Ein kalter Regen ging über der Stadt nieder.
- A cold rain fell over the city.
Ein kalter Wind wehte.
- A cold wind was blowing.
Er viel een koude regen in de stad.
- A cold rain fell over the city.
De jaren 1950 worden overheerst door een koude oorlog tussen Oost en West.
- The 1950s are characterized through a cold war between east and west.
Pillé un resfriado y estuve en cama ayer.
- I caught a cold and was in bed yesterday.
No quería coger un resfriado, así que no fui a esquiar.
- I didn't want to catch a cold, so I didn't go skiing.
J'ai attrapé un rhume et j'ai de la fièvre.
- I caught a cold, and I have a fever.
J'ai attrapé un rhume.
- I have caught a cold.
... a quit attempt if you started with patches when you look floor heavy cold ...