
listen to the pronunciation of abd
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(abbr. for Amerika Birleşik Devletleri) U.S.A. (United States of America)

They elected him President of the USA. - Onlar onu ABD Başkanı seçtiler.

A passenger airplane took off for the USA. - Bir yolcu uçağı ABD'ye havalandı.


Lincoln set out to abolish slavery in the United States. - Lincoln ABD'de köleliğin kaldırılması için yola çıktı.

They wanted to ban slavery everywhere in the United States. - ABD'nin her yerinde köleliği yasaklamak istediler.

(Argo) uncle sam
united states

He ordered the book from the publisher in the United States. - Kitabı ABD'deki yayıncıdan sipariş verdi.

In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United States. - 1860'ta Lincoln, ABD başkanlığına seçildi.


I can't believe he renounced his U.S. citizenship. - Ben onun ABD vatandaşlığından vazgeçtiğine inanamıyorum.

The Grand Canyon is one of the most popular places in the USA. - Büyük Kanyon ABD'deki en popüler yerlerden biridir.

human being

The U.S. gun homicide rate is 15 times higher than other populous, high income countries. - ABD silahlı cinayet oranı diğer yoğun nüfuslu, yüksek gelirli ülkelere göre 15 kat daha yüksektir.

The U.S. gun ownership rate is the highest in the world. - ABD'deki silah sahiplik oranı, dünyanın en yükseğidir.


In the U.S., you usually have to show identification in order to buy alcohol. - ABD'de, genellikle alkol satın almak için kimlik göstermek zorundasınız.

abd ilçe
ABD Atlantik Deniz
(Askeri) Commander, Naval Air Force, Atlantic
ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığı
(Hukuk) US Department of State
ABD Genel Kurmay Başkanlığı
(Askeri) Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
ABD Genel Kurmay Başkanlığı-Halkla İlişkiler
(Askeri) Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-Public Affairs
ABD Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı
(Askeri) Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
ABD Kara Kuvvetleri ana depo komutanlığı
(Askeri) major United States Army reserve commands
ABD Kıtası, Kıta Amerikası
(Askeri) continental United States
ABD Merkez Komutanlığı Dz.K.K
(Askeri) Commander, United States Marine Forces, Central Command
ABD Merkez Komutanlığı Dz.K.K
(Askeri) Commander, United States Navy, Central Command
ABD Merkez Komutanlığı Hv.K.K
(Askeri) Commander, United States Air Force, Central Command
ABD Merkez Komutanlığı K.K.K
(Askeri) Commander, United States Army Forces, Central Command
ABD Müşterek Askeri İstişare Grubu
(Askeri) Joint United States Military Advisory Group
ABD Savunma Muhabere Kuruluşu; Savunma İşbirliği Anlaşması; mukabil hava savunma
(Askeri) Defense Communications Agency; Defense Cooperation Agreements; defensive counterair; dual-capable aircraft
ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Ajansı; milli deniz ulaştırma makamı;
(Askeri) National Security Agency; national shipping authority; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Standardization Agency
ABD Ulusal Havacılık Ve Uzay Dairesi
(Askeri) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ABD Ulusal Standartlar Bürosu
(Askeri) National Bureau of Standards
abd'li yönetici
(Ticaret) american manager
Avrupa'daki ABD Deniz Kuvvetleri Başkomutanı
(Askeri) Commander in Chief, United States Naval Forces, Europe
Avrupa'daki ABD Kara Kuvvetleri Başkomutanı
(Askeri) Commander in Chief, United States Army, Europe
Başkanın (ABD) Yabancı İstihbarat İstişare Kurulu
(Askeri) President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Dört Taraflı (ABD, İngiltere, Kanada, Avustralya) Standartlaştırma Anlaşması
(Askeri) quadripartite standardization agreement
Güvenlik Harekat Müfrezesi (ABD Sahil Güvenlik (USCG) )
(Askeri) Law Enforcement Detachment (USCG)
Harekat Bilgisayar Merkezi (ABD Sahil Güvenlik (USCG))
(Askeri) Operations Computer Center (USCG)
Lojistik Araç Sistemi (ABD Deniz Piyade Birliği (USMC))
(Askeri) Logistics Vehicle System (USMC)
harekat merkezi (ABD Sahil Güvenlik (USCG))
(Askeri) operations center (USCG)
veri adaptörü hava-uzay sapması; veri yöneticisi; Kara Kuvvetleri Bakanlığı (ABD
(Askeri) data adapter aerospace drift; data administrator; Department of the Army; direct action; Directorate for Administration (DIA); double agent
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
All but dissertation: A description of the status of a doctoral student who has completed all PhD degree requirements except the doctoral dissertation

The most common reason for such episodes is that a student takes a job before completing a thesis, usually after attaining ABD (all but dissertation) status.

{i} Arabic name
Abu Ali al Husayn ibn Abd Allah ibn Sina Mawlana Nur al Din Abd al Rahman ibn Ahmad Saud ibn Abd al Aziz al Faysal Al Saud Abd al Malik ibn Marwan Abd al Mu'min ibn Ali Abd al Rahman III Abd al Samad Abd Allah ibn Muhammad al Tai'ishi Abd el Krim Muhammad ibn Abd al Karim al KhaTTabi Muhammad Abd al Rauf al Qudwah al Husayni Bukhari Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Ismail al Abu Zayd Abd al Rahman ibn Khaldun Abd al Aziz ibn Abd al Rahman ibn Faysal Al Muhammad Ahmad ibn al Sayyid Abd Allah Jamal Abd al Nasir Abd al Wahhab ibn Ahmad Shafii Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Idris al Wahhab Muhammad ibn Abd al Yasin Abd al Salam Abd al Qadir ibn Muhyi al Din ibn MusTafa al Hasani al Jazairi Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Abd Allah al Lawati al tanji ibn BaTTuTah
Abandoned interval due to no available train or no crew
"All but degree" or "all but dissertation" - Not a formal degree; applies to someone who has completed all the requirements for a Ph D except the dissertation Action Research A way of generating research about a social system while simultaneously attempting to change that system Action research seeks both to understand and to alter the problems generated by social systems
All But Dissertation
A prefix used in many Muslim male names in conjunction with a divine attribute of God, meaning "servant " Examples include Abd-Allah ("servant of God"), Abd al-Rahman ("servant of the Most Merciful"), and Abd al-Khaliq ("servant of the Creator")
[Arabic] son of
in Arabic = slave or servant, as Abd-Allah (servant of God), Abd-el-Kader (servant of the Mighty One), Abdul-Latif (servant of the Gracious One), etc
Roland automatic blanket washing device
Automatic Baud Rate Detection See baud rate
Aged, Blind or Disabled Refers to the SSA eligibility programs for these populations For many states, also refers to a type of categorical eligibility for Medicaid
Abductor ABS - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Stryrene (plastic) AD - Arm drive ADD - Adductor ADJ - Adjustable ADPT - Adapter AH - Adjustable Height AI - Airless Insert (see also FFI) AIO - All-In-One ALR - Articulating Legrest ALUM - Aluminum AMH - Adjustable Mounting Hardware ANO - Anodized ASB - Adjustable Sliding Back ASSM - Assembly AT - Anti-tip
Abd Allah
or Abdullahi born 1846, Sudan died Nov. 24, 1899, Kordofan Political and religious leader who succeeded Muammad Amad (al-Mahd) as head of the Mahdist movement in the Sudan in 1885. He launched attacks against the Ethiopians and invaded Egypt, securing his position by 1891. In 1896 Anglo-Egyptian forces began to reconquer the Sudan. Abd Allh resisted until 1898, when he was forced to flee Omdurman. He died in battle one year later
Abd Allah ibn Muhammad al-Tai'ishi
or Abdullahi born 1846, Sudan died Nov. 24, 1899, Kordofan Political and religious leader who succeeded Muammad Amad (al-Mahd) as head of the Mahdist movement in the Sudan in 1885. He launched attacks against the Ethiopians and invaded Egypt, securing his position by 1891. In 1896 Anglo-Egyptian forces began to reconquer the Sudan. Abd Allh resisted until 1898, when he was forced to flee Omdurman. He died in battle one year later
Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan
born 646/647, Medina, Arabia died Oct. 705, Damascus Fifth caliph (685-705) of the Umayyad dynasty. Abd al-Malik was forced to flee his hometown of Medina during an uprising against Umayyad rule in 683. Two years later he succeeded to the caliphate and with the help of his infamous lieutenant al-Hajjj ibn Ysuf began a seven-year campaign to defeat all rebellions against the Umayyads and reunify the Muslim world. He resumed the conquest of North Africa, winning the Berbers to his side and capturing Carthage (697) from the Byzantine Empire. His good relations with the clergy of Medina led many to abandon their opposition to the Umayyads. He made Arabic the language of government throughout his domains, struck Islamic gold coins to replace Byzantine ones, and built the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
Abd al-Mu'min ibn Ali
born 1094, Tgr, kingdom of the ammdids died 1163, Rabat, Almohad empire Berber caliph (1130-63) of the Almohad dynasty. Around 1117 he fell under the sway of Ibn Tmart, founder of the Almohad religious movement, and joined him in opposing to the ruling Almoravid dynasty. He succeeded Ibn Tmart on the latter's death in 1130 and for the next 17 years carried on the struggle against the Almoravids. After defeating them at Marrakech in 1147, he massacred many of the city's inhabitants, made Marrakech his home base, and conquered all of North Africa west of Egypt
Abd al-Rahman
born January 891 died Oct. 15, 961, Córdoba, Andalusian Spain First caliph and greatest ruler of the Umayyad Arab Muslim dynasty of Spain. He succeeded his grandfather Abd Allh as emir of Córdoba in 912. He set out immediately to subdue Muslim rebels in their mountain fortresses, which became an annual task until the Umayyad's took Toledo in 933. Addressing the Christian threat to the north, he led the campaigns of Muez (920) and Navarra (924). In 928 he declared himself caliph. By 958 he had Christian kings paying him homage. During his rule, Córdoba was exemplary for its social, political, and cultural development; Christian and Jewish communities flourished, and the city's fame rivaled that of the Byzantine capital, Constantinople
Abd al-Salam Yasin
born 1928 Moroccan religious leader. A former school inspector fluent in English and French, he began practicing Sufism in the 1960s. By the early 1970s he had adopted a more political view of Islam and was influenced by the writings of the Egyptian Islamists asan al-Bann and Sayyid Qutb. After sending a letter to the king of Morocco advocating the establishment of an Islamic state a consistent theme in his work he was confined to a mental institution (1974-77), and in 1986 he founded a movement, Charity and Justice. From 1989 he was under house arrest
Abd al-Samad
flourished 16th century Persian miniature painter. Born in Iran, he traveled to India and became one of the first members of the imperial atelier there. Through their teachings in India, he and fellow countryman Mr Sayyid Al played a strong role in the foundation of the school of Mughal painting. Abd al-amad supervised the majority of illustrations in the Mughal manuscript Dstn-e Amr amzeh, or Hamzanama, which included about 1,400 paintings. Favoured at court, in 1576 he was appointed master of the mint, and in 1584 he was made dwn (revenue commissioner) of Multan
Abd el-Krim
in full Muammad ibn Abd al-Karm al-Khab born 1882, Ajdir, Mor. died Feb. 6, 1963, Cairo, Egypt Berber resistance leader against Spanish and French rule in northern Morocco. He was chief Muslim judge for Morocco's Melilla district. He became disillusioned with Spanish policies and eventually led a resistance movement with his brother. He set up the Republic of the Rif in 1921 and became its president. In 1926 he was forced to surrender when faced by a combined French and Spanish army. Exiled to the island of Réunion, in 1947 he received permission to live in France but took asylum in Egypt while en route. When Morocco became independent (1956), Muhammad V invited him to return, but he refused because of the continued presence of French troops in North Africa
Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Idris al- Shafii
born , 767, Arabia died Jan. 20, 820, Al-Fus, Egypt Muslim legal scholar and founder of the Shfiiyyah school of law. A distant relative of Muhammad, he was brought up in poverty in Mecca and studied with Islamic scholars across Arabia and the Levant. His great contribution was the creation of a synthesis of Islamic legal thought that put into coherent form many familiar but unsystematized ideas. He dealt primarily with the identification of the sources of Islamic law and their application to contemporary events. His book, the Rislah ( 817), earned him the title "father of Muslim jurisprudence
Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Ismail al- Bukhari
born July 19, 810, Bukhara, Central Asia died Aug. 31, 870, Khartank, near Samarkand Muslim compiler and scholar of Hadth. He began his study as a child in Central Asia and traveled as far as Mecca and Cairo to learn about Muhammad and his utterances. Of the 600,000 traditions he collected, he deemed 7,275 authentic and included them in Kitb al-jmi al-a ("Entirety of the Genuine"). His Kitb al-tarkh al-kabr ("The Great History") contains biographies of those who passed on the oral traditions from the days of the Prophet to Bukhr's own era
Abu Abd Allah al- Shafii
born , 767, Arabia died Jan. 20, 820, Al-Fus, Egypt Muslim legal scholar and founder of the Shfiiyyah school of law. A distant relative of Muhammad, he was brought up in poverty in Mecca and studied with Islamic scholars across Arabia and the Levant. His great contribution was the creation of a synthesis of Islamic legal thought that put into coherent form many familiar but unsystematized ideas. He dealt primarily with the identification of the sources of Islamic law and their application to contemporary events. His book, the Rislah ( 817), earned him the title "father of Muslim jurisprudence
Gamal Abd al-Nasser
(1918-1970) Egyptian army officer and political leader, second president of Egypt (1956-1970)
Muhammad ibn Abd al- Wahhab
born 1703, Uyaynah, Arabia died 1792, Al-Diryah Islamic theologian and founder of the Wahhb movement. Educated in Medina, he spent several years teaching in Iraq and Iran. He reacted against what he perceived as the extremism of various sects of Sufism, setting out his ideas in the Book of Unity (1736). He stressed a conservative observation of Islam, rejecting polytheism and condemning reverence of saints and the decoration of mosques. His views were controversial; eventually he settled in Nejd, where, in alliance with Ibn Sad, his teachings found favour and grew dominant
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kul, köle, Allah'ın kulu. Mahluk, insan. Hizmetçi. (Hür'ün zıddı). "Abd kelimesi Allah'ın bazı isimleriyle birleştirilerek erkek isimleri meydana getirilir. Abdullah (Allah'ın kulu). Abdulbâki (Ebedi olan Allah'ın kulu) gibi. Bu isimleri taşıyan insanlar buna lâyık olmaya çalışmalıdırlar
(Hukuk) Köle
(Osmanlı Dönemi) kul, köle, hizmetçi
merkür, ikimizin hikâyesi, 6. his, içimdeki çocuk gibi filmleriyle tanınmış abd'
BRUCE WiLLiS: şifre
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(Askeri) hava üssü savunması (airbase defense)