(sıfat) oranlı, orantılı, orana göre, nispi, uygun

listen to the pronunciation of (sıfat) oranlı, orantılı, orana göre, nispi, uygun
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
In proportion (to), proportionate. More common in US than UK

how much of the Bush administration's immediate post-9/11 emphasis on Iraq was appropriate and proportional to the overall picture of terrorism — retrieved 24 Jan 2005.

{n} a quantity in exact proportion
{a} having due proportion, adjusted
At a constant ratio (to). Two magnitudes (numbers) are said to be proportional if the second varies in a direct relation arithmetically to the first
properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics; usually followed by `to'; "punishment oughtt to be proportional to the crime"; "earnings relative to production"
The combining weight or equivalent of an element
Having a due proportion, or comparative relation; being in suitable proportion or degree; as, the parts of an edifice are proportional
Any number or quantity in a proportion; as, a mean proportional
the relationship between ports, things, elements with respect to size, shape, degree, ratio, etc
Constituting a proportion; having the same, or a constant, ratio; as, proportional quantities; momentum is proportional to quantity of matter
one of the quantities in a mathematical proportion properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics; usually followed by `to'; "punishment oughtt to be proportional to the crime"; "earnings relative to production
Relating to, or securing, proportion
Proportional means the opposite of monospacing When letters are proportionate, they each have their own sizes in width, for instance a w takes up more space than an i
of fonts: having the quality that some characters require more horizontal space than others In a proportional font, typically, a capital M or W take more horizontal space than a lowercase l If the following lines are of different lengths, you are viewing this in a proportional font: WWWWWWWWWW wwwwwwwwww Proportional fonts are often consider more attractive and are used in most books, newspapers, and magazines
Cause and effect relationship between two variables where a positive or negative change in the quantity of one causes a predictable similar quantity change in the other
Corresponding in size, degree, or intensity; having the same or a constant ratio (If you have 4 plums and 7 pears in a bowl, and 8 plums and 14 pears in another bowl, the 2 are proportional )
(pro rata) reinsurance Reinsurer's share of claims carried by the insurer in proportion to its share of premiums received Proportional reinsurance is generally written as a quota share of business or as surplus reinsurance
Magnitudes that have the same ratio
increasing as the amount taxed increases
(sıfat) oranlı, orantılı, orana göre, nispi, uygun

    Расстановка переносов

    (sı·fat) o·ran·lı, o·ran·tı·lı, o·ra·na gö·re, nis·pi, uy·gun

