a room set aside for the use of staff

listen to the pronunciation of a room set aside for the use of staff
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Between lessons, the teachers relaxed in the staffroom.

a room set aside for the use of staff

    Расстановка переносов

    a room SET a·side for the use of staff

    Турецкое произношение

    ı rum set ısayd fôr dhi yus ıv stäf


    /ə ˈro͞om ˈset əˈsīd ˈfôr ᴛʜē ˈyo͞os əv ˈstaf/ /ə ˈruːm ˈsɛt əˈsaɪd ˈfɔːr ðiː ˈjuːs əv ˈstæf/