"Nothing " The Zen nothingness or emptyness This principle is often used in the Japanese martial arts to make one clear in the mind of all thought so the body will respond instantly to any situation
Memory unit Usually a printed circuit board assembly populated with memory chips that stores a certain quantity of memory Intel term for one of the types of cards in a memory system card set
Multiple Unit A system of train control in which the motors and/or doors of the entire train can be operated in unison from a single point
"Nothing" The Zen nothingness or emptyness This principle is often used in the Japanese martial arts to make one clear in the mind of all thought so the body will respond instantly to any situation
A Chinese word meaning "not yes, not no" or "this does not have any meaning " It could be the answer to the Zen koan, "Does a dog have the Buddha nature " (Referred to in the essay: The Monastic Aptitude Test )
Refers to the Greek letter m which represents coefficient of friction See Coefficient of Friction
In UA,WS & WH, the name of a barbaric Pacific nation which paid tribute to Commoriom The people of Mu are olive-skinned Mu appears in a number of other stories by members of the Lovecraft Circle and their followers [C A Smith (folklore); L Carter; J R Fultz/J Burns; etc ]
Short for Mass Units Missiles and other expendable weapons take up certain amounts of Mass Units when loaded into a Tank or Scout
A Chinese word meaning "not yes, not no" or "this does not have any meaning " It could be the answer to the Zen koan, "Does a dog have the Buddha nature " (Referred to in the essay: The Monastic Aptitude Test )
"Nothing " The Zen nothingness or emptyness This principle is often used in the Japanese martial arts to make one clear in the mind of all thought so the body will respond instantly to any situation
"Nothing" The Zen nothingness or emptyness This principle is often used in the Japanese martial arts to make one clear in the mind of all thought so the body will respond instantly to any situation
Memory unit Usually a printed circuit board assembly populated with memory chips that stores a certain quantity of memory Intel term for one of the types of cards in a memory system card set
In UA,WS & WH, the name of a barbaric Pacific nation which paid tribute to Commoriom The people of Mu are olive-skinned Mu appears in a number of other stories by members of the Lovecraft Circle and their followers [C A Smith (folklore); L Carter; J R Fultz/J Burns; etc ]