
listen to the pronunciation of -logical
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение -logical в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь


Onun görüşü oldukça mantıklı. - His view is quite logical.

Onun argümanı mantıklı idi. - His argument was logical.

{s} mantıksal

Asal sayılar hayata benzer, onlar tamamen mantıksaldır fakat, eğer tüm zamanınızı onun hakkında düşünmek için harcarsanız kurallarının bulunması imkânsızdır. - Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it.

Mantıksal Dil Lojban muhtemelen zor, değil mi? - The Logical Language Lojban is probably difficult isn't it?

{s} tutarlı

Türkçe çok kurallı ve mantığa uygun bir dil. - Turkish is a very regular and logical language.

{s} mantıklı (kimse)
logically mantığa göre
mantıklı olarak
mantıka ait
{s} makul
join logical file
(Bilgisayar) birleşik mantıksal kütük
(Tıp) lojikal
mantığa uygun

Türkçe çok kurallı ve mantığa uygun bir dil. - Turkish is a very regular and logical language.

(Bilgisayar,Teknik) lojik
logical connection
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) mantıksal bağlantı
logical difference
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) küme farkı
logical difference
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) mantıksal fark
logical drives
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal sürücüler
logical empiricism
mantıksal pozitivizm
logical expression
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) mantıksal deyim
logical framework
(Politika, Siyaset) mantıksal çerçeve
logical not
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal değil
logical operator
(Bilgisayar) mantık işleci
logical positivism
mantıkçı pozitivizm
logical positivism
mantıksal pozitivizm
logical positivism
(Felsefe) mantıksal olguculuk
logical product
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) mantıksal çarpım
logical thinking
mantıksal düşünme
in logical order
mantıksal sırada
logical argument
mantıksal tartışma
logical comparison
mantıksal karşılaştırma
logical connective
mantıksal bağlaç
logical data design
mantıksal veri tasarımı
logical design
mantıksal tasarım
logical diagram
mantıksal şema
logical element
mantıksal eleman
logical error
mantıksal hata
logical expression
mantık deyimi
logical file
mantıksal dosya
logical flowchart
mantıksal akış diyagramı
logical instruction
mantıksal komut
logical operation
mantıksal işlem
logical operator
mantıksal operatör
logical operator
mantıksal işleç
logical positivism
mantıksal olumluluk
logical product
mantıksal ürün
logical proof
mantıksal ispat
logical record
mantıksal tutanak
logical record
mantıksal kayıt
logical relation
mantıksal ilişki
logical shift
mantıksal kaydırma
logical structure
mantıksal yapı
logical subroutine
mantıksal altyordam
logical sum
mantıksal toplam
logical symbol
mantıksal simge
logical thinking
mantıksal düşünce
logical track
mantıksal iz
logical unit
mantıksal birim
logical variable
mantıksal değişken
coherent, straightforward, logical
Basit, mantıklı tutarlı
join logical file
birleşik mantıksal dosya
logical add
mantıksal eklemek
logical assumption
Mantıksal çıkarsama
logical block address
mantıksal blok adresi
logical complement
tamamlayıcı mantıksal
logical conclusion
mantıksal sonuç
logical connector
mantıksal bağlantısı
logical constant
mantıksal sabit
logical contradiction
mantıksal çelişki
logical data structure
mantıksal veri yapısı
logical database
mantıksal veri tabanı
logical disjunction
mantıksal ayrılmasıdır
logical division
mantıksal bölme
logical engineering
mantıksal mühendisliği
logical fallacy
Kıyas-ı batıl yada mantık hatası: bir düşünceyi ortaya koyarken ya da anlamaya çalışırken yapılan yanlış çıkarsamadır. Safsatalar ilk bakışta geçerli ve ikna edici gibi görülebilen fakat yakından bakıldığında kendilerini ele veren sahte argümanlardır
logical integration
mantıkla birleştirme/ bütünleştirme
logical intelligence
Mantıksal zeka
logical ip subnet
mantıksal ip subnet
logical language
mantıksal dil
logical manner
mantıklı davranış
logical order
mantıksal düzen
logical primary
mantıksal primer
logical reasoning
Mantıksal muhakeme
logical relationship
mantıksal ilişki
logical value
mantıksal değerini
logical, rational, polemical
Akılcı, polemik mantıksal
Programmable logical control
(Tekstil) PLC (Programlanabilir Hafızalı Kumanda)
find logical
aklına yatmak
logical ability
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mantıksal beceri
logical and
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal ve
logical character styles
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal karakter stilleri
logical clement
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal eleman
logical clement
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal öğe
logical column
sanal sütun
logical comparison
(Askeri) LOJİK KARŞILAŞTIRMA: Kompüterde iki sayıyı kıyaslama işlemi
logical connection
mantiksal baglanti
logical connectives
(Matematik) mantıksal bağlaçlar
logical design
(Askeri) LOJİK PLANLAMA: Bir kompüter sisteminde teknik planlamadan önce yapılan planlama
logical design
lojik planlama
logical diagram
mantıksal diyagram,mantıksal şema
logical diagram
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) mantıksal çizenek
logical difference
kume farki, mantiksal fark
logical disjunction
(Matematik) içermeli ayırtlama
logical disk manager refresh
Mantıksal Disk Yöneticisi Yenileme
logical drive
mantıksal sürücü
logical element
mantıksal öğe
logical explanation
mantıksal açıklama
logical fallacy
mantıksal safsata
logical fallacy
mantık safsatası
logical file
mantıksal kütük
logical framework matrix
(Politika, Siyaset) mantıksal çerçeve matrisi
logical group
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal grup
logical link
mantıksal bağlantı
logical mistake
mantıki hata
logical name
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal adı
logical operations
lojik işlemler
logical operations
(Askeri) LOJİK İŞLEMLER: Komputerde toplama, çıkarma, çarpma ve bölme gibi matematik işlemler dışındaki herhangi bir işlem
logical operators
Mantık işleçleri
logical or
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal veya
logical size
(Bilgisayar) matıksal boyut
logical state
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal durum
logical style
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal stil
logical subject
(Dilbilim) örtülü gerçek özne
logical subject
(Dilbilim) mantıksal özne
logical symbols
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal simgeler
logical validation
mantıksal geçerlilik
logical validation
mantıksal doğrulama
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Used to form adjectival forms of nouns ending in -logy

Examples: - biological, genealogical.

In agreement with the principles of logic
Of or pertaining to logic
logical atomism
The doctrine that the world consists of ultimate logical "facts" (or "atoms") that cannot be broken down any further
logical calculus
A formal system
logical complement
The number, obtained by complementing every bit of a given number, which produces all ones when exclusive ored with the given number

The logical complement of 0xAAAA is 0x5555 on a 16-bit machine, and 0xFFFF5555 on a 32-bit machine.

logical fallacies
plural form of logical fallacy
logical fallacy
Clearly defined error in reasoning used to support or refute an argument, excluding simple unintended mistakes

You can't prove Santa doesn't exist, therefore Santa does exist, is a common logical fallacy.

logical mechanical element
any part of a mechanism that exercises some form of logical control; such as a ratchet, trip, detent or interlock
logical quotation
A system of quotation wherein punctuation marks are enclosed within a quotation only if the sense of the punctuation is part of the quotation
logical system
A formal system
capable of or characterized by clear reasoning
{a} of or belonging to logic, conclusive
logical fallacy
Kıyas-ı batıl yada mantık hatası: bir düşünceyi ortaya koyarken ya da anlamaya çalışırken yapılan yanlış çıkarsamadır. Safsatalar ilk bakışta geçerli ve ikna edici gibi görülebilen fakat yakından bakıldığında kendilerini ele veren sahte argümanlardır
Logical Block Addressing
allocation of unique digital addresses (that allow access by input/output) to various sectors on the hard drive, LBA
A feature not physically present, but applied by software Sectors on a hard disk are physically arranged contiguously; logically, sectors may be placed anywhere on a hard disk, requiring a software program to arrange them in the correct order
capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning; "a logical mind"
A data type that can take only two values, Yes or No in the case of Microsoft Access
An abstraction of something real A logical disk, for example, can be an abstraction of a large disk that is really made of several small disks
Representation of something that might or might not be the same in its actual physical form For example, a hard disk can occupy one physical drive, yet you can divide the available storage on it to appear to the user as if it were in several different drives These apparent drives are the logical drives
{s} based on logic; reasonable; simulated, looks and acts like the real thing but is not genuine (Computers)
The manifestation of physical devices in software, including operating systems For example, a logical disk drive may consist of a part of the space on a single disk drive or, using Windows NT's capability of spanning drives, space on multiple disk drives
Something that is logical seems reasonable or sensible in the circumstances. Connie suddenly struck her as a logical candidate There was a logical explanation It is logical to take precautions. = reasonable + logically logi·cal·ly This was the one possibility I hadn't taken into consideration, though logically I should have done
Of or pertaining to logic; used in logic; as, logical subtilties
one of Kant's four main perspectives, aiming to establish a kind of knowledge which is both analytic and a priori Hence it is concerned with nothing but the relationships between concepts The law of noncontradiction (A is not -A) is the fundamental law of traditional, Aristotelian logic (If we call this 'analytic' logic, then 'synthetic' logic would be based on the oppo貞ite law of 'contradiction' [A is -A] ) 'All bachelors are unmarried' is a typical logical statement (Cf hypothetical )
part of the physical-logical-virtual trilogy of indirection that describes the conceptual cybernetic movement from Real Space to Cyberspace, "logical" describes the way automata re-order and describe the parts of physical reality that they deal with (language=American technical jargon) According to cue/www=http: //webopedia internet com/TERM/l/logical html: "(1) Refers to a user's view of the way data or systems are organized The opposite of logical is physical, which refers to the real organization of a system For example, a logical description of a file is that it is a collection of data stored together This is the way files appear to users Physically, however, a single file can be divided into many pieces scattered across a disk "
According to the rules of logic; as, a logical argument or inference; the reasoning is logical
Able to reason deductively from what has gone before
capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning; "a logical mind" based on known statements or events or conditions; "rain was a logical expectation, given the time of year
When used to describe a graphics object (such as a font or brush), this means that the object described is an "ideal" object Information about the logical object is used by the system to create a physical object which may not exactly match the logical one However, only physical objects can actually be used Back
capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner; "a lucid thinker"; "she was more coherent than she had been just after the accident"
based on known statements or events or conditions; "rain was a logical expectation, given the time of year"
A name you can use in place of or as part of a file specification These names are easier to remember and type than the full file specification
– Characteristics of objects and methods that are apparent to users and/or application programs, as opposed to the physical objects and methods upon which they are based
A pattern of reasoning, its structure or grammar, as distinguished from the content If A is >B, and B is >C, then A is >C
marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts; "a logical argument"; "the orderly presentation"
In a logical argument or method of reasoning, each step must be true if the step before it is true. Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted. + logically logi·cal·ly My professional training has taught me to look at things logically
(log·i·cal) Pronunciation: 'läj-i-k&l Function: adjective : being in agreement with what may be reasonably expected <a logical result of an action> - log·i·cal·ly /-k(&-)lE/ adverb - log·i·cal·ness /-k&l-n&s/ noun
(e g Karl Popper)- Are scientific theories confirmed by the evidence available? Are they falsifiable? Do they have the ability to predict novel phenomena?
based on known statements or events or conditions; "rain was a logical expectation, given the time of year
The logical conclusion or result of a series of facts or events is the only one which can come from it, according to the rules of logic. If the climate gets drier, then the logical conclusion is that even more drought will occur a society that dismisses God as a logical impossibility. + logically logi·cal·ly From that it followed logically that he would not be meeting Hildegarde
1 The way your computer "thinks" about the devices attached to it For example, one physical hard disk may be partitioned into two or more "logical" disks 2 The way Mr Spock thinks about anything >: -
in accordance with reason or logic; "a logical conclusion"
Skilled in logic; versed in the art of thinking and reasoning; as, he is a logical thinker
logical atomism
A philosophy asserting that the philosophical analysis of language ultimately terminates in atoms of meaning that correspond to the basic elements of reality
logical conclusion
rational judgment, reasonable outcome
logical contradiction
two things that cannot logically exist side by side
logical drive
part of a drive which is exhibited to the user as a complete drive in itself
logical error
error which causes a program to operate incorrectly instead of how it was intended to operate (Computers)
logical fallacy
error that is based on logic
logical fallacy
a fallacy in logical argumentation
logical instruction
logical command
logical link
Either a physical link or a VPC PVC across another ATM network Logical links are referred to as horizontal links (if connecting logical nodes within a pair) or outside links (if connecting peer groups)
logical link
An abstract representation of the connectivity between two logical nodes This includes individual physical links, individual virtual path connections, and parallel physical links and/or virtual path connections
logical link
A temporary connection between source and destination nodes, or between two processes on the same node
logical operation
An instruction in which the quantity being operated on and the results of the operation can each have two values. Logical operations include AND, OR, NAND, XOR, and NOR
logical operator
Boolean operation, symbol which indicates the logical relation between two conditions
logical positivism
a general philosophical position, also called logical empiricism, developed by members of the Vienna Circle on the basis of traditional empirical thought and the development of modern logic Logical positivism confined knowledge to science and used verificationism to reject metaphysics not as false but as meaningless The importance of science led leading logical positivists to study scientific method and to explore the logic of confirmation theory
logical positivism
Says its language is meaningless
logical positivism
A philosophy asserting the primacy of observation in assessing the truth of statements of fact and holding that metaphysical and subjective arguments not based on observable data are meaningless. Also called logical empiricism. Early school of analytic philosophy, inspired by David Hume, the mathematical logic of Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead, and Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus (1921). The school, formally instituted at the University of Vienna in a seminar of Moritz Schlick (1882-1936) in 1922, continued there as the Vienna Circle until 1938. It proposed several revolutionary theses: (1) All meaningful discourse consists either of (a) the formal sentences of logic and mathematics or (b) the factual propositions of the special sciences; (2) Any assertion that claims to be factual has meaning only if it is possible to say how it might be verified; (3) Metaphysical assertions, including the pronouncements of religion, belong to neither of the two classes of (1) and are therefore meaningless. Some logical positivists, notably A.J. Ayer, held that assertions in ethics (e.g., "It is wrong to steal") do not function logically as statements of fact but only as expressions of the speaker's feelings of approval or disapproval toward some action. See also Rudolf Carnap; emotivism; verifiability principle
logical positivism
The name adopted by the Vienna Circle (including Rudolf Carnap and Alfred Ayer) for their philosophical position, most famous for introducing the verification principle as a criterion for meaning of synthetic propositions, and for dismissing metaphysics as meaningless
logical positivism
the philosophical school of thought associated with Carnap and Ayer that claims only analytic and synthetic statements are meaningful and that because metaphysical and ethical statements are neither, the latter are meaningless
logical positivism
The philosophy of the Vienna Circle, according to which any purported statement of fact, if not a verbal truism, is meaningless unless certain conceivable observations would serve to conform or deny it
logical positivism
system of philosophy based on experience and empirical knowledge of natural phenomena, in which metaphysics and theology are regarded as inadequate and imperfect systems of knowledge See also Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johann, Russell, Bertrand, and Analytic and Linguistic Philosophy
logical positivism
Twentieth-century philosophical movement that is known for its determination to police assertive statements in order to reject as meaningless non-empirical statements that can not be verified This means that logical positivism rejects all statements of metaphysics, theology, ethics and aesthetics as nonsense The philosophy is represented by the work of Bertrand Russell, (early but not late) Ludwig Wittgensein, A J Ayer and the members of the Vienna Circle
logical positivist
someone who maintains that any statement that cannot be verified empirically is meaningless
logical proof
proof of a logical theorem
logical relation
a relation between propositions
logical relationship
(Ticaret) The connection of two variables or project tasks based on a direct cause or dependency, rather than coincidence
logical sequence
logical succession
logical topology
the way the network works; "a network that looks like a star can have the logical topology of a bus
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение -logical в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

rational or logical basis


    ... That didn't make any sense to my very logical, very ...
    ... was that I think the logical response ...