
listen to the pronunciation of activities
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

O, hayvan cesetlerini parçalayarak incelemek ve geceleri sokaklarda insanları gizlice takip etmek gibi korkunç aktivitelerle uğraşmaktan hoşlanır. - He enjoys engaging in macabre activities such as dissecting animal corpses and stalking people on the street at night.

Okuldan sonra müfredat dışı aktivitelerimiz var. - We have extracurricular activities after school.


Toplumsal etkinliklere katılır mısın? - Do you take part in any community activities?

Birçok okul etkinliklerine katılır. - She participates in many school activities.


Yasa dışı faaliyetlere karışmam. - I don't engage in illegal activities.

Beynimiz faaliyetlerimizi kontrol eder. - Our brains control our activities.


O zamandan beri dini etkinliklerle uğraşıyor. - He has engaged in religious activity since then.

İhracaat sınırları aşan ticari bir etkinliktir. - Exporting is a commercial activity which transcends borders.


Birçok yerde, doğa insan faaliyeti tarafından tehdit edilir. - In many places, nature is threatened by human activity.

Öğrenme muhtemelen hemen hemen katıldığımız her faaliyette yer alır. - Learning probably takes place in virtually every activity in which we take part.

activities of daily living
(Tıp) günlük yaşam aktiviteleri
Account activities
Hesap ekstresi
artistic activities
(Eğitim) sanatsal etkinlikler
conduct lobbying activities
lobi faaliyeti yürütmek
investing activities
(Ticaret) yatırım faaliyetleri
leader of group activities
leisure activities
(Tıp) boş zaman faaliyetleri
ordinary activities
(Ticaret) olağan faaliyetler
research activities
(Eğitim) araştırma etkinlikleri
student activities
öğrenci faaliyetleri
suspend the activities
faaliyetleri durdurmak
terrorist activities
terörist faaliyetler
trust activities
(Ticaret) teminat faaliyetleri
yapılan işler
body activities
vücut faaliyetleri
life activities
hayati faaliyetler
(Askeri) müdahele, hareket

Dünya yüzeyi volkanik aktivite nedeniyle yükseldi. - The surface of the earth rose due to the volcanic activity.

Tom hiçbir beyin aktivitesi işareti göstermiyor. - Tom is showing no signs of brain activity.

Trouble starts either by senseless leadership or by underground activities
(Atasözü) Balık baştan kokar, su dipten bulanır
{i} hareket halinde olma
tez canlılık
(Sinema) etkenlik
(Askeri) KURULUŞ: Belirli bir işlevi veya görevi yerine getiren bir birlik, teşkilat veya tesis. Ör., celp ve sevk merkezi, dağıtım merkezi, deniz üssü, tersane

Zamanının çoğunu hangi etkinliği yaparak geçirirsin? - What activity do you spend most of your time doing?

Favori yaz etkinliğin nedir? - What's your favorite summer activity?

(Mukavele) faaliyet, iş kalemi, aktivite
faal oluş
(Hukuk) faaliyet / etkinlik
(Biyokimya) etkin olma

Tatoeba, yalnızca imajını kötülemek ve faaliyetini aşağılamak isteyenleri işbirlikçi olarak kabul etmemeli. - Tatoeba should not admit as collaborators those who only wish to denigrate its image and demean its activity.

Tom hiçbir beyin aktivitesi işareti göstermiyor. - Tom is showing no signs of brain activity.

derived from human activities
insan faaliyetlerinden elde edilen
leisure activities
Boş vakit etkinlikleri
recreational activities
eğlence faaliyetleri
regular activities
düzenli faaliyetleri
relax activities
rahatlatıcı faaliyetler
relaxing activities
rahatlatıcı faaliyetler
sales-related activities
satış amaçlı ilişkiler

The sales-related activities of agent shall be limited to the following groups of customers.

stretch-shortening cycle activities
kısa derilimli döngü aktiviteleri
Office of Field Operational and External Support Activities
(Askeri) Sahra Harekat Ve Dış Destek Faaliyetleri Dairesi
battlefield psychological activities
(Askeri) MUHAREBE ALANI PSİKOLOJİK FAALİYETLERİ: Taktik hedeflerin elde edilmesine yardımcı olmak üzere, muharebe harekatının dahili bir kısmı olarak icra edilen ve muharebe sahasında düşman kontrolündeki sivillere ve düşman kuvvetlerine psikolojik baskı yapmak üzere tasarlanmış planlı psikolojik faaliyetler
calibration activities
(Ticaret) kalibrasyon faaliyetleri
carry out trade activities
ticari faaliyette bulunmak
chaplains activities fund
(Askeri) DİN İŞLERİ TAHSİSATI: Din işleri mensuplarına ait teçhizat ve ikmal maddeleri için tahsis ve Askeri Diyanet işleri Başkanı tarafından idare edilen fon
command information activities
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK HABER FAALİYETLERİ: Askere, ordu içindeki kendi görevini ve ordunun milli savunmadaki önemini daha iyi taktir imkanı vermek için, askeri ve sivil olaylar, yaşanılan şartlar, takip olunan politika ve gösterilen faaliyetler hakkında bilgi vermek suretiyle, Kara Ordusu'nun verimini arttırmayı hedef tutan komutanlık faaliyetleri
continue one's activities
faaliyetlerini sürdürmek
counter battery activities
(Askeri) DÜŞMAN TOPÇUSU İLE MUHAREBE FAALİYETLERİ: Düşman topçusunun yerini tayin, tesirini tahdit veya kendisini tahrip maksadıyla yapılan işler
enemy activities
(Askeri) düşman faaliyetleri
engage in activities
etkinliklerde bulunmak
engage in human activities
beşeri faaliyetlerde bulunmak
enrichment activities
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) zenginleştirme etkinlikleri
general standard of economic activities in the european community
(Avrupa Birliği) (NACE) Avrupa Topluluğunda Ekonomik Faaliyetlerin Genel Sınıflandırılması (NACE)
human activities
beşeri faaliyetler
information activities
(Askeri) HABER TOPLAMA FAALİYETLERİ: Kara Ordusunun gerçek bir milli askeri programdaki rolünü, içte ve dışta, desteklemek suretiyle en iyi milli savunma gücü temini gayesi güden basın ve halkla münasebetler, kıta genel kültür ve toplum münasebetleri faaliyetleri. Bak. "community relations", "public information" ve "troop information"
intelligence related activities
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT İLE İLGİLİ AKTİVİTELER: 1. Birleştirilmiş savunma istihbarat programı dışında olan ve (a) yabancı unsurlar hakkındaki hassas bilgi için harekat komutanlarının görevlendirmesine cevap veren; (b) ilk görevi harekat halindeki kuvvetleri desteklemek olan ulusal istihbarat topluluğu görevlendirme sistemlerine cevap veren; (c) istihbarat görevleri için personeli eğiten; (d) bir istihbarat ihtiyatı temin eden veya; (e) istihbarat veya ilgili imkan ve kabiliyetlerin araştırma ve geliştirmesine ithaf edilmiş faaliyetlerdir. 2. Önde gelen görevi acilen kullanılacak hedef bilgisi sağlama haline gelen bir hedef sistemi ile yakınen bütünlenen programlar özellikle hariç tutulmuştur
key activities
(Askeri) ANA FAALİYETLER: Tayinler vesairede takip edilecek usullerin tespitinde, daha az önemli işlerden ayırt edilebilmeleri için, bu şekilde adlandırılan faaliyetler
leisure activities
özel uğraşlar
leisure activities
boş zaman etkinlikleri
menace estimation activities
(Havacılık) tehdit tahmin çalışması
mining activities
madencilik faaliyetleri
overall activities
faaliyetler bütünü
participate in activities
etkinliklerde bulunmak
psychological activities
(Askeri) PSİKOLOJİK FAALİYETLER: Yabancı halk topluluklarının heyecanını, hareket ve davranışlarını, Amerika politikası veya hedeflerinin gerçekleştirilmesi yolunda etkilemek üzere planlanıp, barışta ve harp alanları dışındaki sahalarda yürütülen faaliyetler
psychological consolidation activities
(Askeri) PSİKOLOJİK BERABERLİK VE BÜTÜNLÜK HAREKETLERİ: Savaşta ve barışta, dost kuvvetlerin kontrolu altındaki bölgelerde yerleşik sivil nüfusa yönelik, desteklenen komutanların askeri hedeflerini ve hareket serbestliğini sağlayacak arzulanan bir davranışa ulaşmayı amaçlayan planlı psikolojik faaliyetler
public information activities
(Askeri) BASIN VE HALKLA MÜNASEBETLER FAALİYETLERİ: Aşağıdaki hususları içine alan faaliyetler, gazeteler, mecmualar ve diğer serbest yayın için yayım malzemesinin hazırlanması; basın haberlerinin dağıtılması ve basın temsilcileriyle konuşmalar; radyo ile yayın için malzeme hazırlanması ve radyo temsilcileriyle temas. Devlet malı malzemenin tedarik ve satılması dışında önemli ve ödemesiz ilanların hazırlanması; sergilerin hazırlanması, açılması ve memleket içinde dolaştırılması; Hükümet içi maksatlar için kullanılanlar hariç, sinema filmleri ve projeksiyon filmleri hazırlanması; kanuni aykırılığı bulunan ve sırf hükümet içi maksatlar için yayımlanmış olanlar dışındaki yayımların hazırlanması. Buna eskiden "public relations" denirdi
quality assurance activities
(Nükleer Bilimler) kalite temini faaliyetleri
reconnaissance activities
(Askeri) koordinasyonu
sapper activities
(Askeri) İstihkam faaliyetleri
social activities
sosyal aktiviteler
social activities
sosyal etkinlikler
spare time activities
boş zaman etkinlikleri
special activities
(Askeri) ÖZEL FAALİYET BİRLİKLERİ, ÖZEL FAALİYET UNSURLARI: Bir bütün olarak Silahlı Kuvvetler yararına sağlanmış enformasyon, eğlendirme ve moral faaliyetlerini de içine almak üzere, milletlerarası, müşterek, irtibat, diplomatik, politik, araştırma veya diğer özel maksatlı faaliyetleri idare ile görevli birlik unsurları
special mission unit; supported activities supply system (SASSY) management unit
(Askeri) özel görev birliği; desteklenen faaliyetler ikmal sistemi yönetim birimi
strategic psychological activities
(Askeri) STRATEJİK PSİKOLOJİK FAALİYETLER: Harpte ve barıştaki, normal olarak dost ve tarafsız ülkelerin destek ve işbirliğini kazanmak ve düşman ve muhtemel düşman ülkelerin harbe devam istek ve kabiliyetini azaltmak amacını güden planlı psikolojik faaliyetler
supported activities supply systems
(Askeri) desteklenen faaliyetler ikmal sistemleri
tactical intelligence and related activities
(Askeri) taktik istihbarat ve ilgili faaliyetler
tactical psychological warfare activities
take part in activities
etkinliklerde bulunmak
troop information activities
(Askeri) KITA GENEL KÜLTÜR FAALİYETLERİ: Askerde; Ordu saflarında kendisine düşen görevi ve Ordu'nun yurt savunmasındaki önemini idrak kabiliyetini arttırmak için askeri ve sivil olaylar, şartlar, güdülen politika ve faaliyetler hakkında bilgi vermeyi, böylece Ordu'nun fiili gücünü arttırmayı hedef tutan komutanlık çalışmaları
undertake activities
etkinliklerde bulunmak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
the collective ventures which provide context and meaning for users' interactions with computers
The individual actions that are part of a process to achieve an objective or outcome Activities may also be measurements that, when results are analyzed and assessed, determine achievement of an objective or outcome
are individual, detailed pieces of work which are linked together within a task Activities usually must be completed within a specified time and require input of resources They are also sometimes referred to as 'sub-tasks' (see also: Work Plan; Tasks)
happenings, duties of life
Find Holy Days Make a Calendar Build a Service Find a Psalm Read the Bible Hear the Bible Pray
plural of activity
The cognitive functioning or physical actions in which students are engaged, whether by assignment or on their own initiative
Actions in the context of programming, which are both necessary and sufficient, through which inputs (financial, human, technical and material resources) are mobilized to produce specific outputs or contribute to the outcome
a) Footboard Meetings b) Incorporate safety messages on VRU c) Employee feedback through surveys d) Communicate 2001 framework plan e) Promote awareness using off the job safety topics f) Cardinal Rules awareness/blitzes g) Conduct quarterly safety meetings tracking all employee attendance throughout the year - minimum 2 meetings per employee ? ensure on the ground presentations h) Inter departmental and outside source interaction
Specific action steps that are planned to accomplish an objective
{i} things that people do for pleasure, things done by people as an interest or exercise
tasks to be done within a specified time to achieve results, usually requiring resources and incurring cost (see also: Work Plan)
The sequence of vocabulary learning activities is well designed and takes the learner incrementally from listening to the word, while viewing its accompanying graphic and the written word, to hearing the word and spelling either the singular or plural form in a context sentence without graphic or auditory aids The activities require different levels of recall on the part of the learner and gradually remove the visual aids to word spelling The activities are thus appropriate for users with different levels of knowledge as learners can choose which type of activity they want to work on for a particular set of words The activity in which the learner identifies the number of syllables in the word is particularly appropriate for Maltese because of the number of instances where a word is spelled using characters that are not pronounced so that the spelling is a misleading indicator of the number of syllables in a word
What the program does with its resources in order to fulfill its mission Activities include the strategies, techniques, and types of treatments that comprise the program's methodology (United Way of America )
A list of the broad-based interventions that are necessary to accomplish each objective
Learning alphabets and spelling
The actual events or actions that take place as a part of the program
What you do in class
are what a program does with its inputs - the services it provides - to fulfill its mission Examples are educating the public about HIV/AIDS prevention, training providers, medical examinations, tests, providing medications and therapy, specialty visits and other direct services Outputs are products of a program's activities, such as the number of providers trained, medical examinations provided, tests completed, brochures distributed, or participants served A program's outputs should produce the desired outcomes for the program's participants
Career Centers Career Cruising Chad Foster Choices Dr Max & Your Amazing Future Partner - Up Power Academy
An activity is an item that has been, or will be, scheduled by SOGS/SPSS Usually an activity is a proposed observation, but it could also be a calibration operation, scheduled dead time, or any of the activities identified by activity mnemonic SCS related term
steps in the project that consume resources and/or time
Actions that will be undertaken by the program staff in order to achieve program objectives Topic areas: Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Accountability and Evaluation, Volunteer Management
specific tasks within a project or programme For example, community nurseries, farm forestry and improved stoves can all be activities
Activities of Daily Living
{i} activities ordinarily performed day by day by the average person in a society, personal care activities of an average person essential for everyday living (such as eating, dressing, bathing and other personal care activities)
The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force; as, an increasing variety of human activities

Pit row was abuzz with activity.

something done for pleasure or entertainment, especially one involving movement or an excursion

Quilting can be a fun activity.

ultrahazardous activities
plural form of ultrahazardous activity
{n} quickness, nimbleness
extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities are activities performed by students that fall outside the realm of the normal curriculum of school or university education. Extracurricular activities exist at all levels of education, from 4th-6th, junior high/middle school, high school, college and university education. Such activities are generally voluntary as opposed to mandatory, non-paying, tend to be Athletics, social, and philanthropic as opposed to scholastic, and involve others of the same age. Students often organize and direct these activities under faculty sponsorship; although student-led initiatives - such as independent newspapers - are common
A collection of COM objects that has a single distributed logical thread of execution Every COM object belongs to one activity
A named process, function, or task that occurs over time and has recognizable results Activities use up resources to produce products and services Activities combine to form business processes [GAO]
The number of nuclear transformations occurring in a material per unit of time (see Curie and becquerel)
The rate of disintegration per second (dps), minute ( dpm) or decay of radioactive material The units of activity are the international unit, Becquerel (Bq) or the Curie (Ci)
The specific step(s) taken within each objective that meets your goal For the drinking and driving organization example (see Goal), one activity for your media campaign objective may be to write editorials to the local newspaper
In most cases, the activity involved will make the choice fairly obvious For example, a stepladder would be the choice to paint the outside walls and ceilings; an extension ladder usually is needed to paint outside If the job involves more effort than usual, or will require more time on the ladder, consider "upgrading" to a ore-efficient or capable design For example, a platform ladder in place of a stepladder
Each function of an agency may be broken down into a number of 'activities', a term used in the sense of a class of actions that are taken in accomplishing a specific function The activities in turn may be broken down into a number of transactions See Function
the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; "the level of activity declines with age"
A set of actions through which inputs such as commodities, technical assistance and training are mobilized to produce specific outputs such as vaccinations given, schools built, and micro-enterprise loans issued Activities are undertaken to achieve "strategic," "special," or "strategic support" objectives that have been formally approved and notified to Congress
(chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity"
a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings); "the action of natural forces"; "volcanic activity"
A measure of the chemical potential of a substance, where chemical potential is not equal to concentration, that allows mathematical relations equivalent to those for ideal systems to be used to correlate changes in an experimentally measured quantity with changes in chemical potential
A named process, function, or task that occurs over time and has recognizable results Activities use up assigned resources to produce products and services Activities combine to form business processes
The activity of a dissolved species in solution is the "effective" concentration of that species
Work carried out by W3C is organized into different Activities Each Activity has been reviewed by the Advisory Committee and approved by the Director
The activity of an ion species is its thermodynamic equivalent concentration; i e , the ion concentration corrected for the deviation from ideal behavior caused by the interionic attraction of ions It is this interaction between ions which tends to cause the electrical conductivity of a solution to be less than that predicted from the number of ions present Only at infinite dilution are the ions completely free of the influence of other ions in solution Ionic activity is used in expressing the variation of electrode potentials and other electrochemical phenomena (e g , SP) At low concentrations, the chemical activity of a solution of a given salt is roughly proportional to its salt content; i e , roughly proportional to its conductivity or inversely to its resistivity In concentrated solutions, the relation between conductivity and concentration is complex and depends on individual solute properties
The number of nuclear transitions occurring in a given quantity of radioactive material per unit of time For example one disintegration/second is a becquerel (Bq), which has replaced curie (Ci) as the standard unit of activity
The number of nuclear disintegration's occurring per unit of time in a quantity of a radioactive substance Activity is measured in Curies or Becquerels Often used loosely to mean radioactivity
A name process, function, or task that occurs over time and has recognizable results Activities combined to form business processes A task or series of tasks performed over a period of time
A measure of the number of disintegrations of a radioactive nuclide per unit of time; reported in units of curies or becquerels
A specific line of work performed to accomplish a function for which a governmental unit is responsible This designation is required by the State Controller Example: "Protective Inspection" is an activity performed in discharging the "Public Protection" function
an organic process that takes place in the body; "respiratory activity"
An element of work performed during the course of a project An activity normally has an expected duration, an expected cost, and expected resource requirements Activities are often subdivided into tasks
Actions taken or work performed in a project to produce specific outputs by using inputs, such as funds, technical assistance and other types of resources
the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action"
An element of work performed during the course of a project An activity normally has an expected duration , an expected cost, and expected resource requirementts Activities can be subdivided into tasks
A specific line of work carried on by a governmental unit in order to perform its function as specified by constitutional, statutory, or administrative fiat
Portion of the rest-activity cycle that is spent out of bed (i e , from activity onset until bedrest onset)
The effective concentration of a chemical based on thermodynamic considerations Activity and concentration have the same units and have the same value in very dilute solutions
House Un-American Activities Committee
the full name of HUAC. Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, established in 1938 under Martin Dies as chairman, that conducted investigations through the 1940s and '50s into alleged communist activities. Those investigated included many artists and entertainers, including the Hollywood Ten, Elia Kazan, Pete Seeger, Bertolt Brecht, and Arthur Miller. Richard Nixon was an active member in the late 1940s, and the committee's most celebrated case was perhaps that of Alger Hiss. Its actions resulted in several contempt-of-Congress convictions and the blacklisting of many who refused to answer its questions. Highly controversial for its tactics, it was criticized for violating First Amendment rights. Its influence had waned by the 1960s; in 1969 it was renamed the Internal Security Committee, and in 1975 it was dissolved
House Un-American Activities Committee
committee set up during the late 1940s and early 1950s in the U.S. House of Representatives to investigate citizens that were thought to be communists, HUAC
any specific activity; "they avoided all recreational activity" (chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity
The activities of a group are the things that they do in order to achieve their aims. a jail term for terrorist activities. activity coefficient displacement activity optical activity
Activity is a situation in which a lot of things are happening or being done. an extraordinary level of activity in the government bonds market. the electrical activity of the brain
any specific activity; "they avoided all recreational activity"
An activity is something that you spend time doing. You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching
{i} state of being active; specific act, pursuit, undertaking; action, bustle; spryness, liveliness; something that a person does for pleasure or as an interest
Use (of internet, playstation, bank account etc.)
(chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity
something done as an action or a movement
(Ticaret) A discrete unit of work that consumes organizational resources
bill of activities
(Ticaret) In activity-based costing, a list of the activities and associated costs used by a cost object (product, department, etc.)
daily activities
{i} daily functions, activities carried out on a daily basis
electioneering activities
campaign work done to promote the success of a candidate or party
extracurricular activities
Organized activities that are not a part of your course work, such as clubs, sport teams, music lessons and volunteer or paid jobs
extracurricular activities
Special consideration in the admissions process given for participation in both school and nonschool-related activities of interest to the college, such as clubs, hobbies, student government, athletics, performing arts, etc
extracurricular activities
Special consideration in the admissions process given for participation in both school- and nonschool-related activities of interest to the college, such as clubs, hobbies, student government, athletics, performing arts, etc
extracurricular activities
Activities that occur outside the classroom
extracurricular activities
Special consideration in the admissions process given for participation in both school and non-school-related activities of interest to the college, such as clubs, hobbies, student government, athletics, performing arts, etc
extracurricular activities
Any non-credit activities that are sponsored by the high school for students This includes such things as sports teams, students' council, and school band
involved in criminal activities
criminal, involved in illegal activities
operating activities
Transactions that involve a company's major lines of business and that directly determine the company's net income
operating activities
Transactions entering into the determination of net income, with the exception of gains and losses relating to financing or investing activities The category includes such transactions as selling goods or services, earning investment income, and incurring costs and expenses The cash effects of these transactions are reflected in the operating activities section of a cash flow statement (See Refer to page 523)
operating activities
The activities of the company that involve the sale of goods and services to customers
operating activities
Transactions that enter into the calculation of net income; operating activities affect the income statement
operating activities
Transactions and events that enter into the determination of net income
recreational activities
entertaining activities

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    /akˈtəvətēz/ /ækˈtɪvətiːz/


    ... archive of data about all police activities in New York. ...
    ... Activities that people think of as the most mundane are revolutionized by intellectual ...