1 A company that purchases large amounts of transmission capacity or calls from other carriers and resells it to smaller users 2 A company that purchases software and hardware and resells them to client and customer organizations See also VAR
company has or plans to have one or more switches but primarily leases the transmission facilities of other carriers Bills its own customer base for services used
– Businesses that typically RE-sell products produced by an OEM However, they usually do not have a store front where customers shop for products Customer base is primarily small to large businesses Resellers vary in terms of percentage of revenues based on value added services versus hardware and software sales
A carrier that provides customers with customer service and billing Being non-facility Due to large volumes, reseller connects customers to another carrier's facility Due to large volumes, reseller bill customers at rates below what the underlying carrier offer to low volume users
A consignee that receives items for the purpose of resale to other parties This includes reselling items in the form received, making modifications or adding value (e g , software or peripheral devices) before reselling or re-exporting items
means any person, other than a retailer, who purchases motor fuel for resale to a person, and on which tax has been paid