He is upset when she unfriends him on Facebook.
His stomach was upset, so he didn't want to move.
But this argument, which first Anaxagoras and later Eudoxus and certain others used, is very easily upset; for it is not difficult to collect many insuperable objections to such a view.
My late arrival caused the professor considerable upset.
Tom is depressed and upset.
- Tom depresif ve üzgün.
Reading this philosophy book is making me depressed.
- Bu felsefe kitabını okumak beni üzüyor.
Reading this philosophy book is making me depressed.
- Bu felsefe kitabını okumak beni üzüyor.
Sami's sadness deepened into a depression.
- Sami'nin üzüntüsü depresyona dönüştü.
His sense of humor was self-deprecating, a sign of his low self-esteem.
- Espri anlayışı, düşük öz saygısının bir göstergesi olarak, kendini aşağılamak üzerine kuruluydu.
It was extremely distressing.
- O son derece üzücüydü.
Mary's explanations enchanted me and desolated me all at once.
- Mary'nin açıklamaları beni büyüledi ve birdenbire beni üzdü.