an approximate definition or example; "she wore a sort of magenta dress"; "she served a creamy sort of dessert thing" a person of a particular character or nature; "what sort of person is he?"; "he's a good sort" an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion; "the bottleneck in mail delivery it the process of sorting
an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion; "the bottleneck in mail delivery it the process of sorting
an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion; "the bottleneck in mail delivery it the process of sorting"
A process of organizing the records in a database in a specific order, either alphabetically (from A to Z or reverse alphabetically from Z to A) or numerically (from 0 to 9 or reverse numerically from 9 to 0) (DB, Gr 5)
(database) to set the logical sequence of a given database file (table) Indexes are often used to maintain such sequences
{f} classify, arrange according to classes or groups; organize; separate from others; clarify
An object-oriented programming language, which laid the groundwork of the paradigm to this day, 'object-oriented' style. To arrange in order Ruby can sort anything, not only array, however complex, if only they're countable (Enumerable is included), and the order is (i e <=> is) defined in each element
an approximate definition or example; "she wore a sort of magenta dress"; "she served a creamy sort of dessert thing"
Once the database responds to a query, information can be rearranged through a "sort " A sort can order information by zip code, alphabetically, numerically, by date, etc
Sorting is basically "ordering" records or citations by the contents of a particular field You could sort all the cases in your datafile, for instance, chronologically (this would be a sort on the Year field), or by the primary keyword (this would be a sort on the Keyword field; records or citations would be sorted by the first term in the keyword field
(bir şeyleri) (başka şeylerden) ayırmak; tasnif etmek, bölümlemek, sınıflamak
Расстановка переносов
(bir şey·le·ri) (baş·ka şey·ler·den) a·yır·mak; tas·nif et·mek, bö·lüm·le·mek, sı·nıf·la·mak