women's reserve of the United States Navy that was originally created in 1942 as a volunteer unit of women to do clerical and other work in order to free men for active duty during WWII
Mini-Wave: 2 dancers holding hands and facing opposite directions Holding right hands is a right handed wave, and left hands is left handed mini-wave Ocean Wave: 4 dancers in a line alternating in facing direction If the end dancer and their adjacent center are holding right hands then it is a right handed ocean wave and vice versa Mini Tidal: 6 dancers in a line alternating in facing direction Same rule applies for right and left as in Ocean Wave Tidal Wave: 8 dancers in a line alternating in facing direction Same rule applies for right and left as in Ocean Wave
The timing of the weekly Omnibus is known as waves The first wave in the year is known as wave 1, this is followed by wave 2 in the second week, wave 3 in the third week and so on