a jewish house of study where the study of the torah is undertaken

listen to the pronunciation of a jewish house of study where the study of the torah is undertaken
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
beth hamidrash
a jewish house of study where the study of the torah is undertaken

    Расстановка переносов

    a Jew·ish House of stu·dy where the stu·dy of the To·rah I·s undertaken

    Турецкое произношение

    ı cuîş haus ıv stʌdi hwer dhi stʌdi ıv dhi tôrı îz ʌndırteykın


    /ə ˈʤo͞oəsʜ ˈhous əv ˈstədē ˈhwer ᴛʜē ˈstədē əv ᴛʜē ˈtôrə əz ˈəndərˌtākən/ /ə ˈʤuːɪʃ ˈhaʊs əv ˈstʌdiː ˈhwɛr ðiː ˈstʌdiː əv ðiː ˈtɔːrə ɪz ˈʌndɜrˌteɪkən/