "according to the value "
Ad valorem
"According to the value" A method of taxation using the value of the thing taxed to determine the amount of tax Taxes can be either "Ad Valorem" or "Specific"
Ad valorem
Literally: according to value Any charge, tax or duty that is applied as a percentage of value
Ad valorem
(According to value) which refers to the value of property used in the computation of taxes
Ad valorem
Tax according to valuation; method of property taxation in Hawaii
Ad valorem
According to valuation
Ad valorem
Latin meaning "according to value " Taxes that are said to be ad valorem are assessed according to the value of the property
Ad valorem
``According to value `` A method of imposing a tax on the ownership of real property
Ad valorem
According to value " A method of taxation using the value of the thing taxed to determine the amount of tax Taxes can be either "Ad Valorem" or "Specific " Example: A tax of $5 00 per $1000 00 of value per house is "Ad Valorom," A tax of S5 00 per house (irrespective of value) is "Specific "
Ad valorem
According to value
Ad valorem
Ad valorem is usually applied to a (according to value) customs duty charged upon the value only of goods that are dutiable, irrespective of quality, weight, or other considerations The ad valorem rates of duty are expressed in percentages of the value of the goods, usually ascertained from the invoice
Ad valorem
According to value A tax imposed on the value of property
Ad valorem
According to value See Duty
Ad valorem
Literally, "according to value " this term is usually used in reference to real property taxes which are assessed according to value, i e , ad valorem
Ad valorem
According to value This is a tax imposed on the value of property (references a general property tax), which is typically based on the local government's valuation of the property
Ad valorem
Latin for "according to the value " (1) An ad valorem duty is an import duty based on the value of an article as defined in the customs law of a particular country, rather than on weight or volume A percentage of that value is charged, for example, 5% ad valorem (2) A freight rate set at a certain percentage of the value of an article is known as an ad valorem rate
Ad valorem
According to value (Latin term)
Ad valorem
"According to the value" or "on the value" Rates of duty expressed as a percentage of the value of goods are known as "ad valorem rates"
Ad valorem
"According to value " A method of imposing a tax on the ownership of real property
ad hoc
Latin: for this purpose; for a specific purpose An ad hoc committee, for example, is created with a unique and specific purpose or task and once it has studied and reports on the matter, it stands disbanded (compare with standing committee)
ad hoc
Latin for "out of control" See "chaos management"
ad hoc
is being concerned with a particular end or purpose, e g , a ad hoc committee established to handle a specific subject
ad hoc
For this, for this special purpose An attorney ad hoc, or a guardian or curator ad hoc, is one appointed for a special purpose, generally to represent the client or infant in the particular action in which the appointment is made
ad hoc
(Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide)
ad hoc
Lat Of tours, put together on a customized or one-time basis, usually from existing options
ad hoc
special; arranged for the purpose
ad hoc
For this; for this special purpose An attorney ad hoc, or a committee ad hoc, is one appointed or selected for the particular case at hand without consideration of wider application
ad hoc
a Latin word meaning "for this " An ad hoc group is formed to address a particular concern or for one purpose only
ad hoc
–– only for the particular case at hand, not systematically taking into account other relevant issues or wider application
ad hoc
for one specific case; "they were appointed ad hoc"
ad hoc
Something that is ad hoc or that is done on an ad hoc basis happens or is done only when the situation makes it necessary or desirable, rather than being arranged in advance or being part of a general plan [3]
ad hoc
for a particular purpose An inelegant feature in an otherwise well structured system to fix a particular problem A hack
ad hoc
(Latin) For a particular purpose or occasion, usually specified
ad hoc
(Latin) for a specific purpose
ad hoc
ad hominem
directed at a person's emotions or personal sensitivities as opposed to rationale or objective facts (especially as in a court trial, whether in appeal or in attack)
ad hominem
appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason); "ad hominem arguments
ad hominem
A phrase applied to an appeal or argument addressed to the principles, interests, or passions of a man
ad infinitum
to infinity, endlessly
ad infinitum
If something happens ad infinitum, it is repeated again and again in the same way. This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum. continuing without ever ending - often used humorously
ad infinitum
to infinity; without or seemingly without limit; "talked on and on ad infinitum
ad infinitum
Without limit; endlessly
ad libitum
At one's pleasure; as one wishes
ad valorem
A term used to denote a duty or charge laid upon goods, at a certain rate per cent upon their value, as stated in their invoice, in opposition to a specific sum upon a given quantity or number; as, an ad valorem duty of twenty per cent
ad valorem
according to the worth of
ad valorem
past of add
combined or joined to increase in size or quantity or scope; "takes on added significance"; "an added attraction
You use added to say that something has more of a particular thing or quality. For added protection choose a lipstick with a sun screen. = extra. in addition to what is usual or expected = extra
{s} supplemented
{i} act or process of combining one thing with another
present participle of add
Advanced Distributed Simulation
Air Data System
plural of ad
Automatic Dependent Surveillance (an ATN application)
Autographed Document Signed
Annotation Data Set
See: American Depository Share
Automatic Dependent Surveillance FIS Flight Information System
An acronym for "advance direction sign" - the large billboard-style signposts erected before reaching an important junction
Active Directory Service or Active Directory Structure
Alcohol Dependance Scale Twenty-five item scale developed by the Addiction Research Foundation
abbr for advertisement
The Archaeology Data Service
aerial delivery sling
Applet Development Server The component of the TAN that interfaces with the Application Provider to allow for certification and publication of applets
Two meanings based on context
Area Detection System
archive data set
Applicant Data System
Auxiliary Data Store; the data store needed by OpenSpirit which contains configuration information and persistence data
Active Directory Service A service that can be used as an information service as well as administrative service
Automatic Dependent Surveillance
Alternate Data Streams
Alternative delivery system
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык