
listen to the pronunciation of activate
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{f} etkinleştirmek
etkin hale getirmek
aktive etmek
(Askeri) faaliyete geçirmek
harekete geçmek

O hiçbir şeyi etkinleştirmedi. - He activated nothing.

Bu iş çok ağır ve tek bir kadın için yorucu. Robotumu etkinleştireceğim. - This work is too heavy and exhausting for a single woman. I will activate my robot!

etkili hale getirmek
harekete geçirmek
(Tıp) Gelişimini tecrübe ışığı altında canlandırmak (verimsiz bir yumurta hakkında), etkin (faal) hale getirmek
faal hale getirmek
(Tıp) Kamçılamak, hızlandırmak (hazım, v.s.)
{f} kurmak (birlik)
(Tıp) Reaksiyon gücünü artırmak (moleküller hakkında)
(Tıp) Etkinleştirmek, faaliyetini yükseltmek (enzim hakkında)
{f} aktif hale getirmek
(Askeri) FAAL HALE GETİRMEK, HİZMETE HAZIRLAMAK: Faal olmayan veya yedek durumunda bulunan bir gemi veya küçük deniz aracını faal hizmete hazırlamak
aktif hale getir

O bir hesabı aktif hale getirdi. - She activated an account.

(İnşaat) harekete geçirme
(Nükleer Bilimler) etkinleştirme

O hiçbir şeyi etkinleştirmedi. - He activated nothing.

(Bilgisayar) aktif etme
activate as
(Bilgisayar) etkinleştirme şekli
activate as
(Bilgisayar) etkinleştir
activate as
(Bilgisayar) etkinleştirileceği
activate as
(Bilgisayar) etkinleştirilecek
activate ruler
(Bilgisayar) cetveli etkinleştir
activate to
activate a window
(Bilgisayar) pencere etkinleştir
activate a window
pencereyi etkinleştirmek
activate contents
(Bilgisayar) içerik etkinleştir
activate contents
(Bilgisayar) içeriği etkinleştir
activate ime
(Bilgisayar) ıme başlat
activate next
(Bilgisayar) etkinleş sonraki
activate object
(Bilgisayar) nesne etkinleştir
activate prev
(Bilgisayar) etkinleş önceki
activate ruler
activate scope
(Bilgisayar) kapsamı etkinleştir
activate server
(Bilgisayar) sunucuyu etkinleştir
activate task list
(Bilgisayar) etkin görev listesi
activate this window
(Bilgisayar) bu pencereyi etkinleştirir
(Tıp) Etkinleştirilmiş, aktive edilmiş
(Bilgisayar) etkin

Bir şekilde onu kazayla etkinleştirdim. - Somehow I accidently activated it.

O, hesabı etkin hale getirdi. - She activated the account.

(Askeri) devreye girme
(Askeri) hizmete sokma
(Askeri) uygulama

Bir yönetici hesabınızı aktif ettikten sonra onay e-postası alacaksınız. - You will receive a confirmation email after your account has been activated by an administrator.

O bir hesabı aktif hale getirdi. - She activated an account.

{i} faal
{f} aktif hale getir
harekete geçirdi
aktif hale getirir

Size bir etkinleştirme bağlantısı olan bir e-posta gönderdik. - We sent you an email with an activation link.

to activate
{f} hareket
(Tıp) Radyoaktif hale getirilmiş
{f} harekete geçir: adj.harekete geçirilmiş
harekete geçir
tahrik olmuş
(Tekstil) aktivasyon
faal hale getirme
{i} harekete geçirme
lâğım sularının hava ve bakterilerle temas ettirilmesi sonucunda temiz su haline getirilmesi
(Tıp) a) Etkinleştirme, aktivasyon: Platinsünger gibi bir katalizörün ısı veya diğer bir vasıta ile aktifkılınması veya rejenere edilmesi. b) Moleküller arası enerjiyi; kimya reaksiyonlarına baş vurmadan artırma metodu
{i} harekete geçme, hareketlenme
{i} harekete geçirme, hareketlendirme
{i} aktifleştirme
(Nükleer Bilimler) ışınırlık,aktivasyon,aktifleme
(Tıp) Katalizör: "Activation" sağlayan madde: Aktivatör: a) "Flotation" metodunda minerallerin ayrılmasını kolaylaştıran madde (mesela kurşun karbonat filizleri için sodyum sülfit: "Blende" Zn için bakır sülfat aktivatör rol oynar). b) "Zymogen", "proenzyms" ve "proferment"leri gerçek veya aktif mayalar haline geçirmek için kullanılan kimyasal maddeler (asitler, bazlar ve tuzlar gibi). c) Organizmada bir fonksiyonu kamçılamak için kullanılan madde (mesela kolestrin ve balık yağı paratiroid bezini, "enterokinase" pankreas özsuyunda bulunan "trypsinogen"i kamçılar)
(Askeri) BAKALİT KAPSÜL: Mayınların tuzaklanma işinde kullanılan birleşik kapsül ve adaptör
devre motoru
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To turn on
To put into action, to put to work
To turn on, supply power, or enable systems, equipment, or devices to become active by normal control means Examples include turning on the gas or water supply valves to the fixtures and appliances and activating electrical breakers or fuses
To prevent fraud, many card issuers require you to call them when you receive your new card in the mail to verify that the correct person has received it Until proper ownership is confirmed, the card may not be activated
To validate the contents of a policy set and make it the active policy set
put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"
To open an OLE object in its source application so that you can explore or change the object If an object is activated in place, it opens in the window in which it is linked or embedded, and the toolbars and menus of the source application merge with those in the window PowerPlay
To bring an issue into focus The person must have attention on it and there must be something unresolved about it
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
In GRADE diagrams, you can activate a symbol by clicking on it with your left mouse button Activation is usually the initial step before resizing or repositioning a symbol, deleting or copying it or changing its contents An activated symbol appears in a red frame (In the context of prototyping, activation has a different meaning; see also Activation path )
The process by which a surface applied herbicide becomes phytotoxic after a rainfall Activation results from movement of the herbicide into the soil where it can be absorbed by seeds of weed seedlings, and not from any chemical change in the active ingredient
- to change a site in a webring in the WebRing com system from suspended status to active status This is done on the Manage Member Pages page
(1) to accelerate a reaction or increase chemical activity such as to moisten a dry water-based adhesive to bring its adhesive qualities to usefulness
To restore the normal alarming capability of a device which was previously locked out The opposite of lock out
Motif Style Guide: To initiate the activity associated with a choice
To make a window active by bringing it to the front
make more adsorptive; "activate a metal"
To point with the mouse pointer and double-click, successfully causing something to happen
To move a server from the inactive (unavailable) state to the state in which it is up and running (active)
To activate is to set in motion; to make active
In this document, the verb "to activate" means (depending on context) either: To execute or carry out one or more behaviors associated with an enabled element To execute or carry out one or more behaviors associated with a component of the user agent user interface The effect of activation depends on the type of enabled element or user interface control For instance, when a link is activated, the user agent generally retrieves the linked Web resource When a form element is activated, it may change state (e g , check boxes) or may take user input (e g , a text entry field)
student record is marked active in the system Student assessments may be recorded and the record may be viewed All student records are active by default
aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter
Building command that triggers a command with a mouse-click
make (substances) radioactive
A widget is usually activated when you release a mouse button while pointing at an armed widget
To initiate the activity associated with a choice
To begin or turn on the operation of a feature
OSF/Motif Style Guide: To initiate the activity associated with a choice
The process of validating the contents of a policy set and copying the policy set to the ACTIVE policy set
When objects are activated their mailbox flag is set to "on"
To make active
make active or more active; "activate an old file" make (substances) radioactive aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter make more adsorptive; "activate a metal
make active or more active; "activate an old file"
make (substances) radioactive aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter make more adsorptive; "activate a metal
Put into action
Put to work
If a device or process is activated, something causes it to start working. Video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement. a voice-activated computer. + activation ac·ti·va·tion A computer controls the activation of an air bag. to make an electrical system or chemical process start working   deactivate
{f} set in motion, make active, start; speed up a reaction (Chemistry); make radioactive (Physics)
Turn on
Making active and effective
The process of making a radioisotope by bombarding a stable element with neutrons or protons
Any chemical or agent which regulates one or more genes by increasing the rate of transcription
A status which indicates that a wire transfer beneficiary (recipient) has been confirmed by Chase Wire transfer instructions can be initiated once a wire transfer beneficiary (recipient) is "activated "
rendered active; e
(of sewage) treated with aeration and bacteria to aid decomposition
This means a pager number has been assigned (programmed to) the capcode on a pager and the pager is now capable of receiving messages
set up and placed on active assignment; "a newly activated unit"
Condition of a compound of mixture having higher chemical activity than normally found
past of activate
set up and placed on active assignment; "a newly activated unit" rendered active; e
rendered active; e g rendered radioactive or luminescent or photosensitive or conductive
a molecule; made reactive or more reactive (of sewage) treated with aeration and bacteria to aid decomposition
rendered radioactive or luminescent or photosensitive or conductive of e
of e g a molecule; made reactive or more reactive
third-person singular of activate
{i} act of setting in motion, making active
present participle of activate
the activity of causing to have energy and be active
causing motion or action or change
A process by which an immune system cell is "switched on" to deal with an infection
Elimination of a passive condition on a surface
The changing of a passive surface of a metal to a chemically active state Contrast with passivation
The activation Quartz crystal can be recognized by an inclined window located on the side (right or left) of the primary face of the crystal A left activation window increases the performance of left brain functions while a right activation increases, stimulates and enhances the performance of the right brain Using both can bring a melding and synthesis of the left and right brain
Viruses that have damage routines will activate when certain conditions are met, for example, on a certain date or when a particular action is taken by the user Viruses without damage routines don't activate, instead causing damage by stealing storage space (see Discovery)
The process of preparing an object for execution
Configuration of a wireless phone so that it is ready to be used to transmit and receive calls on the wireless network
- When a metal is exposed to radiation, its composition can change by picking up additional neutrons and becoming a totally different isotope that is radioactively unstable
the activity of causing to have energy and be active
An ActiveX and OLE term meaning to place an object in a running state, which includes binding the object, or to invoke a method of the object See also binding
An abstract concept in cognitive psychology used to refer to the availability of information; sometimes thought of in terms of neural excitation (Anderson)
Sends a very similar command to the card that DIRECTV sends when activating programming, except it activates all the channels that could normally be subscribed to (hence PPV's, etc are not opened) DirecTV combats Activation by constantly sending down "wipe" commands, which clears the extra programming information from cards
treatment of a substance by heat, radiation, or activating reagent to produce a more complete or rapid chemical or physical change
Request for a Hyperbole button to perform its action Ordinarily the user presses a key which selects and activates a button
The changing of the passive surface of a metal to a chemically active state Contrast with passivation
Is any process by which high surface area is created In the instance of activated charcoal, activation is accomplished by firing in the absence of oxygen, which burns off volatiles, leaving voids and vacuoles In the case of alumina, the activation is formed by driving water from the crystal state to the vapor state
The implementation of business continuity procedures, activities and plans in response to a Business Continuity Emergency, Event, Incident and/or Crisis (E / I / C) See: Invocation
The chain of events that results in the creation of a COM object and the return of a valid pointer to an interface on that object In COM+, an object gets activated either in its own context or in that of its creator (an object that has requested the object being activated) COM+ services rely on appropriate activation of an object based on the object's configuration In the course of activation, the system determines the context in which the object runs, initializes the context properties, checks access permissions, and establishes a security identity See also activation security, activation type, context, Just-in-Time (JIT) Activation
The process of making an email address ready to use for transfers Whenever a new email address is entered, either as a Primary Email Address or an Alias, it must first be activated The Relay first sends a message to the specified email address, which describes the activation process and provides an activation code Next, the user visits the website and enters the email address and its activation code If all the credentials match, then the email address is activated and can be used with the Vortex Protocol Account activation is crucial to prevent unauthorized access to email accounts and prevents many forms of fraud
An issue or a loaded area that wasn't active has been activated, either by life or by the process facilitator It must be activated to be resolved
OSF/Motif Style Guide: The process of initiating the activity associated with a choice
Programming of a wireless phone so that it is ready to be used to transmit and receive calls on the wireless network
{i} turning on, making active, setting in motion
making active and effective (as a bomb) stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical
A unit can be activated once in a turn An activated unit can either expend accumulated CP by performing actions such as movement or firing, or it can perform no actions and instead accumulate another CP A unit which chooses to accumulate another CP is assumed to be engaged in planning and coordinating their next move
making active and effective (as a bomb)
The process of transferring an enterprise bean from secondary storage to memory (See passivation )
stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical
The execution of an action Contrast: activation [OMA]
A substance that contains wallpaper adhesives to improve bond plus additives to increase slip and work time for easier installations
Activators are additives to the compost pile which contain a nitrogen source or sugars Their purpose is to increase microbial activity Generally, adequate nitrogen organic waste is the only activator needed If you have insufficient nitrogen, a substance like cottonseed meal may be added to encourage decomposition
A form designed to enable NRC clients to transmit information about a debt to NRC to begin the collection process By using the activator to transmit debt information, the client does not need to submit (or copy) original debt information to begin the collection process With paper-based NRC systems, the activator resembles a check in a one-write accounting system With the electronic Tandem Online program, the activator is completed online and immediately transmitted to NRC for collection
Compound added to flux to increase flux efficacy - often a halide or a weak organic acid (removes oxide)
A removable growth guidance orthodontic appliance,originally developed by Pierre Robin,Viggo Andresen and Karl Haupl,with later modifications by Schwarz,Bimler, Balters,Franker, Fleischer-Peters,etc Also called a functional appliance
A substance that is used in a dye bath to fix the dye It raises the alkalinity of the dye bath to enable the necessary chemical reaction An example is the use of Soda Ash with fiber reactive dyes
(1) a chemical used to accelerate a reaction or increase chemical activity in another material; (2) in photography, a high pH solution which allows diffusion of the developer into the film emulsion for development of the image
The object responsible for activating another object
A substance added in small quantity to promote the activity of a majority ingredient Often, trace cupric materials are added to zinc sulfide reflective paints to enhance brilliance
(biology) any agency bringing about activation; a molecule that increases the activity of an enzyme or a protein that increases the production of a gene product in DNA transcription
{i} one who activates, one who sets something in motion
any agent that induces activity In acid perms an activator is mixed with the perm lotion immediately before application to make it work properly
A chemical added to a pesticide to increase its activity
Used in composting to stimulate biological activity Because they are usually high in nitrogen, activators feed microorganism; they might also contain other decay organisms which become introduced to the compost via the activator
A diluted paste material used by some to activate pre-pasted wallpaper Claims to improve slip and adhesion
One who, or that which, activates
substance that enhances the ability of a flux to remove oxides and other contaminants from surfaces being joined
The curing agent of a two component coating system
plural of activator
A substance that enhances the ability of a flux to remove oxides and other contaminants from surfaces being joined